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A Minor Project Report

submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
degree of B.TECH in Mechanical Engineering under Biju Pattnaik
University of Technology


Name Regd No.

DEBABRATA DAS 1701106556
SUBHAM SAHOO 1701106195

Under the Guidance of

(Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering)


Department of Mechanical Engineering COLLEGE
Ghatikia, Bhubaneswar, Odisha – 751003, India


This is to certify that the project work entitled “Reverse Engineering Of A Spur Gear" is a
bonafide work being done by Chujan Kumar Dehury, Debabrata Das, Manoranjan Majhi,
Subham Sahoo bearing Registration No. 1701106194,1701106556,1701106547,1701106195
respectively of MECHANICAL ENGINEERING branch.

This project report is submitted in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the B.Tech degree under
Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela, Odisha.



Department of Mechanical Engg. Department of Mechanical Engg.


Department Of Mechanical Engg.
We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to our guide, Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh Kumar
Mallik of Mechanical Engineering for his unflagging support and continuous encouragement
throughout the project work. Without his guidance and persistent help this report would not have
been possible.

We would again like to convey our sincere regards to Prof. (Dr.) Ramesh Kumar Mallik, HOD,
Mechanical Engineering, for his continued drive for better quality in everything that happens at
CET. This report is a dedicated contribution towards that greater goal.

Regd no-1701106556

Regd no-1701106547

Regd no-1701106195


Regd no-1701106194
The past few decades have seen substantial growth in Additive
Manufacturing (AM) technologies. However, this growth has mainly been
process-driven. The importance of the 3D printing technology increases day
by day in the engineering field. Correspondingly, the application of related
tests to the parts produced by this technology has a vital role in terms of
appropriate design and trouble-free service life. Reverse engineering has a
greater role in the field these days as it helps to decrease the complicacies.
The main scope of this study consists of the reverse engineering of an
existing part, modelling (CAD), model validation (FEA) and optimization
steps. According to the collected literature, there are many studies about the
optimisation of existing industrial machine parts or tools in the past years.
Besides the modal analysis, this project also aims to validate the new part
with the computational (FEA) results as well.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT… .................................................................................... iii

ABSTRACT… .......................................................................................................... iv
1. INTRODUCTION… ................................................................................................. 2
1.1 BACKGROUND… ............................................................................................. 2
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT .................................................................................. 3
1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVE… .............................................................................. 3
2. LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................... 5
2.1 INTRODUCTION… ........................................................................................... 5
2.2 PROTOTYPE… .................................................................................................. 5
2.3 ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING ...................................................................... 6
2.3.1 BACKGROUND… ................................................................................. 6
2.3.2 PROCESSING ......................................................................................... 7
2.3.3 DATA FORMAT AND QUALITY ........................................................ 8
2.4 REVERSE ENGINEERING AND CAD.............................................................8
2.5 GEARS ..............................................................................................................11
2.5.1 GEAR MATERIALS ............................................................................ 12
2.5.2 SUITABLE MATERIALS FOR GEARS .............................................12
2.6 FEA AND SIMULATION… ............................................................................13
3. METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................14
3.1 INTRODUCTION… ......................................................................................... 14
3.2 SELECTION OF TYPE OF GEARS ................................................................15
3.3 SELECTION OF MATERIAL ......................................................................... 16
3.4 COMPARISION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES ..................................... 17
3.5 CAD AND FEA METHOD STEPS ................................................................. 18
3.6 DIMENSIONING… ......................................................................................... 18
3.7 FEA OF BOTH THE PARTS ........................................................................... 19
3.7.1 MESHING… ........................................................................................ 19
3.7.2 DEFORMATION… .............................................................................19
3.7.3 MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL ELASTIC STRAIN… ............................... 20
3.7.4 MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL STRESS ..................................................... 21
3.7.5 EQUIVALENT ELASTIC STRAIN… ................................................ 21
3.7.6 VON MISES STRESS ......................................................................... 22
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ............................................................................ 23
5. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE… .......................................................... 24
REFERNCES… ............................................................................................................ 26
APPENDIX… .............................................................................................................. 28



Additive manufacturing of promises to become a disruptive technology in the manufacturing

industry (Bos et al., 2018). However, being in its infancy the method of manufacturing is still
limited in its applications. Notwithstanding, in 2012 a turning point within the field occurred.
The number of research entities exploring additive manufacturing migrated from linear growth
to a quasi-exponential one. AM is one of the most widely used technique for constructing
prototypes with higher dimensional accuracy and much less time. [1]

