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Kirstan Hawkins
Social Studies
6th period


Educational System
Higher education is divided into four levels.
Higher education is provided by state and non-state higher
education institutions.
Ivan Kupala
t starts on July 6.
It is a traditional eastern Slavic holiday.
Since ancient times all peoples of the world have celebrated the end of
June, the peak of the summer. Russia’s version of such a holiday is Ivan
Kupala. On the night of 23 June, everyone celebrated this mystical but at
the same time jolly holiday full of ritual acts, rules and prohibitions, songs,
chants and all kinds of fortune-telling, legends, and beliefs.
Russian government is federal republic. A federal republic government is a
federation of states with a republican government.

Vladimir Putin
People in russia speak russian.
Family Structures
The husband in the family is 4-6 years older than the wife. Also they
tend to get married from the ages of 18-20. They have big families too.
They have up to 3 generations living in one household.

Maslenitsa - Maslenitsa is an Eastern Slavic religious and folk holiday, celebrated

during the last week before Great Lent, that is, the eighth week before Eastern Orthodox
Easter Christmas
The Homeland They think as a community Architecture

Russian architecture has long

been known for its distinctive
Bast shoes



Bast shoes are shoes made

primarily from bast — fiber
taken from the bark of
trees such as linden or
GDP per capita: 10,743. 10 USD

Unemployment Rate: 4.5%

Labor Force: 75500795 in 2017

Exports: Oil and petroleum products

Top export Partner: China: US$56 billion

Imports: Imported US$238.2 billion worth of goods

Import Partener: In 2017, Russia's main import partner was China

Must make eye contact with who they are talking to.

Avoid politics and stick to safe topics like weather.

Everyone should dress in conservative attire.

Russian Orthodoxy
Type-Wooden Architecture
Folklore or Legend

Snake-Lubac is said to be an evil demonic figure who takes on the work of a giant
snake. It’s more commonly known the “the fiery serpent” due to it descending to
Earth in a huge ball of fire. But when it arrives on Earth it takes on the form of a
human. More specifically, the form of a lost love to whoever it appears in front of.
Maybe it’s a man’s widow, or a grieving young woman. The snake tricks them into
believing their lover never died, and they were just imagining it.
Russia’s Land
Russia is the world’s largest country by area.

Russia lies in both Europe and Asia.

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