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Hailey Epler

Professor Saladino

EDU 214

04 November 2021

No Late Work Allowed

Professor M. Gorgon was mysterious instructor, he never left his classroom or his desk.

When he would instruct, he would stay seated, when students came to his room after class he

never stood up, and his colleagues never saw him walk around the building or even to his car

after the day was over. His classroom was also filled with strange statues that looked oddly

realistic. He told everyone he was a collector of these, and he had a story for every statue that

filled his classroom. On the wall above to his most prized statues was Mr. Gorgon’s number one

room for his classroom, no late work allowed.

One day Mr. Gorgon was in his classroom after hours grading some students work. As he

was finishing up, he noticed that one student failed to turn in the assignment on time. He sighed

in disappointment and made a note of the student’s name. The next morning as he dismissed his

class, he called out the name of the student who he noted the previous night, “come see me

during my office hours” he said. The student nodded his head and left the classroom. Hours went

by and when the school day was over Mr. Gorgon heard a knock at his door. “Come in” he said

to the student standing at the entry of the door. The student nervously made his way towards the

professor’s desk. “I noticed you failed to turn in your research assignment on time” the professor

said. Before the student could answer Mr. Gorgon began to rise from his desk, “Turn around and

read what’s on the wall right there, the only rule I have for my classroom.” The student turned
and read out loud, “No late work allowed sir.” As the student began to turn back to face the

professor, he was shocked to see what was standing right behind him.

The student took a step back and saw a slithery long tail as a replacement for legs on Mr.

Gorgons body, frightened he began to take further steps away from the creature he was facing.

“That’s right, no late work allowed” Mr. Gorgon said with a long spikey tongue flinching in and

out of his mouth, exposing his disgustingly yellow teeth. His eyes began to turn red as snakes

began to grow out of his head. The student could not look away for he was frozen with shock. He

starred into the red eyes of his professor, “No late work allowed!” Mr. Gorgon shouted. The

students body became cold, and he watched as his legs began to turn into stone. The striking

sensation went up the student’s body and his arms and torso became hard as rock. “I’m sorry Mr.

…” the student had been turned into stone before he could finish his plea. The snakes in the

professor’s hair hissed back into hiding as his eyes returned to a normal pigment. He smirked as

he picked up the stoned student and him to the back of the classroom. He placed his newly

created statue next the others among his collection, right beneath his number one rule, no late

work allowed.

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