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Names: Lavrem Andrade

A Doll's House
Act I Discussion Questions
1. From the beginning of Act I, Torvald calls Nora several pet names. What do these names
suggest about Torvald's perception of his wife and his marriage? These nams Sug)
hew as infevior
tha forv ald loveshhis uwite a lo+,yt e Also vie ws
w S naive m a a little d umb in mina5 din
hhim. He views ead"
"spmd thrift am featmesn
novgn minicknama s bvt
fnau,as shown h e v i t w s hev v s a n zhravaq ant
w i t her,
ht and 16 beso Hed
He loves her a iant Save Any tmin4.He
n ds a lot monu an
person, 5onmonewho sp
vitws hNw AS a child as wl.

2. Compare Nora's and Kristine's lives since marriage. Who is better off? Explain
N o r a i5 marritó fo Torvalel, h rishine hasbeema wido wer Por meeuu/S.
w a s leftno o
has n e umiarem and
whle NNora n i s nilwM, cmr'zhin Meunwhile, No/a's h w hn 2
oLaas<& hvsba n d . 4 t r o r an h e
MwhU h m hir now wusnt vpset
P Bank. But, Cmrshe f« hars lf,an
omis sion w U5 MA&e HnLmuniogw
him. She no has to cwovk to povda
n W U lova has a lOve
also muking hvbavMd d i t d she b a t h e r of,
as s e isn4 o
Vora i5 t ¢ cmn ical/ mishN
o ohe is Y lonel y. o n n o t in 5ome wu}S,
hl mone,as n i t d e r ,avmd has trredom
as herhsb rott as She isn+ Onrellkdy sos n ,mishhas m o r e .

ishting dectia S be the link between Nora's "contraband" macaroons and her "huge
desire to say
ill A 3. What might be nrt ex7mples o¬ Hhin4S
wovdS a n d d h malaroong
it/whm h to helland be damned?" Goth n e u+macaroo na
zna, 50 she wan ts to e
nev hus
Krds0 5h MAL forbidien t0 do by $hw u m t s treedo nm bom Hme conhns
Bnd Sau msse woraS h amå word S qivhav
nw, a n dtoe mu ca veons
least s 0 n a s p e e s o
hw h u 5 o n a prs in c a gao at
oG matfAreedom.5ke w n t s
( she seans,
she "Tl disokeynim
isn* u5 douie as
her l : . She

4. What crime has Nora committed? to save his l R

wiho vt hw'hvs and s pernis s ion
Hhat is
Vo ra kborrowed monwy hunman bei'no
wmkrog sta d,a movall c o p t Torvat (K$o4st d
She loorowed mo ny
h a { u t i w sgnature's o
osomwhat bla
nowyin u suk).5kc o s his d a nt.
wants k a e p nis
pogi'+ion ia
da ke o n H u bon is Hua days
dnrgon hone
bana, b4 u
crime excuse her in some way?
5. Do Nora's motives for committing the hir son
pr0mmitinq e w i m a does exwsesienature tE
No vas monveS fotopa nw famews
shovlant ave wosidnt h a u e
waybvt she shll funews signztun, she
ny Hu
Sh Rad acfuallu qo i n now. mots wert ight,but
b e e in pro tem she is
iwus wng
wy sht Wimtaaovt

6. What does Nora's tree decorating and chattering at the end of Act I reveal about her. wamto
nwvovS e,asilu ana does nt
character?trealSm Nor z gets beina,clem whium
f n m i l w , h y s b a m d , a n d wrmt
like.So Sha is
a h s about hiw
lo how *d k a n w a t u w o u d
"ppem E Torvnd le pret
she is, y oE PML secrek w h i n ave
evaluate mL ASkS toit Sheis
srer. Jhe'wlnts to inrpawy
m l nofadamitinq
js vtn, aqa s v e " h i y fmilu il ss n isis tyinq
Nasti Us Torvald anns
dinoresA whem qing
to upkeut
to diskrrotn u l e .

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