In today’s scenario, modern industries are liable to implementing several AM techniques such
as: Stereo-lithography (SLA), Selective laser sintering (SLS), Laminated object manufacturing
(LOM), Fused deposition modelling (FDM), Direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), 3Dprinting
(3DP), etc. All these AM techniques employ the same basic principle wherein the final
component is fabricated with layer-by-layer addition of the material. (Chua et al., 2005). Rapid
Prototyping technologies have gained diversity, complexity, sophistication and popularity
since their introduction in the late 1980’s. [2]

Reverse engineering, as the name implies is an engineering process going in reverse. The
process has in recent times emerged from the shadows of engineering science to become
common in many organisations today. The principles of reverse engineering can be traced back
to the sculptures of Michelangelo and it played an important role in the development of new
airplanes, tanks and other military equipment during World War II. Reverse engineering can
nowadays be found in a variety of industries, from entertainment to microchips. Despite the
different areas of use, a reverse engineering process generally consists of four stages1:
• Analysis of the product
• Generation of an intermediate level product description
• Human analysis of the product description to produce a specification
• Generation of a new product using the specification
The methodology developed by Otto and Wood is a product development methodology. Three
distinctive phases can be discerned from the model, reverse engineering, modelling & analysis
and redesign. The reverse engineering phase is the phase where the product is direct
experienced; it initiates the redesign process and is a vital part in the understanding of a product.

Due to the wide range of application areas, several different definitions of reverse engineering
can easily cause confusion. In order to further understand the meaning of what reverse
engineering encompasses in a manufacturing and industrial environment, the following
approach will serve as definition: “Reverse engineering entails the prediction of what a
product should do, followed by modelling, analysis, dissection and experimentation of its
actual performance.”


“The reverse engineering of an existing machine part, a Spur Gear; its modelling (CAD),
model validation (FEA) and optimization.”


This involves fabricating a prototype and subjecting it to various experimental methods.

Sufficient strength to transmit the power involved is first requisite of any gear material.
Machinability is also important for machined gears for two reasons
1) A considerable amount of metal removal is involved when gears are machined.
2) It is easier to achieve precision of machining and smooth surface finish.
The following gear used for study has many abnormalities in form of deformation and
dimensional inaccuracy. To use that as a parent material a complete analysis has to be done.
The dimensions of the gears have to be determined carefully and subsequently a CAD model
will be made. In the CAD model, various anomalies are to be corrected, the strength will be
tried to increase by changing the materials, and subsequently weight will be tried to reduce.
The new product will be designed using 3D printing which will have the superior qualities
after carefully analysing the data.

In this project, our objective is limited to do the dimensioning and CAD modelling of both
the materials and analysis of the parts by the required software i.e. ANSYS and to review the
results and comparison. Our future objectives are to test the specimen in Testing Lab, obtain
the results, and compare them with the previous results and to come with an optimised rapid
prototyped product.



Throughout the human history, people have used different methods in order to procure required
products and parts. Especially after the industrial revolution, the increase of mechanisation did
not only led to the increment of production methods but also it led to the birth of more modern
methods. However, in parallel with the technological advancements, the needed parts and items
have become more complex. Therefore, the machines and methods were needed to modernise
to be able to produce those complex components. For instance, in the aerospace industry, a
great majority of components that have to be in small tolerances require very sensitive and
special processes. To manufacture these components accurately, advanced methods and
machines should be used.
This chapter of the report summarises the relevant literature before the technical aspects of the

Keywords- Rapid Prototyping, Additive Manufacturing, Reverse Engineering, CAD, Gears,

FEA and Simulation.


A prototype is a model as similar as possible, or if necessary equal, to the final product. It is

produced to have the same specifications and functionalities. There are two main objectives
when a prototype is manufactured. The first objective is to improve communication between
the designer and the engineer. Improving communication reduces the de-sign time and that is
reflected in the cost reduction. The second one is to test and verify if all the needs and
applications of the product have been met. This kind of processes is iterative, for that reason,
you need machines that can manufacture prototypes at a great speed with the lowest possible
cost. (Smith, 2015) Hence, the need for Rapid Prototyping (RP).

