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You must read this E-book word by word and till

the very end, every single word and advice is

worth your time and MONEY!
DAY Zero
You need to firstly swipe right for PTE, if a high score for immigration is what you are after,
definitely choose PTE over IELTS. Due to the nature of PTE as a computer-based exam, its
pattern is more predictable than IELTS. Hence, experts like PTE Master can craft a tool to
show you how to crack PTE with ease.

1/You will need a software to practice PTE, this is a computer-based exam so you need to
have practical experience, register a free account at masterpte.com.au to practice.

2/You will also need a professional trainer who can help you verify your work, voice and
template before sitting the exam to ensure no tips are missing, if you have not got a trainer,
you can enroll with Master by sending us an email at admin@masterpte.com.au

3/Next, you must understand the rules and format (remember just because you’re a good
driver does not mean that you will pass a driving test), you have to identify what you want
to achieve and what modules to focus on, take a look at our Master’s pyramid infographic
to understand better.

PTE 23 = 1
PTE 46 = 1 + 2
PTE 66 = 1 + 2 + 3
PTE 84 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4
PTE 90 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

In this scenario, we will presume you are going for the highest possible target which is
90/90, so we will go through each and every single one of these sections. Aiming for PTE 90
means we would presume you must come from an IELTS background of at least 7.0

Day 1
You will aim to get yourself familiar with all types of important questions in Speaking, this
will not only just give you a 90/90 in speaking but it also distributes points towards
listening and reading, up to 35% and 30% respectively.

Read Aloud: This section requires you to read aloud a

paragraph, it will give you 30-40s to prepare and 30-
40 seconds to speak. Follow these tips:

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

1/Try to maintain fluency, do not pause too often and if you do, make sure your pause is
short and your speech must be continuous.
2/When speaking try to take a deep breath and go for a long and connected phrase.
3/You should do at least 50 read aloud questions and ensure most of your final score is
above 80 especially the fluency. You will need a tool to help you check and verify, see
below for example from PTE Master Read Aloud. Register an account on Masterpte.com.au
to start.
4/ When using PTE Master website for practice, you will be able to see the words where you
got wrong clearly indicated in RED color ( see image below), click onto the words to listen to
the pronunciation and make sure you repeat 5-10 times to get used to them.

Read Aloud on Master website, make sure Fluency > 80, Final score > 80, you can click on
the red words and the machine will show you how to pronounce the word.
**** Fluency tips: try to practice and sing ABCDEFG continuously 2 times without taking a
pause, this will help to increase your lung capacity which allows you to speak for longer
period without the need to stop. Pm us if you still cannot improve fluency

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Repeat Sentence: This part will require you to listen

to a sentence, then you must repeat the sentence
exactly as you hear it, follow these tips:
1/Maintain your fluency, try to keep the content > 50% of the time, you don’t need 100% of
content to get 90, >= 50% is enough.
2/ When note taking, you can try and write just the first letter of the words instead of a full
one. For example: Today is hot → T I H
3/ While listening to the sentence, try to softly speak along with the audio (enhance
3/This section cannot be practiced without a tool, you must have PTE Master website to
practice this part, see below. You should practice at least 400 questions before the exam
(see below)

Repeat sentence on Master website, make sure fluency > 80, content > 50%

Describe image: This part will give you a variety of

different pictures to describe, you will have 25
seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to speak. Follow
these tips:
1/ Grab a template ( this helps with your fluency). Spend 10 minutes to memorize and keep
repeating the template until it has become a pattern in your brain. If you have not got a
template, you can download it from our website, see below.

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

You can download our templates at masterpte.com.au

2/Once you have memorized the template, all you need to do is to try to maintain your
fluency while speaking, and you only need to mention whatever keywords you can see in
the picture, do not worry about logic or meaning of the sentence you’re saying. Grammar
and meaning are not important in Describe image of PTE, you can still get full score even if
your sentences don’t make sense. You need to practice at least 50 questions before the
You must have a software to help you verify your answer, see below

Describe image on Master website, ensure fluency > 80, final score > 80

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Retell lecture: This part will require you to listen to an

audio of 50-80 seconds in length, you will need to
take note and retell the lecture. Follow these tips:
1/You need a template, memorize it thoroughly and speak fluently, the technique in this
part is similar to Describe image, but you need note-taking skills.

2/When note taking, only write keywords, do not go for long sentences, you can use
abbreviation if you can understand your own writing.

3/When speaking, aim for fluency and content. You can repeat the same keywords a few
times to make sure the machine catches them correctly. You should aim to do at least 50%
of the questions on the website before your test date.

