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Delos Reyes, Justine Manuele S.

Career Development and Performance Management

1. Definition of Career Development

2. Enumerate and explain briefly the Career stages.
3. Search for Tips in enhancing your career.
4. Explain the importance of Performance Management to the employees and to the organization.

During this process known as "career development," you learn about yourself, examine your
options, and make decisions about your career. Choosing and training for a profession that is a
good fit for your personality, talents, and interests requires a great deal of expertise. If you are
serious about your profession, you will have to put much effort into enhancing your talents. Once
they have identified their strengths and limitations, they put in the time and effort necessary to
improve. To get ahead, people had to broaden their horizons by studying a variety of professions
and sectors to find one that best suited their abilities, as well as looking for methods to advance
within their current position or even switching fields altogether if they did. Career Development
is an integral part of the life cycle because it helps people get through education and training and
into jobs and jobs that make them happy.

1. Exploration - The "exploration stage" occurs when people are in their mid-twenties and
transition from college to a job. People make career decisions depending on the advice of
their parents, friends, relatives, and teachers. When you first start working for a firm, you
have many expectations for what you will do. These expectations might be founded on
your fantasies or on information that is not accurate.
2. Establishment - When a person begins his or her first employment, he or she begins to
understand the workplace culture. One needs to confront the harsh reality of life at this
point. After you hit 25, you are in this period for around ten years. It is also known as a
"learning stage," and during this time, the new hire receives guidance from an
experienced worker. In order to acquire a job and advance in their career, people who are
just starting make many errors and try to learn from them.
3. Mid-Career - This period lasts between the ages of 35 and 45. There are no longer any
"freshers" around, and his faults are taken seriously by the company's most senior
employees at this time. Depending on the employee's current position in his or her career,
they will need to assess where they stand. Afterward, he needs to consider his options for
the future. An individual has to strike a balance between career and family life, which
includes his spouse and children.
4. Late-Career - Depending on whether or not a person's career graph displays the
development of stasis, he or she will climb up the organizational ladder. As long as a
person continues to progress during their career, they have a good time at work. In this
situation, a person takes on the role of a mentor, sharing his or her life lessons with those
around him.
5. Decline - This is the final phase of professional advancement. It is time for a government
employee to resign or retire from their job. It is, therefore, one of the most challenging
stages. Employees who have worked for an extended period find it challenging to leave
since they are still making money even in their old age.

1. Set goals and create a plan to achieve them - Successful and contented workers are those
who decide what they want out of a job on their own.
2. Develop a timeline, including milestones - Bring in your supervisor and their support and
guidance. Make sure you have an internal mentor who can assist you in your professional
development by doing so.
3. Utilize company programs - People who work for some businesses offer formal training
programs to help them grow in the workplace. There are times when your professional
growth will have to be done informally. Many companies with programs work hard to
help their employees grow and move up in their jobs.
4. Own your career path - You and your supervisor can meet twice a year to talk about your
career path. Some businesses show that they care about their employees by giving them
resources like time and money. However, keep in mind that this is the path you will take
to get a job down the road.
5. Write it down - In the same way that setting goals are a good idea, choosing a career path
is also a good idea. Individuals can utilize a written plan to take control of the aspects of
their lives that are critical to their happiness and success. This may make it difficult to
determine your destination and how to get there.
Businesses cannot work if they do not have good performance management. It helps them
make sure their people, resources, and systems work together to meet their strategic goals, both
in formal and informal ways. A dashboard alerts managers to possible problems and lets them
make changes to keep a company on track. Leaders can think about problems in the future if they
keep an eye on and manage workplace performance regularly. Early detection is critical in any
situation. The more minor impact problems will have, the faster they are dealt with. They
can either be moved to a job where they do not have to work together, given teamwork-related
training, or let go of their job before it becomes a problem, so they do not have to work with each
other. If the company takes care of problems before they become real problems, it could save
time and money. Companies are encouraged to reward and recognize their employees as part of
performance management, and they should do this. Some people leave their jobs because they do
not feel necessary. They want to be praised for their work. People who work at a company may
be happier and more productive if they can give and get feedback and more training and

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