War and Peace

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War and Peace


Translated b\ LOUISE and AYLMER MAUDE









LEO TOLSTOY, 1828—1910


August 28, 1828, at the family estate of Yasna-
ya Polyana, in the province of Tula. His moth-
er died when he was three and his father six
years later. Placed in the care of his aunts, he
passed many of his early years at Kazan, where,
in 1844, after a preliminary training by French
tutors, he entered the university. He cared lit-
tle for the university and in 1847 withdrew be-
cause of "ill-health and domestic circum-
stances." He had, however, done a great deal
of reading, of French, English, and Russian
novels, the New Testament, Voltaire, and
Hegel. The author exercising the greatest in-
fluence upon him at this time was Rousseau;
he read his complete works and for sometime
wore about his neck a medallion of Rousseau.

Immediately upon leaving the university,

Tolstoy returned to his estate and, perhaps inr
spired by his enthusiasm for Rousseau, pre-
pared to devote himself to agriculture and to
improving the condition of his serfs. His first
attempt at social reform proved disappointing,
and after six months he withdrew to Moscow
and St. Petersburg, where he gave himself over
to the irregular life characteristic of his class
and time. In 1851, determined to "escape my
debts and, more than anything else, my hab-
its," he enlisted in the Army as a gentleman-
volunteer, and went to the Caucasus. While at
Tiflis, preparing for his examinations as a
cadet, he wrote the first portion of the trilogy,
Childhood, Boyhood, and Youth, in which he
celebrated the happiness of "being with Na-
ture, seeing her, communing with her." He al-
so began The Cossacks with the intention of
showing that culture is the enemy of happi-
ness. Although continuing his army life, he
gradually came to realize that "a military ca-
reer is not for me, and the sooner I get out of
it and devote myself entirely to literature the
better." His Sevastopol Sketches (1855) were
so successful that Czar Nicholas issued special
orders that he should be removed from a post
of danger.

Returning to St. Petersburg, Tolstoy was re-

ceived with great favor in both the official and
literary circles of the capital. He soon became

interested in the popular progressive move-

ment of the time, and in 1857 he decided to go
abroad and study the educational and munici-
pal systems of other countries. That year, and
again in 1860, he traveled in Europe. At Yas-
naya Polyana in 1861 he liberated his serfs and
opened a school, established on the principle
that "everything which savours of compulsion
is harmful." He started a magazine to promote
his notions on education and at the same time
served as an official arbitrator for grievances
between the nobles and the recently emanci-
pated serfs. By the end of 1863 he was so ex-
hausted that he discontinued his activities and
retired to the steppes to drink koumis for his

Tolstoy had been contemplating marriage

for some time, and in 1862 he married Sophie
Behrs, sixteen years his junior, and the daugh-
ter of a fashionable Moscow doctor. Their
early married life at Yasnaya Polyana was
tranquil. Family cares occupied the Countess,
and in the course of her life she bore thirteen
children, nine of whom survived infancy. Yet
she also acted as a copyist for her husband,
who after their marriage turned again to writ-
ing. He was soon at work upon "a novel of
the i8io's and *2o's" which absorbed all his
time and effort. He went frequently to Mos-
cow, "studying letters, diaries, and traditions"
and "accumulated a whole library" of histori-
cal material on the period. He interviewed
survivors of the battles of that time and trav-
eled to Borodino to draw up a map of the
battleground. Finally, in 1869, after his work
had undergone several changes in conception
and he had "spent five years of uninterrupted
andjgxceptionally strenuous labor Tnnierthe
IbesfcondUtions of life/' he published War and
Peace. Its appearance immediately established
Tolstoy's reputation, and in the judgment of
Turgenev, the acknowledged dean of Russian
letters, gave him "first place among all our
contemporary writers."

The years immediately following the com-

pletion of War and Peace were pa**efl in a
great variety of occupations, none of which
Tohtoy found satisfying. He tried busying



himself with the affairs of his estate, under-

took the learning of Greek to read the ancient
classics, turned again to education, wrote a
series of elementary school books, and served
as school inspector. With much urging from
his wife and friends, he completed Anna Kare-
nina, which appeared serially between 1875
and 1877. Disturbed by what he considered his
unreflective and prosperous existence, Tolstoy
became increasingly interested in religion. At
first he turned to the orthodox faith of the
people. Unable to find rest there, he began a
detailed examination of religions, and out of
his reading, particularly of the Gospels, gradu-
ally evolved his own personal doctrine.