Nowadays, RP refers to the layer-by-layer fabrication of the physical prototypes from a CAD
program. Layer-by-layer fabrication build the model by slicing the model in thin cross sections
of the model, that will be deposited one on top of the other, until the model is completed. Layer-
by-layer fabrication is also known as additive manufacturing. [3]



The development of alternative methods was crucial considering the rapid improvement,
changes and demand growth in the industry. Despite “Additive Manufacturing (AM)” also
known “3D printing” is generally mind of as a recent and futuristic technology, the fact that its
invention dates back to more than 30 years. Charles Hull invented the first AM process, named
“stereolithography” in 1983 (3dhubs, 2016). It allowed the creation of real 3D objects from
computer data. In Charles Hull`s patent, he described stereolithography as “a method and
apparatus for making solid objects by successively "printing" thin layers of a curable material,
e.g., a UV curable material, one on top of the other” (Google Patents, 1996). This patent
definition was delimitated by “printing” with a liquid, however after a while later, he realised
that his revolutionary production technique was not bounded by only liquids. Therefore, he
expanded the description to “any material capable of solidification or capable of altering its
physical state” (3dhubs, 2016).

Fig. 1 The first 3D printer (SLA-1)


All 3D printers do not use the same techniques for production but the main idea is the same
for all. Briefly, 3D printer creates real objects with adding material layer by layer. According
to Palermo (2013), FDM (Fused Deposition Modelling) is the most prevalent technique in the
additive manufacturing. FDM typed printers use some plastics as the material. The plastic
filaments are heated up to the melting point. Afterwards, they are extruded and added layer-
upon-layer in semi-liquid form to create a real 3D object (Palermo, 2013). The following Fig
2 represents the creation of an object by FDM method:

Fig 2 The creation of an object by FDM method

To be more certain, AM processes are divided into seven categories based on the standards.
According to ISO ASTM/DIS 20195, these are categorised as:
1- Material jetting
2- Material extrusion
3- Binder jetting
4- Directed energy deposition
5- Sheet lamination

6- Powder bed fusion
7- Vat photo polymerization

The part should be designed in such a manner that it can be manufactured smoothly within
machining areas (BS ISO 17296-4). Thus, the work area of printer should be known before
modelling. Moreover, BS ISO/ASTM 52921 refers to the coordinate system and testing
methodologies about the additive manufacturing. That document has been set to consummate
ISO 841, however, despite 3D printing systems are majorly based on the Computer Numerical
Control (CNC) principles, the nomenclature and coordinate systems may not be suitable for all
3D printing tools. Therefore, if there is any issue, BS ISO/ASTM 52921 can be considered as
a prior guide.
Additionally, the quality characteristics (surface, mechanical, thermal etc.) of parts are also
quite important in the additive manufacturing. The main characteristics and relevant test
methods for the parts which were produced by 3D printing are stated in BS ISO 17296-3.


As the data format, STL (stereolithography or surface tessellation language) is the proper and
standard format in data transfer (BS ISO 17296-4). However, this format is inappropriate for
transferring data among CAD/CAM programs.
On the other hand, data and model quality is a crucial parameter for trouble-free production.
According to BS ISO 17296-4, the attention should be paid to the following considerations:

1. In order to identify the volume clearly, all surfaces must be oriented properly.
2. All of the surface models must be precisely blended together.
3. Construction aids (axis, cylinders, layers, etc.) must not be selected during
4. Before triangulation, the surface models must be converted to solid volume ideally.

In the project we are using CURA 3D Software to import and convert the CAD file after
specifying the required material and process specifications. [4]


Nowadays, RP refers to the layer-by-layer fabrication of the physical prototypes from a CAD
program. Layer-by-layer fabrication build the model by slicing the model in thin cross sections
of the model, that will be deposited one on top of the other, until the model is completed.

Layer-by-layer fabrication is also known as additive manufacturing. (Shown in Fig 3)