To verify whether you perform well or not, you need a tool to help you verify, see below

Retell lecture on PTE Master website, ensure fluency > 80, content > 75

So that’s day 1, pretty intensive right? But most of the techniques and tricks to perform in
these tasks are only at kindergarten level and you should comfortably cram them all in 1 day
( trust me I’ve done that). Well done! you have got yourself familiar with all of the
important tasks of PTE speaking. You should be able to score 90/90 for speaking and that
will boost your reading and listening as well ( since PTE has cross-marking criteria, free
marks YAY!)

Don’t worry about ANSWER SHORT QUESTION for now.

Oh, and 1 more thing! If you need sample answers, you can scroll down on each section
on PTE Master website to view the samples from other successful students(see below)

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

You can view and compare other samples on our website

Day 2
Today you will only spend around 2 hours for writing because this part is super easy.

Essay: You must write an essay in 20 minutes with a

word count between 200-300 words.
This part is the easiest one in the exam, grab a good template, you can download the
templates from PTE Master website, memorize the template and use extremely simple
grammar! Remember it is better to be accurate than to be fancy in PTE writing.

Once you memorize the template, strictly follow the instructions of PTE Master, it will only
take 15 minutes to know how to get maximum point if you follow the template, dont waste
time searching around!
When practicing, make sure you can type the complete template in around 10 minutes, so
you can have the remaining time to cross check all possible spelling mistakes. The flow to
study the essay section is as follow:
1/ Download the template by clicking here ( you must be logged in)
2/ Read the instructions and memorize the template
3/ Make sure to write between 200-300 words only!

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

4/ Insert your sentences and topics into the template → DONE

5/ Use PTE Master website to check your answers and keywords, see below

Essay scoring on PTE Master website, you can see exactly where you are lacking
Summarize Written Text: This part will require you to
read a couple of paragraphs and you need to
summarize it using ONE SENTENCE ONLY.
This part is even easier than Essay, you do not have to paraphrase the sentence. You just
have to focus on picking up the main ideas and write them down. Make sure:
1/ only use 1 full stop
2/ use coma to connect sentences together
3/ Pick the right keywords and main idea from the topic!
4/ Write between 5-75 words and within 10 minutes
Use the filter: “Highly repeated questions” when practicing on our website

To know how to pick the right keywords, focus on the sentence that does not give too much
example or explain in lengthy contexts, it’s better to ask your trainer for assistance, if you
have not had a trainer yet, please pm PTE Master if you need help.
If you want sample answers of Essay and SWT, when practicing these sections on Master
website, you can simply scroll down to view other 90/90 answers from our enrolled

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

SWT scoring on PTE Master website, you can see exactly where you are lacking

Sample answers from our successful students on Masterpte.com.au

So in day 2, it only takes you around 2 hours to know how to do Writing, we highly suggest
you use the remaining 2 hours to go back to your Speaking and revise any skills that you
have not yet mastered.

So in the first 2 days, you want to make sure you remember all techniques and template in
and out!

It’s so much quicker and easier to practice on our website because just for just $1.5 per day
you can have a 24/7 teacher that marks your score instantly, correctly and fairly!
Do not waste time trying to find the combination of Free but good quality website, it does
not exist!

PTE Master website is affordable, of excellent quality and accurate  The last attribute is
the most important one. We have spent 4 years perfecting our Technology and we are the
best at what we do!
Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Day 3
On day 3 you will focus on re-order paragraph, Reading Fill in the blanks, Reading &
Writing fill in the blanks, these sections will take up to 60% of your total reading score and
give you additional points for writing, so you must focus on them more than other parts of
Please study at least 50% of the question bank of this section before the exam

Re-order paragraph will require you to read and re-

arrange the paragraph into the right sequence.
It is extremely easy, in fact we find that 100% students after watching this tutorial video
(FREE), can crack ROP without having to rely on repeated questions. Click here to view the
video, its short and simple. Remember to spend no more than 2 minutes for each question
in ROP
Reading Fill in the blanks: You will have to drag the
correct words into the correct blanks.
To do well in this part, use the filter: “Highly repeated questions” when practicing, try to
follow this order when selecting blank.
1/ Use your grammar knowledge to isolate answers
2/ Then use your vocabulary knowledge to choose the correct answers.
3/ Spend no more than 2.5 minutes for each question or you will run out of time in the
Please also go through our grammar book, which can be accessed via this link, you must log
in to see it. The grammar book will cover all basic grammar needed for PTE, this will make
learning Reading FIB a breeze.
You should aim to score at least 4/5 correct answers

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Download our grammar book here

Reading & Writing Fill in the blanks: You will have to

select the correct answer from a dropdown list.
This part is quite a vocabulary intensive section, please use the “ highly repeated questions”
label when practicing, your aim is to get 4/5 blanks correctly most of the time. Every time
you finish a question, make sure to learn all the vocabs that you are not sure. It will come
handy in the future.

