Matura Probna Rozszerzona ARKUSZ Jesien 2017

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Matura 2017 Training.

Matura próbna – poziom rozszerzony

Imię i nazwisko �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Klasa ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������
Szkoła �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Zadanie 1. (0–3)

Usłyszysz dwukrotnie trzy teksty. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl
literę A, B albo C.

Tekst 1.
1.1 The woman believes that
A. Family members argue more often than other people.
B. People should always try to agree.
C. Some conflicts can’t be avoided.

Tekst 2.
1.2 What is the speaker doing?
A. advertising products for teenagers
B. giving advice to sales representatives
C. persuading people to buy something

Tekst 3.
1.3 Which of the following is stated in the text as a fact, not an opinion?
A. Human teachers are the most important aspect of education.
B. Computers give you an opportunity to learn wherever you are.
C. Having students connect to an online classroom is an improvement in education.

Zadanie 2.  (0–4)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat festiwali muzycznych. Do każdej wypowiedzi (2.1 – 2.4)
dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A – E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. 
UWAGA: jedno zdanie podano dodatkowo – nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.

This speaker mentions

A. the possibility to win something expensive.
B. the length of the festival.
C. the maximum age of the participants.
D. the historical beginnings of the festival.
E. an opportunity to buy products made abroad.

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

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Matura 2017 Training. Matura próbna – poziom rozszerzony

Zadanie 3.  (0–5)
Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wywiad z doradcą zawodowym. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną
z treścią nagrania. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

3.1 The interviewer says that many people

A. look for typical, nine-to-five jobs.
B. decide to change careers after some time.
C. are usually happy in jobs where they earn a lot of money.
D. know how to choose the right career for themselves.

3.2 Jeremy believes that choosing a career

A. is usually a simple process.
B. should always be given a lot of time.
C. is a complex activity.
D. is something that people don’t want to spend time on.

3.3 A careers advisor

A. can assist you in making the right decision.
B. will decide which job is best for you.
C. usually provides you with a list of books you should read.
D. can give you information about the ’hot jobs.’

3.4 According to Jeremy, when you choose a career,

A. you should try to combine it with your interests.
B. it’s good if you read a lot of guides.
C. you have to do something that you consider important.
D. it’s a good idea to look for a high salary.

3.5 When answering the last question, Jeremy

A. emphasises the importance of choosing the right job.
B. explains why people change their jobs.
C. outlines a successful career path.
D. points to the importance of learning universal job skills.

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5

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Matura 2017 Training. Matura próbna – poziom rozszerzony

Zadanie 4. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na trzy części (A – C) oraz dotyczące go pytania (4.1 – 4.4). Do każdego
pytania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
UWAGA: jedna część tekstu pasuje do dwóch pytań.

In which paragraph does the author mention

4.1 taking a wrong course of action?
4.2 problems getting worse?
4.3 getting free advice from a lawyer?
4.4 people trying to take advantage of your lack of knowledge?

A. Most people tend to ignore holiday illnesses for fear they might waste their precious time. However, it's
crucial that you take action to receive a diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. Some medical issues
seem minor at first, but left untreated, they may cause harmful symptoms to emerge and lead to further
complications. In addition, mention your illness or injury to the staff at the hotel and your tour operator.
This is important for two reasons: you will receive immediate assistance, and it will be noted that you raised
the issue. Try to get some written evidence of your complaint, as you might want to use it as compensation
claim when you come back home.

B. Chances are that your tour operator will be friendly and do everything they can to help you survive your
traumatic experience. Most holiday makers pursue compensation straight from them, but it isn't always the
recommended path. While most tour operators are very helpful, they aren’t willing to pay more than they
have to. What's even worse, they may rely on your ignorance and try to compensate even less, or offer
discounts on your next holiday instead of money. That's why we recommend getting advice from
a specialist solicitor who deals with such cases on a daily basis.

C. Receiving advice from a travel law expert will definitely be to your advantage. You’ll gain a better
understanding of your case and the kind of compensation you may seek. It’s important that you search for
a no-obligation assessment of your case, as you don’t want to spend any money before you get it back
from the operator. Look for a solicitor working on ’no win, no fee’ terms, as you will only have to spend
money once your case is successful. Last, but not least, look for a professional who makes you feel
comfortable and can take away the stress of going through it all from you.