Fig 3 Processes involved in 3D printing

Z.Q. Cheng ET. al. (2001) reported the experiences encountered during the development,
modifications, and refinement of a finite element model of a fourdoor1997 Honda Accord DX
Sedan. A single Finite element crash model was developed for a four-door 1997 Honda Accord
DX Sedan. This model was successfully used in the simulations of the full frontal, offset
frontal, side, and oblique car-to-car impacts. The simulation results were validated with test
data of actual vehicles. The validation indicated that the model was suitable for use as a crash
partner for other vehicles. Computational tests of the model show that the model was
computationally stable, reliable, and repeatable. Feng et al. (2001) presented the effects of the
scan depth and the projected angle on the digitizing accuracy of a laser/CMM scanning system.
Speckle noise in the CCD laser images was considered the primary source of random error. A
bilinear empirical model had been established and was able to provide predictions of the
systematic error with less than 25 μm deviation. Son et al. (2002) had proposed an automated
laser scanning system which could automatically generate a scan plan by investing a complex
free-form part whose CAD model was given (Lee and Woo, 1998). The automated part
positioning system could save much time, improved the quality of captured data and the
registration process was simplified. Thereby, redundant data processing was drastically
reduced and errors caused by human operator could be minimized. Bardell et al. (2003) had
proposed a method of automating the verification of an acceptable free-form surface, using
Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM). Computer-aided geometric design (CAGD) was used
to analyse the surface for optimum continuity and assessed the CMM data accuracy. Park and
Chung (2003) had proposed a procedure through which 3-axis NC toolpaths (for roughing and
finishing) could be directly generated from measured data (a set of point sequence curves). An
algorithm to calculate the finishing tool-path based on well-known 2D geometric algorithms
had been developed to avoid difficult time-consuming computational. Xie et al. (2005) had
presented a multi-probe measuring system integrated with a CMM, a structured-light sensor, a
trigger probe and a rotary table. Two types of scanning modes, which was multitier scanning
mode, and rotating scanning mode had been used (Chung and Liao, 2001). Lin et al. (2005)
had presented the measure method to get the better data points and the appropriate method to
deal with points cloud data. Reverse engineering software was then used to create the free-form
surfaces from the point cloud data. Mohammad Shadab ET. al. (2006) presented the
applications of the reverse engineering method on the modelling of Pillion step holder of Hero
Honda CBZ Motor Bike. The CAD model of Pillion step holder had been developed by CATIA
V5 using the cloud data. The stress analysis of pillion step holder was also done. Results had
shown that the maximum stress at critical section was within the permissible limit as compared
to the strength of the material and the deflections in the component were much lesser than the
permissible value. Again, the stress analysis was performed on the modified CAD model. It
was found that the maximum stress and maximum deflection was still within the permissible
limit. It also helped to understand the behaviour of the CAD model under various loading
conditions and further helped to modify it.
F. Belarifi ET. al. (2008) proposed a method to optimize the module of cutting conical spur
gear, after being worn or broken, with the aid of Computer-Aided Design (CAD). It also
allowed creating a virtual model, by theoretical geometric characteristics, to calculate the
volume. The suggested method allowed determining the geometric features of a pair of conical
spur gear after worn. A simulation package, R2000, was used and special “AutoCAD” software
had been developed to accomplish the drawing of 2D wheel conical spur gear, the verification
of the system assembly and the drawing of a 3D volume pattern.

Geometrical information of a product was obtained directly from a physical shape by a

digitizing device, from this complete 5-axis toolpath was obtained. Duplicating the part was
done with the help of CMM and CAD/CAM software like Mastercam, ProEngineer etc. In this
paper all the CADs and material properties are done and assigned in the Dassault Systems’
Solid Works Software. It is most widely used modelling tool in the industry in current period
and it is very tangible and user friendly. The CAD product of it can be exported and analysed
nearly in all type of known CAM and FEA Simulation Software like MASTERCAM and
ANSYS respectively.


A gear or cogwheel is a rotating machine part having cut teeth, or cogs, which mesh with
another toothed part to transmit torque, in most cases with teeth on the one gear being of
identical shape, and often also with that shape on the other gear. Two or more gears working
in a sequence (train) are called a gear train or, in many cases, a transmission; such gear
arrangements can produce a mechanical advantage through a gear ratio and thus may be
considered a simple machine Shown In Fig 11-12. Geared devices can change the speed,
torque, and direction of a power source. The most common situation is for a gear to mesh with
another gear, however, a gear can also mesh with a non-rotating toothed part, called a rack,
thereby producing translation instead of rotation. Early examples of gears date from the 4th
century BCE in China (Zhan Guo times – Late East Zhou dynasty), which have been preserved
at the Luoyang Museum of Henan Province, China. The earliest gears in Europe were circa CE
50 by Hero of Alexandria, but they can be traced back to the Greek mechanics of the
Alexandrian school in the 3rd century BCE and were greatly developed by the Greek polymath
Archimedes (287–212 BCE). Examples of further development include: Ma Jun (c. 200–265
CE) used gears as part of a south-pointing chariot.
The Antikythera mechanism is an example of a very early and mili, and other application of
water mill often used gears intricate geared device, designed to calculate astronomical
positions. Its time of construction is now estimated between 150 and 100 BCE. The water-
powered grain-mill, the water-powered saw mill, fulling . The first mechanical clocks were
built in CE 725. The 1386 Salisbury cathedral clock may be the world's oldest working
mechanical clock.
CAD has its roots in interactive computer graphics. Before the CAD era, engineering drawings
were prepared manually on paper using pencils and drafting instruments on a drafting table.
The advent of interactive computer graphics replaced the drafting table with a computer
monitor and the pencil with an input device such as a light pen or mouse. Instead of using
physical drafting instruments, software commands and icons on the computer display are used.
The drawing can be created, modified, copied, and transformed using the software tools. At the
time, CAD stood for computer-aided drafting. Drafting was confined to 2D because of t

