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Singularity University Global Summit

August 20-22, 2018 • San Francisco, CA


A Retrospective:

Singularity University’s First

10 Years and a Look Forward
at What’s to Come
This Magazine
Features AR

What you hold in your hands is more than just
a commemorative magazine. It’s an interactive
experience celebrating 10 years of community,
impact, and growth.

We’ve joined forces with one of our own community members—Mic Mann,
organizer of the SingularityU South Africa Summit (2017 and 2018) and SU’s
new SingularityU South Africa Country Partner—to add augmented reality
experiences throughout this publication with the help of his agency, Mann
Made Media.

Every page that has an AR code includes an augmented reality experience. All
you need is a smartphone—no need to download an app—or go to!

Go ahead... give it a try!

1. Y
 ou can start your AR experience by
scanning this first AR code with your device.
2. Allow camera access.
3. P
 oint your device over the marked
AR icons throughout the magazine.
4. Unlock digital content! SCAN FOR AR EXPERIENCE

Rob Nail
CEO and Associate Founder, SU

Dear Global Summit participant,

Welcome to the Singularity University Global Summit. We con- •Launch a new Digital Learning Platform to deliver online versions
vene each year as a community to explore our rapidly changing of the best SU has to offer
world and find new ways to mobilize our global ecosystem for
• Announce several new strategic partnerships that will enable us
to expand our business and impact in exciting new ways

This is an exciting year for our community, as we celebrate the

I invite you to learn more about these and other activities at our
10th anniversary of SU and its impact on the world. Fittingly, our
booth in the EXPO, where members of our team are ready to
theme this year is The Power of 10. Within this publication and
greet you. I also enthusiastically invite inspired solvers every-
over the course of the Global Summit, we’ll be reviewing our col-
where to apply for the first cohort of the redesigned GSP, kicking
lective accomplishments of the past ten years, what the communi-
off next spring!
ty can achieve in the next ten years, and the overall power of the
exponential technology, tools, and mindset that differentiate us.
While the SU organization continues to evolve, one thing that
won’t change is our mission to inspire and empower you with the
You’re a huge reason we’re able to experience the power of 10.
latest insights into the power of exponential technologies to solve
Our growth has been nothing short of phenomenal thanks to the
global grand challenges and to connect you to an incredible glob-
work you’re doing at SingularityU Summits, Country Partnerships,
al ecosystem to support your impact initiatives. We’re here to help
Chapters, Global Impact Challenges, Smart City Accelerators, im-
you succeed, whether you’re working to make positive change at
pact initiatives, and SU portfolio companies. We appreciate your
the personal, organizational, local, or global level. As this year’s
participation in our programs as organizations and individuals, as
theme suggests, the impact of our community is larger than the
well as the service you provide as members of our extended fac-
sum of its parts. As our community grows exponentially, so will our
ulty and growing network of experts, mentors, and advisors. SU’s
ability to effect positive exponential change.
global influence is undeniable as the interest in exponential tech-
nologies and their impact to make the world a better and more
We pledge to continue helping you navigate to the future faster
equitable place also grows at an accelerating pace.
and identify new opportunities to create value. I hope you discov-
er inspiration here to fuel your important work and new partners to
And we’re just getting started! What I’m most excited about is what
help drive it forward. We look forward to supporting you.
lies ahead for us over the next ten years. We’re already off to a
great start and in the coming months will:
Let’s work together to catalyze a better future and make amazing
• Relaunch our flagship GSP, now the Global Startup Program, to things happen!
be more hands-on, scalable, transformative, impactful, and glob-
al in order to include more startups and launch more moonshots
• Unveil DASH, a new digital platform that leverages predictive an-
alytics to help leaders see the future so they can make smarter
decisions and get there successfully



SU and The Power of 10:

Making an Impact From
Founding to the Future

Our Origin Story 5
Singularity University (SU) was founded in 2008 based on an idea from Dr. Peter H.
Diamandis, serial entrepreneur, best-selling author, and Chairman and CEO of the XPRIZE
Foundation. After reading Ray Kurzweil’s iconic book, The Singularity is Near, Diamandis
concluded that leaders urgently needed to understand and prepare for the rapid pace of
change that was coming as a result of the acceleration and convergence of exponential
technologies like artificial intelligence, virtual reality, robotics, nanotech, digital biology, and
quantum computing.

Over dinner with Kurzweil, renowned inventor, futurist, and accurate predictor of technol-
ogy breakthroughs, Diamandis pitched the idea of creating the world’s first university to
teach the wide range of technology disciplines required to adequately prepare leaders for
the future. Kurzweil was similarly inspired, and Singularity University was born.

Their vision was to convene leaders from around the world and show them how expo-
nential technologies were going to massively impact the future of every organization, SCAN FOR AR EXPERIENCE
government, industry, and way of life. These leaders would learn how to thrive amid an
unprecedented pace of change, fueled by the power, speed, and capacity of technologies
doubling every 12-18 months, and costs dropping by half. Guided by SU’s world-class fac-
ulty, executives and entrepreneurs would understand how to identify opportunities arising
from rapid technology growth and how organizations could design and build the future.
Against the backdrop of increasingly democratized technology and ubiquitous internet
access, anyone, anywhere could create world-changing innovations.

At SU’s Founding Conference, held in October 2008 and attended by tech luminaries,
visionaries, investors, and other changemakers, Google’s Larry Page suggested that SU
point these leaders at the world’s biggest challenges: “I think we need to be training peo-
ple on how to change the world.” This sentiment shaped SU’s mission: To educate, inspire,
and empower leaders to apply exponential technologies to address humanity’s grand

First online
2010 First alumni-led impact goal 2018
First Executive Chapter of 5,000 Completed
Program, Custom (now 116 in initiatives Series B
Program, and 61 countries) capital raise;
Global Impact 2015
2009 active global
Challenge Completed community
First GSP to Series A of nearly
address global 2013
capital raise 200,000
challenges First Corporate
(now Global Innovation
2008 Startup Programs First Country
Formed as Program) Partner (The
Converted to Netherlands);
a 501c3 with
Singularity 4 Int Summits
and corporate
Group, a

Our Diverse Global Community

In fulfilling this mission, SU encourages leaders, innovators, and
changemakers to embrace and propagate a new, optimistic
narrative for the world—a better, more equitable future for all.
To that end, we’ve spent the past ten years convening a
diverse global community that shares our mission to help
create this future:

Startups & Entrepreneurs 

Small, scrappy teams with audacious goals able to learn quickly
from trial and error

Corporations & Executives 

Established organizations with the resources and assets need-
ed to scale solutions, motivated by market forces

Governments & Policymakers 

Those who formulate  and apply policies, regulations, and gov-
ernment funding to accelerate creation and scaling of solutions

Nonprofits & Philanthropists 

Organizations and individuals with a unique understanding
of root problems committed to addressing market gaps and

Academic Institutions & Thought Leaders 

Framers of scientific thinking and storytelling who inspire
societal understanding with their breakthroughs

Financial Institutions & Investors 

Providers of risk-tolerant, adaptable, and market-based funding
to enable experiments and scale successful models

In working with these individuals and organizations, we’ve

come to appreciate how critical diverse perspectives are to
the creativity required for mindset shifts and moonshots. We
recognize that diversity extends to many dimensions —socio-
economic, geographic, gender, sexual orientation, political, reli-
gious, generational, etc. —and we work hard to be inclusive and
ensure many worldviews are represented in our classrooms
and on our stages. We believe solutions to the world’s biggest
challenges can only be achieved when everyone contributes,
and we make collaboration an integral part of the learning, in-
novation, and community experiences we deliver.
our approach Our Unique Approach
There are many organizations today that can
teach leaders about the latest technologies and
In working with these audiences, our unique
approach centers around three areas: Mindset,
Tools & Resources, and Network which together
provide the blueprint for positive change:

Having an exponential mindset implies a recog-
nition that incremental ideas and growth are no
What most sets SU apart:
longer sufficient and that big, bold, 10x, moon-
• Our future focus (versus case studies and best shot ideas are mandatory if we are to harness the
practices from the past) power of technology and solve the most intracta-
ble problems. Our tagline — Be Exponential — is a
• Our commitment to using exponential technol- call to action to think bigger than today, beyond
ogies to solve the world’s most intractable and the comfort of business-as-usual, and to push
urgent challenges, which also represent signifi- ourselves to embrace change, overcome short-
cant business opportunities term hurdles, and vigorously pursue a better
future. A concrete example of this ethos is the
• Our multidisciplinary, global network of experts challenge we often issue to our program par-
and practitioners (versus tenured faculty) ticipants to build moonshot companies that can
positively impact a billion people within a dec-
• Our emphasis on mindset and new mental mod- ade. From individuals to startups to large organ-
els (in addition to tools, methodologies, and izations—everyone in our community focuses
frameworks) on ideas and projects that can have large-scale
global impact.
• Our nearly 200,000-strong diverse global com-
munity for ideas, collaboration, and co-creation Tools & Resources
(in addition to organizational and individual net- Core disciplines like strategy, leadership, and in-
works) novation must evolve in order to accommodate
the accelerating pace of change and persistent
• Our focus on long-term value creation and im-
uncertainty about the future. It’s risky to rely on
pact (in addition to quick wins and next quarter’s
linear thinking, outmoded frameworks, case stud-
earnings report)
ies reflecting the past, and best practices every-
Our ability to articulate visions of the future one else is using. At SU, our curriculum empow-
co-created by diverse forums that productively ers participants with new tools and resources
challenge assumptions; debate ethical, moral, designed for an exponential world: Design for
regulatory, and other critical considerations; and Exponentials, future forecasting, narrative-driv-
discuss the broad implications of technology en innovation (SciFi D.I., or Design Intelligence),
on the future of humans, organizations, ecosys- exponential leadership and organizations,
tems, and civilization and more.