4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4

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Zadanie 5. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto cztery fragmenty. Wpisz w luki 5.1 – 5.4 litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące
fragmenty (A – E), aby otrzymać logiczny i spójny tekst.
UWAGA: jeden fragment podano dodatkowo – nie pasuje do żadnej luki.

Few famous artists of the past had lives as short and dramatic as Michelangelo Merisi, better known as
Caravaggio. Born and trained as a painter in Milan, Caravaggio moved to Rome in his twenties to look
for job opportunities in a city where many new churches and palaces were being built at that time.
5.1 ___ Following that, he never lacked commissions or patrons, and he was quickly recognised among
other painters in Rome as a unique imitator of nature and a true visionary. 5.2 ___ Caravaggio chose his
models from the common people of Rome and put them in usual settings, but he never lost that deep
spiritual feeling so characteristic of his style.

Though he was requested to paint many religious paintings, he led a rather wild and adventurous
lifestyle. 5.3 ___ He was accused of attacking another painter with a stick and wounding a soldier with
a sword. Another time he was arrested for throwing stones at Roman Guards and carrying weapons
without permission. Soon after his release, he had to escape from Rome because he got into a fight over
a woman and stabbed his opponent. He returned within a year, and got into another argument, this
time killing a man. 5.4 ___ All that time he was waiting for pardon from the Pope, which would mean
that he could return to Rome without facing legal responsibility. He returned to Naples, got into yet
another fight, but this time he was severely wounded. Having spent several months in convalescence,
Caravaggio returned to Rome as he hoped to be pardoned for his misdeed. He died of pneumonia on
18 July 1610. Ironically, the papal pardon arrived just three days after his death.

A. However, he was not that popular with ordinary people, who criticised him for lack of religious
B. As the Roman authorities pronounced a death sentence on him, Caravaggio had no choice but to flee
Rome again. He moved from place to place, completing a number of works in Naples, Malta and Sicily.
C. The commission was soon completed and Caravaggio became more famous than his more
experienced colleagues.
D. He quickly gained attention there after receiving his first public order for two paintings in the Church of
St. Louis the French.
E. Unable to handle his success and fame, he would work for a week or two, and then spend months
roaming around Rome and getting into trouble with the police.

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Matura 2017 Training. Matura próbna – poziom rozszerzony

Zadanie 6. (0–5)
Przeczytaj dwa teksty na temat muzyki. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu.
Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

Tekst 1.

I'm a music star now and thousands of people come to arenas all over the world to listen to concerts played by my
band. We've been rocking the world for almost twenty years and I must admit that not many experiences can be
compared to the adrenaline rush when you get on the stage and can hear 20 thousand fans chanting your name.
Many of the songs we play are older than quite a few members of the audience but when we start performing
and hear the crowd singing along I can feel incredible energy running through my body.

However, when I'm asked about the most exciting moment of my career I always go back to the first live gig we
ever had. We were all students of the same grammar school and one of our biggest dreams was to start a band
and become famous. We used to sit in our drummer's garage and talk about how wonderful and glamorous our
lives will be one day. I'm not sure if we actually believed that we were able to achieve any success. We could hardly
play the instruments and our skills were barely good enough to perform a few covers of songs by our favourite
artists. As a matter of fact, it took us half a year before we wrote our first song.

Then one day everything changed. Our guitarist came to the garage and told us that his dad got us a gig. At first,
we didn't understand him and thought that his father bought us tickets for a concert. It took us quite a while to
realise that we were supposed to PLAY at this concert. The emotions we felt then are hard to describe-they were
a mixture of extreme euphoria and paralysing fear. We began choosing songs we wanted to perform and half an
hour later we had our setlist: five covers and the song we had written.

We had two weeks so we rehearsed every day for two or three hours to be ready for the big day. We didn't really
get fed up with the songs but when the day of the concert came I told the boys from the band that I didn't feel
like getting on stage and singing there at all. I think that was stage fright but I preferred saying that I was sick and
tired of playing the same 6 musical pieces.

