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Alquicira 1

Elizabeth Alquicira

EDU 201

Professor Saladino

1 December 2021

Educational Philosophy

Education, according to google is “a body of knowledge acquired while being educated.”.

Throughout my years in school, I have contained an overload of knowledge academically,

personally, and socially. I have gained so much knowledge I didn’t know I could obtain;

education is not limited. When I was contemplating my profession, I asked myself, who do I

want to become? I took into consideration all pros and cons about my future career; In the end

my biggest concern was, will I be happy doing what I am doing? And the answer is yes. My

whole life has always revolved around kids, from young cousin or the many nephews and nieces

I have. I have always been praised for the abundance of patience I have when around kids, kids

don’t need a tyrannical person in their lives, they need someone who will be there for them

because growing up no matter what age they are in, is confusing. In my entire school life, I have

encountered a small number of caring teachers, where I genuinely have felt cared for. Kids need

all their teachers to care about them, to create a welcoming non-judgmental environment where

they can express who they are loud and proud. I want to be one of those teachers. I want to be the

person that my students think of when they are older, and they remember me as a teacher who

helped them in anything they sought out for. From personal experience I still think of the
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teachers who have made me feel welcome by just a small act, something as small as letting me

sit in their classroom when I was having a bad day or saying a kind statement like “keep up the

good work Elizabeth!”. I know that teaching and becoming a teacher is not the greatest pay job,

but I knew that before going in into this career, I know, and I also know that today’s often times

teachers aren’t exactly passionate about the career they choose and that being a bit harmful

towards students, but honestly I think that the pay isn’t my primarily focus going into this career,

and being a good teacher and build an environment where students enjoy learning.

My belief about education is that students should be able to be whoever they want to be

and be comfortable in the environment they are in thirty hours a week, not including the

extracurricular activities students participate in. My belief is that education is important, and

students should know the value of obtain the knowledge but in doing so I think it is also

important that while gaining all the Mathematics, ELA, or any other school subject skills, it

should be taught and learned in a good-natured environment. I also believe that being a teacher is

more than just teaching curriculum, it about guiding students into growth, and success. A

students success involves more than just learning basic curriculum at school, it involves social

life, and emotional health. Succeeding socially, and overall wellbeing, can lead to succeeding

academically. I think that my knowledge of historical education events and laws slightly did set

the stage for how I think about children and schools, I feel that it is important to know about the

history and acquire knowledge of the ancestry of education, I think it gave me a better

understanding of what mistakes were made in the past or what was done greatly and what

showed that was beneficial to students. I think it also showed me where I can improve or where I

can familiarize with.

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When think about giving instructions, or in other words teaching, it brings me a sense of

contentment. Contentment because I finally get to have a voice, and be able advocate for what I

believe in. I believe that all students are similar yet so different, they are all have different

characteristics that make individual human beings. I want to be able to create a learning

environment where they can express their individuality proudly and accept others for theirs.

While I do think that being able to create an enjoyable learning space for students, I also think

that holding them to high expectations and aiding them achieve their fullest potential is

extremely important.

In order to move forward in this career, I do plan on attending two years at the College of

Southern Nevada to receive my associates degree in elementary education and later on transfer

into University of Nevada, Las Vegas. I do hope to volunteer more in events that give me more

experience in this career, and to find an employment that has similarities to what I hope to

achieve in the future. The more experience and learning I obtain for my future the better I hope

to become.

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