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Case Study #2:

Question #1:
“Integrative trade is a model used to describe the increasing interrelationship between imports, exports,
foreign investment and global supply chain-ultimately, the conduct of international business”[ CITATION
FIT13 \l 4105 ]. Aerospace, the branch of technology and industry concerned with both aviation and
space flight, is a major manufacturer in Canada. The Trade Commissioner Service’s integrative trade
global strategy for the aerospace sector contains three sub sectors (aviation, maintenance, repair and
overhaul (MRO), and space) and covers both goods and services for these sub sectors. The goal of the
strategy is to better align Trade Commissioner Service activities to the interests and capabilities of the
Canadian aerospace industry, supporting company efforts to successfully expand internationally.

Question #2:
Though outsourcing has many advantages such as lower costs and promotion growth, it has a significant
impact on Canada’s problematic national debt. Using this approach, the parties form an interdependent
relationship, where a substantial level of operational and managerial integration takes place.
Interdependent parties will be interested in the success and profitability of one another. It is a matter of
creating interdependencies between industries and markets to become more innovative, efficient and

Question #3:
The stakeholders in this situation are the millions of Indians whose livelihood depend on farming and
retail dominated by small “mom-and-pop” shops. This will have a negative impact since the majority of
shopping takes place in these small shops. Walmart appears to be committed to sustainable business
since it is planning on opening 10 to 15 wholesale centres in smaller cities. The sort of additional actions
that the company should take to balance the need for business growth with the needs of the various
stakeholders is to hire stakeholders and keeping their prices fair so anyone is able to shop there.
FITT. (2013). Global Business Environment. Canada.

ISS. (n.d.). 5 strategic sourcing approaches that will transform how we do business. Retrieved from
Service Futures:

Marvin, K. T. (n.d.). Global Trends in Outsourcing and their Impact. Retrieved from

The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service. (n.d.). Retrieved from Foreign Affairs and International Trade

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