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8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components

Created by Esteban Munch Jones

November 22, 2020

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An Introduction to Web Components

# Web Components for JavaScript frameworks

Have you ever dreamed about sharing components between React ,

Vue and Angular apps?
It turns out it’s possible, thanks to Web Components!!
Lets get our hands dirty and build our first Web Component in Vanilla
JavaScript and consume it in React, Angular and Vue apps!
Table of contents: 1/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components

What are Web Components?

Building our first Web Component with Vanilla JavaScript
Consuming the Web Component in React
Consuming the Web Component in Vue
Consuming the Web Component in Angular
-Special thanks to: Nikos Tsokos , member of Scotland’s Angular Meetup
who inspired me to write this article, Gonzalo Aguirre Co-Founder & CTO
of Underscope and my wife Sarah Acheson for reviewing it.-
Note: Note: if you copy and paste code snippets, it’s recommended to
avoid including the top comment that tells the name of the file, like
//App.js or //index.html , because it may break your app.

Web Components & Stencil.js

Take a deep dive into building web components - with just JavaScript and a compiler,
named StencilJS.

# What are Web Components?

Web Components are a set of web platform APIs that allow you to create
new custom, reusable, encapsulated HTML tags to use in web pages and
web apps.
For example, we can create our new component called <my-web-
component> , with its unique styling and functionality, and use it in any
JavaScript framework or library . And besides that, it works across most
modern browsers! Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? 2/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components

The fact that these components are framework agnostic, makes creators
of component libraries more profitable and future proof as well. This is
why this is the next big thing and you should consider getting on board in
these early days and take advantage of it.
If you want to have some extra reading, visit the official website of Web
Components at and the MDN Docs at .
# Building our first Web Component with Vanilla JavaScript

First of all lets see the end result on the screen of the Web Component
we’re gonna build, the one inside the red rectangle:

So, the app consists of an input field, where you can type your name, and
a greeting paragraph, outputting the name you entered, and below, a
Web Component that gives you the Google search result of the name. If
you click the link that says “here”, you can see the search result opened in
a new tab: 3/26
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After creating this Web Component, we’re gonna build the same app in
React, Vue and Angular, and consume it in each app.
To create the Web Component, lets open a code editor and create a .js
file, that we can name search-result.js and paste this content there:


const template = document.createElement('template');

template.innerHTML = `


div {

margin-top: 20px;

color: green;


<p>The Google search result of your name is <a target="_blank" rel="no



class SearchResult extends HTMLElement {

constructor() {

super(); 4/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components

this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });


this.shadowRoot.querySelector('a').href = '';

static get observedAttributes() {

return ['name-attribute'];

attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {

if (name == 'name-attribute') {



).href = `${newValue}`;

window.customElements.define('search-result', SearchResult);

You might be wondering what’s all the code above about, so lets see each
part step by step:
1. Create the template:
const template = document.createElement('template');

The first step is to create a HTML Content Template ( <template> )

element, which is a mechanism for holding HTML that is not to be
rendered immediately when a page is loaded but may be instantiated
subsequently during runtime using JavaScript. This <template>
element can be created with an API provided by the browser
document.createElement() , that when passed a string with the name
of the element we want to create, it returns it. To know more, click here .
2. Fill the template: 5/26
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template.innerHTML = `


div {

margin-top: 20px;

color: green;


<p>The Google search result of your name is <a target="_blank" rel="no



This template element is stored in a variable called template that has

some properties and one of them is innerHTML which sets the HTML
content of the element. There, we can add the HTML we want to display
on the screen, like <div> , <p> , <a> and any other elements.
3. Create an HTMLElement:
class SearchResult extends HTMLElement {}

Once we got our template ready, we need JavaScript to instantiate it, and
this can be done extending an interface called HTMLElement , creating
our custom HTML element.
If you are a bit lost here, but you have worked with React, remember when
you extended React.Component to create a class based component in
React. Here, we’re extending the HTMLElement interface instead, which is
native browser API, and not a class or interface from the React library.
4. Encapsulate the HTMLElement, append the template, and initialize
the href value of the <a> :
constructor() {


this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });

this.shadowRoot.appendChild(template.content.cloneNode(true)); 6/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components

this.shadowRoot.querySelector('a').href = '';