Following his conversion, Tolstoy adopted

a new mode of life. He dressed like a peasant,
devoted much of his time to manual work,
learned shoemaking, and followed a vegetari-
an diet. With the exception of his youngest
daughter, Alexandra, Tolstoy's family re-
mained hostile to his teaching. The breach be-
tween him and his wife grew steadily wider.
In 1879 he wrote the Kreutzer Sonata in which
he attacked the normal state of marriage and
extolled a life of celibacy and chastity. In 1881
he divided his estate among his heirs and, a
few years later, despite the opposition of his
wife, announced that he would forego royal-
ties on all the works published after his con-

Tolstoy made no attempt at first to propa-

gate his religious teaching, although it attracted

many followers. After a visit to the Moscow

slums iri 1881, he became concerned with social
conditions, and he subsequently aided the suf-
ferers of the famine by sponsoring two hun-
dred and fifty relief kitchens. After his meet-
ing and intimacy with Chertkov, "Tolstoyism"
began to develop as an organized sect. Tol-
stoy's writings became almost exclusively pre-
occupied with religious problems. In addition
to numerous pamphlets and plays, he wrote
IV hat is Art? (1896), in which he explained
his new aesthetic theories, and Hadji-Murad,
(1904), which became the favorite work of his
old age. Although his activities were looked
upon with increasing suspicion by the official
authorities, Tolstoy escaped official censure
until 1901, when he was excommunicated by
the Orthodox Church. His followers were fre-
quently subjected to persecution, and many
were either banished or imprisoned.

Tolstoy's last years were embittered by

mounting hostility within his own household.
Although his personal life was ascetic, he felt
the ambiguity of his position as a preacher of
poverty living on his great estate. Finally, at
the age of eighty-two, with the aid of his daugh-
ter, Alexandra, he fled from home. His health
broke down a few days later, and he was re-
moved from the train to the station-master's
hut at Astopovo, where he died, November 7,
1910. He was buried at Yasnaya Polyana, in
the first public funeral to be held in Russia
without religious rites.



The Principal Characters in War and Peace

Arranged in Family Groups xv

Dates of Principal Historical Events xvi


1-5. Anna Sche'rer's soiree i

6-3. Pierre at Prince Andrew's 1 1

9. Pierre at Anatole Kurdgin's. D61ok-

hov's bet 15
10. A name day at the Rost6vs' 18

11-1*4. Natasha and Boris 20

15. Anna Mikhdylovna and Bon's go to the

dying Count Beziikhov's 26

16. Pierre at his father's house; talks with

Boris 27

17. Countess Rost6va and Anna Mikhay-

lovna 30

18-19. Dinner at the Rost6vs'. Marya Dmitri-

cvna 31

20. S6nyaand Natasha. Nicholassings.The

Daniel Cooper 35

21. At Count Bczukhov's. Prince Vasfli and

Catiche 37

22-23. Anna Mikhdylovna and Pierre at Count

Bczukhov's 41

24. Anna Mikhdylovna and Catiche strug-

gle for the inlaid portfolio 45

25. Bald Hills. Prince N. A. Bolkonski.

Princess Mary's correspondence with

Julie Kardgina 47

26-27. Prince Andrew at Bald Hills 51

28. Prince Andrew leaves to join the army.

Princess Mary gives him an icon 55


1-2. Review near Braunau. Zherk6v and

D61okhov 60

3. Kutuzov and an Austrian general. ^Le

malheureux Mack. Zherk6v's fool-

ery 65
4. Nicholas and Denisov. Telydnin and

the missing purse 68

5. Nicholas in trouble with his fellow of-

ficers 72

6-8. Crossing the Enns. Burning the bridge.

Rost6v's baptism of fire 74

9. Prince Andrew sent with dispatches to

the Austrian court. The Minister of

War 81

10. Prince(Andrew and Billbin 83

1 1. Hippolyte Kuragin and les ndtres 86

12. Prince Andrew received by the Emper-

or Francis. Bilibin's story of the Tha-

bor Bridge 87

13-14. Prince Andrew returns to Kutuzov.

Bagrati6n sent to Hollabriinn.
Napoleon's letter to Murat 89

15. Prince Andrew reports to Bagrati6n.

Captain Tiishin. Soldiers at the front.

D61okhov talks to a French grena-
dier 94

16. Prince Andrew surveys the position.

The first shot 96

17. Bagration in action. Tiishin's battery.

Setting Schon Grabern on fire 97

18-19. Battle scenes. Quarrelsome command-
ers. Nicholas injured 99

20. Panic. Timokhirfs counterattack. D6-

lokhov's insistence. Tiishin's battery.