Finally, the great moment arrived. We were at the club three hours before the concert was supposed to start. We
did the sound check and one last rehearsal before the gig. After that we went to our dressing room and waited
for the first people to turn up. Our bass player said that we had nothing to fret about as nobody knew our band
so not many people would decide to watch the gig. We sat there joking nervously about the number of fans after
the concert and how we would thank all three of them. Little did we know how many faces we would see getting
on thate stage.

About thirty minutes before we were supposed to start our lives as rock superstars, the guitarist left the dressing
room to see if there was anybody waiting for us. He came back a minute later and looked as if he had seen a ghost
of John Lennon himself. Totally pale and absolutely speechless, he only pointed at the door and made a gesture
telling us to go check for ourselves. The three of us stood up slowly, opened the first door, walked across a short
corridor and got to the door to the main hall of the club. Even before we opened it we could hear the hum of
a crowd. Having got through the door, we saw about 500 hundred people waiting for us to play. Once the shock
wore off, we noticed that they were all wearing read T-shirts and scarves with the logo of their beloved football
club. They came to the club right after a game and were enjoying themselves waiting for us to start.

As I was getting on stage I had a brainwave. I told the guitarist to start the concert by playing the club's anthem
as the very first piece of the gig. He did so and the 500 hundred fans broke their conversations the moment
they heard the first few notes and started singing the anthem with all their might. When they finished, I put my
fist up and yelled: 'Who's the best team in the world?' and without waiting for their answer we started playing.
I don't remember much else from the concert except for the feeling you get when you're doing something new,
something exciting, something you'd like to repeat every evening until the end of your life.

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Matura 2017 Training. Matura próbna – poziom rozszerzony

6.1 After rehearsing for two weeks for the concert, the vocalist
A. thought they needed more practice before the performance.
B. was scared and extremely happy at the same time.
C. felt nervous about performing in public.
D. was bored with playing the same music for two weeks.

6.2 Waiting for the concert in the dressing room, the band
A. expected a huge crowd of fans waiting for their concert.
B. had the final sound check and rehearsal.
C. were nervous about how many people would come to the concert
D. heard the noise of a crowd of people in the concert hall.

6.3 In the final paragraph, the author

A. explains how the band managed to create the right atmosphere.
B. describes how good the fans were at singing.
C. points out the importance of doing something new and exciting in life.
D. stresses the importance of knowing what your audience likes.

Tekst 2.

commissioning music
Many people have a rather distorted view on music, believing that its source must always lie in some
unidentified spiritual inspiration of the artist. Proponents of this theory usually look down on any mention
of a musician who makes music for money, let alone one that writes music for a specific occasion or
purpose. What these people fail to notice is the fact that most, if not all, classical music was written
because of a commission from the patron, who hired the artist and paid them for the creation of
a specific piece. Take Mozart’s Requiem, for example. This most famous work by the world’s best-known
composer was an anonymous commission from Count Franz von Walsegg, who wanted to commemorate
his wife’s death. The history of music is abundant in stories of kings, queens and aristocrats paying for the
composition of musical pieces to fit important events in their lives. Basically, all great music of the past
exists because it was commissioned.

It seems only natural that we want to commission music today as well. As it’s no longer the privilege
of the wealthy, you can pay an artist to write a piece exclusively for you. This way you will make
an investment in the history of music, perhaps less spectacular than Count Walsegg, but so be it. You will
definitely feel closer to more involved in the music that you love, not to mention the feeling of personal
pride that accompanies almost every patron. If you feel that you’re not on an adequate financial level to
pay somebody for making music, you can gather a group of individuals and do a joint commission. Every
participant will then share the music and have a chance to work directly with the composer. Remember,
though, that you are paying the composer for their music. One thing they definitely don’t want to hear
is ’Can you write me something that sounds like Madonna?’. If you’re looking for the music of another
composer, you should hire and pay that very person.