The constructor of the parent interface needs to be called to inherit all the
methods and properties using the method super() . If you have used
React in the early days, super() was required when creating a class
based component. This constructor() runs right away when the
component is created at runtime.
To recap, we have already created the template and the HTML element.
Now, it’s time to use the shadow DOM to provide encapsulation — which
means being able to keep the markup structure, style, and behavior
hidden and separate from other code on the page so that different parts
do not clash, and the code can be kept nice and clean. The Shadow DOM
API is a key part of this, providing a way to attach a hidden separated
DOM to an element.
This step of using the shadow DOM is optional, but it’s the usual way of
writing clean components.
To attach the shadow DOM to an element, there’s a method called
attachShadow() which accepts an object with a key value pair mode:
'open' , to set the encapsulation mode for the shadow DOM tree. When is
open , the elements of the shadow root are accessible from JavaScript
outside the root, for example using Element.shadowRoot .
In other words, when writing in Vanilla JavaScript, we access the DOM
elements with the document object, like for example
document.querySelector('#title') ; to select an element with
id='title ; now, our Web Component will live inside the shadow DOM
(not at the main DOM tree root level) so we CAN’T use the document
object, but the shadowRoot object instead, which is the interface of the
Shadow DOM API and is the root node of a DOM subtree that is rendered
separately from a document’s main DOM tree.
So, now, we can access the web component at runtime with the
shadowRoot object and the Web Component’s content stored in the 7/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components

template variable, and we can attach and remove event listeners, and
so on.
The line of code holding
ue)); deep clones all the content of the template and appends it as a
child to our Web Component. More info about it here .
The href attribute can’t be hard-coded, because it depends on what the
user types inside the input field for the name. So, this content must be
added at runtime and, as a consequence, the <a> element must also be
accessed at runtime and have its href attribute value initialized with this
code: this.shadowRoot.querySelector('a').href = '';
5. Declare the watched attributes:
The app will pass the dynamic name via one attribute called name-
attribute , but Web Components don’t watch for attribute value
changes by default, so this must be done manually with a static method:

static get observedAttributes() {

return ['name-attribute'];

In the returned array, all the names of the attributes we want to watch for
must be added.
6. React to changes in attribute values:
Inside our Web Component, there’s a method
attributeChangedCallback() available, that runs every time any of
the watched attributes change.

attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {

if (name == 'name-attribute'){

this.shadowRoot.querySelector('a').href = `
} 8/26
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The attributeChangedCallback() method has three arguments: the

name of the attribute that changed and triggered the method, the
attribute oldValue and newValue .
The if could be omitted in this case because we only have one attribute
watched for, but in general, there might be more than one and we want to
react in different ways depending on which one changed. Another nice
approach is to use a switch statement instead.
The piece of code above generates a Google search query holding the
dynamic newValue .
7. Let the browser know about our new custom Web Component:
Our Web Component has already been created, but one more step is
missing. The browser only knows about the default HTML elements like
<div> , <p> and so on, but it doesn’t know what a <search-result>
tag is, for example. To let the browser know about it, we need to interact
with the CustomElementRegistry which can be instantiated and accessed
via window.customElements and then access the define() method
inside it:

window.customElements.define('search-result', SearchResult);

The first argument we pass to it is the name of the new custom element.
Note that custom element names must contain a hyphen (it can’t be
named searchresult ), and the second one is the constructor of the
new custom element.
That’s it! we have successfully created our first web component that
can be used in any JavaScript framework or library! wow!
There are other life-cycle methods available inside a Web Component,
and these are:
connectedCallback : Invoked when the custom element is first
connected to the document’s DOM. 9/26
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disconnectedCallback : Invoked when the custom element is

disconnected from the document’s DOM.
adoptedCallback : Invoked when the custom element is moved to a
new document.
You can know more about them here .
# Consuming the Web Component in React

React is the most popular Front End library used nowadays to build apps.
So, lets create a React project and consume our Web Component. The
final React app can be found in this gitHub repo . Lets follow these steps:
1. Create the App
Let’s call the app react-web-components . Feel free to choose other
name as well. In any folder, type these commands, one at a time:

npx create-react-app react-web-components

cd react-web-components

npm start

You’ll see the following on localhost:3000 in your browser: 10/26
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2. Add our Web Component to the App, by copying the search-

result.js file containing our component inside, and paste it inside a
folder that we’ll call web-components inside the src folder of the
project. So, the web-component will be located at /src/web-
components/search-result.js .

Add the web component file in src/web-components

3. Modify /src/App.js by pasting this code inside:


import { useState } from 'react';

import './App.css';

//import our Web Component

import './web-components/search-result';

function App() {

const [name, setName] = useState('');

return (

<div className="App">


placeholder="Enter your name"

onChange={(event) => setName(} 11/26
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<div class="greeting">Hello {name}!</div>

<search-result name-attribute={name}></search-result>



export default App;

The code above stores the value from the <input> field in the state and
passes it to our Web Component <search-result> via the attribute
called name-attribute .
4. Modify /src/App.css , by adding this lines of code to give the app a
better look.