Prince Andrew sent to order him to
retreat 104

2 1 . Withdrawal of the forces. Nicholas rides

on a gun carriage. Tiishin called to

account by Bagrati6n. Prince Andrew
defends him. Nicholas' depression


1-2. Prince Vasfli and Pierre. A soiree at

AnnaPa vlovna's. IMene'sname day.
Pierre's marriage 1 1 1

3. Prince Vasili and Anatole visit Prince

N. A. Bolkonski. Princess Mary's ap-

pearance 119

4. Lise, Mademoiselle Bourienne, Mary,

Anatole, and old Bolkonski 122

5. Her father's opposition to Mary's

marrying. She finds Mademoiselle

Bourienne and Anatole in the con-
servatory; declines marriage 126

6. A letter from Nicholas. S6nya and Na-

tasha 128

7. Nicholas visits Boris and Berg in camp.

Nicholas tells of Schon Grabern. His

encounter with Prince Andrew 131

8. The Emperor reviews the army. En-

thusiasm of Nicholas 135

9. Boris visits Prince Andrew; at Olimitz.

Prince Dolgoriikov 137




10. Nicholas not in the action at Wischau.

The Emperor. Nicholas' devotion to

him 140

11. Preparations for action. Dolgorukov's

opinion of Napoleon and of his posi-

tion. Kutuzov's depression 142

1 2. The Council of War. Weyrother's plans.

Kutiizov sleeps. Prince Andrew's re-

flections 144

13. Rost6v at the front. Visit of Bagrati6n

and Dolgonikov. Rost6v sent to rec-

onnoiter. Napoleon's proclamation


14-19. Battle of Austerlitz. Prince Andrew

badly wounded 150


1. Nicholas home on leave 165

2. Preparations for Club dinner 168

3. The dinner. Bagration as guest of

honor 1 7 1

4. Pierre challenges D61okhov 173

5. The duel 176

6. Pierre's separation from H£lene 177

7. Andrew considered dead 1 79

8. Lise's confinement. Andrew arrives 180

9. Death of Lise 182

10. Denfsov and D61okhov at the Rost6vs'


11. S6nya declines D61okhov's proposal

12. logel's ball. Denfsov's mazurka 186

13-14. Nicholas loses 43,000 rubles to D61ok-

hov 188

15. Nicholas at home. Natdsha sings 190

16. Nicholas tells his father of his losses.

Denfsov proposes to Natdsha 192


1-2. Pierre meets Bazde"ev 194

3-4. Pierre becomes a Freemason 198

5. Pierre repulses Prince Vasfli 203

6. A soiree at Anna Pdvlovna's. H£lene

takes up Borfs 204

7. Hippolyte at Anna Pdvlovna's 206

8. Old Bolk6nski as commander in chief

of the conscription. Andrew's anx-

iety. A letter from his father 206

9. Bilfbin's letter about the campaign.

The baby convalescent 208

10. Pierre goes to Kiev and visits his estates.

Obstacles to the emancipation of his

serfs 211

11. Pierre visits Prince Andrew 213

12. Pierre's and Prince Andrew's talk on

the ferry raft 216

13. "God's folk" at Bald Hills 218

14. Old Bolk6nski and Pierre 220

15. Nicholas rejoins his regiment. Shortage

of provisions 221

16. Denfsov seizes transports of food, gets

into trouble, is wounded 223

17-18. Nicholas visits Denfsov in hospital 225

19. Borfs at Tilsit. Nicholas' inopportune

visit 228

20. Nicholas tries to present Denfsov's peti-

tion at the Emperor's residence, but

fails 230

21. Napoleon and Alexander as allies.

Perplexity of Nicholas. "Another

bottle" 232

1-3. Prince Andrew's occupations at Bogu-

charovo. His drive through the for-
est—the bare oak. His visit to the Ros-
t6vs at Otrddnoe. Overhears Natd-
sha's talk with S6nya. Return through
the forest— the oak in leaf. He de-
cides to go to Petersburg 235

4-6. Sperdnski, Arakcheev, and Prince An-

drew 238

7-8. Pierre and the Petersburg Freemasons.

He visits Joseph Alex^evich. Recon-
ciliation with H^lene 243
9. H^lene's social success. Her salon and
relations with Borfs 247

10. Pierre's diary 248

11. The Rost6vs in Petersburg. Berg

engaged to Vera and demands her

dowry 250

12. Natdsha and Borfs 251

13. Natdsha's bedtime talks with her

mother 252

14-17. Natdsha's first grand ball. She dances

with Prince Andrew 254

18. Bitski calls on Prince Andrew. Dinner

at Sperdnski's. Prince Andrew's dis-
illusionment with him and his re-
forms 260
49. Prince Andrew calls on the Rost6vs.
Natdsha's effect on him 262
20-21. The Bergs' evening party 263

22. Natdsha consults her mother. Prince

Andrew confides in Pierre 265

23. Prince N. Bolk6nski insists on post-

ponement of his son's marriage. Na-

tdsha's distress at Prince Andrew's
absence. He returns and they become
engaged 267

