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February 1958 SCIENTIFIC


possible storage sites for IPG or iodine metabolized able explanation of this picture. The possibility
from it was discarded. that this effect was the result of the use of a 60%-
For its size, the thyroid gland is capable of storing glycerin solution as the vehicle for IPG exists, and
a large amount of iodide. However, the amounts further work on this point is indicated.
observed cannot be considered as representing sig- From the prolonged duration of blood levels of
nificant storage in comparison t o the total thera- IPG following a single dose, it might be presumed
peutic dose, and the chromatograms did not detect that in a course of therapy continuously effective
any IPG. thyroxin-blocking levels of blood iodide would be
The possibility exists that the acetal portion of produced by IPG. Also, it might be considered
IPG could be broken enzymatically t o release io- that these levels would be maintained with IPG
dinated three-carbon residues, which might escape at a lower daily dosage than would be necessary with
detection as organic iodine by means of chloro- potassium iodide.
form extracts because of higher water solubility. It might be noted here that McKnight (1, 2) pro-
However, this same alteration of solubilities should duced successful involution of hyperthyroid glands
have resulted in the appearance of separate entities and rapid cessation of thyrotoxic symptoms in the
in the paper chromatographic studies, but no re- patients with large (300 mg.), once-daily, intra-
producible evidence of separate entities was ob- venous doses of IPG, without untoward symptoms.
tained. This was not construed to mean that the Comparison of data obtained in this investigation
acetal ring is not broken in the metabolism of the with those of Broking (12). Bonanni (13), and Forbes
compound. It merely gave some evidence that, if (14), on the rate of release of iodine from iodized
this does occur, it is probably after the iodine has fatty acids and fats indicates that I P G releases io-
been removed. dine more rapidly than these compounds, and seems,
The possibility exists of the release of iodine from therefore, to be intermediate between them and
IPG in elemental form by a metabolic process of inorganic iodine compounds with respect t o the rate
general distribution in the body, with consequent of availability of its iodine.
rzpid combination with body proteins. This could
be sufficiently widespread to be unobservable as a REFERENCES
storage in a specific tissue. Also, widespread low- (1) McKnight R . B. N . Carolina Med. J . 7 590(1946).
(2) McKnight: R. B.:Southern Surgery, I;, 810(1947).
concentration storage of I P G itself in these tissues, (3) Slaughter, D., Belogorsky, J. B., and Schwartz, C.,
with relatively slow release of iodide, is possible. Amer. Therab. Soc. Meetina. Boston. Auril 13-16. 1950.
(4) Slauehter. D.. S. Dakofa J . M i d . and Phorm.. 1.
These two mechanisms seem to be reasonable ex- 425( 1948).
planations for the data obtained in the investigation. (5) Information supplied by Henry K. Wampole & C o . ,
Inc., Phila., Pa.
The investigation of iodine storage in the thyroid (6) Brochure, “Organidin@,”Henry K. Wampole & Co..
gland indicated that, following a single therapeutic Inc., Phila. Pa.
(7) Brokn, H. B., and Page, I. H., Circulafion, 10, 714
dose, the gland was able t o trap more iodine from (1954).
IPG than from potassium iodide, was able to convert (8) Blau, N. F., J . Bio2. Chem., 110,351(1935).
(9) Owen. C. A.. and Power. M. A,. ibid.. ZOO. 111
more of the iodide to thyroxin form from the IPG (1953).
dose, and able to maintain these higher iodine levels (10) Gross, J., Lehlond, C. P., Franklin, A. E., and Quas-
tel. J. H., Science 111, 605(1950).
over the comparison period studied. The investiga- ( 1 1 ) Hoffnagle,’ G. F., Sideri, C . N . , and Osol. A., “Paper
tioxs also revealed that the thyroid glands did not Chromatography of IlSl-Labeled Iocl,?propylidene Glycerol
with Autoradiographic Identification to be published.
trap IPG as such, but trapped iodide released from (12) Broking, E., 2. Exptl. Path. ’Therap:, 8 , 125(1910).
IPG. The blood iodide levels alone, compared with ~. . IS. 120
(13) Bonanni.. A , . Z e n f r . Biochem. u BzoPhvs..
those of potassium iodide, do not constitute a reason- (14) Forbes, J. C., THISJOURNAL, 37, 509(1948).

Book Notices

A Glossary of Mycology. By WALTERH. SNELL teachers, advanced students, and amateur and pro-
and ESTHERA. DICK. Harvard University Press, fessional mycologist s.
Cambridge, Mass., 1957. xxxi + 171 pp. 17 x
26 cm. Price $5.
This dictionary includes among its 7,000 terms Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary. 23rd ed.
some which are not strictly mycological but might W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, 1957.
be useful to students because they do occur in my- xvii + 1,598 pp. 17 x 26 cm. Price $12.50.
cological literature. Definitions referring t o the This new edition of Dorland’s is bigger and, if
fungi includes technical, popular, vernacular, and possible, better than ever. Accuracy, authority, and
obsolete terms; terms used in medical mycology quick usefulness remain the principal objectives of
and antibiotics; folklore, and color terms; and this reference work. It has been reviewed, revised
names of the originators of the terms. The type and modernized. It is a s new as the recently coined
is small, but this is typical of books in this and re- “ataractic” and “ataraxic,” with their blurred dif-
lated fields. It should be a useful reference for ference; the respective definitions being: “Per-

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