paper limitation. With the computer, such limitation is removed. Three-dimensional CAD
systems were developed in the 1960s. In 3D CAD, objects are modelled using 3D coordinates
(x, y, and z) instead of 2D coordinates (x and y). The need for modelling parts and products
with complex surfaces motivated the development of free-form surface modellers.


Numerous nonferrous alloys, cast irons, powder-metallurgy and plastics are used in the
manufacture of gears. However, steels are most commonly used because of their high
strength-to-weight ratio and low cost. Plastic is commonly used where cost or weight is a
concern. A properly designed plastic gear can replace steel in many cases because it has
many desirable properties, including dirt tolerance, low speed meshing, the ability to "skip"
quite well and the ability to be made with materials that don't need additional lubrication.
Manufacturers have used plastic gears to reduce costs in consumer items including copy
machines, optical storage devices, cheap dynamos, consumer audio equipment, servo motors,
and printers. Another advantage of the use of plastics, formerly (such as in the 1980s), was
the reduction of repair costs for certain expensive machines. In cases of severe jamming (as
of the paper in a printer), the plastic gear teeth would be torn free of their substrate, allowing
the drive mechanism to then spin freely (instead of damaging itself by straining against the
jam). This use of "sacrificial" gear teeth avoided destroying the much more expensive motor
and related parts. This method has been superseded, in more recent designs, by the use of
clutches and torque- or current limited motors.


Sufficient strength to transmit the power involved is a first requisite for any gear material.
Machinability is also important for machined gears, for two reasons: A considerable amount
of metal removal is involved when gears are machined, and it is easier to achieve precision of
machining and smooth surface finishes (which are important in gears) when the metal used
has favourable machinability ratings. Other properties that are usually desirable and may be
necessary for certain applications are corrosion resistance, dimensional stability, impact
strength, light weight, high temperature resistance, heat treatability, wear resistance, natural
lubricity or compatibility with lubricants, noise-damping properties (or limited noise
generating properties), and (lest we forget) low cost. [5]


The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is the simulation of any physical phenomenon by using the
numerical method called Finite Element Method (FEM). Engineers use it to reduce the number
of physical prototypes and experiments and optimize components in their design phase to
develop better products, faster. FEA is a virtual environment, for the purpose of finding and
solving structural or performance issues. Depending on one’s perspective, FEA can be said to
have its origin in the work of Euler, as early as the 16th century. However, the earliest
mathematical papers on Finite Element Analysis can be found in the works of Schell Bach
[1851] and Courant [1943].
FEA was independently developed by engineers in different companies and industries to
address structural mechanics problems related to aerospace and civil engineering. The
development for real life applications started around the mid-1950s as papers by Turner,
Clough, Martin and Topp [1956], Argyris [1957] and Babuska and Aziz [1972] show. The

books by Zienkiewicz [1971] and Strang and Fix [1973] also laid the foundations for future
developments in FEA.

Klaus-Jurgen Bathe described that the Finite Element Procedures. FEA is now an important
part of engineering analysis and design. Finite element analysis is practically for the analysis
of structures, solids and fluids. Designers use it to minimize the number of physical prototypes
and tests and optimize components in their design phase to improve products, in minimum time
period. Dan Yang et. al studied that the dynamic characteristics of the brake drum are
theoretically calculated and studied by the finite element method in ANSYS software. Through
the analysis and calculation of the model, the natural frequencies and vibration shapes are
computed, which provides a reference for analysis and design of the brake drum.