As such, individual learners come to SU for val- SU attracts a diverse group of individuals and or-
uable content and programs to broaden their ganizations with a common desire to positively
perspectives. Entrepreneurs come to SU to build impact the future. Through events, programs, and
and scale profitable, impact-driven ventures. En- volunteer and licensing partners, we enable our
terprise leaders come to SU to define a new fu- community to convene, connect, and collaborate
ture narrative and strategy that include both profit on a wide range of impact initiatives at both the
and purpose, harness technology to leap ahead global and local levels. We are investing signifi-
of new competitive forces, and create a more cantly in new tools, programs, and structures that
resilient and adaptable culture. will help us scale this network and its impact.

With this three-pronged approach, SU endeavors

to bring people together to collaborate on inno-
vative solutions; debate ethical implications of
technology; consider legal, regulatory, economic,
and societal shifts that could require intervention;
scrutinize potential scenarios; and embrace the
agency we have as humans to choose which
paths we want our technology to lead us down.
40,000+ 127
SU Alumni Countries

1,000+ 116 6
Faculty, Mentors and Experts Global Chapters Country Partners


58 raised $312M funding

SU Ventures Portfolio Companies

130 21
Global Impact Challenges Countries Held SingularityU Summits

Impact Initiatives Launched

Our Global Impact Our Next 10 Years

The ultimate measure of our collective success is the positive We are proud of what we have accomplished over the past ten
change and impact we’re able to catalyze in the world. We years. We have become a leader in understanding and educat-
empower our community to apply exponential thinking and tech- ing others about the growth, convergence, and future implications
nologies to tackle global challenges like health, shelter, food, of the most cutting-edge technologies and how they can unlock
water, energy, environment, and security, among others. solutions to the world’s biggest problems. We have inspired a
large, diverse, mission-driven community that is connecting, col-
We try to inspire every individual to think more boldly, creative- laborating, and creating impact together around the world. We
ly, collaboratively, and exponentially...because opportunities for have one of the most respected, credible, multidisciplinary expert
meaningful change and impact exist in every family, neighbor- networks that we deploy to programs, events, and clients globally.
hood, organization, and government. And when we set audacious But there is so much more to do!
goals and work together, anything is possible. The world needs
more stewards of this new narrative—optimistic, credible, and In our next ten years, we plan to achieve the following:
empowering—to serve as beacons of hope and inspiration for
Make exponential thinking accessible to more than 1 billion
others to take on and solve the biggest challenges of our time.
people. Use VR and digital platforms and tools to bring afforda-
ble content, curriculum, and courses to anyone, anywhere,

• Connect people, projects, and resources—both in person and
digitally—for inspiration, collaboration, partnerships, and to
launch and support 100,000 impact initiatives. These include
new companies, business innovation, R&D, policy creation/
change, education and awareness, and resource mobilization
DISASTER ENERGY ENVIRONMENT FOOD projects that leverage exponential technology, have potential to
impact billions of lives, and address a global grand challenge.
• Catalyze more than 10,000 impact startups using exponential
technologies to solve grand challenges.
• Grow our global ecosystem to over 100 million members, includ-
HEALTH GOVERNANCE LEARNING PROSPERITY ing Country Partners, Chapters, SingularityU Summit organizing
teams, entrepreneurs, executives, investors, policymakers, edu-
cators, and technologists, etc.
• Build a world-class predictive analytics platform that leverages
intel and insights from our global community to more accurately
•Articulate an inspiring, compelling, and credible vision of a future
that is equitable, sustainable, and prosperous for all...and devel-
op tangible roadmaps for getting there.
• Convene “uncommon partners” to collaboratively tackle criti-
cal milestones on our future roadmaps (e.g., future of work and
learning, future of democracy and governance, etc.).

And perhaps most importantly, we aspire to live up to the vision,

ideals, shared purpose, and dreams that SU has come to rep-
resent. Our journey thus far has truly been exponential...which
means, by definition, that the best is yet to come!
to Create

Start Creating the
Future Today

SU has a variety of programs for people seeking to transform At SU, It’s You Who Inspires Us!
themselves and make a positive difference in the world—from
those with an idea they want to turn into a business, to those who
are looking for a community to engage with, to those who are Your spirit and drive can absolutely make a world of difference
successful executives and world leaders who want to stay ahead not only to your own journey, but also to your community, to your
of change and seize opportunity for themselves and their organ- organization, or your future startup. We know this because we
izations. Leaders come to SU to understand how exponential have attracted the talents and seen the incredible outcomes of a
technologies are accelerating and converging and to learn how diverse, motivated global community of people.
to identify and act on opportunities to create a better future. What-
ever role you play, we have a place for you. The first step to realizing your unique potential is to find a commu-
nity of people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives who
share a commitment to creating positive change. Such a commu-
You’ve Found Your Tribe! nity provides valuable opportunities to share and validate ideas
and to create fruitful partnerships. You will also want to learn about
Have you ever felt that you see things a bit differently than every- the different journeys others have created for themselves in or-
one else? Are you hoping to serve a larger purpose in the world? der to shape your own. Have they volunteered their time in their
Do you want to help others, but need a better way to get involved communities? Have they organized or led projects outside of their
and make an impact? day-to-day work at their jobs? How have they led or transformed
their divisions or organizations? Where do they learn about what
Maybe you’re the first to think of a new way to use a particular is coming and how to prepare for it? How can they actually ex-
technology to solve a problem, or the first to spot a trend and perience the future? How do they plan and execute a successful
see an opportunity no one else is addressing. Perhaps you’re an impact startup?
executive who wants to drive more innovation and generate more
value or an intrapreneur who wants to find new ways to help your Where can you find all of this? At Singularity University and in our
company stay ahead. global ecosystem, where you’ll be challenged to learn how to
think with a new mindset about opportunity and be empowered
If we’re describing you, then you know how hard it can be to to take charge of your future. We invite you to nurture your own
translate your observations and interests into action. You also personal power to make a positive difference.
know how challenging it can be to get others to see the possibili-
ties you do, to see the world in a new light.

Are you looking for others who share your interests—your tribe,
people with whom you’re comfortable sharing and validating your
ideas and who will challenge you to make them better? Do you
know how to discover the next trend or technology advance-
ment? And, most importantly, are you wondering what one person
Stop by the SU HQ
can actually do to make a difference in the world?
in the EXPO hall
and talk with us!


Photo Credit: Nick Otto

Get the tools and
inspiration you need to
build toward tomorrow.
Spend three energizing days on campus with other passionate innovation and strategy leaders to map out your
innovation journey, learn the latest innovation approaches and methodologies for succeeding in an exponential
world, and examine the emerging leadership and organizational models to support innovation.

Learn more and apply at or email

“Great programs. Great people.

Can’t get enough. It’s already
changed our organization. Our
next step is to ask SU to come
in and present to the executive
leadership team.”


How to Engage 15

and Make a Difference:

Finding your Impact Pathway
There are many ways to get involved with
SU to make connections, find your path, and
create positive impact. Here are just a few!

Take Your Moonshot

If you have a startup that is working to meet an urgent global need, apply to the next co-
hort of the newly rebooted Global Startup Program (GSP). You’ll learn how exponential
technologies and thinking can elevate your startup into a moonshot with the potential
to impact a billion people. You can also enter Global Impact Challenges, competitions
held around the world to discover talented entrepreneurs with solutions for solving urgent
problems. Once you have your moonshot, SU Ventures will help you build and scale a
business by connecting you with capital, customers, and connections throughout the life-
time of your company.

See Innovation in Action

While you’re already doing this at Global Summit (yay, you!), there are plenty of other ways
to broaden your perspective. Learn what impact-focused startups and large organizations
are already doing to help shape a better future at any of the SingularityU Internation-
al Summits held around the world or at Exponential Medicine, offered annually in San
Diego. You’ll meet people who can guide you to the next step in your journey or serve as
partners for your endeavors. You’ll also attend hands-on workshops and hear keynotes
from leading experts who will inspire you with the ways they’re leveraging exponential
technologies to address our world’s most persistent challenges.

Discover SU’s Digital Content

For content closer to home, you might enroll in SU’s Online Courses. The Exponential
Foundation Series consists of three courses: Practicing Exponential Foresight, Founda-
tions of Exponential Thinking, and Impact Lab. You’ll gain a foundational SU skill set and
apply it by creating and sharing a project proposal to address a specific global grand chal-
lenge with others who share your interests. All are four-week courses delivered right to
your device, and you can also arrange a cohort for your organization to let your employees
take this transformational journey with you.
Photo Credit: Nick Otto
Deliver SU Content in Your Country
If you have experience as a SingularityU Summit organizer and
would like to deliver SU content localized for your region, apply
to become a Country Partner, the most significant level of part-
nership we offer. Current country partners include SingularityU
Nordics, SingularityU The Netherlands, and SingularityU Canada.
We’re delighted to welcome our newest Country Partners, Singu-
larityU Portugal, SingularityU Italy, and SingularityU South Africa.

