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ENSTU 300: Critical Thinking & Communication in Environmental Studies

Current Coral Reef Protection Policies

Cambria Novelly, Environmental Studies Program, California State University, Monterey Bay

Dietzel, A. (2020). The loss of more complex coral structures means habitats for fish are also wiped out.
BBC News. BBC.

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park

Policy Context Act of 1975
The main issue facing coral reefs is humans. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act of
Humans are the main cause behind the 1975 and its amendments in 2020. The
factors that are degrading the beautiful coral original Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act
reefs that are spread all across the world. originally was introduced in 1975. There
The good news is many humans are creating were also amendments that took place in
policies and legislation to help minimize or 2020. Gough Whitlam originally introduced
stop these human impacts from causing as The great barrier reef marine park act. The
much harm to the coral ecosystems. These Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act
policies are produced on many different establishes a way to protect and manage the
levels. The first policy is an arrangement Great Barrier Reef. It made marine parks
from the Australian government. It is an and marine protected areas that would
older policy that has had some revisions. protect the great barrier reef from mining
The next is a more local action that is a state and petroleum exploration (Great Barrier
policy based on Hawaii. It was only just Reef Marine Park Act 1975 (Cth), 2004). It
recently passed into law and then recently also protected the reefs from fishing in
started being enforced. Finally, the last certain areas while keeping other areas
policy is an executive order signed by the protected so that the Great Barrier Reef
president at the time into law. does not become overfished.
The Sunscreen Ban 11, 1998, by President Clinton. Executive
This act is called SB 2571, its title is relating order 13089, established the U.S Coral Reef
to water pollution. However, it is mainly Task Force. The U.S. coral reef task force
called the sunscreen ban to the papers, and was put in place to help research, map,
to locals and tourists alike. It was monitor, and identify the major causes that
introduced to the Senate on April 10, 2018. are degrading the coral reefs (Executive
The bill had six sponsors: all senators in order 13089 - coral reef protection, 2020).
Hawaii, Gabbard, Kim, Galuteria, Ihara, The Coral Reef Task Force does help
Nishihara, L. Thielen. SB 2571 bans the sale, researchers all over the world. The
or distribution in Hawaii of any sunscreen understanding of these reef systems will
that contains oxybenzone or octinoxate, or allow for better protections to be put in
both (Gabbard et al., 2018). These are place all over the world. Robin Craig
harmful chemicals that are commonly found discusses both the positive and negative
in sunscreen that harm the marine effects of executive order 13089(Craig,
ecosystem. This law was put in place to help 2006). Robin Craig explains that the coral
preserve the natural beauty of the island of reef task force is very cobbled together, that
Hawaii by limiting the amount of these it is made up of small chunks from many
harmful chemicals from entering the ocean different agencies that are all balanced
and harming the coral reefs that surround together and can fall apart at any time.
the island of Hawaii. Brandon Adler and Robin Craig also discusses the two main
Vincent DeLeo take a deeper look into the goals of the executive order. The first is
effects of oxybenzone or octinoxate as well those federal agencies whose actions cause
as other sunscreen chemicals (Adler, & harm to the coral reefs. Must be precisely
DeLeo,2020). Hawaii led the way with this aware of how much damage they are
ban of sunscreens containing oxybenzone or causing and instead work towards limiting
octinoxate which led to other states the amount of damage caused. The second
following suit and placing their own bans as part of the executive order created the coral
well. According to Adler and DeLeo “A reef task force that acts under the guidance
report from the International Coral Reef of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Initiative acknowledged ‘a lack of firm Administration (NOAA’s) guidance. The
evidence of widespread negative impacts at task force’s main purpose is to “oversee
reef community and/or ecosystem level’” implementation of the policy and federal
(Adler, & DeLeo, 2020). Adler and DeLeo agency responsibilities set forth in this
are putting forth the idea that there is not order” (Craig, 2006).
enough evidence for banning sunscreen
containing oxybenzone or octinoxate. Alder Conclusion
and DeLeo do not believe that there is All of these different policies all tie together
enough evidence for this to be an issue that and are being used to fight against the
should be even taken into consideration at hardships that humans have caused in the
this time. past and are still causing. The executive
order that placed the U.S. Coral Reef Task
The U.S. Coral Reef Task Force Force into place is in charge of researching
This is another United States federal policy the coral reefs and companies that are
aimed at protecting the well-being of the harming the reef. Hawaii is helping by
coral reefs for future generations. Executive banning harmful chemicals. The Great
order 13089 is also called Coral Reef Barrier Reef Act is protecting the Great
protection. It was signed into law on June Barrier Reef specifically. It is all these

different acts that are all tied together
working harmoniously together from afar to
protect the different reefs all over the world.

Literature Cited ………………………………………………………………
Adler, B. L., & DeLeo, V. A. (2020). arine-park-act-1975-cth/.
Sunscreen Safety: A Review of
Recent Studies on Humans and the
Environment. Current Dermatology
Reports, 9(1), 1–9.

Craig, R. K. (2006, August 8). The Coral

Reef Task Force: Protecting the
environment through executive
order. SSRN. Retrieved September
30, 2021, from

Dietzel, A. (2020). The loss of more complex

coral structures means habitats for
fish are also wiped out. BBC News.

Executive order 13089 - coral reef

protection. Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management. (2020). Retrieved
September 30, 2021, from

Gabbard, Kim, Thielen, & ihara. (2018). SB

2571. Hawaii Senate (2018 Regular
Session) - Open States. Retrieved
September 30, 2021, from

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act 1975

(Cth). Environmental Law Australia
| Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act
1975 (Cth). (2004). Retrieved
September 30, 2021, from

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