24. Prince Andrew's last days with Na-

tdsha 270

25. Prince N. Bolk6nski's treatment of

Mary. Her letter to Julie Kirdgina


26. Prince N. Bolk6nski threatens to marry

Mile Bourienne 273


1. Nicholas Rost6v returns home on leave.

His doubts about Natasha's engagement


2. Nicholas settles accounts with Mftenka


3. Nicholas decides to go hunting 278

4. The wolf hunt begins 279

5. The wolf is taken 281

6. The fox hunt and the huntsmen's quarrel.

Ildgin's courtesy. Chasing a hare. Ru-

gdy's triumph 284

7. An evening at "Uncle's." The balaldyka.

Natasha's Russian dance 287

8. His mother urges Nicholas to marry Julie

Karagina, and grumbles at S6nya 291

9. Christmas at Otradnoe. Natasha is de-

pressed and capricious 292

10. Nicholas, Natasha, and S6nya indulge in

recollections. Dimmlcr plays and Nata-

sha sings. The maskers. A troyka drive to
the Melyuk6vs' 294

11. At Melyuk6vka. Sonya goes to the barn to

try her fortune 298

12. The drive home. Natasha and S6nya try

the future with looking glasses 300

13. His mother opposes Nicholas' wish to

marry S6nya, and he returns to his regi-

ment. Natasha becomes restless and im-
patient for Prince Andrew's return 301


1. Pierre's life in Moscow. Asks himself "What

for?" and "Why?" 303

2. Prince N. Bolk6nski in Moscow. His harsh

treatment of Princess Mary. She teaches

little Nicholas. The old prince and Mile
Bourienne 305

3. Dr. Mdtivier treated as a spy by the old

prince. The dinner on the prince's name

day 307

4. Pierre and Princess Mary discuss Boris and

Natdsha 309

5. Boris and Julie. Their melancholy. Boris

proposes and is accepted 3 1 1

6. Count IlydRost6v,Natdsha,andS6nyastay

with Mdrya Dmftrievna in Moscow 313

7. Count Rost6v and Natdsha call on Prince

N. Bolk6nski.They are received by Prin-

cess Mary. Prince Bolk6nski's strange

• ix

behavior. Mary and Natisha dislike one

another 314

8. The Rost6vs at the Opera. H£l£ne in the

next box 316

9. The Opera described. Anatole and Pierre

arrive. Natdsha makes H£l£ne's ac-

quaintance. Duport dances 318
10. Hdtene presents Anatole to Natdsha. He

courts her 320

11. Anatole and D61okhov in Moscow 321

12. Sunday at Mdrya Dmftrievna's. H£l£ne

calls and invites the Rost6vs to hear Mile

George recite. She tells Natdsha that
Anatole is in love with her 322

13. The reception at H£l£ne's. Mile George.

Anatole dances with Natdsha and makes

love to her. Her perplexity as to her
own feelings 324

14. Princess Mary's letter to Natdsha, who also

receives one from Anatole 325

15. S6nya finds Anatole's letter and remon-

strates with Natdsha, who writes to Prin-

cess Mary breaking off her engagement
with Prince Andrew. A party at the
Kardgins'. Anatole meets Natdsha. She
is angry with S6nya, who resolves to pre-
vent her elopement 327

16. Anatole at Dolokhov's. Balagd 329

17. Anatole sets off to abduct Natdsha, but en-

counters Mdrya Dmftrievna's footman


18. Mdrya Dmitrievna reproaches Natdsha.

Count Ilyd Rost6v is kept in ignorance


19. Pierre at Mdrya Dmftrievna's. He tells Na-

tdsha that Anatole is married 334

20. Pierre's explanation with Anatole 336

21. Natdsha tries to poison herself. Prince An-

drew returns to Moscow and Pierre talks

to him 337

22. Pierre and Natdsha. He tells her of his de-

votion. The great comet of 1812 339


1. The year 1812. Rulers and generals are

"history's slaves" 342

2. Napoleon crosses the Niemen and sees

Polish Uhlans drowned swimming the

Vfliya 344

3. Alexander I at Vflna. The ball at Count

Bennigsen's. Borfs overhears the Em-

peror speaking to Balashev and learns
that the French have crossed the fron-
tier. Alexander's letter to Napole6n 346

4. Balashev's mission to Napoleon, He meets

Murat, "the King of Naples" 347


5. Balashev taken to Davout, who treats him

badly, but he is at last presented to Na-

poleon in Vilna 349

6. Balashe'v's interview with Napoleon 350

7. Balashev dines with Napoleon 354

8. Prince Andrew on Kutiizov's staff in Mol-

davia. He is sent to Barclay's army. Visits

Bald Hills. His talks with his father and
Princess Mary 355

9. Prince Andrew in the army at Drissa. Eight

conflicting parties 358

10. Prince Andrew is introduced to Pfuel 361

1 1. An informal Council of War. Pfuel's dog-

matism 363

it. Nicholas writes to Sdnya. He and Ilyin in

a storm 365

13. Mary Hendrfkhovna. The officers and the

doctor 367
14. Courage. Rost6v goes into action at Ostr6-

vna 369

15. Rost6v's hussars charge the French dra-

goons. He wounds and captures* a pris-

oner 370

16. Natasha's illness. The use of doctors 372

1 7. Natasha and Pierre. She prepares for com-

munion with Bel6va. The church serv-

ice. Her health improves 373

18. Natasha attends Mass and hears the spe-

cial prayer for victory 374

19. Pierre's relation to life altered by his feel-

ing for Natasha. 666. Napoleon as Anti-

christ. Pierre's belief that he is destined
to end Napoleon's power. He gets news
for the Rost6vs 377