Photo Credit: Nick Otto

Equip Yourself to Lead

If you’re a senior leader in business, government, or the nonprofit
sector, apply to our popular Executive Program and take the deep
dive of your life during an immersive week-long program in Silicon Photo Credit: Nick Otto
Valley. We’ll reshape your view of the future as you hear about
the latest technological advancements and how they’ll impact
your life, your industry, and our world. Armed with a new mind-
set and valuable frameworks for leading in times of rapid change, Never Miss a Trend
you’ll emerge with new knowledge, perspectives, and confidence
about the future. Finally, you’ll meet with and be inspired by SU’s Stay aware of developments in exponential technology and why it
faculty and founders and come away with 90 amazing new friends matters by visiting Singularity Hub. Keep up with SU happenings
who make up your diverse cohort of talented leaders. by subscribing to our newsletters at

Learn New Ways to Innovate

If you’re focused on innovation or charting the course of your or-
ganization’s future, attend our three-day Exponential Innovation
Program, also held at SU headquarters. You’ll map out a success-
ful innovation journey to help you propel your organization for-
ward. You‘ll also learn how to apply the latest leadership and or-
ganizational models to help you achieve your strategic objectives.

Meet Others on Your Path

Find the perfect
Looking to make meaningful connections in your local communi-
ty? Build connections with others in the SU community by down-
loading the SU mobile app at Create a profile to tell
program for you by
others your skills and interests, share what you’re working on,
find inspiration and potential partners, and learn about upcoming
events. You can also engage with others in your city or region
who are already actively working to fulfill our shared mission by
joining one of our 116 (and growing) Chapters around the world.
No Chapter where you live? Form a team to establish a new one!

“Moves your thinking completely and shows what’s possible for the future.”
— Marcus Vinicius Freire, Executive Director, Brazilian Olympic Committee

A transformative experience for senior leaders from every industry and sector
Spend six unforgettable, intensive days in Silicon Valley with 90 global executives. You’ll develop an understanding of how the
convergence of exponential technologies is changing the world and gain new perspectives on the leadership, strategic, and ethical
challenges future leaders will face.

The leaders of tomorrow are training here today. Don’t miss out.
Learn more and apply at or email EXECUTIVE
It is really difficult to translate in words this week’s
experience at Singularity University. It is not only
overwhelming in terms of possibilities for a better
future, it is also about finding new meanings
and perspectives to the present. Couldn’t be
more grateful to have had the opportunity to be
in this program, learn so much and meet such
Photo Credit: Nick Otto

spectacular people!”
Érica Virgili, Director, Unilever, and Executive Program participant

Is your
Interactive courses delivering SU’s best content
to help people prepare for an exponential future

organization The Exponential Foundation Series includes three successive

online courses that help people develop a new mindset
and learn essential skills to drive their business forward in

thinking big the exponential age. Each course lasts four weeks and
contains three hours of work per week, facilitated through
our mobile-friendly learning platform.

enough about Get your leaders and employees engaged in creating a bold

the future? new future. Empower your teams to build skills together.

Learn more and register at “I have never been short of ideas, but this or email course has me thinking crazy bold thoughts
about everything! Not just here - in ‘everyday’
business as well it has turbocharged my thinking!”

a Passionate
The unique power of SU is a thriving global community

Global of nearly 200,000 program participants, partners, en-

trepreneurs, experts, Singularity Hub readers, social
followers, and others looking to make a difference in

Community the world. The SU community leads the way in trans-

lating an understanding of exponential technologies
into action and represents the very best of SU and

is the
what we can accomplish.

Our community fulfills SU’s mission around the world through a

variety of programs, initiatives, and partnerships. To date, there

are 116 Chapters in 61 countries, each organizing local initiatives
as well as connecting and mobilizing people with a desire to use
technology for good. The community also includes Country Part-
ners, SU alumni who have chosen to work with local governments,
educational institutions, foundations and NGOs, and corporate

of SU
sponsors in partnership with SU to achieve our shared mission.
These partners customize the best of what SU has to offer to
local markets, provide a platform for local exponential experts
and faculty, establish innovation hubs to support and engage
with innovators, sponsor Global Impact Challenges, and run
SingularityU International Summits.

Turning Vision into Action

The SU community enables an entrepreneur to imagine with a
nanotechnologist, experiment with a synthetic biology algorithm,
build with a prototype machinist, collaborate with a manufacturing
engineer, prove a new concept in the field with a global NGO,
scale it with a venture capitalist, and finally emerge with an expo-
nential solution to an urgent global challenge.

Our community has a shared purpose to be exponential in mind-

SCAN FOR AR EXPERIENCE set, behaviors, and impact, and to help others to do so, as well.
The community also shares core beliefs about how to accomplish
its purpose. People who connect and engage with SU are bold,
open to diverse opinions, focused on creating meaningful con-
nections, generous with other members and within their commu-
nities, impact-driven for the betterment of humanity, and optimistic
about the future and their ability to make a real difference.

As we look to the future of our community and what we aim to

accomplish together, the Power of 10 theme resonates strongly.
We’re just a tenth of the size we hope to be in ten years, and we’re
making room for those yet to join us. You’re already we
hope you’ll bring 10 friends along to the next Chapter meeting,
Summit, or other SU event you attend! ;-)
The World is
Waiting for You


There are many ways to get involved with the SU community at Featured Community Members
any stage of your journey. Whether you simply want to explore ex-
ponential technologies and their impact, find others with comple-
Fehran Cook, Executive Program ’15
mentary skills or interests, organize locally for action, participate in
events, apply for an SU program, or turn an idea into a successful Co-founder, m-spark
moonshot, we’ve got a world of opportunity for you. London, United Kingdom

Explore Exponential Thinking and Technologies “SU solidified my passion for making an impact in people’s lives
If you’re just beginning your impact journey, visit to learn by supporting programs that are scalable by technologies such
about our mission and be inspired. Enroll in our online courses. as mobile, AI, or robotics. Being part of the SU community allows
Read fascinating articles on Singularity Hub about exponential me stay on top of all the latest innovations in health, education,
technologies to stay ahead of important trends. To keep up with food, which are the areas I care the most about. I feel empow-
the latest SU news, sign up for our newsletters at ered by the SU Community, which provides a constant learning for
the taking. It enables me to carry out the mission of,
Find Your Tribe and Organize for Action ‘impacting the impacter’ in tech-powered social entrepreneurship.
Ready to engage with others about exponential technologies and Thanks SU!”
their impact on your city or region? Join a Chapter in your area, or
start a new one! Visit to download our mobile app and Massimiliano Ventimiglia, Executive Program ’14
create a profile to find and be found by others in the community.
Founder and Managing Director, H-ART (AKQA ITALY)
Support Your Local Innovation Ecosystem Treviso, Italy
In addition to joining or leading a Chapter, consider attending a
SingularityU Summit to make valuable connections with innova- “The EP was an inspiring moment for my life. One of the best de-
tors and impact-minded peers. Sponsor or attend a Global Impact cisions I took in my career. It gave me a new dimension of thinking
Challenge to support the efforts of talented entrepreneurs ad- about what I do and why I do it. The best learning piece I took
dressing urgent humanitarian challenges in your area. And when away from it was the commitment towards the major problems
you’re ready to deepen your involvement with SU, organize a Sin- we experience as humans and the will to act and do something
gularityU Summit and then consider becoming a Country Partner. for them.”

Get Involved in Making an Impact Mic Mann, Executive Program ’15

Do you have your own big idea to help millions or even billions of Director, Mann Made Media
people? Take aim at a huge problem by turning your idea into a Johannesburg, South Africa
thriving impact startup leveraging exponential technologies. Apply
for the Global Startup Program or participate in a Global Impact “SU taught me how to open my mind to the future and the possibil-
Challenge and enter the realm of SU Ventures where you’ll re- ities of the future. The conversations, the education, the network
ceive the kind of support and expertise for your startup that only have all been invaluable and changed my life. . . .The best part
SU can provide. Are you a leader looking to have a positive impact about SU is that the network keeps growing stronger, and being
at scale? Apply to our popular Executive Program. part of this awesome network means I feel like I’m a part of the
future and am fully connected to the best minds in the world.”
SU hosts Summits all over the world.



NEW India Netherlands

Mexico Australia
Germany Czech

Colombia Canada


Singularity University Country Partners

Do you wish your country had its own SU? The SU Country Partnership is a unique opportunity for past
participants of SU programs to create their own Singularity University in their region by delivering local-
ized versions of SU’s programs, community activities, and innovation hubs. All activities are delivered
by expert local faculty who are trained and certified by Singularity University.

