Literature and Visuals in Music Lesson Plan

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Literature and Visuals in Music Lesson Plan

Name: Aldo Ricci Date(s) or Days of Lesson: 10/10/21

Student Learning Objective(s)/Target(s) and Related Assessment(s):

Learning Target: I understand what can be learned from analyzing songwriting as literature and
looking at their respective music videos. This means that I can analyze lyrics and their
accompanying visuals and understand the creator’s intent.

Language Objective: I can write an analysis regarding the content of a song’s lyrics and what is
truly being said beneath the surface.

Standard(s): Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including
figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning
and tone, including words with multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh,
engaging, or beautiful. (Include Shakespeare as well as other authors. (CCSS: RL.11- 12.4)

● Writing utensil
● Paper
● Computer and mini lesson for teacher, internet access for student assignment
● Printouts of lyrics
● Music videos ahead of class for activity

Learning Activities:

Initiation: Class will be opened with a discussion this time, which will be dual purpose. As often
happens, the class will be discussing what we’ve looked at over the past few days and think
critically about how all of our work ties into the central idea of literature and art often being
interconnected with one another. In addition to this, the discussion will also highlight how lyrics
in songs are essentially another form of literature before we get into the main ideas for the day.
(10 Minutes)

Lesson Development: Prior to this class, students will have submitted music videos that they
think do a particularly good job when it comes to having both thought provoking lyrics and
visuals. I will have selected appropriate and worthwhile videos from what students have shared
for the activity. Lyric print outs will be distributed to students, and as a class we will read
through the lyrics and unpack the meaning that we find within them. Following this, we will
watch the music video for each of these songs, and see how it influences our opinion and
interpretation of the work. What context does the visuals add? Is music served better as just an
auditory (linguistic) form of expression rather than a visual one? These are the types of questions
that will be pondered, and this will be done for the majority of class. (60 Minutes)

Closure: Following the activity, students will write a one page reflection regarding the major
forms of literature and art that have been seen throughout the semester. From the two being used
historically, to short stories, to book covers, to film and now music, there is a lot of information
for the students to upack. Because of the whiparound nature of the first half of the unit, I want to
make sure students are really considering the nature and purpose of what we’re doing before we
move into a more focused stretch in the second half. Following the reflection, I will quickly lay
out the foundation for the coming weeks. (20 Minutes)

Individuals Needing Differentiated Instruction:

Content Process Product Environment
Modificatio For the sake of
ns: inclusion, I could set
this activity up to
include examples that
are well known or
submitted by students
who have a harder
time understanding.
This would allow for
everybody to feel
capable and included
in the activity.
Extensions: Asking students
who are particularly
skilled when it
comes to analysis to
hold comments for
some of the harder
to digest, abstract
pieces would be
really helpful in
letting others share
their ideas while still
giving them time to
shine when others
are struggling
Reflection (HANDOUT)
As we continue traveling into more and more abstract territory
when talking about art and literature, we need to reflect and
maintain our focus on the initial question we set out to answer
with this course. How are art and literature connected, and how
do they work together to uncover context and tone of any given
piece? Think about last week's studies as well as what we’ve
discussed the past few days and explain how you currently feel
about art and literature.

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