Gratitude Questions

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1.What are you grateful for about your current life stage?

2. What's a hard lesson you were grateful to learn in a mild way?

3. What's a relationship in your life that gives you lots of feelings of stability?

4. What's an aspect of your personality you're grateful for?

6. What's an aspect of how you were parented for which you feel grateful?

7. Do you have a friend who gives you good entertainment recommendations?

8. What's a stressor you're grateful to have put behind you this year?

9. Who in your life provides small, friendly interactions that brighten your mood whenever
you see them?

10. Who in your life is always pleased to see you?

11. What's an item you own that gives you a sense of comfort?

12. What's a decision you didn't think through super thoroughly but turned out great

13. What's an aspect of your physical health you feel grateful for?

14. What made you laugh or smile today?

15. What’s one thoughtful thing someone did for you recently?

16. What’s a hard lesson that you were grateful to learn?

17. What’s something you look forward to in the future?

18.What aspects of your city or neighborhood are you grateful for?

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