.App {

text-align: center;

margin-top: 30px;

.greeting {

margin-top: 20px;

5. Add two polyfills to get browser support and to use Web

Components in ES5 transpiled code:
The following steps are extracted from a tutorial at :
Although most modern browsers ship with built-in support for Web
Components, there are still users out there with older browsers. If you
want to make your app available to them as well, you need to include
polyfills that emulate the functionality in browsers without native support.
To know more about these polyfills, check out this gitHub repo . 12/26
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We use the webcomponentsjs polyfills and we also make use of

vendor-copy to make the polyfills available on runtime.

a) Let’s start by installing them. Open the terminal and run this command:

npm install --save @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs vendor-copy

b) Open package.json located at the root level of your project, to

enable vendor-copy . To the scripts block inside package.json ,
add a postinstall which runs vendor-copy after every time npm
install is invoked.


"scripts": {

"start": "react-scripts start",

"build": "react-scripts build",

"test": "react-scripts test",

"eject": "react-scripts eject",

"postinstall": "vendor-copy"


c) Next, at the end of the same file, give instructions to vendor-copy on

what it should copy over when the install is run. We need
webcomponents-bundle.js and custom-elements-es5-
adapter.js .


"vendorCopy": [

"from": "node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-e
"to": "public/vendor/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"


"from": "node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-bun
"to": "public/vendor/webcomponents-bundle.js" 13/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components

d) Run this command in the terminal:

npm install

After this process finished, you’ll see a /public/vendor folder that has
been created. You’ll have two files inside it: custom-elements-es5-
adapter.js and webcomponents-bundle.js .

The web-components folder now shows the two files

e) Lastly, we have to use the polyfills at runtime by adding them to our

/public/index.html . Add the following lines to the end of <body>
inside index.js file:


<script src="%PUBLIC_URL%/vendor/webcomponents-bundle.js"></script>

<script>if (!window.customElements) { document.write("<!--"); }</script>

<script src="%PUBLIC_URL%/vendor/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"></script>

6. Verify that you can run the application by running this in the
command line:
npm start 14/26
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Open the browser on localhost:3000 and you’ll see this:

The custom web components running in a React app

That’s it! Our React app uses our custom Web Component now! Well
# Consuming the Web Component in Vue

Vue is a modern an awesome framework growing in popularity these

days. So, lets create a Vue project and consume our Web Component. The
final Vue app can be found in this gitHub repo . Lets follow these steps:
1. Install the Vue CLI globally:
Open your terminal and run this command:

npm i -g @vue/cli

If you get an error telling you that there aren’t permissions to access
certain folders, just add the word sudo before the command, and enter
your credentials.
2. Create a new Vue project:
Still in the terminal, run these commands (one at a time) to create a
project called vue-web-components ; feel free to choose other name as
well. 15/26
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vue create vue-web-components

cd vue-web-components

npm run start

If you open the browser and go to localhost:8080 , you should see

A plain Vue app running in the browser

3. Add our Web Component to the App, by copying the search-

result.js file containing our component, and paste it in inside a
folder that we’ll call web-components inside the src folder of the
project. So, the web-component will be located at /src/web-
components/search-result.js . 16/26
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The webcomponent files added to the Vue project

4. Modify /src/App.vue file by replacing its default content with this


<div class="App">

<input placeholder="Enter your name" v-model="name" />

<div class="greeting">Hello {{ name }}!</div>

<search-result v-bind:name-attribute="name"></search-result>




//import our Web Component

import './web-components/search-result.js';

export default {

data() {
return {

name: '',

}, 17/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components




.App {

margin-top: 30px;

text-align: center;

.greeting {

margin-top: 20px;


5. Add two polyfills to get browser support and to use Web

Components in ES5 transpiled code:
The following steps are extracted from a tutorial at :
a) Install the polyfills:
The webcomponents.js polyfill comes with a loader script that can be
used to load only the polyfills a particular browser needs. It loads the
polyfills dynamically so it cannot be imported directly as a JS dependency
that gets built by Webpack. Instead, you need to copy over the
dependencies and include the loader in your index file. The library also
contains an ES5 compatibility script for apps that have been transpiled
into ES5.
To know more about these polyfills, check out this gitHub repo .
Open the terminal and type this command:

npm install --save-dev copy-webpack-plugin @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs

b) Copy the polyfills:

The first thing we need to do is copy over the polyfills. You can do this by
providing Vue with an additional Webpack configuration. Create a new file,
vue.config.js at the root of your project. 18/26
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const CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {

configureWebpack: {

plugins: [

new CopyWebpackPlugin({

patterns: [

context: 'node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs',

from: '**/*.js',

to: 'webcomponents',







Editing the Vue config file

The CopyWebpackPlugin will now copy over all the needed JavaScript
files into a webcomponents directory in the dist directory when
building the app. 19/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components

c) Load polyfills:
Then, include the loader and an optional import for the ES5 compatibility
script in the <head> section of /public/index.html .


