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M s.

Spen cer 's Kin der gar t en Class

This month we have a lot of things up and take down decorations. There is
planned.First,we will have our a form on the class website
class valentines party, your you will need to fill out in
student will need to finish order to be admitted into the
making their valentines school and classroom.Lastly
mailbox. There will be a paper the class will be visiting the
given out closer to when they zoo on the 28th . There will be a
need to be completed so you permission slip sent out in the
can have more details. I will also next week that will need to be signed
need parent volunteers to help set by a parent or guardian.

Th is Week

Up com in g... This week in class

also be doing a lot
the kids will be
of crafts to bring
Feb. 14 - Valen t in es Day learning about
home this
Valentine's Day!We
Par t y week.They will be
will learn a little bit
making paper
Feb. 17 - Spellin g Test about the origins of
flowers and hearts
Feb. 23 - Per m ission Slips St. Valentine in class.
that they will chain
Du e The kids will also
together to create a
have to reflect about
Feb 28 - Field Tr ip To Th e count down to our
who they are
Zoo class party!This
grateful for in their
activity will help
life. We will be
with their fine
making valentines
motor skills and it
for anyone they
will help them be
choose.The kids will

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