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Date: 30/08/2021

Elaboración de resúmenes para la comprensión de textos en inglés

1. Reading for main ideas

Read the text Cloud Computing, available at SENA Library’s databases by following the link
below. To access the library, just login with your ID number.

Dziak, M. (2016). Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing

(ELL), 1.
Date: 30/08/2021

Based on the previous reading, write the required information on the chart below.

Topic: Cloud Computing

2. Writing a summary
Now, use the information related to the main idea you already identified and the
supporting details you extracted from the passage, to write a summary of the text Cloud
Computing. Use the following template to guide your writing process. Remember that
supporting details can be used to make key points in your summary.

⇒ Bibliographic Information

Author(s) of article: ______Dziak, Mark, Cloud Computing (ELL)

Title of article: __Cloud computing
Name of magazine, newspaper, website, etc. containing the article:
________________________________________________________SENA Library
Date article was published and page number: ____________January 2016

⇒ Summary Information

Briefly state the main idea or thesis was difficult
presented to share information between
in this article:
computers was slow. Also cost a lot of money.

In the 2000, people used that idea to create cloud

computing. We use the word cloud to refer to the internet.
Many people thought of the internet as a cloud that carried
In 2008, cloud computing was becoming very popular.
CLOUD Millions of people around the world used it at home, at
work and at school.
Date: for the
benefit of any
person You must be careful.
They should only work with companies they trust. They can
also choose private clouds.
_The benefits of using cloud storage technology to access agile information, from
anywhere and at any time, was one of the objectives of the networks and computers that
over the years interconnect people and companies, allowing to stock applications,
databases, transactions, and run robusta service designed for the benefit of people remotely

Summarize the most important information, ideas, facts, etc. presented in this article:

1. Cloud Computing is a way of sharing information and programs between computers.

2. In the 1950s and 1960s, people looked for ways to network, computers networking
would help people share information and programs between computers.
3. In the 1970s and 1980s, networking was difficult. Sharing information between
computers was also cost a lot.
4. In the 1990s, many people began using the internet. The was a fast and easy way to
network computers.
5. _In the 2000s, people used that idea to create cloud computing, they used the word
“cloud” to refer to the internet.
6. Cloud computing can be used by individuals (people) or companies, many people
wantto share their information whith friends and family. They may also want to access,
the information using mobile devices.
Date: 30/08/2021
7._Cloud computing can be very useful. However, you can also have problems. Users may
have problems with security or protection. They may also have privacy issues.

⇒ Summary
Write the final version of your summary here.

At the beginning of the systems, the need to create connections between computers
and computer networks grew, which in turn produced the notion of making a data
storage of all the information that was had and all that was to be produced from
those connections.
Decade after decade and before the advance of interconnections with cloud storage
began, in parallel certain systems used robust software and complex processing and
calculation that led to network computing of interconnected systems such as what is
currently known as internet.
Some of these stores, with their space or use of free information processing,
originate free services and other payments, where both individuals and companies
can access according to their storage or security preferences of said information.

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