<script src="webcomponents/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>


if (!window.customElements) {



<script src="webcomponents/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"></script>


6. Verify that you can run the application by running this in the
command line:
npm run serve

Open the browser on localhost:8080 and you’ll see this:

The custom web component running in the Vue app

That’s it! Our Vue App uses our custom Web Component now!
Congratulations! 20/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components

# Consuming the Web Component in Angular

Angular is a well established framework that shines at the enterprise level.

So, lets create an Angular project and consume our Web Component. The
final Angular app can be found in this gitHub repo .
1. Install the Angular CLI globally:
Open your terminal and run this command:

npm i -g @angular/cli

If you get an error telling you that there aren’t permissions to access
certain folders, just add the word sudo before the command and enter
your credentials.
2. Create a new Angular project:
Still in the terminal, run this commands (one at a time) to create a project
called angular-web-components ; feel free to choose other name as

ng new angular-web-components

cd angular-web-components

ng serve

If you open the browser and go to localhost:4200 , you should see

this: 21/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components

A plain Angular app running in the browser

3. Add our Web Component to the App, by copying the search-

result.js file containing our component, and paste it in inside a
folder that we’ll call web-components inside the /src/app folder
of the project. So, the web-component will be located at
/src/app/web-components/search-result.js .

The web component file added to the Angular project

4. Modify the /src/app/app.module.ts file: 22/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components

To use two way data binding in our <input> element, lets add the
FormsModule to the imports array.

Angular will NOT recognize by default our custom HTML tag of our Web
Component, so lets add a schemas property inside the @NgModule
decorator, and add CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA inside the schemas
array. The code should look like this:


import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';

import { NgModule, CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA } from '@angular/core';

import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';


declarations: [AppComponent],

imports: [BrowserModule, FormsModule],

providers: [],


bootstrap: [AppComponent],


export class AppModule {}

5. Modify /src/app/app.component.html by replacing its default

content with this code:

<div class="App">

<input placeholder="Enter your name" [(ngModel)]="name" />

<div class="greeting">Hello {{name}}!</div>

<search-result []="name"></search-result>


6. Modify /src/app/app.component.css by adding this content

inside: 23/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components


.App {

text-align: center;

margin-top: 30px;

.greeting {

margin-top: 20px;

7. Modify /src/app/app.component.ts by adding this content inside:


import { Component } from '@angular/core';

//import our Web Component

import './web-components/search-result.js';


selector: 'app-root',

templateUrl: './app.component.html',

styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],


export class AppComponent {


8. Add the polyfills:

if you skipped the React and Vue sections and you don’t know about what
these polyfills are, read about them, above, in the step 5 of the React and
Vue sections.
To know more about these polyfills, check out this gitHub repo .
The following steps were copied from a tutorial at .
a) Run this code in the terminal:

npm install --save-dev @webcomponents/webcomponentsjs 24/26
8/24/2021 An Introduction to Web Components

b) You need to copy over the polyfills to load them. You can do this by
adding them to the assets array in angular.json located at the root
level of your project. Now, your assets array should look like this:


"assets": [



"glob": "**/*.js",

"input": "node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs",

"output": "webcomponents/"

c) Then, include the loader and an optional import for the ES5
compatibility script in the <head> section of /src/index.html .


<script src="webcomponents/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>


if (!window.customElements) {



<script src="webcomponents/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"></script>


9. Verify that you can run the application running this command on the
ng serve

If you open the browser and go to localhost:4200 you should now

see: 25/26
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The final Angular app using our web component.

That’s it! Our Angular App uses our custom Web Component now!
This was just an introductory article about Web Components, so I
encourage you to keep exploring and experimenting. Have fun and happy
Web Components & Stencil.js

Web Components & Stencil.js

Take a deep dive into building web components - with just JavaScript and a compiler,
named StencilJS.

Impressum & Datenschutz (DE) | Imprint & Data Privacy (EN) 26/26

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