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PG-90.1.4 Reviewing a selected number of the Manufacturers’ Data Report Form shall be considered to
Manufacturer’s design calculations to verify compliance include certification that has been done. The Manufac-
with Section I (PG-90.3). turer shall make available such design calculations as
PG-90.1.5 Witnessing and approving proof tests to the Authorized Inspector may request. The Authorized In-
establish Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) spector has the duty to review a selected number of the
(A-22). Manufacturer’s design calculations to verify compliance
with Section I.
PG-90.1.6 Verifying that the Certificate Holder has
sufficient material control to assure that material used for PG-91 QUALIFICATION OF INSPECTORS
construction complies with the applicable requirements
The inspection required by this Section shall be by an
of this Section (PG-10, PG-11, PG-105.4, A-302.4).
Inspector employed by an ASME accredited Authorized
PG-90.1.7 When cutting plate material into two or Inspection Agency. 20 These Inspectors shall have been
more pieces is necessary, verifying that the Certificate qualified in accordance with ASME QAI-1.
Holder’s controls provide a positive means of identifica-
tion to maintain traceability of materials (PG-77.2, PG-93 EXAMINATION AND REPAIR OF FLAT
PG-90.1.8 Verifying that the Certificate Holder’s PG-93.1 When flat plate greater than 1/2 in. (13 mm)
personnel are examining cut edges before welding thickness is welded to other pressure parts to form a cor-
(PW-29.3). ner joint, such as in flat heads [Figure PG-31, illustrations
(g-1), (g-2), (i‐1), and (i‐2)], waterlegs of firebox boilers
PG-90.1.9 Verifying that all welding procedure
or combustion chambers of wetback boilers [Figure A-8,
specifications, procedure qualification records, welder
illustrations (l) through (n) and (p)], and the exposed
and welding operator qualification records conform to
edges of the plate are closer to the edge of the weld than
the requirements of this Section ( PW-1.2, PW-28,
a distance equal to the thickness of the plate, the periph-
PW-40.2, PW-44.3, PW-47, PW-48, PW-53, PB-47,
eral plate edges and any remaining exposed surface of the
weld joint preparation shall be examined after welding by
PG-90.1.10 If welded repairs are necessary, ac- either the magnetic particle or liquid penetrant method.
cepting the method and extent of repairs and verifying When the plate is nonferromagnetic, only the liquid pen-
that only qualified welding procedures, welders, and etrant method shall be used. The requirements of this
welding operators are used (PG-78, PG-93.2, PW-40, paragraph shall not apply to those joints when 80% or
PW-44.9, PW-54.2, PB-33). more of the pressure load is carried by tubes, stays, or
PG-90.1.11 Verifying that all required heat treat- braces, or when the exposed edges of the plate are farther
ments have been performed and are properly documen- from the edge of the weld than a distance equal to the
ted (PG-19, PG-20, PG-11.3.4, PW-39, PW-44.4, PW-44.6, thickness of the plate.
PW-49 and Nonmandatory Appendix C). PG-93.2 Laminations, cracks, or other imperfections
ð19Þ PG-90.1.12 Verifying that required nondestructive found during the examination required by PG-93.1 that
examinations and tests have been performed by qualified would affect the safety of the vessel shall be repaired in
personnel and that the results are properly documented ( accordance with PG-78. The imperfection(s) may be pur-
PG-20.1.2, PG-25.2, PG-93.1, PW-11, PW-44.7, PW-44.8, sued by any suitable method (grinding, chipping, etc.).
PW-51, PW-52). The repaired area shall be subjected to the same examina-
tion that first revealed the imperfection.
PG-90.1.13 Performing the required inspections
and witnessing hydrostatic tests (PG-99, PW-54, PB-49, PG-93.3 Methods and acceptance criteria for mag-
PMB-21, PEB-17, PEB-18). netic particle and liquid penetrant examination shall be
in accordance with A-260 or A-270, respectively.
PG-90.1.14 Verifying that the responsible repre-
sentative of the Certificate Holder has signed the Data Re- PG-99 HYDROSTATIC TEST
port and that it is correct before being signed (PG-104,
PG-112, PG-113, PW-1.2.5, PB-1.4.5). Hydrostatic testing of the completed boiler unit shall be
conducted in accordance with the following
PG-90.1.15 Prior to stamping, verifying that the requirements:
item is in compliance with the requirements of this Sec- After a boiler has been completed (see PG-104), it shall
tion. After stamping, verifying that the stamping is correct be subjected to pressure tests using water at not less than
and that the nameplate, if used, has been properly at- ambient temperature, but in no case less than 70°F
tached (PG-106, PG-108, PG-109, PW-1.2.5, PB-1.4.5). (20°C). Where required test pressures are specified in
PG-90.3 The Manufacturer is responsible for the pre- this paragraph, whether minimum or maximum pres-
paration of design calculations to show compliance with sures, they apply to the highest point of the boiler system.