10. Pierre at the Rost6vs'. Natasha again takes

up her singing. S6nya reads Alexander's
manifesto. Pe"tya declares that he will
enter the army. Natasha realizes that
Pierre loves her. He decides to cease go-
ing to the Rostovs' 379

at. Pe"tya goes to the Kremlin to see the Em-

peror. He gets crushed. He secures a bis-
cuit thrown by the Emperor after din-
ner 382

22. Assembly of gentry and merchants at the

Sloboda Palace. A limited discussion.

Pierre's part in it 384

23. Count Rostopchfn's remarks. The offer

made by the Moscow nobility and gen-

try. The Emperor's speech. Pierre offers
to supply and maintain a thousand men



i. Reflections on the campaign of 1812. The

course of events was fortuitous and un-
foreseen by either side 389
2. Prince N. Bolk6nski and his daughter. His

fcreak with Mile Bourienne. Mary's cor-

respondence with Julie. The old prince
receives a letter from Prince Andrew
but does not grasp its meaning and con-
fuses the present invasion with the Pol-
ish campaign of 1807 391

3. The old prince sends Alpdtych to Smolensk

with various commissions, and does not

know where to have his bed placed. He
remembers Prince Andrew's letter and
reads and understands it 393

4. Princess Mary sends a letter to the Gover-

nor at Smolensk. Alpdtych sets off on

August 4; reaches Smolensk that eve-
ning and stays at Ferapontov's inn. Fir-
ing heard outside the town. Next day he
does his business, but finds alarm spread-
ing, and is advised by the Governor that
the Bolkonskis had better go to Mos-
cow. The town bombarded. Ferap6ntov's
cook has her thigh broken by a shell.
Retreating soldiers loot Ferapontov's
shop and he declares he will set his
place on fire himself and not leave it
to the French. Alpatych meets Prince
Andrew, who has an encounter with
Berg 395

5. Prince Andrew passing Bald Hills with his

regiment. The retreat: heat and terrible

dust. He rides over to the house. The
little girls and the plums. The soldiers
bathe in a pond. "Cannon fodder." Ba-
gration's letter to Arakche'ev 399

6. Matter and form. Anna Pdvlovna's and

He*lene's rival salons. Prince Vasfli's

opinion of Kutiizov 403

7. Napoleon orders an advance on Moscow.

Napoleon's conversation with Lavrush-

ka 405

8. Prince Nicholas Bolkonski has a paralytic

stroke and is taken to Bogucharovo.

Princess Mary decides that they must
move on to Moscow. Her last interview
with her father. His affection for her.
His death 406

9. Character of the Bogucharovo peasantry

and the baffling undercurrents in the

life of the Russian people. The village
Elder, Dron. Alpatych talks to him. The
peasants decide not to supply horses or
carts 410

10. Mile Bourienne advises Princess Mary to

appeal to the French for protection.

Princess Mary speaks to Dron 412

1 1 . Princess Mary addresses the peasants. They


distrust her and refuse to leave Bogucha-

rovo f 415

i a. Princess Mary at night recalls her last sight

of her father 4 1 6

13. Nicholas and Ilyfn ride to Bogucharovo.

They are asked by Alpatych to protect

the princess. Nicholas makes her ac-
quaintance and places himself at her
service 417

14. Nicholas calls the peasants to account and

intimidates them. Carts and horses are

provided for Princess Mary's departure.
Princess Mary feels that she loves him


15. Prince Andrew goes to headquarters and

meets Denfsov, who wants guerrilla

troops to break the French line of
communication. Kutuzov's reception of
them. He transacts business 421

16. The priest's wife offers Kutuzov "bread

and salt." He has a further talk with

Prince Andrew, who declines a place on
the staff. Patience and Time. Prince An-
drew's confidence in Kutuzov 424

17. Moscow after the Emperor's visit. Rostop-

chin's broadsheets. Julie's farewell wi-
re" c. Forfeits for speaking French. Pierre
hears of Princess Mary's arrival in Mos-
cow 426

18. Rostopchm's broadsheets. Pierre and the

eldest princess. Leppich's balloon. A

public flogging. Pierre leaves Moscow
for the army 428

19. Senselessness of the battle of Borodin6,

and erroneousness of the historians' ac-

counts of it. Where and how it was fought


20. Pierre encounters cavalry advancing and

carts of wounded retiring. He talks to

an army doctor. Pierre looks for the
"position" occupied by the army. Peas-
ant militia digging entrenchments 432

21. Pierre ascends a knoll at G6rki, surveys

the scene, and inquires as to the "posi-

tion" occupied* A procession carrying
the "Smolensk Mother of God." The
reverence of the crowd and of Kutuzov


22. Boris meets Pierre. Dolokhov makes his

way to Kutuzov. Kutuzov notices Pierre.

