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Kenedi Miller

6th Period

Survey of Business

Hey, my name is Kenedi and I am 14 years old. I see myself being a real estate agent in

the next 10 years. I also see myself living my best life in Dallas Texas stress-free. I see myself

with a small family as well as a variety of animals.

I see myself being a real estate agent because I enjoy looking at houses. I hope to bring

that joy to others by helping them find the right house fit for them and their family. And because

they make a lot of money. You can also get some of the best homes with ease.

Dallas is filled with a lot of attraction points. It's never a dull moment in Dallas. There are

tons of amusement parks to take my kids to and spend time with my family when I'm not

working. Then there are tons of stores to shop at. I see more opportunities in Dallas as well

because of the attention the city has.

My family consists of my significant other, my two kids who are named Aida and Junius.

My dog is named Sebra, my cat named Dorris, my bunny named Egypt, my fish named Ayce,

and my lizard named Alex. They will have the artistic freedom that most kids lack. They will be

encouraged to find themselves and be true to themselves.

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