t h e r u le s o f S e c t i o n I a n d h i s s ig na t u r e o n t h e When the boiler is completed in the Manufacturer’s shop


without boiler external piping, subsequent hydrostatic required test pressure has been applied. Digital pressure
testing of the boiler external piping shall be the responsi- gages having a wider range of pressure readings may be
bility of any holder of a valid Certification Mark with the used provided the readings give the same or greater de-
“S,” “A,” or “PP” Designator. The pressure relief valves gree of accuracy as obtained with dial pressure gages.
need not be included in the hydrostatic test. The tests
shall be made in two stages in the following sequence:
PG-99.1 Hydrostatic pressure tests shall be applied REPORTS
by raising the pressure gradually to not less than 1 1/2
times the maximum allowable working pressure as PG-101 HEATING SURFACE COMPUTATION
shown on the data report to be stamped on the boiler. PG-101.1 For the stamping required by PG-106, the
No part of the boiler shall be subjected to a general mem- heating surface shall be computed as specified in
brane stress greater than 90% of its yield strength (0.2% PG-101.1.1 through PG-101.1.3.
offset) at test temperature. The primary membrane stress
to which boiler components are subjected during hydro- PG-101.1.1 Heating surface, as part of a circulating
static test shall be taken into account when designing system in contact on one side with water or wet steam
the components. Close visual examination for leakage is being heated and on the other side with gas or refractory
not required during this stage. being cooled, shall be measured on the side receiving
PG-99.2 The hydrostatic test pressure may then be
reduced to the maximum allowable working pressure, PG-101.1.2 Boiler heating surface and other
as shown on the Data Report, to be stamped on the boiler equivalent surface outside the furnace shall be measured
and maintained at this pressure while the boiler is care- circumferentially plus any extended surface.
fully examined. The metal temperature shall not exceed PG-101.1.3 Waterwall heating surface and other
120°F (50°C) during the close visual examination. equivalent surface within the furnace shall be measured
PG-99.3 A completed forced‐flow steam generator as the projected tube area (diameter × length) plus any
with no fixed steam and waterline, having pressure parts extended surface on the furnace side. In computing the
designed for different pressure levels along the path of heating surface for this purpose, only the tubes, fireboxes,
water‐steam flow, shall be subjected to a hydrostatic shells, tubesheets, and the projected area of headers need
pressure test by the above procedure (PG-99.1 and to be considered, except that for vertical firetube steam
PG-99.2) based upon boilers only that portion of the tube surface up to the mid-
dle of the gage glass is to be computed.
PG-99.3.1 For the first stage test (PG-99.1) a hy-
drostatic test pressure of not less than 11/2 times the max- PG-104 GENERAL
imum allowable working pressure at the superheater PG-104.1 The completed boiler unit includes all pip- ð19Þ
outlet as shown in the master stamping (PG-106.3) but ing and piping components as defined in the Preamble.
no less than 11/4 times the maximum allowable working The Manufacturer [see Note (1) below] of any complete
pressure of any part of the boiler, excluding the boiler ex- boiler unit to be stamped with the Certification Mark has
ternal piping. the responsibility of assuring through proper Code certi-
PG-99.3.2 For the second stage test (PG-99.2) the fication that all work performed by him or others respon-
hydrostatic test pressure may be reduced to not less than sible to him complies with all requirements of the Code,
the maximum allowable working pressure at the super- including design, construction, materials, and workman-
heater outlet. ship. With the exception of field installed boiler external
PG-99.4 Test Gages. piping, when some portions of a complete boiler unit
PG-99.4.1 An indicating gage, visible to the opera- are supplied by, or Code work is performed by others
tor controlling the pressure applied, shall be connected to not responsible to the Manufacturer, the Manufacturer
the pressure parts. Hydrostatic head on the gage shall be has the duty of obtaining from these other organizations
considered such that the required test pressure is their proper Code certification, covering such portions of
achieved at the top of the boiler. work.
When the Manufacturer furnishes a shop assembled
ð19Þ PG-99.4.2 Dial pressure gages used in testing shall boiler that is complete except for boiler external piping,
have dials graduated over the entire range of the intended and the boiler has been hydrostatically tested in the shop
maximum test pressure. It is preferred that the range of and properly stamped with the Certification Mark with
the gage be double the intended maximum test pressure, the “S” Designator, the subsequent installation in the field
but in no case shall the range be less than 11/2 nor more of the external piping within the scope of Section I is not
than 4 times that pressure. The spacing between gradua- by itself considered “field assembly of the boiler” [see
tions shall be such that the inspector and the operator Note (2) below].
controlling the test shall be able to determine when the


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