D61okhov asks Pierre to be reconciled


23. Pierre rides to the left flank with Bennig-

sen, who explains the "position" in a way

Pierre does not understand and changes
one of Kutiizov's dispositions 438

• xi

24. Prince Andrew's reflections on life and

death. Pierre comes to see him 439

25. Tim6khin's opinion of Kutuzov. Prince

Andrew on Barclay de Tolly. War and

chess. The spirit of the army. Wolzogen
and Clausewitz. "The war must be ex-
tended widely." Pierre understands the
importance of this war. "Not take pris-
oners." What is war? Prince Andrew
thinks of Natlsha 440

26. De Beausset brings a portrait of the "King

of Rome" to Napoleon. Napoleon's

proclamation 444

27. Napoleon's dispositions for the battle of

Borodin6. They were not carried out


28. Napoleon's cold. Why the battle had to be

fought 447

29. Napoleon's talk to de Beausset and Rapp.

The game begins 448

30. Pierre views the battlefield from the knoll

at Gorki 450

31. Pierre at the Borodin6 bridge. Under fire.

Goes to Ra£vski's Redoubt. His horse

wounded under him. The Ra£vski Re-
doubt. The young officer. Pierre is ac-
cepted at the redoubt as one of the fam-
ily. The flame of hidden fire in th« men's
souls. Shortage of ammunition. Pierre
sees ammunition wagons blown up 451

32. The redoubt captured by the French.

Pierre's conflict with a French officer.

The redoubt retaken by the Russian*


33. The course of the battle. Difficulty of dis-

cerning what was going on. Things take

their own course apart from the orders
issued 456

34. Reinforcements. Belliard appeals to Na-

poleon. De Beausset proposes breakfast.

Friant's division sent in support. The
expected success not secured. Continu-
ous and useless slaughter 457
35. Kutuzov. His rebuke to Wolzogen. An or-

der of the day for an attack tomorrow.

The spirit of the army 459

36. Prince Andrew with the reserve under fire.

Hit by a bursting shell. Outside the

dressing station 461

37. The operating tent. Portion of Prince An-

drew's thighbone extracted. Anatole's

leg amputated. Prince Andrew pities
him 464

38. Napoleon is depressed. His mini and con-

science darkened. His calculation that

few Frenchmen perished in Russia 465



39. Appearance of the field at the end of the

battle. Doubts maturing in every soul.
Only a little further effort needed to
secure victory, but such effort impossi-
ble. Could Napoleon have used his Old
Guard? The Russians had gained a mor-
al victory 467


1. Continuity of motion. Achilles and the

tortoise. The method of history; its

explanation of events compared with
explanations of the movement of a
locomotive 469

2. Summary of campaign before Boro-

dino and explanation of Kutuzov's

subsequent movements 470

3-4. Kutuzov and his generals at Pokl6nny

Hill. Council of War at Fill 472

5. The author's reflections on the aban-

donment of Moscow. Rostopchin's
conduct and that of private individ-
uals 475

6-7. Helene in Petersburg. Conversion to

I Catholicism and plans for remar-

riage 476

8-9. Pierre walks to Mozhdysk. His night

lodging there. His dream, and his
return to Moscow 480

10-11. Pierre at Rostopchin's. The affair of

Klyucharcv and Vercshchagin. Pierre
leaves home secretly 482

12-17. The Rost6vs: packing up and leaving

Moscow. They allow wounded offi-
cers to stay in their house and avail
themselves of their carts to leave
Moscow. Berg's wish to borrow a
cart. Natasha when leaving Moscow
sees and speaks to Pierre. Prince An-
drew travels in their train of vehicles


18. Pierre at Bazd^ev's house. He wears a

coachman's coat 496

19. Napoleon surveys Moscow from Pok-

16nny Hill. He awaits a deputation

of les boyars 497

20-23. Moscow compared to a queenless hive.