SingularityU Nordic (2017)

Location: Copenhagen, DK
Services: Summits, Local Executive
Programs, Keynotes, Briefings,
Innovation Hub
Certified Faculty: 18 certified faculty
members from the Nordics.
SingularityU The Netherlands (2016)
Location: Eindhoven, NL +45 60 11 22 44
Services: Summits, Local Executive
SingularityU Canada (2018)
Programs, Custom Programs, Keynotes,
Location: Canada Briefings, Innovation Hub
Services: Summits, Local Executive Certified Faculty: 15 certified faculty
Programs, Keynotes, Briefings members from the Netherlands.
Certified Faculty: Anne Connelly
(Blockchain), Suzanne Gildert (AI and
+31 655486008
Robotics), Sonny Kohli (Medicine)


SingularityU SingularityU SingularityU
The Netherlands Nordic Canada
SingularityU The Netherlands recently or- SingularityU Nordic is a certified Benefit SingularityU Canada is establishing a
ganized its first youth program. A group of Corporation with an innovation and edu- Pan-Canadian network of strategic part-
30 young people from Finland, Germany, cation campus and ecosystem for thou- ners across content, space, and reach.
and the Netherlands joined the Singulari- sands of future leaders, entrepreneurs, We are creating a distinct Canadian com-
tyU NL team and faculty in our Innovation and changemakers who come together munity and activating it to create value
Hub for an interactive and immersive pro- to find solutions to the global grand chal- and global impact. We are offering ongo-
gram on exponential technologies. lenges. With a 7000 m2 facility, SU Nordic ing education programs in multiple loca-
is the biggest SU venture outside the US tions for executives and entrepreneurs in
The SingularityU NL team is also proud to and has partnerships with some of the partnership with public, private, and aca-
welcome His Holiness the Dalai Lama in largest and most respected organizations demic organisations.
September for a unique dialogue on com- in the Nordics. The innovation campus
passion and technology. Both our youth includes a co-working and networking The SingularityU Canada Summit was the
program and the dialogue event illustrate space with startup and corporate inno- beginning of this movement in Canada.
how important it is for us to broaden our vation divisions, makerspace, tech lab, as Supporting SingularityU Canada’s mis-
reach and invite multiple perspectives in well as event spaces and a cafe. sion to create an inclusive Pan-Canadian
our programs. movement, the Summit convened more
than 1,300 of the most senior and influ-
ential Canadian leaders in person, and
an additional 6,000 Canadians joined
through more than 42 satellite events
across the country.

SingularityU Canada is building on that

success with exceptional Executive Pro-
Events grams, bespoke member experiences,
and a clear vision to catalyze a Pan-Ca-
nadian community with a shared commit-
SingularityU Nordic Executive Program ment to transforming our communities,
September 3-5, 2018 • Copenhagen, Denmark our business, our country, and our world.

SingularityU Nordic Summit

October 25-26, 2018 • Stockholm, Sweden

SingularityU The Netherlands Executive Program

November 5-7, 2018 • Eindhoven, The Netherlands

SingularityU Nordic Executive Program

December 3-5, 2018 • Copenhagen, Denmark

SingularityU Nordic Executive Program

February 25-27, 2019 • Copenhagen, Denmark

SingularityU The Netherlands Executive Program

March 25-27, 2019 • Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Singularity University Alumni
Making an Impact
Over the past 10 years, Singularity University’s alumni have made outstanding contributions in
their fields, leveraging an exponential mindset, tools, and technologies to develop the most
innovative ideas to create a positive future for our world. While we wish we had enough space
here to celebrate all of our alumni, we’d be remiss if we didn’t recognize a few shining exam-
ples. Meet more amazing alumni and learn about the projects they’re working on by download-
ing the SU Mobile App at

Select SU Alumni
Lucrezia Bisignani Shiza Shahid Teodor Panayotov
Edtech, Africa Co-founder NOW.Ventures Founder, global IT training
& Malala Fund marketplace in Bulgaria
Nichol Bradford
Transformative technology leader Barbara Silva Troncoso Eric Ezechieli
Women and global impact Instrumental in launching Benefit
Marita Cheng and Alberto Rizzoli in Latin America Corporation structure in Italy
Aipoly - helping people with visual
impairments Christina Souffrant Ntim and Uly Ogwah
Einstein Kofi Ntim Co-Founder, African Art Archive
Anielle Guedes Innovation center in Haiti; space and art broker in Nigeria
Housing, Brazil technology projects
Si Shen
Emiliano Kargieman Michael Vergalla Founder, mobile technology
Satellogic - live geo-information Free Flight Research Lab, USA company in China
Jack Sim Puruesh Chaudhary
Sara Naseri and Providing free, sanitary toilets Founder, Innovation and strategy
Søren Ronne Therkelson worldwide organization in Pakistan
Qurasense - smart menstrual pads
Desiree Cox
Shawna Pandya Rhodes Scholar, medical doctor,
Citizen-scientist astronaut creative artist, and author in the
Alicia Chong Rodriguez
Smart bra
Renato Cunha
Ricardo Sabatini Professor and medical device expert
Research in genomics, AI, longevity in Brazil
“I know I probably wouldn’t have taken the risk if I hadn’t been
surrounded by people who also believed in big ideas and could
talk in practical terms about what the right risks were and how
and when to take them....And that’s what Singularity gave me.
SU leaves a mark on the people it touches.”
— Andre Wegner, CEO of Authentise




Singularity University GSP is... Trailblazing. Trajectory-shifting. Transformative.

And now we’ve made SU’s GSP 10x more impactful.

See how we are rebooting GSP and how you can be part of it. Visit
Singularity University
Global Impact Challenges

Global Impact Challenges (GICs) are regionally-based events that showcase outstanding
leaders, entrepreneurs, and startups with the most innovative ideas to solve regional and
global grand challenges and positively impact a billion people in 10 years.

By the Numbers

GSP challenged my assumption about

how to build a huge scalable company.
Don’t limit yourself.
Christianna Taylor
2016 GIC Winner
Select GIC Success Stories

Hypercubes ImpactVision Awake Labs GITAI

A sensor network integrated A more transparent and Empowered care for brain A humanoid telepresence
into space technologies secure global food system and mental health disorders robot

Fabio Teixeira, 2010 Brazil Abi Ramanan, GSP’15 Andrea Palmer, 2015 GIC Sho Nakanose, 2017 GIC
GIC Winner Gustave Nipe, 2015 GIC Canada Winner Japan Winner
Winner, Sweden
Leveraging advanced With this new wearable band, With this new humanoid
satellite imaging, new space- Applying image recognition patients and caregivers can telepresence robot, it will be
based technologies will to non-invasively assess food measure and track physio- possible to use virtual reality
unveil unprecedented details quality, it is now easier to logical indicators of anxiety to and communication technol-
of Earth and help us make determine the freshness of prevent anxiety incidents. ogies to enable teleportation.
smarter decisions about our food and reduce global food
resources. waste. Raised $1.2M in seed
Raised $1.4M in seed

Meet Some of Our GIC Sponsors

Corporations Governments
Sony - Japan City of Buenos Aires - Argentina
DNB - Norway CONCYTEC - Government of Peru
Samsung - Finland
Foundations World Food Programme - United Nations
Fundacion Mustakis - Chili
Industrien Fond - Denmark Universities
University of Georgia - USA
Universidade Positivo - Brazil

Be a catalyst for local innovation, and be the first

to spot top talent and solutions. Sponsor a GIC.


Photo Credit: ReGen Villages


Making 33

an Impact

Singularity University’s community of
action, nearly 200,000 strong across 127
countries, comprises people who have
participated in our programs, events, chal-
lenges, and collaborations worldwide—in
SCAN FOR AR EXPERIENCE person and, increasingly, online. While
our ecosystem is diverse by all measures,
ReGen Villages it is united by a shared purpose: to use
2016 Global Grand Challenge Award Winner for Shelter
World’s first tech-integrated eco-village approved to be built technology to positively impact billions of
in the Netherlands people and to work together to create a
02 better future for all. Here are just a few
GSP, 2017 examples of the impact being created
Using augmented and virtual reality to reinvent Myanmar’s
education system by our incredible community. To learn
more, check out our impact dashboard at
Field Innovation Exchange, 2016
SU staff, X2AI, and Field Innovation Team visit Lebanon for
housing innovation project and field testing of Tess, an
AI-powered mental health chatbot
for the Lifetime of their Startups

Photo Credit: Nick Otto

We realized that we are a
technology company that has
a platform that can scale to solve
a global problem. That’s exactly
the type of work that SU is
organized to support. It’s a
really good fit.
Troy Hickerson, Active For Good
Global Impact Startups and
SU’s Formula for Success

Impact startups follow a different path to Your Journey to Massive Global Impact
success. We know this because we’ve Starts Here
learned and developed best practices Are you a founder aiming for global, billion-scale impact? We
have programs to support you at any stage of your startup’s evo-
by helping to launch some of the most lution. First, we’ll help you answer key questions, starting with the
basics. What global challenge are you tackling, and what type of
innovative startups around today. product or service would you build in order to have the greatest
impact? What technologies are converging to help you grow and
SU portfolio companies are pioneering scale faster? What does your industry look like in 10, 20, and 30
years, and how will technologies and social trends affect your
compelling products and services and, startup, sector, and the problem you’re trying to solve? What can
you build now or put in your roadmap to ensure your company
with the help of SU’s programs, faculty, will have lasting relevance in the future? Then we’ll examine a key
question that will shape your business: What multiple exponential
mentors, and advisors, are well- technologies might you apply to turn your idea into a moonshot
startup, one with the potential to impact a billion people within
positioned for both commercial success 10 years?
and moonshot-level impact.
Once you’re confident you’re building for 10x impact, we’ll help
you focus your attention on key startup needs: capital, custom-
ers, and connections. We’ll help you identify investors and hone
your presentations, introduce you to our corporate partners in
SU companies such as Made In Space (space-based manu- your sector who can support your pilots with actual customers,
facturing), Matternet (medical diagnostics by drone delivery), get you access to the right people who can make connections for
Getaround (peer-to-peer car sharing), Modern Meadow (lab- you, connect you with a team of advisors, and offer you our boot-
grown, cultured clothing), and Basepaws (cat genetics as a mod- camps to learn critical skills. We also help our portfolio companies
el for eradicating human disease) have all been the first of their by curating a temporary board of advisors to help guide the way
kind and all created new industries. forward. At SU Ventures, you’ll never have to go it alone. The
global ecosystem will be there to help you sharpen your focus on
We’ve chosen to support impact-focused startups that are dedi- the challenges and opportunities you face and navigate the best
cated not only to solving humanity’s most urgent challenges, but path to success.
doing so at a global scale. These startups need longer runways
to succeed because, as noted in the above examples, they often
must create new industries, new business models, and/or new
regulatory paradigms to achieve their vision. Such ventures need
to focus more on long-term outcomes and less on generating
short-term returns and therefore require a different kind of capital,
a different kind of support system, and a different definition of
return and success.