Please use “highly repeated questions” on the website when practicing

Try to get 4/5 or 3/4 correct answers in this section

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

To conclude day 3, make sure you finish at least 50

questions of Reading-FIB and Reading & writing- FIB.
Your aim towards the end is to finish at least 50% of
the questions.

Day 4
Today you will practice listening, to give you a head start, these are the most important
parts in Listening you need to go through:
Number 1: Write from Dictation 35% of total Listening & Writing Score
Number 2: Summarize Spoken text 20% of total Listening & Writing Score
Number 3: L-Fill in the blanks 10% of total Listening & Writing Score
Number 4: Highlight incorrect words 8% of total Listening & Reading Score
Number 5: MCQs, HCS, SMW will make up only around 6%.
The remaining listening score will come from speaking repeat sentence, re-tell lecture and
answer short questions.

Focus on Write from Dictation first: this part requires

you to listen to a sentence (similar to RS) but this time
you have to type it out and each word is worth 1
Use PTE Master website to check your answer. Why? This part is free and it shows you the
score you lost in both Writing and Listening, this is very crucial, you should aim at least
75/90 for both Writing & Listening.

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Write From Dictation on Master website, clearly indicate errors and breakdown of Listening
& Writing.

Now it’s time to focus on Summarize Spoken text, this

section will require you to listen to an audio ( similar
to RL) and you must type it out this time, you must
write between 50-70 words
Follow the below steps:
1/ Download the template by clicking here ( you must be logged in)
2/ Read the instructions and memorize the template
3/ Practice note-taking( similar to retell lecture)
4/ Insert your keywords into the template → DONE
5/ Use PTE Master website to check your answers and keywords, see below

**** You must write as many keywords as you can hear, keywords selection’ strategy is
similar to that of Re-tell Lecture

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Master website will give you grading in Summarize spoken text and help you check for

In day 4, I only recommend you to focus on Dictation and Spoken text for today. You should
aim at least 50 summarize spoken texts and 200 Dictation questions or as many as you can.

Day 5
Today you will get yourself familiar with the 2 remaining important tasks of Listening which
are Listening Fill in the blanks and Highlight incorrect words.

These 2 tasks are relatively easy so you only need to practice around 15-20 questions each
in order to have a good picture of the exam questions.

All questions of Listening Fill in the blanks on www.masterpte.com.au are real materials
and will repeat in the exam, I suggest you to practice with them and it’s FREE.
Listening Fill in the blanks will require you to listen to
an audio and fill the blanks with words heard from
the audio.
Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

To do well in Fill in the blanks, use these tips:

1/ It’s better to write than to type in this Fill in the blank section, since you don’t have to
deal with mouse movement to the correct blank, while note taking don’t try to write the
full word or else you will lose track of the audio
2/ Use grammar tips to guess the word form
3/ Cross check your spelling before submission

PTE Master website contains all real repeated questions of Fill in the blanks

Next is to focus on Highlight incorrect words, you will

need to listen to a recording with a transcription, your
task is to pick out the wrong words that the speaker
This part will carry points for your Listening and Reading up to 8%. Follow these steps to
practice it:
1/ Practice well with your mouse, make sure you’re comfortably using one.
2/ While listening, keep moving your mouse along with the audio, do not stop
3/ Click on words you believe that is different, if you fail to make it out, let go and keep
moving with the audio
4/ There is no point to go back and check the missed words as you won’t remember, so if
you tried to guess it while listening, you will end up losing more points. Click submit once

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Highlight incorrect word

Day 6
If you have reached this point then well done! Most of the difficult tasks have been

The remaining ones are:

1/ Speaking – Answer Short Questions
2/ Reading- MCQs
3/ Listening – MCQs, HCS and SMW

All of these sections will not have any significant impact on your score at all if you’re aiming
for PTE 79, however since you’re targeting 90 now it’s a good idea to go through these ones
as well!

