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The current vision of Shopee is “Provide a simple and secured e-commerce services to all
customers of Shopee.” Their vision implied that they want to give their customers access to commercial
services through online but with ease and they will feel secured. They envisioned that through their e-
commerce services, customers can still have access to different services. They also intended to make any
customers that will use their services to feel safe and secured. The business envisioned to be an
accessible online market, understandable, and easy to use platforms to all possible customers of
Shopee’s services without revealing or damaging their personal information to anyone.

Shopee’s mission is to “Create a simple and secure mobile marketplace for everyone to buy and
sell anytime and anywhere.” Their mission implied that they want to make a marketplace for everyone
both the seller and buyer with the use of phone or other gadgets even without going to the actual or
physical store. An electronic marketplace where customers can easily find and buy the things that they
are looking for anytime and anywhere without going to the physical store. They also want to make their
marketplace easy to understand and navigate ensuring the security of every customers and buyers and
the confidentiality of every information provided by each users of the marketplace.

Looking at their mission and vision’s, we saw that their mission is already good because it
describes their purpose, the customers or users of their services, market, and basic technology. It is also
clearly stated in their mission the type of business they are, and the benefit of their business. However,
their vision is needed to be revised because a vision statement should be something that will motivate
them to achieve their goals and should be an envision of what they wanted to become in the future
whether five or ten years of their business operation. Although it is clear and realistic, it is not that
meaningful that will provide them a direction to work toward when planning and implementing
strategies. Their vision can be revised into “Be no. 1 in the e-commerce industry in providing easy, safe,
and secured e-commerce services to all our valued customers.”

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