Worksheet 3 Name: Nguyen Thi Xoan Course/year: BSPSY 1

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Name: Nguyen Thi Xoan Course/year: BSPSY 1

NOTE: Insert this worksheet in your brown envelope and submit it after two
weeks with your complete name, course and year. If this page is not enough,
use another sheet of bond paper.

Know Wonder Learned Subject Information Remember

What What I still What I What I still Why is this Something I want to re
already I Want to learned? want to information
know? know? learn about (topic)
the topic? important to
I had already I want to -Now I Actually I Because in -The steps in testing hy
known about know that in understand want to psychology, 1. state H o and H a
the Google there and know learn more scientific method 2. identify α ,
hypothesis are examples more on how about how are required to type of test , one tailed ¿
testing but about stating to state the hypothesis enable ( ¿) , ¿ (¿ ) ,
not explicitly. hypothesis null and testing is researchers to two−tailed test (≠).
-In the said that the alternative used in come to sound And critical value or ta
hypothesis H o can have hypothesis. Psychology. conclusion about value.
testing, we “≤ or ≥ , I -And 4 steps human 3. Decision where accep
are trying to wonder it to test a development. or reject.
reject the would be hypothesis. Moreover, it will 4. Conclusion.
null right? -Obviously, help the -I want to familiarize th
hypothesis, using psychologist to how to determine whic
therefore, Microsoft have a good use.
when we excel to find decision either to -since Microsoft word e
accept the out the reinforce a helpful in solving statis
null, it necessary certain to practice it more, so t
doesn’t mean value for behaviour or to store it in my long-term
that the H o is testing. remove it. -reject
correct but -I also come H o when the z computed ∨¿
because we to t computed ≥ z tabular ∨t tabular
do not have comprehend -Accept H o when z computed
enough the steps to t computed < ztabular ∨t tabular
proof. define which
Lastly, when we accept
T-test is
hypothesis, it doesn’t m
the null is correct, but b
do not have enough pro
reject it.

Summarize all your learnings and discoveries

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