The army's departure. Looting by
Russian soldiers. The Moskvd bridge
blocked, and cleared by Erm61ov. A
brawl among workmen. Reading a
Rostopchfn broadsheet to a crowd.
Scene with the superintendent of
police 499

24-25. Rostopchfn. The killing of Vereshcha-

gin. The released lunatics. Rostop-

chfn's encounterwith Kutuzov at the

' bridge 505

26. The French enter Moscow. Shots from

the Kremlin gate. The Fire of Mos-
cow discussed 511

27-29. Pierre: his plan to kill Napoleon. Baz-

de*ev's drunken brother fires at Cap-
tain Ramballe, who regards Pierre
as a friend 513

30-32. The Rost6vs at My tfshchi. Natasha sees

Prince Andrew 521
33-34. Pierre sets out to meet Napoleon. He
saves a child, defends an Armenian
girl from a French soldier, and is ar-
rested as an incendiary 527


1-3. Anna PAvlovria's soiree. Talk of H£-

lene's illness. The Bishop's letter.
Victory at Borodino reported. Death
of Helene. News of abandonment of
Moscow. Michaud's report 533

4-8. Nicholas sent to Voronezh. An evening

at the Governor's. Nicholas and
Princess Mary. A letter from Sonya


9-13. Pierre's treatment as a prisoner. He is

questioned by Davout. Shooting of
prisoners. Platon Karataev 547
14-16. Princess Mary goes to the Rost6vs' in
Yaroslavl. Prince Andrew's last days
and death 555

1-7. The cause of historical events. A sur-
vey of movements of the Russian
army after leaving Moscow. Napo-
leon's letter to Kutuzov. The camp
at Tarutino. Alexander's letters to
Kutuzov. Ermolov and others absent
when wanted. The battle postponed.
Kutuzov's wrath. The action next
day. Cossacks surprise Murat's army
and capture prisoners, guns, and
booty. Inactivity of the rest of the
army 563

8-10. Napoleon's measures. Proclamation in

Moscow. Effects of pillage on French
discipline 571

11-14. Pierre: four weeks in captivity. Kara-

taev and a French soldier. The French
leave Moscow. The drum. Pierre's
mental change; he recovers his grip
on life. Exit of troops and prisoners.
The road blocked. Pierre's reflec-
tions 575


15-19. The Russian army. Dokhtiirov. News

of the French having left Moscow
reaches Kutiizov at night. His emo- 13-81.
tion. Cossacks nearly capture Napo-
leon at Malo-Yarosldvets. He retreats
by the Smolensk road. A third of his
army melts away before reaching Vy-
£zma 582


1-2. National character of the war. A duel-

ist who drops his rapier and seizes a

cudgel. Guerrilla warfare. The spirit

of the army 588

3-11. The partisans or guerrillas. Denfsov,

D61okhov, P(hya Rost6v, and Tik-

hon. A French drummer boy. A visit

to the enemy's camp. Attack on a

French convoy. The death of P£tya


12-15. Pierre's journey among the prisoners.

Karatjiev. His story of the merchant.

His death. Pierre rescued 604

16-18. The French retreat. Berthier's report

to Napoleon. Their flight beyond

Smolensk 609

19. Why the French were not cut off by

the Russians 611




TheRostovs. Natasha's grief. The news

of Ptftya's death. Natdsha leaves with
Princess Mary for Moscow 614

Analysis of Kutiizov's movements 618

6~g. Kutiizov at Krdsnoe; his speech to the
army. Encampment for the night:
soldier scenes. Ramballe's appear-
ance with his orderly. The song of
Henri Quatre. 621

10-12. The crossing of the Berezina. Vflna.



* xiii

The Emperor Alexander. Kutiizov;

his failing health 626

Pierre. Illness and recovery at Orel.

His new attitude to life and his fel-
low men. His affairs. He goes to Mos-
cow; the town's animation and rapid
recovery. Pierre meets Natdsha at
Princess Mary's. Love 631

Discussion of forces operating in his-
tory. Chance and genius. The ideals
of glory and grandeur. Alexander's
renunciation of power. The purpose
of a bee 645

Death of old Count Rost6v. Nicholas

in retirement. His mother. His meet-
ing with Princess Mary. Their wed-
ding; estate management in the coun-
try; their family life. S6nya a sterile
flower. Denfsov.' Nicholas' name day


10-14. Natdsha's and Pierre's family life. His

return after a visit to Petersburg. The
old countess in decay. Conversation
about social tendencies, and indigna-
tion at reactionary trend of the gov-
ernment. Views of Pierre and Nich-
olas 659

15-16. The two married couples and their

mutual relations. Natasha's jealousy.
Young Nicholas Boik6nski's aspira-
tions 669

1-12. A general discussion on the historians'
study of human life, and on the diffi-
culty of defining the forces that move
nations. The problem of free will
and necessity 675


I. Battle of Austerlitz 697

II. War of 1805 697

III. Advance and Retreat of Napoleon, 1812 698 8c 699

IV. Borodin6 698

V. Moscow 699




Count Cyril Bezukhov, a wealthy nobleman of Catherine the Great's time

Pierre, his son, who, legitimized after his father's death, becomes Count

Bezukhov— //*£ central character of the novel.

