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Disclaimer: all of these grammatical structures are
sufficient to get 90/90 in PTE. It is useful for Writing,
Listening WFD, SST and Reading Fill in the blanks

Easy and simple grammar

Grammar in PTE is very simple, in order to do well in Reading

Fill in the blanks as well as master “ simple structure sentence” to
achieve maximum points for PTE, you only need to know all of
the grammar knowledge below.

1. Sentence structure:
You will be surprised when you look at this simple structure
as will you use it frequently in PTE exam, especially in Writing
and Summarize Spoken Text ( Listening). You do not need to
use “ giant or complicated grammar” in PTE exam.
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Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Formula: Subject + Verb + Object ( Subject + Verb + Object).

- I study PTE
- He goes to work
- She has travelled to Australia

2. All tenses you need to know in PTE exam

i. Present tense: to describe actions that happens

frequently, or it takes place as a natural event, a truth,
- I brush my teeth on a daily basis
- Water boils at 100 degree Celsius
- Tom usually plays football after finishing school hours.

• Signs to recognize this tense when you see such phrases or

time in the sentence like this: usually, always, sometimes,
ocassionally, from time to time, every day/week/month/year,
on a daily/weekly/ yearly/basis, fornightly,…….
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Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

ii. Future tense: to describe actions or things happen in

the future, your plan,… will take place in the future.
- She is going to buy a new smartphone next week
- I will fly to Canada next month
- They know that he will win the prize.

• Signs to recognize this tense when you see such phrases or

time in the sentence like this: next week/ month/ year/, in the
future, in the foreseeable future,…………

iii. Past tense: to describe actions that already happened

and it is not active anymore, it stopped.
- John visited his grandmother yesterday
- After he finished studying at school, he went back home.
- Tina got married in 2003

• Signs to recognize this tense when you see such phrases or

time in the sentence like this: last week/ month/ year/,
yesterday, the day before yesterday, 5,20, 30 years ago,…………

iv. Present continuous : to describe actions that is happening

at the time of speaker saying.
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Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

- They are playing games with his friends at the moment
- Now he is running to class quickly, otherwise he will be late.
- She is cooking for her family.

• Signs to recognize this tense when you see such phrases or

time in the sentence like this: at the moment, now,…….

v. Present perfect: to describe actions that happened from

the past and it is still happening so far
- I have used this mobile phone since 2013
- She has lived in Australia for 20 years
- They have been together so far.

• Signs to recognize this tense when you see such

phrases or time in the sentence like this: since, so far,
for ( 20 years), up until now……

3. Conditional sentence
There are three main types of conditional sentence:
i. Conditional sentence type 1: to describe about a
phenomenon that may happen in the future
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Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Formula: If + simple tense, will + Base Verb

- If I study hard, I will pass the next exam
- If I take care of her, she will recover in no time
ii. Conditional sentence type 2: to describe a phenomenon
that actually will never take place.

Formula: If + past tense, WOULD/MIGHT + BASE VERB

- If I were you, I would never go to that restaurant.
- If Tania knew Korean, she would travel to Korea.

iii. Conditional sentence type 3: to describe a phenomenon

that actually DID NOT TAKE PLACE IN THE PAST to express
regret because it did not happen or the desire of the
Formula : If + PAST PERFECT, would/should/might + have +
V3 (Ved)

• Past perfect actually is an easy tense you can learn,

you only need to replace “have/has => had” as you
did like “present perfect” Example: have been -> had

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Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

- If Tom had arrived on time, he wouldn’t have missed the

bus. ( in reality, Tom already missed the bus)
- If my boss had chosen me, I would have provided him the
best advice. ( in reality, my boss did not choose me)

The order of the words in English

This is a really basic knowledge, but it is very important for you
to Write correctly the order of the essay- Writing and the answers
you choose in Fill in the blanks-Reading.

1. Adjectives (adj): to describe the nature, and the level of an

incident. It ALWAYS GOES BEFORE NOUNS to support the
Formula: a/an/ the + adj + noun
Example: a beautiful girl/ an interesting movie/ an intricate

2. Adverbs (advs): this type of words will support the meaning for
ADJECTIVES AND VERBS, describing the level of nature of
adjectives and verbs* Adverbs do not elaborate the meaning
for NOUNS>.
Formula: adv + adj/ verb ; verb + advs
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Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Example: increased significantly/ incredibly important/

originally come from/………

3. Noun: words to represent animals and things. This type of

words are the simplest words.
Example: friend, school, holidays………..

Some of the common phrases in English that normally used in

PTE exam
1. To be + (too/much) adj + to + Verb
- It is hard for me to forget her
- They think that this problem is too complicated to deal
- I believe he will be mature enough to live an independent
2. Parallel Sentence Structure
i. Lists of nouns/ verbs/ adjectives/ adverbs,…….
Ex1 : there are people, consumers, students, teachers,…..
➔ A list of words has been written. This example is very
useful for a requirement in Reading-Fill in the blanks.
You will be required to fill in the blank with provided
words in the text. When you know which type of words
Website: Hotline: +61411 703 756
Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

that are suitable to fill in the blank, it helps you to fill

out the words correctly.

Ex2: They try to analyze (Ex1) and ……… (Ex2) with the
situation. -> You try to fill out words in Ex2 deal b.
manage c. predictions. d. next
 The answer in this sentence should be a or b. Right?
Because the previous word is analyze (V1), which is a
verb => which means you can leave out 2 wrong
possibilities. As a result, you have a and b left. The
correct answer is: a. deal, because the word “ deal” +
with: address/ cope with sth

ii. Preposition:
at , of, in, off, upon, on, with, for, before, after ,….. + Ving
- he is very good at studying physics
- Jeremy decided to play football after finishing his class.

**** The above grammar knowledge that you have just learned are
basic English grammars and certainly the list is not exhaustive.
However, with such knowledge you are fully capable of doing PTE
test exam. If there is any other useful strcuture, PTE Master will
keep this file updated for you so please come back every now and
Website: Hotline: +61411 703 756
Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

then to download the latest version. Thank you and wish you all the

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