Generally, when we opt to reverse engineer a machine part, we need to first recognise the
part. Reverse engineering is mostly used when there is a flaw or damage in a machine part or
any other object or when there is a need to optimise the part i.e. changing the material with
better mechanical property, coming up with a different design for a better performance,
modifying the existing design for reducing the weight or increase resistance to deformation.
In this project, we have selected a spur gear as an existing machine part. Engineers usually
prefers the spur gear because the Spur gears are easier to design and manufacture. When
power is transmitted between parallel shafts. There are two gears; a gear and a pinion with
small dimensions. They experience low mechanical loads and stresses in their life.


Belt, chain and gear drives are often called 'mechanical drives'. A mechanical drive is defined
as a mechanism, which is intended to transmit mechanical power over a certain distance,
usally involving a change in speed and torque. In general, the mechanical drive is required
between the prime mover, such as electric motor and the part of the operating machine. A
mechanical drive is used on account of the following reasons
(i) The torque and speed of the machine are always different than that of electric motor or
engine. Machines usually run at low speed and require high torque. For example, in case of
overhead travelling crane, the motor runs at 1440 rpm while the speed of the rope drum is as
low as 20 rpm.
(ii) In certain machines variable speeds are required for the operation, whereas the
primemover runs at constant speed. For example, in case of lathe, the motor runs at constant
speed, while different speeds are required for the spindle of the chuck to turn the jobs of
different materials and with different
Feed and depth of cut.
(iii) Standard electric motors are designed for uniform rotary motion. However, in some
machines like shaper or planer, linear motions with varying velocity are required.

Mechanical drives are classified into two groups according to their principle of operation.
The two
broad groups are as follows:
(i) Mechanical drives that transmit power by means of friction, e.g., belt drive and rope drive
(ii) Mechanical drives that transmit power by means of engagement, e.g., chain drives and
gear drives


The first step in the design of the gear drive is the selection of a proper gear for a given
application. The factors that are considered for deciding the type of gear are general layout of
shafts, speed reduction, power to be transmitted, input speed and cost. Spur and helical gears
areused when the shafts are parallel.

The design component selected for this project is made up of aluminium alloy (6061). It was
subjected to 1Nm moments. The gears used is 2.4 cm diameter pinion having 12 teeth and 6
cm diameter gear having 30 teeth. This gear assembly is used in a clock. The clock was
subjected to 1Nm loading. And the expected life was about 3000000 cycles. The gears were
externally meshed.

Spur gears generate noise in high speed applications, due to sudden contact over the entire
face width between two meshing teeth. In helical gears, the contact between the two meshing
teeth begins with a point and gradually extends along the tooth, resulting in quiet operations.
Helical gears are, therefore, preferred for high speed power transmission. From Cost
Considerations, spur gears are the cheapest. They are not only easy to manufacture but there
exist a number of methods to manufacture them. The manufacturing of helical, bevel and
Worm gears is a specialized and costly operation. [6]

This information is necessary to complete

this assignment.
HW= Tooth Height
N = Number of Teeth DP x PD
OD = Outside Diameter (N+2)/DP
PD = Pitch Diameter N/DP
DP = Diametral Pitch N/PD
RD = Root Diameter OD-2(HW)
CD= Center Distance
A = Addendum 1/DP
D = Dedendum HW-A
WD = Whole Depth 2.157/DP
R=Tooth Radius ¾(CP)
CT = Cordial Thickness PD sin(90/N)
CP= Circular Pitch 3.1416/DP

Fig 4 Gear specifications

Outside Diameter (OD)
The overall diameter of the gear.
OD= (N+2)/DP Pitch

Diameter (PD)
The diameter of an imaginary pitch
circle on which a gear tooth is
designed. Pitch circles of two gears are

Diametral Pitch (DP)

A ratio equal to the number of teeth on
a gear per inch of diameter.
DP=N/DP Fig 5 Profile of a Spur Gear

Root Diameter (RD)

The diameter of a circle coinciding with the bottom of the tooth spaces.

Center Distance (CD)

The distance between the axes of two mating gears.

Addendum (a)
The radial distance from the pitch circle to the top of the tooth.

Dedendum (d)
The radial distance from the pitch circle to the bottom of the tooth.
d=hw- a

Whole Depth (wd)

The full height of the tooth.
wd= 2.157/DP

Tooth Radius (r)

Radius of tooth profile.