That’s why we created SU Ventures, the division of Singularity

University devoted to helping impact startups grow and thrive
which provides vital access to programs and support throughout
the lifetime of the company.
I was tired of founding companies
that just cared about the bottom
line. I needed to put my skills toward
something else, something more
positive and impactful.
Anna Skaya
Co-founder and CEO at Basepaws
GSP 2016 and SU Incubator 2017
Global Impact Challenges
Challenging Entrepreneurs to Take On Local
and Global Grand Challenges

Global Impact Challenges (GICs) are an open call to entrepre-

neurs, leaders, scientists, and engineers with the most innovative
ideas for addressing local and global grand challenges. SU has
run over 100 GICs in the last ten years in partnership with alum-
ni organizers and a range of private and public sector sponsors.
Challenge winners receive full sponsorships to attend one of SU’s
transformational programs.

The Global Startup Program

Helping Entrepreneurs Activate, Accelerate,
and Connect

SU’s first program ever offered, the GSP inspires the world’s
most forward-thinking entrepreneurs to positively impact billions.
As Ray Kurzweil has said, “the GSP is the heart and soul of SU.”
Indeed, GSP sits at the junction of exponential technologies, fu-
ture thinking, and impact, where revolutionary ideas become bil-
lion scale solutions. We’ve redesigned the program to make this
transformative experience even more global and hands-on. If you
want to grow your startup, 10x your mindset, validate your prod-
ucts, and gain access to capital, the new and improved GSP is for
you! Applications are open now for our spring 2019 cohort!

You have a
chance to see
several SU portfolio
companies here at
Global Summit!

Visit the EXPO and

meet the founders.
Photo Credit: Nick Otto

SU Portfolio Companies
Finding the Right Capital, Customers, Connections

SU Ventures offers the right environment for later-stage, incorpo-

rated startups to test, prototype, iterate, collaborate, partner, and
scale globally. Our programs include sprints for targeting key mile-

stones in a six-month execution plan to drive your business, and
funding bootcamps—everything a startup needs to be successful.
SU Ventures provides access to:

Including pitching best practices and identifying the right angels,
VCs, foundations, and grantmakers; targeted bootcamps on im-
Your Path to
10x Impact
pact investing and VC fundraising; and potential investment op-
portunities through the SU Fund

From market validation strategies to go-to-market planning, and

potential pilots with our F1000 partners and field deployments
with our impact partners

To our global network of experts, faculty, and industry leaders with
a curated Board of Advisors, SU faculty lead advisor, and mentor-
ing from business leaders in your industry, not to mention impres-
sive colleagues and alumni who provide invaluable peer-to-peer
Singularity University Ventures
SU Ventures currently supports 58 portfolio companies, which offers multiple programs to
have collectively raised $312 million in funding. Each company has
followed its own path to success. We are proud of these dedicat-
ed entrepreneurs and what they’ve accomplished (see pg. 40-42
provide specific support for
for a list of our current portfolio companies and to see how they
describe their SU experience). entrepreneurs and startups at
any stage, including the Global
SU Incubator Startup Program (GSP), Global
Moving from Ground-breaking Ideas to
Exponential Startups Impact Challenges (GICs), and a
This 10-week program is designed for entrepreneurs from idea- series of sprints and bootcamps.
stage startups and corporate spin-outs who want to come with a
moonshot idea and leave with the mindset, tools, and network to
turn their vision into reality. The Incubator helps teams with future
forecasting, problem and solution validation, rapid prototyping,
legal structures, business fundamentals, sales and go-to-market
programs, pitching, and funding. Participants gain unparalleled
access to our large and growing global network of mentors and
experts and the chance to engage with key experts curated in
advance based on their specific needs​. The program ends with a
Demo Faire featuring pitch presentations to top investors.
Portfolio Companies

Our portfolio of SU companies includes startups using exponential technologies to address the
world’s most intractable problems. They apply artificial intelligence, digital biology, nanotechnol-
ogy, robotics, and more to global issues such as food, energy, water, security, health, and the en-
vironment. SU companies are for-profit and nonprofit organizations helping to positively impact
the world of tomorrow.

1QBit Be-Novative
As a disruptive technology Rebeam Oppticity
Semtive Genius Foods
inside a conservative Hexagro Urban Farming
market, we’ve had to Optineo Group Inc. Active For Good
look for very non-traditional billionBricks ImpactVision
ways of financing our Miroculus Getaround
MZP Tech Modern Meadow
business and moving
X2AI Swift Tram
it forward. SU helped us Nutrigene BlueOak Resources
devise that investment Basepaws Hardera
strategy. Sentrian Biko
Nexleaf Analytics Hypercubes
Emily Hicks
Organ Preservation Alliance Justdiggit
FREDsense Technologies
Be My Eyes Afforest4Future
Muzi Network Society Research
Ourotech Authentise
Braincare Radiomaze
Thanks to SU, we can
Human Longevity Inc. Iota Security
see how we are going CLINICAI Inc. Hala Systems, Inc.
to get there and in what Janus Choice Deep Blocks
order we need to Matternet Golden Financial
do things. Made In Space KASHIO INC
MorphOptic Key2enable Assistive Technology
Duleek Ranatunga Focus@Will ixo Foundation
Ourotech Flow FREDsense Technologies
RoboLoco, Inc. Field Ready
Emerge Fellow Robots
Fastrack Institute, Inc.
From the Founders: 41

How SU Launches Moonshots

At Singularity University, we’re helping turn moonshot ideas into commercially viable
businesses. See what some of the founders have to say about working with SU.

“The program offers a short route to meet “All of a sudden, we realized if we expand “SU has been invaluable to us. First they
the right contacts, and the network is from a micro-volunteering perspective to put our initial team together. They gave
incredibly valuable. . . .This company is a design perspective, then this now be- us the inspiration to work in this field and
a direct outcome of attending the GSP, comes an ecosystem that companies can were there to counsel us in business and
and being equipped with the mindset, join. And then we can have a way to make technology. They gave us the contacts we
tools, and knowledge to address a global a business model such that everybody needed, including Lowe’s, to help us cre-
challenge.” only wins, and nobody loses.” ate some initial revenue and introduced
us to our biggest investor, an Italian family.
—Abi Ramanan, CEO and — Christian Erfurt,
Co-founder of ImpactVision CEO at Be My Eyes . . . And now, SU is providing us with the
platform from which to develop our tech-
nology and our leadership—which is a big
reason why people want to work with us
or talk with us initially. . . . There are always
the traditional metrics of money raised
“As a result of being a part of the SU com- and number of customers, but I think even
munity, we’ve made a lot of headway with more important is finding the right market
running pilots at technology companies, niche and staying on track to realizing it.
completing design sprints that helped Finding that niche market that is still true
refine our business model, and the like to the vision of the company and then
. . . . Nailing down what your slide deck helping to manage the narrative of where
looks like, how to get in front of a compa- the industry must go—that is the measure
ny and explain what you do in a way that of success for me”
they understand and can get behind has
— Andre Wegner,
been invaluable.” CEO of Authentise
— T
 roy Hickerson,
Active For Good

“I believe Singularity University works so “It was one epiphany after another for the “Thanks to SU, we have a 10 year-plan
well because it has the experts who can first month of the GSP. But it wasn’t only for bringing our advances to patients. SU
educate people about new technologies, a change in mindset to what’s possible. It has helped us make the connections to
and it attracts large companies that may was also the way I learned to practically pharmaceutical companies, researchers,
not have participated in exponential tech- apply that mindset to what I was trying to and mentors who are helping to refine
nologies before but now want a conserv- accomplish. . . .The SU Ventures Incubator and broaden the impact of our work. They
ative way to test the exponential waters. provided me with the first infrastructure for have helped us understand the process
These large brands are looking for smaller a startup. . . . An advisory board was curat- for protecting our innovations and making
companies like X2AI that are successful ed for us and we met with many real es- them compliant. And, most importantly,
and creating value for others. They then tate developers, architects, and brokers to our work with SU has meant we are hav-
slowly adapt our cutting-edge technology show them our demo prototype and get ing a positive disruptive influence on how
into their own businesses where they be- their feedback. . . . Beyond helping us test to maximize the impact cancer drugs and
come part of the core offering and assets. our assumptions, many of these industry therapies have on individual patients.”
players also helped us test the software—
— Michiel Rauws, CEO of X2AI — Duleek Ranatunga,
and that is when some decided to also Co-founder of fund us.” Ourotech

— Olivia Ramos, Co-founder

and CEO at Deep Blocks

“SU is the place where we went from an

idea we posted on the board as ‘23and-
Me for cats,’ to ‘pet genetics that can im-
pact human drug discovery,’ an idea for a
company that will impact a billion people
in 10 years. The pitch I make to investors
is that we have this great company that is
already making money from a product we
developed 3x faster than other biotech
firms because, thanks to SU and what we
learned there, our R&D process is really,
really fast. More than that impressive fact,
“A lot of good came out of the Business we also have a vision for how this tech-
Model Workshop we did with SU and Ro- nology will change the way that drugs are
toplas. We talked with developers. . . and created for people, as well as for pets.”
got some great feedback to support our
 nna Skaya, Co-founder
go-to-market plans. . . . As a result of the and CEO at Basepaws
introduction SU helped us make with Ro-
toplas, we expect to see exponential sales
going forward and have met all the right
people to help us grow our business.”
— Bob Brill, President
and Co-founder of
Sanzfield Technologies
Do you have a
monumental idea?