Answer short questions: this question will require you

to listen to a set of 10-12 questions and you are expected to give a
correct answer. So, follow these tips:
Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

1/ If you know the answer – say it

2/ If you are not sure of the correct answer – say it anyway
3/ If you have no idea – say “I DON’T KNOW”
This part is more like a knowledge based section and does not contain lots of score, if
you’re looking to do well in this part, I suggest to go to masterpte.com.au and just have a
good read of both the questions and answers, PTE Master makes it extremely easy for you
to learn by listing the questions out like a PDF file

You can skim through all questions to improve knowledge

Listening & Reading MCQs, HCS and SMW: well, this section only carries 1-2% of your total
PTE score, so just spend a few minutes getting to know the look and feel of the questions,
don’t worry about it too much for now. These 2 MCQs sections in Reading and Listening are
quite similar to those of the IELTS, so the same elimination techniques to choose the right
answer of IELTS should work here.

So my recommendations for the remaining Multiple choice questions, Listening Highlight

correct summary and select missing word are:
1/ Login to masterpte.com.au, and go to each section
2/ Have a go at how the questions will challenge you in the exam
3/ If you managed to guess the answer in less than 2 minutes, then its great
4/ if you cant guess the answer within that time restriction, skip and move one. Remember
you can still get very close to 90 even if you missed out a few of these questions. Trust the

So that has concluded 6 days of intensive study.

Congratulations! You are now a PTE person with vast
knowledge of all tricks and tips of the exam.
Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

But what you will do on day 7 will determine you

success so keep on Reading the next page!

Day 7
Today you will need to do a mock test, it is extremely important to do a full mock test
before sitting the exam.
You will need to firstly purchase a mock test, you can acquire them directly on PTE Master
website, it will take around 2-2.5 hours to complete so allow that time uninterrupted. The
result will appear immediately upon completion. You will be able to see your own
mistakes, make sure to also send the result to your trainer so you can get advanced
feedback. See below of how our mock test result looks like:

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

PTE Master Mock test Result after completion

You can then check the mistakes you have made in

Speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing.

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

PTE Master’s analysis, which can help pinpointing mistakes

After you took the mock test and passed! Well done
and you’re ready for the test.
NOW! If you have reached this stage, there are only 2
things you will do right now and they are:
1/ Practice a few days more before making a booking.
2/ Book your exam

If your action is number 2, then there is 1 last step you

need to do before heading to bed!

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

repeat rate !
I cannot stress further the importance of reading through the prediction file before sittting
the exam.

The questions in the prediction PDF are just similar to what you practiced on the website. So
if you have done your work, then this last task now is just simply a jog down the memory

I would highly recommend to go through these important parts in prediction file:

1/ WFD
2/ RS
3/ SST
5/ RL

If you have time then you can skim through the rest but this should be perfect for now!
Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

You can download our weekly prediction on the website, or just click HERE ( you must be
logged in)

However, if your action is number 1, means you want

to practice for a few more days, then this is the
numbers and statistics you want to achieve, make sure:

1/ Your mock test pass rate is > 50%, means if you take
6 mock tests, you must pass your target at least 3-4 of
2/ You have practiced at least 400 repeat sentence, 50
read aloud, 30 Describe Image, 100 Retell lecture, 200
RW FIB, 200 R-FIB, 100 SST, 500 WFD in the “ Highly
repeated questions”.

The above criteria is a the exact number we use to

determine the success rate of a student!

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Exam date
1/ Best time to book for the exam is in the afternoon, because if it’s too early then your
voice wont be as clear, too late then you’ll be exhausted after a long day at work
2/ Drink plenty of fluid before the exam, i would highly recommend drinking Vitamin C
which helps to soothe your throat and make your voice clear.
3/ Bring your passport with you or you will not be able to sit the test
4/ Smash the test or try again! Whatever it is, never gives up on your dream.

Remember if you have graduated, you are already years ahead of those who have just
started their first year. So if they have not given up, then there is no reason for you to call it

I hope you pass the exam and achieve your PR status soon!

Best of luck!
PTE Master

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Yes! Unlike other places, we put our testimonials last
because we want to show you our value first before
advertising our brand☺. In fact, 100 % of our enrolled
students passed their exam using our software, we can
show you more but it’s better to experience it yourself!

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000

Facebook Page: www.fb.com/ptemaster Facebook Study Group: www.fb.com/ptemaster
Website: www.masterpte.com.au Hotline: +61411 703 756 | Youtube: www.youtube.com/c/PTEMaster

Sydney Office: Suite 11, 2-4 Fetherstone St Bankstown | Perth Office: 37 Barrack Street Perth WA 6000



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