Chordal Thickness (ct)

The straight line thickness of a gear tooth measured on the pitch circle.
ct=PD sin(90/N)

Circular Pitch (cp)

The distance from a point on one tooth to the corresponding point on the adjacent tooth,
measured on the pitch circle.
CP = 3.1416/DP

It was observed that as our exposed parameters like moments and revolution s were less, both
aluminium and ABS showed almost similar properties. Along with that, the preparation of
aluminium alloy gears were difficult as they were made from classical machining and they
were heavy which made the clock assembly bulky. Therefore, it was best if we substituted the
aluminium gears with ABS gears to obtain same performance with less material wastage and
a lot lesser weight to help to cope up with future needs. Selection of ABS material for rapid
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) is an opaque thermoplastic and amorphous polymer.
“Thermoplastic” (as opposed to “thermoset”) has to do with the way the material responds to
heat. Thermoplastics become liquid (i.e. have a “glass transition”) at a certain
temperature (221 degrees Fahrenheit in the case of ABS plastic). Instead of burning,
thermoplastics like ABS liquefy which allows them to be easily injection moulded or 3d
printed and then subsequently recycled. By contrast, thermoset plastics can only be heated
once. The first heating causes thermoset materials to set (similar to a 2-part epoxy), resulting
in a chemical change that cannot be reversed.
ABS has a strong resistance to corrosive chemicals and/or physical impacts. It is very easy to
machine and has a low melting temperature making it particularly simple to use in injection
molding manufacturing processes or 3D printing on an FDM machine. ABS is also relatively
inexpensive (prices, currently around 235.22 rupees per kg, typically fall somewhere between
those of Polypropylene ("PP") and Polycarbonate (“PC”). ABS plastic is not typically used
in high heat situations due to its low melting point. All of these characteristics lead to ABS
being used in a large number of applications across a wide range of industries.
ABS is easily machined, sanded, glued and painted. This makes it a great material for
prototyping. We had the need of an inexpensive, strong, stiff plastic that holds up well to
external impacts and cyclic loads, which is also easily available in the market and can be used
for rapid prototyping with lesser cost than machining and with less noise and weight.
Therefore, in all aspects, we came up with ABS as a good choice.


Aluminium Alloy ABS Material

1) The various parameters of teeth like addendum, dedendum, the key ways etc. of each gears
were recorded and also with the help of the standard metric charts. [See the Appendix]
2) The gears were then made using a designing software (Solidworks) and there were
properly meshed so that no interference was observed.
3) Then the design were transferred to analysing software (Ansys) where all the external
parameters like moments, life and material were determined.
4) The stress and strains data were generated for aluminium alloy, which were then compared
with ABS.

The design component selected was made up of aluminium alloy. The gears to be used were
24 mm diameter pinion having 12 teeth and 60 mm diameter gear having 30 teeth. It was
subjected to 1kNmm moments.

Fig 6 CAD Model of Assembled Gear and Pinion made in Solidworks

All dimensions in cm


Here we have taken gear and pinion as our component which is designed in SolidWorks and is
analysed in ANSYS. The two gears were mated and are applied with a moment, which produces
deformation in the two gears as one of them fixed intentionally to show the strength of the material


Fig: 7 meshed form of Aluminium Alloy Fig: 8 meshed form of ABS material

This deformation is formed after fixing one of the gear and allowing another to rotate by
applying a moment of 1kNmm.

Fig: 9 Total deformation of aluminium alloy material

Fig: 10 Total deformation of ABS material

Total deformation in case of aluminium alloy is 7.4443E-5 mm and in case of ABS material
is 7.6961E-5 mm.

Maximum principal elastic strain theory states that yielding in a member subjected to
complex or compound stress system comemmences when maximum pricipal strain of the
system becomes equal to the strain corresponding to the yield point simple tension test of the
same material.

Fig: 11 Maximum principal elastic stain of aluminium alloy

Fig: 12 Maximum principle elastic strain of ABS material

Maximum principal elastic strain in case of aluminium alloy is 5.5762E-6 mm/mm and in
case of ABS material is 5.1431E-6 mm/mm.

It states that yielding occurs at a point in a body when principle stress in biaxial system
reaches limiting yield value of that material under simple test.

Fig: 13 Maximum Principal Stress of Aluminium Alloy

Fig: 13 Maximum Principal Stress of ABS material

Maximum principal stress in case of aluminium alloy is 1.2331 MPa and in case of ABS
material is 1.1498 MPa.

A form of strain in which the distorted body returns to its original shape and size when the
deforming force was removed.

Fig:15 Equivalent elastic strain of aluminium alloy

Fig:16 Equivalent elastic strain of ABS material

Equivalent elastic strain in case of aluminium alloy is 6.2821E-6 mm/mm and in case of ABS
material is 6.7523E-6 mm/mm.