We’ve got a safe space for ridiculously bold startups.

SU Ventures offers startup founders the programs and expert mentorship
to scale impact fast and focus on what matters. We provide a supportive
framework to help founders execute on their ambitious vision and mission.

Learn more about our drop-in programs, sprints, retreats, and Summit
opportunities to support your startup goals, and come surround yourself
with others who dream big.



The Global Business
Landscape is Changing
by Carin Watson, EVP, Learning & Innovation at Singularity University

Leading an organization, business unit, or team Your Guide to Navigating
to success in times of exponentially accelerat- Uncharted Territory
ing change is incredibly hard. Most CEOs today
feel a profound sense of urgency to transform Thanks in large part to the exponential growth of technologies,
everything about their organization—strategy, the terrain facing companies today is very different from that of the
past. However, most leaders are still relying on old maps to help
culture, structure, leadership, innovation—to en- them navigate. And while those maps may have been invaluable
sure they’re able to avoid disruption and harness in driving past successes, they are no longer sufficient or reliable.
technology in order to thrive in the future. Leaders who assume their old models, data, and experiences can
just be extrapolated into an unknown and unpredictable future do
so at their own peril.
Every company on the planet seems to have
a “digital transformation” initiative underway. We don’t claim to offer a silver bullet, one-size-fits-all solution.
Instead, SU provides a new lens to help leaders understand the
Based on hundreds of conversations we’ve had limitations of existing maps and the contexts in which any map
with executives, it seems many of them are fail- or model might be useful. Leaders must deeply understand the
ing. Or at least not progressing as fast as expect- underlying drivers of exponential change and think differently
about the implications to their organizations. We enable leaders
ed, or achieving the impact originally anticipated.
to see further into the future with tools for forecasting and sce-
nario planning as well as build long-term visions and narratives
And with expert forecasts like, “nearly 50% of with methodologies like SciFi DI (Design Intelligence). We teach
the current S&P 500 will be replaced over the leaders to learn and embrace new mental models that can help
them achieve their goals. And just as importantly, we help them
next ten years,”1 assertions like, “Generation Y unlearn outdated mental models that they have come to depend
expects to work in communities of mutual inter- on, often unconsciously.
est and passion—not structured hierarchies,”2
As the famous scholar Alfred Korzybski said, “The map is not the
and headlines like, “Will Today’s Corporations territory.” Consider Singularity University as your guide to better
Exist in a Decade?”3 it’s no wonder boards and understand, navigate, and anticipate the new, largely uncharted
executive teams around the world are desper- territory we must traverse to get to the future.
ately seeking more solid footing amidst an expo-
nentially shifting landscape.

¹ 2018 Corporate Longevity Forecast: Creative Destruction is Accelerating, Innosight

² Vineet Nayar, Vice Chairman and CEO of HCL Technologies, quoted “Will Today’s Corporations Exist In A Decade?” Forbes, Jan 25, 2016
³ “Will Today’s Corporations Exist In A Decade?” Forbes, Jan 25, 2016
The First Step is Shifting Your Mindset •Engage their ecosystem of partners, clients, and investors in their
vision and journey
We often say, “Nothing changes without people.” While our solu- • Train current and future leaders to think and act exponentially
tions largely focus on evolving and fortifying the functions of strat- • Execute 10x projects for profit and/or purpose
egy, leadership, and innovation, the foundation for sustained suc-
cess begins and ends with people. • Identify new market opportunities by understanding the global
grand challenges
In redesigning their organization, leaders, and businesses to • Collaborate with a diverse global network of faculty, startups, cor-
adapt to this new paradigm of exponential change, and ready porations, governments, nonprofits, academic institutions, inves-
themselves for the future, most leaders tend to focus on what they tor groups, and passionate individuals
should do. Should we teach design thinking? Run ideation chal-
lenges? Launch an accelerator? Experiment with AI? But the first SU believes every organization has the capacity to achieve what
step must be how to think, not what to do. it considers improbable, impossible—or has yet to imagine. To un-
lock an organization’s potential, we offer a portfolio of solutions
As Albert Einstein famously said, “We cannot solve our problems designed to support enterprises on their transformational journey.
with the same thinking we used when we created them.” At SU, We’ve helped leading global companies such as Airbus, Bayer,
we help leaders learn how to shift their mindset from linear to ex- Lowe’s, Lufthansa, AEP, and Rotoplas, among others, become ex-
ponential. We empower the organization with new mental models, ponential in their thinking, planning, execution, and results. We’ll
a new common language, and metrics that better measure and share some of their stories here.
incentivize exponential results. And, importantly, we teach ambi-
dexterity, a critical capability during this time of massive transition.
While it may appear contrary to SU’s perspective and refrain, linear Shifting your perspective is better
models are actually necessary to run many aspects of a business.
Today’s enterprises must be nimble and have the ability to em- than being smart.
brace both—and toggle between—linear and exponential models
Astro Teller, CEO of X
and mindsets, depending on the situation. To that end, we help
leaders practice unlearning, which requires time and patience
given the process is often exponential, not linear. We discuss the
conditions needed for innovation to thrive, which must be defined,
modeled, and credibly supported by leaders. 10x Strategy Development
To many executives, “strategy” calls to mind Porter’s Five Forces
How We Work With Organizations and management consulting frameworks. But the way we strate-
gize is changing. Traditional models and approaches are no
SU has a decade-long track record of transforming leaders’ per- longer sufficient. Given the increasing pace of change, companies
spectives about the future. We help them explore the role of expo- now need to toggle frequently between 10-20 years out and the
nentially accelerating technologies; opportunities for established next 6-12 months (Deloitte’s Center for the Edge calls this Zoom
organizations to drive disruption (vs. be crushed by it); and new Out, Zoom In), to ensure they are investing at the right time and
organizational, learning, leadership, and innovation models that iterating quickly and incrementally as new information emerges.
will help build the competencies and culture required to navigate
the increasing pace of change. We work with CEOs, executive teams, and boards to help them
contemplate the potential impact of—and opportunities created
Our global network of faculty, alumni, and practitioners ensures by—exponential technologies, digital tools, and emerging busi-
we are always bringing you the cutting-edge across a wide range ness models. We help them define what business they are really
of disciplines. Our job is to push your thinking about the future in (or will be in) within the next 5, 10, and 30 years, and bring that
by exposing you to the latest perspectives and breakthroughs, vision to life through narratives and experimentation road maps.
by challenging your ingrained assumptions, by inspiring you to
think beyond business-as-usual, and by encouraging you to think You can see evidence of our strategy solution in action by looking
about 10 years out and 10x solutions (vs. just 10% improvements). at how Lowe’s worked with us to re-envision its future.
We help leaders realize that transformation is a journey; it’s not
just about the destination, but also the learning, mindset shift, and
myriad wins that happen along the way. There is really only one way to live
We help leaders: in a world of speed, surprise, noise,
• Understand and anticipate disruptive opportunities and threats and responsiveness, and that’s to
from exponential technologies and new business models
• Define and communicate a new future vision and road map
visit the future frequently.
• Align their entire organization on a shared mindset, language, Grant McCracken, “The Corporation is at
and context for transformation Odds with the Future,” HBR, May 29, 2013
Lowe’s has developed a reputation for leading corporate in-
novation using exponential technologies such as artificial in-
telligence, robotics, virtual reality, additive manufacturing, and
others. This methodology for understanding the future and
changing the way people think, feel, and act is no longer solely
being used inside Lowe’s Innovation Labs. What was initially at
The Company: the edge of the company is now a core strategic framework for
the entire Lowe’s organization.
Lowe’s Companies, Inc. is a FORTUNE® 50 home
improvement company serving more than 18
million customers a week in the United States,
Canada, and Mexico. With fiscal year 2017 sales
of $68.6 billion, Lowe’s and its related business-
es operate or service more than 2,390 home
improvement and hardware stores and employ
over 310,000 people.

The Challenge:
SU was engaged to help turn a “big box home
improvement retailer” into a center of excellence
3D Printing of Parts at the International
for delivering meaningful innovation.
Space Station with Made In Space
Another challenge Lowe’s Innovation Labs tackled was how to
advance real-time, local manufacturing. In an early pilot con-
The Lowe’s SU Story: ducted in partnership with Authentise, another SU portfolio
company, customers could simply bring in an object, such as
Lowe’s has completely embraced exponential thinking, with a broken or out of production part, and Lowe’s could digitally
results that go well beyond innovation in its stores, a motivat- scan it for the customer to create a 3D model that could be
ed and loyal employee base, and breakthroughs that address used for printing, among other applications. Broken parts could
global grand challenges. Lowe’s has innovated 3D printing at even be pieced back together. Customers could also modify
the International Space Station and is pushing the envelope and print objects designed by Lowe’s, in just about any material
on robotics and virtual and augmented reality. Lowe’s is now a they wanted.
sought-after innovation partner of companies like Google and
Microsoft, as well as startup organizations such as the SU port- In another partnership, Lowe’s exemplified moonshot thinking.
folio company Made In Space, and Lowe’s has been recog- “We learned a lot from partnering in 3D printing with Made In
nized by the White House as a Champion of Change. Space, a connection we made at SU,” noted Nel. “We essential-
ly put a Lowe’s store in space at the International Space Station!
“We went from selling sheet rock and hammers to completely We figured it would be a good test: if 3D printing could work
transforming the entire company,” said Kyle Nel, Founder and flawlessly in the extreme conditions in space to produce parts
former Executive Director of Lowe’s Innovation Labs. “What I that wear out or break, then it could also work in our stores.”
needed was a network, a community, a team. I found it at SU. I
needed help to refine and scale my vision and to be surround- Lowe’s and Made In Space have also brought forward a more
ed by people who could impact me and help me feel like I holistic view of additive manufacturing that include applications
was either on the right track or not, and could explain why. like recycling. The two companies created a prototype demon-
Most innovation programs or spaces are focused on two-by- stration of technology that would allow customers to bring in
two charts and a review of case studies having nothing to do plastic bags or anything else made of plastic they’re ready to
with the unique challenges I faced at Lowe’s. People attend discard, and recycle it into 3D printing filament to be used over
these ‘innovation’ programs so they can check the innovation and over and over again for products like Lowe’s buckets. “We
box by completing the program. SU is different; everyone that see things in a constant state of transition, which helps the
comes in the SU door is self-selecting to be oriented towards planet by reducing unnecessary waste,” said Nel. In 2016, the
action. People are trying to partner, trying to co-create, pushing Obama administration recognized Lowe’s and Made In Space
the technology frontier, and trying to uplift to create a world as Champions of Change for this effort.
of abundance.”