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Matura 2017 Training. Matura próbna – poziom rozszerzony

6.4 In the first paragraph, the author says that

A. it’s difficult to understand musical inspiration.
B. the majority of famous people commissioned music anonymously.
C. most of the world’s classical music was made for money.
D. many composers wanted to commemorate important events in their lives.

6.5 Which of the following is stated in the article as an opinion, and not a fact?
A. Mozart did not realise who he was writing his Requiem for.
B. It’s not surprising that nowadays people want to pay for music made only for them.
C. If you do not have enough money to pay for music, you can ask your friends to join you.
D. There have been numerous situations in history when wealthy people the creation of music.

Zadanie 7. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny
tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

Rubik’s Cube was invented in 1974 by a Hungarian architecture professor, Ernő Rubik. At first,
it seemed to be an impossible object, as it twisted and turned but didn’t 7.1 ___ . The inventor
himself 7.2 ___ over a month to solve his own puzzle, and at that time he didn’t believe that
his cube would become the best selling toy ever. Global interest in the cube began in 1980, and
the first international championship 7.3 ___ in Budapest two years later. The popularity of the
toy soon started to fade, but with the arrival of the Internet many cube-related sites appeared.
As a result, many more competitions were organised, and it is estimated that around 400 million
Rubik’s Cubes 7.4 ___ since 1980.

7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4

A. come off A. made A. organised A. have been sold
B. fall apart B. spent B. was held B. are sold
C. break up C. took C. took part C. were sold
D. get out D. wanted D. happened D. would be sold

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Matura 2017 Training. Matura próbna – poziom rozszerzony

Zadanie 8. (0–4)
Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij każdą lukę (8.1 – 8.4) jednym wyrazem, aby powstał spójny i logiczny tekst. Wymagana
jest pełna poprawność gramatyczna i ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów.

It is believed that modern museums face two main challenges: how to collect exhibits and how to remain
relevant to their audiences. Obviously, 8.1 ___ museum can afford to purchase everything available on the
market. For this reason, the people in charge need to analyse what they store in their collections and make
clever decisions regarding 8.2 ___ acquiring new items and selling the old ones.

As leisure time is becoming a luxury, people’s expectations of museums are changing. More and more
consumers choose their entertainment based on 8.3 ___ potential for excitement. Because of this, the
authorities will have to understand the demands of their visitors and try to reach them in creative and
innovative ways. As digital media play increasing role in people’s lives, museums will have to consider new
channels of promoting their collections and 8.4 ___ them accessible to the public.

Zadanie 9. (0–4)
Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką w taki sposób, żeby zachować
sens zdania wyjściowego (9.1 – 9.4). W każdą lukę można wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając wyraz już
podany. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna i gramatyczna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
UWAGA: nie zmieniaj formy podanych wyrazów.

9.1 They cancelled the concert because the lead singer was ill.
The concert __________________ because the lead singer was ill.
9.2 I didn’t know you were at home so I didn’t visit you.
If I had known you were at home, I __________________ you.
9.3 My sister’s painting style has improved since she started taking classes.
There __________________ my sister’s painting style since she started taking classes.
9.4 They asked him to give them more information, but he said that he wouldn’t.
He __________________ them more information when they asked him for it.

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Matura 2017 Training. Matura próbna – poziom rozszerzony

Zadanie 10.  (0–13)

Wypowiedz się na jeden z poniższych tematów. Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów
i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu. Zaznacz temat, który
wybrałeś(-aś), zakreślając jego numer.
1. Absolwenci uniwersytetów coraz częściej postanawiają zakładać własne firmy. Napisz rozprawkę,
w której omówisz wady i zalety takiej decyzji.
2. Lokalna gazeta ogłosiła konkurs na kampanię promującą zdrowy styl życia. Napisz list do redakcji.
Opisz w nim zdarzenie, dzięki któremu uświadomiłeś(-aś) sobie ważność tej kwestii i przedstaw swoją
propozycję takiej kampanii.


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Matura 2017 Training. Matura próbna – poziom rozszerzony

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Matura 2017 Training. Matura próbna – poziom rozszerzony

BRUDNOPIS (nie podlega ocenie)

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Matura 2017 Training. Matura próbna – poziom rozszerzony

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