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Literature vs.

Film Lesson Plan

Name: Aldo Ricci Date(s) or Days of Lesson: 10/09/21

Student Learning Objective(s)/Target(s) and Related Assessment(s):

Learning Target: I understand the differences seen when reading passages from texts vs
watching clips from their respective films. This means that I can identify what is gained and
what is lost when switching to an entirely visual medium and decide what I prefer.

Language Objective: I can read excerpts from books and identify the differences in presentation
between exclusively written or visual forms of storytelling.

Standard(s): Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media
or formats (for example: visually, quantitatively) as well as in words in order to address a
question or solve a problem. (CCSS: RI.11-12.7)

● Writing utensil
● Paper
● Computer and mini lesson for teacher, internet access for student assignment
● Printouts of excerpts from movie books
● Clips from movies that match the excerpts

Learning Activities:

Initiation: Open with a quick write that is intended to refocus student thinking on the transition
we’ve been seeing in our studies to more and more of an emphasis on visual aspects. The quick
write mostly exists to remind students of the fact that this course is one rooted in literature first
and art second, just so they remember what they should be focused on. This will be followed by
a brief class discussion where students share their observations regarding the use of visuals in
what we’ve looked at over the past few class periods. (15 Minutes)

Lesson Development: This lesson will focus on how literature and film interact with one another
and get students thinking about the positives and the detriments of both mediums. Over the
duration of the class we will read selections from The Hunger Games, No Country for Old Men
and Harry Potter. After each segment we read, we will discuss our thoughts on it and what we
gain from the written medium. We’ll then watch the clip of that scene we just read from the
movie adaptation and discuss changes made, what is lost when it’s not left to the imagination,
and what was gained due to the visuals. (75 Minutes)
Closure: A brief recap of the thoughts and ideas raised over our discussion will help close out
the class, and students will be asked to send in a relatively school appropriate music video of
their choosing to myself for review and potential selection for the next class. Encouragement to
stay focused on the literary aspects of the course and not lose sight of the ultimate objective of
unpacking literature and visuals together as we continue moving into more and more abstract
territory. (5 Minutes)

Individuals Needing Differentiated Instruction:

Content Process Product Environment
Modificatio Because this is a
ns: whole class activity,
students won’t need
to feel pressured to
participate if they’re
struggling and can
instead learn from
their peers in the
analysis and share
outs that take place
Extensions: Because of the nature
of analysis in
general, students who
need a greater
challenge will be able
to dig deeper into
both the written and
visual forms of the
text and upack more,
strengthening class
knowledge and

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