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Talent allocation 2011

AIESEC Pereira

*Market Research*
Manual of Functions
Position Name: Market Research Coordinator

Report to: VP MKT&COMM

People in Charge: 3 members MKT& COMM + 1 ICX

Type of contract:
Level/grade: Full Time Hours / week
Part Time
Out sourcing

Job Description:

The Market Research Coordinator will be in-charge of leading all the activities related to Market Research, Segmentation and Benchmarking of
the local trends and needs for the committee, making reference to the core areas processes. For that reason, he will lead and track the actions
of performance and development of the people he is on charge; also he will be in-charge of all the final actions executed by his team and its
This Coordinator will report to the Local Vice-president of Marketing and Communications.

Main Functions:

Market Research
o To plan and structure the process of Market research taking into account the requirements and needs of the local committee.
o To lead the realization of Market Research in the logistic area and to control the objectivity in its realization.
o To analyze and to present the obtain results of the Market Research in a logic, scientific and objective way.
o To propone solutions to problems found and to give advices to the rest of areas taking into account the results of the Market Research

o To build and manage a methodology that enables a systematic analysis of the market.
o To identify the best segmentation bases in each case taking into account the local trends and needs.
o To determine the viability of applying a special marketing mix in each one of the segments.
o To support the construction of data bases that helps and contributes the segmentation.
o To give advices in terms of trends, options and opportunities to capitalize in the market.

o To investigate, study or identify the local needs and trends to apply benchmarking.
o Identify the companies or organizations with who we can compare
o Determinate the mode to search the data.
o Analyze the data that was recollected.
o Communicate the findings to the area related.
o Control and evaluate the plan to correct it.
Talent allocation 2011
AIESEC Pereira

Leadership Competences –

Little Some Regular Strong

Competencies Required
Evidence Evidence Evidence Evidence

Personal Effectiveness
Commitment to Results
Analytical Thinking
Self Awareness
Effective Communication
Inner Strenght
Stakeholder Focus
Awareness of others
Developing others

Specific Knowledge &Technical Skills

 Specific Knowledge

o AIESEC System
o Product leadership
o National Reality
o Brand Management

Technical Skills

Technical Competencies - Skills required Basic Average Good Excellent

Project Management x
Listening skills x
People Development x
Strategic Planning and Change Management x
Evaluation and Measurement Systems x
Financial Management - Budget, chah flow etc x

 Software:
o Internet
o Office

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