To learn more about the programs and services SU

customized for Lowe’s, read the whole case study at
10x Leadership Training
To transition their business in ways that today’s business climate requires, leaders must first unlearn outdated approaches and legacy
behaviors that impede progress. They must become what we at SU call exponential leaders—leaders who can adapt to any situation and
drive 10x results for themselves, their teams, and their networks. Exponential leaders are futurists, innovators, technologists, and humani-
tarians...not necessarily by title or official function, but by the skills and behaviors they strive to master.

Many organizations are realizing that their existing leadership development programs are ill-equipped to prepare current and future lead-
ers to meet rapidly evolving business needs. Traditional programs often use outdated methods, set inadequate context, offer insufficient
coaching, and are generally too slow to keep up with the rapid pace of change. SU’s programs teach participants about exponential
technologies and thinking, use 10x projects that endure beyond the classroom to allow on-the-job experimentation and learning, include
ongoing coaching to lock in new concepts and methods, and leverage diverse peer and expert networks for on-demand support. As a
result, leaders are better prepared to champion and lead the company’s transformation agenda through uncertain times.

As a case in point, SU helped The Executive Network (TEN), a Dutch executive search firm, turn its country’s CEOs into exponential leaders
and their companies into exponential enterprises. Here’s a look at how that happened.

TEN and SU worked together to create a customized three-day

Exponential Technology and Strategy Program for groups of 55
executives at a time, as often as needed, calling it The Execu-
tive Network Innovation Program. The executives who attend
the program are leaders of the largest Dutch companies in-
cluding the CEOs of the top 10 banks, pension funds, insurance
companies; transportation, infrastructure, construction and en-
The Company: gineering companies; professional services firms; hospitals;
real estate companies; energy; and telecom.
The Executive Network is the largest Dutch exec-
utive search firm in the Netherlands. With 300 SU-educated CEOs and board members (as of ear-
ly 2018), representing the full gamut of Dutch industry as part
The Challenge: of its network, TEN has created a strong base of innovation
and change in Dutch business. Pre-SU, many CEOs had equat-
Become the leading Dutch executive search firm ed high-speed change with risk. Post-SU, they are aware that
in the Netherlands—and build better business- not changing is the risk. Across industries, there is now a core
Dutch business group whose members realize they need to
es—by educating the country’s top CEOs about move beyond thinking of themselves as competitors and un-
exponential leadership models to help them derstand that they are often facing the same issues. They’re
thrive in today’s business climate of rapid change open to sharing with each other how they are going to imple-
ment what they have learned at SU. Tuk explains,“With SU,
and disruption. we’ve been able to develop a very, very strong network of peo-
ple with the same experience, knowledge set, and expectation
for what is possible. It is good for the Netherlands.”

The TEN SU Story: “The SU course in 2016 was the most inspiring education-
al experience I have had in my life. The key players them-
The Executive Network (TEN) has differentiated its search and selves in the field of AI, robotics, 3D printing, cybersecurity,
recruiting business by building a strong, cross-industry network self-driving cars, energy, and healthcare presented their vi-
of over 300 inspired Dutch CEOs and board members who sion and recent developments. After this week I realized that
have learned at SU how to recognize and leverage the oppor- the future was much closer than I thought. We actually imple-
tunities presented by exponential technologies. mented some innovations in our organization shortly after
attending SU. Without this experience, we most likely would
Marty Tuk, Co-founder of TEN, said of his unusual business have waited to do so.”
model, “Of course, we get paid for executive search, but TEN’s — Gertjan van der Baan, CEO, Vesteda
raison d’être is that we have a very strong will to create bet-
ter leaders. And better leaders create better companies, and
better companies need better people.” The business model
To learn more about the programs and services SU
becomes a virtuous circle. customized for The Executive Network, read the whole
case study at
10x Innovation Sprints
To build the future of your organization, you must be able to innovate incredibly fast—to ideate far beyond business-as-usual. You must
dedicate funding to early-stage “crazy” ideas and learn through rapid experimentation and failure. You need to progress projects through
your stage gate using the right metrics at the right time, determine the best structure for new ventures, and design optimal relationships
for them with the core business or spin them out. Finally, leaders need to mobilize their internal organization and external ecosystem to
support these new future businesses, which often reflect a new vision and narrative.

Our future-focused design and innovation methodologies help innovation, technology, and new product development teams ideate,
prototype, and validate potentially breakthrough ideas, then prepare to bring them to market. We push teams to 10x their solutions by
leveraging exponential technologies. We engage our faculty and portfolio companies to support these initiatives. We also pull in experts
and practitioners from our network as ideators, collaborators, and builders...and rely on them to bring both industry expertise as well as,
importantly, diverse perspectives that will inspire and expand your thinking, and challenge your current assumptions.

Working with SU, global life sciences leader Bayer created a new center of innovation to help propel the company’s efforts to reshape the
future of digital health.

In Schapeler’s own words:

“SU helps us understand the digital industry and puts us in

touch with the right players in the industry. They help us under-
stand what is coming next in the future—not just in technology,
but also how they will affect human trends. That’s where we
have the most benefit from the SU ecosystem. You get tons of
ideas; can find the right players, and the right startups to work
The Company: with. For instance, we’ve been introduced to a startup working
on a vital sign sensor, another working on an idea to look at
Bayer is a 45 billion EUR giant with three busi- crops using drones, and another that is exploring how to use
nesses: pharmaceuticals; consumer health prod- drones to transport drugs into remote areas.
ucts; and crop sciences devoted to fertilizers, “The innovators, startups, and SU faculty have helped us under-
seeds, and other products. stand the technologies, trends, and business models behind
innovations taking place in AI, Big Data, and Social Learning.
We are looking at ‘beyond the pill’ tools to design treatments
The Challenge: to help people get healthy, such as new ways to deal with data
The Life Science industry faces massive changes and approvals. In pharmaceuticals, it isn’t unusual for a compa-
ny such as ours to spend 12 years and between $800 million
and opportunities due to ongoing digital transfor- and $2.5 billion working to get a single drug to market. Digital
mation. Bayer seeks to develop new life science technology tools evolve in months for much less money. This
solutions based on digital technology, machine digital transformation brings tremendous opportunities and
challenges with it that we have now managed to leverage and
learning, sensors, and new business models, deal with faster due to our connection with SU.
as well as define faster, less-costly develop-
ment, testing, and go-to-market processes “What we see as really unique about SU, is the SU ecosys-
and solutions. tem—a very diverse mix of people. People who are very smart
and focused on doing something to fix broken systems or help
people living in less fortunate places, or people who just want
to make the planet a better place. At Bayer, we also have a
strong link to some of those same challenges, such as how to
The Bayer SU Story: feed nine billion people and how to provide healthcare for all,
which trigger our own thoughts about how to deploy technol-
In 2015—in yet another advancement in innovation—Bayer es- ogy for the benefit of humans. Bayer finds SU serious about
tablished its Bayer iHUB lab that is embedded at the Singularity the same concerns we have. Elsewhere you may hear peo-
University (SU) campus in Silicon Valley. Led by Dirk Schapeler, ple speak about the challenges, but they are not seriously ad-
iHUB’s VP Digital Innovation U.S., the iHUB’s focus is on digital dressed as they are at SU.”
innovations in the life sciences space and incorporates emerg-
ing or exponential technologies such as sensors to monitor vi- To learn more about the innovation programs Bayer
tal signs, as well as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and has partnered with SU on, read the whole case study
big data to identify patients and analyze results. by visiting
A great example of how we’ve helped a company tackle strategy, leadership, and innovation is the work we did with energy provider AEP.

pany expected 250 applications, but received more than 400

submissions from more than 600 employees. Many proposals
came from long-time customer service representatives who’d
heard first-hand about the problems their customers were
facing and who had ideas about how to fix the common pain
points. SU designed the challenge, helped the finalist teams
hone their presentations, complete business models describ-
ing their ideas, and co-judged the final presentations which
were videotaped and shared with all employees.
The Company:
The stakes were high. Some employees who won temporarily
American Electric Power (AEP) delivers electricity
left their current day jobs to be placed on special assignment to
and custom energy solutions to nearly 5.4 million incubate their ideas as a startup, bring them to minimum viable
customers across 11 states. It owns the largest product status, iterate them through field testing, scale them,
electricity transmission system in the U.S. and de- and bring them to market.

livers power from a balanced mix of coal, natural All eight finalist teams were declared winners. These teams
gas, nuclear, hydro, wind, and solar. developed compelling ideas that address valid pain points and
growing expectations for new services among customers. All
eight teams were invited to participate in an internal Innovation
The Challenge: Workshop to help them further develop their startup plans and
SU was engaged to help transform a traditional business models, while the top three will build capacity in the
short-term through participation in internal or external acceler-
utility into an agile organization that can rapidly ators.
deliver innovative new products and services for
customers. To learn more about all the programs and services
SU customized for AEP, read the whole case study at

The AEP SU Story:

Remarkable changes are happening at one of the largest elec-
tric utilities in the U.S., thanks to a new focus among executives
to encourage employees to use exponential thinking and tech-
nologies to deliver new services and products for customers.
With SU’s assistance, AEP is developing expertise in seeing the
potential of exponential technologies and how to rapidly exe-
cute and iterate new ideas to benefit customers. SU is helping
lead change at AEP by providing a mechanism for moving from
idea to new offering in weeks and months instead of years.
AEP is building an innovative culture and displaying thought
leadership to spur innovations in thinking and technologies
among employees.