This was used to predict yielding of materials under multiaxial loading conditions using
results from simple uniaxial tensile stress.

Fig: 17 Equivalent Stress of aluminium alloy

Fig: 18 Equivalent Stress of ABS material

Equivalent stress of aluminium alloy is 1.252 MPa and in case of ABS material is 1.3469

The gear profiles were made using SOLIDWORKS and then it was analysed
with ANSYS. The following stress distributions were seen.

The total deformation in case of aluminium alloy is 7.4443E-5 mm and in case

ABS IS 7.6961E-5 mm. The maximum principal elastic strain in case of
aluminium alloy is 5.5762E-6 mm /mm and in case of ABS is 5.1431E-5
mm/mm. The maximum principal stress in case aluminium alloy is 1.2331 MPa
and in case of ABS material is 1.1428 MPa. The equivalent elastic strain in case
of aluminium alloy is 1.125 MPa and in case of ABS material is 1.3469 MPa.

From the observations we can conclude that when the gear of both material
which are aluminium alloy and ABS material which is subjected to a torque of 1
mm and expected life cycle was 3E6 cycles, both the materials showed similar
properties. Therefore, instead of performing aluminium alloy that cause wastage
of so much metal, we can easily conserve the metal by using ABS as both has
almost same effective cost. Therefore, we could replace the gears with ABS. In
addition to this, the ABS can give weight reduction that would make the clock
design lighter and portable.

Other than that, in cost aspects, 3d print material cost of ABS is Rs 235 per kg
where as the cost of Aluminium alloy powder for FDM is Rs 8500 per kg and
Aluminium alloy sheets for machining cost around Rs 3000 per sheet. We
conclude that it would be economic to use ABS gears in place of Aluminium
alloy gears as per the analysis results and the cost comparision.

Rapid prototyping provides engineer, design and development teams with

distinct advantage such as:

The ability to explore and realize concepts more quickly. This efficiency in time
and cost allows teams to move beyond the mere visualization of a product,
making it easier to grasp the properties and design of a product.

Apply repeated designs and incorporate changes that allow for the evaluation
and testing of the product. This iterative process provides a roadmap to
developing and refining the final product.

Being able to communicate concepts concisely and effectively. Rapid

prototyping takes ideas, images and concepts from flat and two-dimensional
visuals to hands-on products that clients, colleagues and collaborators can then
see in action.

The ability to thoroughly test and refine a concept. Being able to minimize
design flaws with a small volume rapid prototype run helps eliminate costly
design flaws that might not be evident during an early assessment.

Save time and money since setup and tooling are not necessary. Because the
same equipment could be used to produce prototypes with different properties
and materials, the costs and time outlay are kept to a minimum.

Additive manufacturing has become an important production method for high
volume mold tools or hard casting operations. This is due to the possibility of
adding high performance thermal management with conformal cooling cavities.

In addition, the use of flexible lattice structures inside the mold decrease the
production time and material usage severely, which leads to cheaper molds.
These molds have the advantage of better thermal fatigue resistance, leak
protection, defined thermal management and weight reduction for easier

It is, however, concluded that the use of gradient structures are beneficial for an
increase in thermal conductivity. [7]

AM processes have recently gained many communities’ interests as they can

provide several benefits in design flexibility, time-to-market reduction, high
speed of the process, product customization, material savings, etc. While the
emphasis in AM has shifted towards direct manufacturing for end-use parts,
some issues related to inefficiency and ineffectiveness caused by under-
utilization of scheduling part-to-printer assignment still need to be addressed.
As AM printers are characterized by different technologies and sizes of the
build chamber, it is clearly essential to effectively and efficiently manage and
plan the 3D printer scheduling. In this research, we take the best orientated parts
(i.e., without rotation) analysed previously as an input set and compose a batch
of parts to be assigned to each FDM printer based on different, conflicting
objectives of interest. In particular, the multi objective optimization model was
developed considering the total cost, load balance among printers, total
tardiness, and number of unprinted parts. [8]


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Spur Gears
A new range of 20° P.A. spur gears all manufactured in medium carbon steel, provide
selection from 1 Mod. through to 6 Mod. pitch with gears from 12 teeth to 127 teeth. All
gears have face width equal to ten times Mod. number to provide sensible power transmission
capability. To supplement the steel gears is a select range of cast iron wheels covering pitch
range 2 Mod. to 5 Mod. with 30 to 60 tooth size.



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