Adjectives Verbs Tenses Tutorials

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I. Identify the adjectives in the following passage:

1. The Browns are a lazy family but they are very kind-hearted despite the fact that they live in
distressing poverty.
2. We must be grateful to them but we must encourage them to become more industrious.
3. He can do difficult exercises correctly.
4. This is a valuable violin although it is not Stradivarius.
5. They are not very generous people; in fact they are mean.

II. What adjectives in the passage above are used attributively/predicatively?

Attributive adjective: lazy, distressing, more, difficult, valuable, generous

Predicative adjectives: kind-hearted, meangrateful?

III. Complete the following sentences with suitable positive, comparative and superlative
forms of the given adjectives:

strangebadindustrious attractivegreedyoldgoodfarnearnecessary

1. I cannot walk any _further__.

2. That is the _most industrious__ house in the city.
3. Where is the ____nearest______ post office?
4. George is ____older_______ than his brother.
5. He isn’t so _bad__ at English as he likes to think.
6. He is a man ___greedy____ for money.
7. He will provide everything __necessary_____.
8. There is something ___strange___ about his behavior today.
9. To my mind, this is the _best__ option one could choose.
10. He is as __attractive__ as his brother.

IV. What adjectives have been derived from the following nouns:

storm – stormy care- careful/careless danger- dangerous

friend – friendlywood - woodenfamous – famous? Dan e FAME imenkata?

harm – harmfull/harmlesseducation - educationalhonor-honorable

trouble- troublesomequarrel- quarrelsome talent – talented

history - historical economy - economic girl-girly

I. What are the past simpleand the past participle forms of the following irregular verbs?

Present Simple Past Tense Past Participle

Begin – began - begun

Drink – drank - drunk
Ring – rang - rung
Run –run - run
Sing –sang - sung
Swim –swam -swum
Win –won –won ?
Break –broke -broken
Choose –choose - chosen
Steal –stole– stolen
Speak –spoke- spoken
Wake – woke - woken
Wear –wore – worn?
Sleep – slept - slept
Draw – drew- drawn?
Know –knew - known
Grow – grew – grown?
Fly – flew – flown?
Throw –threw - thrown
Catch – caught – caught
Cost – cost – cost ?
Write – wrote - written
Find –found - found
Spend –spent - spent
Forget – forgot - forgotten

II. Underline the verbs in these sentences!

1. The bell rings.
2. Things havechanged since I saw.
3. Time passes slowly when you are alone.
4. My watch has stopped.
5. Coffee grows in Brazil
6. The tree fell.
7. Tom opened the door.
8. Will you pass the salt, please?
9. The driver stopped the car.
10. The child cried.

III. Whichof the verbs in the sentences above are transitive and which are intransitive?
Transitive verbs:preodni ..: grows, opened, pass, stoppedtransitive verbs can make passive

Intransitive verbs:nepreodni…: rings, saw, passes? Has stopped, fell, criedintransitive can not


What is the difference between the term time and the term tense?

____Term time is used for , and the term tenses is used for ___grammatical category

Simple Definition of  TENSE

 grammar  : a form of a verb that is used to show when an
action happened

time noun \ˈtīm\
Popularity: Top 10% of words

Simple Definition of  TIME

 : the thing that is measured as seconds, minutes, hours,
days, years, etc.

How many tenses are there in English?


IV. Complete the sentences below with the correct forms of the verb ‘to read’ and give a
reason for your choice!

I ________ HAVE READ_____________this book. EXPERIENCE

___I read this book?? I have read this book?___ - se mozhitovde be od kajznam :D

I ___________________ this book last week.

___ I read this book last week_____ - past simple, because of the “last week”, the action is over

I _______________________________this book since you were here.

_____I have been reading this book since you were here___ - present perfect continuous, because of the

“since” .., and the action still its not over.

I _________________ this book often.

____I often read this book___ present simple, because of the “often” and it’s an action which I do often?

I _________ this book this morning.

______I read this book this morning____ past simple, because the action is over. It endED this morning

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