Princess Caliche, Pierre's cousin

THE RosT6vs

Count Ilyd Rost6v, a wealthy nobleman

Countess Nataly Rost6va, his wife

Count Nicholas Rostov, their elder son, who goes into the army as a

Count Peter (Pdtya) Rostov, their younger son

Countess Ve"ra Rost6va, their elder daughter

Countess Nataly (Natdsha) Rost6va, their younger daughter, the central

female character

S6nya, a poor niece of the Rostovs

Lieutenant Alphonse Kdrlovich Berg, an officer who marries V&ra


Prince Nicholas Andre*evich Bolk6nski, a retired general

Prince Andrew Bolk6nski, his son, a member of Kutuzov's staff

Princess Mary Bolk6nskaya, his daughter

Princess Elisabeth (Lise) Bolkonskaya, Prince Andrew's wife, "the most

fascinating woman in Petersburg"
Prince Nicholas (Koko) Andrd-evich Bolk6nski, Prince Andrew's son


Prince Vasfli Kurdgin, an elderly nobleman

Prince Hippolyte Kurdgin, his weak-minded elder son

Prince Anatole Kurdgin, his profligate younger son

Princess Hdlene Kunigina, his daughter, "the beautiful Helene"


Princess Anna Mikhdylovna Drubetskdya, an impoverished noblewoman

Prince Boris (B6ry) Drubetskoy, her son, who enters the army
Julie Kardgina, an heiress t who later marries Boris






o. s.
Oct. 11

Oct. 23
Oct. 24
Oct. 28
Oct. 30

Nov. 4
Nov. 4
Noy. 19
Nov. 20

May 17
June 12
June 14
July 13
Aug. 4
Aug. 5
Aug. 7

Aug. 8
Aug. 10
Aug. 17

Aug. 17
Aug. 24
Aug. 26
Sept. i
Oct. 6

°C* ft 7'
and 8

Oct. 12
Oct. 21
Oct. 28-
Nov. 2
Nov. 4-8
Nov. 9
Nov. i4
Nov. 23
Dec. 6

N. s.
Oct. 23

Nov. 4
Nov. 5
Nov. 9
Nov. 11
Nov. 16
Nov. 16
Dec. i
Dec. 2

Jan. 27 Feb. 8
June 2 June 14
June 13 June 25

May 29
June 24
June 26
July 25
Aug. 16
Aug. 17
Aug. 19

Aug. 20
Aug. 22
Aug. 29

Aug. 29
Sept. 5
Sept. 7
Sept. 13
Oct. 18
Kutuzov inspects regiment near Braunau. Lc

malheureux Mack arrives

The Russian army crosses the Enns
Fight at Amstetten

The Russian army crosses the Danube

Defeats Mortier at Durrenstein
Napoleon writes to Murat from Schonbrunn
Battle of Schon Grabern
The Council of War at Ostralitz
Battle of Austerlitz

Battle of Preussisch-Eylau

Battle of Friedland

The Emperors meet at Tilsit

Napoleon leaves Dresden

Napoleon crosses the Niemen and enters Russia

Alexander sends Balashev to Napoleon

The Pavlograd hussars in action at Ostr6vna

Alpatych at Smolensk hears distant firing

Bombardment at Smolensk

Prince Nicholas Bolk6nski leaves Bald Hills for


Kutuzov appointed Commander in Chief

Prince Andrew's column abreast of Bald Hills
Kutuzov reaches Tsarevo-Zaymfshche and takes

command of the army

Nicholas Rost6v rides to Bogucharovo
Battle of the Shevardino Redoubt
Battle of Borodin6

Kutuzov orders retreat through Moscow

Battle of Tarutino

Battle of Malo-Yaroslavets
Cossacks harry the French at Vyazma
t SmoMnik

and 20

Oct. 24
Nov. 2
Nov. 9-
Nov. 14

Nov. i6-2oBattles at Krasnoe

Nov. 21 Ney, with rearguard, reaches Orsh£
i6Nov. 26-28 Crossing of the Berezina

Dec. 5 Napoleon abandons the army at Smorg6ni

Dec. 18 He reaches Paris


Book One: 1805


WELL, PRINCE, so Genoa and Lucca are now

just family estates of the Buonapartes. But I
warn you, if you don't tell me that this means
war, if you still try to defend the infamies and
horrors perpetrated by that Antichrist— I real-
ly believe he is Antichrist— I will have nothing
more to do with you and you are no longer my
friend, no longer my 'faithful slave,' as you
call yourself! But how do you do? I see I have
frightened you— sit down and tell me all the

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