AEP Taps Into Most Important Asset –

Its Employees – in SU Open Innovation
In the Spring of 2017, AEP rolled out an Open Innovation Chal-
lenge. Its 17,000 employees were invited to propose new,
cutting-edge products and services for customers. The com-
52 Creating Long-term Value DASH: Mission Control For Your
and Impact Transformation Journey
At the end of the day, businesses must still create Transformation is hard, especially when you’re look-
value for shareholders and investors. But their typi- ing ahead to an unknown future. And if you’re re-
cal expectation of short-term return and predictability sponsible for overseeing the initiative across a large,
makes “transformation” a tough pill to swallow. We complex organization and delivering results, it can be
help leaders think about how to bring along this criti- downright overwhelming. To help organizations make
cal group—to communicate a new narrative, perspec- smarter, faster decisions, we’ve built DASH, a digital
tive about the future, and metrics that matter. We’re platform that will serve as “mission control” for your
also working to incorporate new strategy and financial transformation journey to the future.
modeling tools that will help leaders make the case
for long-term value creation over short-term return. DASH is the closest thing to a crystal ball, helping you
see and prepare for the future ahead. Its Technology
Forecast module tracks the exponential trajectory of
The most audacious a wide range of technologies, helping you better time
innovations—like developing your investments and experiments. DASH also tracks
the progress and performance of your 10x projects,
a smart, green, livable city— allowing you to better manage your portfolio of ideas
simply cannot be created and investments. The exponential leader and enter-
prise diagnostics help companies assess their internal
by single companies or by capabilities and prioritize areas for skill development.
industries operating alone. DASH also delivers the latest, most relevant articles
and courses to you, based on your priorities and ar-
Amy C. Edmondson, “Wicked-Problem eas of interest.
Solvers,” HBR, June 2016 Issue

In addition to creating long-term value, companies

Join us.
also have a huge opportunity—and in our view, re-
sponsibility—to create long-term impact. As Black- It has never been a more exciting time to be alive.
Rock CEO Larry Fink said recently in his annual letter Organizations have a profound opportunity to har-
to CEOs, “To prosper over time, every company must ness powerful technologies, to leverage exponential
not only deliver financial performance, but also show models and mindsets, and to reinvent themselves as
how it makes a positive contribution to society.” At SU, nimble, resilient organizations prepared to ride each
we believe every individual and organization must coming wave of change.
work together to solve the world’s biggest problems—
water, food, education, energy, poverty, governance, We invite you to join our growing, global community
etc.—many of which are quickly becoming existential of exponential leaders who are evolving their organ-
threats. And we firmly believe that large, global organ- izations and impacting the world. As our CEO Rob
izations have an outsized opportunity to contribute... Nail has said, “We ultimately want to connect people,
they have the brand, capital, distribution networks, ca- projects, partners, programs, ideas, and resources
pabilities, and people, and can really move the needle across the globe and will be developing and exper-
and make a difference. In working with organizations, imenting with new ways to do so. Our ability to make
our job is to expose leaders to specific opportuni- unexpected connections (we call these “uncommon
ties and projects that represent both social and bot- partners”) can ultimately result in unique and valuable
tom-line impact. This is version 2.0 of Corporate Social outcomes.”
Responsibility. And not only is it good business, your
future customers, employees, suppliers, partners, and Let’s start building the future
shareholders will come to expect it.
together. Are you ready?
Start charting your new path
today by visiting
What if you could transport yourself
a decade into the future?

The best tech to invest in

“With DASH, I was able The startups to watch (or acquire)

to see the technologies The competitors that would impact your business
that are likely to impact
our business much earlier, The future of your industry
and develop a plan for
turning those insights into
opportunities before they While we haven’t invented a teleportation device (yet!),
became disruptors.” we do have DASH. This digital platform will help you see
the future more clearly and provide valuable data and
— Strategy Leader at Global CPG Firm
insights to inform your mission-critical decisions.
Designed by seasoned innovators, strategists, and futurists, DASH
leverages predictive analytics to help you forecast and respond
proactively to exponential trends and technologies, and advance your
leadership and innovation capabilities through diagnostics, customized
content, and on-demand learning.

Whether you’re leading strategy, innovation, HR, finance, or other key

functions, DASH provides the intel you need in real-time to support your
company’s transformation initiative and get you to the future faster.

Learn more at

To Global
Summit 55

Erik Anderson
Chairman of the Board, SU

As the Chairman of the Board for Singularity University, I’d like to

welcome you to the Global Summit and what promises to be an
inspiring and invigorating three days together!

As we reflect on SU’s growth and impact in our first ten years, it

is time to both celebrate and renew our commitment to work to-
gether to ensure technology is used to create a better future for
everyone. There is no organization today that is better equipped
to convene smart, creative, diverse, bold, action-oriented think-
ers, leaders, and builders than Singularity University. Through our
shared purpose, inspiring narrative, strong capital partners, and
global network of collaborators and innovators, the SU communi-
ty is an unbridled force in solving the world’s most intractable and
urgent challenges. We are now well-positioned as the leading
brand in the global innovation-for-good economy. What an excit-
ing way to begin our next ten-year journey!

Thank you to those of you who are already contributing to the

great work Singularity University is doing—it is because of you
that lives have been changed for the better. If you are not yet
involved, I urge you to find a way this week. Visit the EXPO hall
to speak with staff members who can help you learn more and
define your first step. While you’re there, meet some of the ex-
traordinary entrepreneurs working to turn moonshot ideas into
sustainable businesses that will positively impact the world.

I look forward to meeting many of you this week and hope you
will share with me your ideas and dreams for how Singularity Uni-
versity can make a bigger difference in your organization, com-
munity, country, and in the world.

SingularityU Embracing the future today with the unique
Canada Italian flavor and style through the initiatives
of SingularityU Italy.

Establishing a Pan-Canadian
network of strategic partners
across content, space, and reach.

SingularityU The Netherlands

Our focus is on four key areas in which companies
and scientists in the Netherlands are world leaders:
food, health, mobility and water.

SingularityU Nordic
SingularityU Nordic integrates
the best of Silicon Valley with
the strengths of Scandinavia.


South Africa
SingularityU Portugal brings the world’s leading Building an empowered network of change
experts on exponentially accelerating technologies makers who can innovate and implement
to Portugal’s leaders of today and tomorrow. solutions to solve Africa’s (and the
world’s) greatest challenges. oo
e Pr
#WhatAboutTomorrow utu
OCTOBER 8-9, 2018
Sweden Summit SingularityU
Combining the Nordics’ proud
history of building community,
Greece Summit
trust and inclusion with the best NOVEMBER 19-20, 2018
from exponential technology’s
incredible innovation and
Come hear the most famous Greek from Silicon Valley,
scalability potentials.
Peter Diamandis, speak at the SingularityU Greece Summit in Athens.
OCTOBER 25-26, 2018

Spain Summit
Returning to Spain with
a flourish and a focus on
exponential leadership
from Madrid.
FEBRUARY 20-21, 2019

SingularityU SingularityU
Transforming minds and creating
Want to be exponential and get
exponential leaders in the tropical,
a tan? Come to the SingularityU
Andean setting of Bogota.
Mexico summit in Puerto Vallarta.
NOVEMBER 27-28, 2018 NOVEMBER 7-8, 2018

Delicious food, great coffee and SingularityU

SingularityU amazing wine; embrace abundance South Africa Summit
Italy Summit at the SingularityU Italy Summit. Come to Johannesburg
OCTOBER 2-3, 2018 to #FutureProofAfrica

OCTOBER 15-16, 2018


Autographs and Friends
Human connection is just as important as understanding technological
change. Collect and share autographs and notes from the people you
meet at Global Summit here. Exchange contact info the old-fashioned way!

you impact
How wliion people?
one bil
— Peter

The future does not

look like the past!

ating a
or co-cre
Thanks f ith us!
uture w
better f
Join us for next year’s
Global Summit on
August 19-21, 2019!

Purchase your 2019 registration to take advantage of
rates only available onsite! Save $1,000 on standard
2019 pricing. Purchase on Tuesday or Wednesday at
the registration desk. This offer will disappear when
Global Summit is over.

General Participant $1,995

VIP Participant $3,995
Founder’s Circle $8,995

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