Practical Research 2: Plans Data Analysis Using Statistics and Hypothesis Testing

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Module 7



A module developed by DepEd-Davao City
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Master Teacher-I, Davao City National High School



Teacher II, Crossing Bayabas National High School

Master Teacher II, Calinan National High School


Student, Davao City National High School
Information about this ADM learner’s material

I. Objectives: The learner demonstrates understanding of

Ia. Content Standards data collection and analysis procedures such as

survey, interview, and observation.

The learner is able to describe adequately

quantitative research designs, sample,

Ib. Performance Standards
instrument used, intervention (if applicable),

data collection, and analysis procedures

Ic. Learning Competencies Plans data analysis using statistics and

hypothesis testing (if appropriate) (CS_RS12-


Understanding Data and Ways to

II. Content / Topic
Systematically Collect Data
To the Learner

Good day!

In your previous module, you already planned

the procedure in collecting your data, Right?.

This module will help you plan data analysis

using statistics and hypothesis testing (if appropriate).

A successful research engagement systematically

plans data analysis.

Should you have any questions, feel free to ask

your parents or contact a teacher for clarification.

Let’s Learn This

The objective of this module is to help you plan

data analysis using statistics and hypothesis testing,

specifically this module seeks to achieve the main


1. Plan data analysis plan using statistics and

hypothesis testing (if appropriate)


You have learned in your previous module the techniques and practical

procedures in data collection. The procedure that you employed in collecting your data

might be a survey over phone, face to face or probably you let the participant answer a

series of multiple type of questions through a paper-pencil or online.

These data that you have just collected should be utilized and presented

systematically and comprehensively. This module will essentially help you plan data

analysis using statistics and hypothesis testing. It will help you reflect how the data that

you have collected will be systematically and correctly analyzed. Analysis planning can

be an invaluable investment of time. It can help you select the most appropriate research

statistical tools and even research methods.

Let’s Try This
Arrange Me!

Instruction. Arrange the scrambled words enclosed in a circle to form a sound sentence.
Write your answer on the space provided below the cycle.

1. , , ,

2. , , ,

, , ,

3. , , ,


Did you enjoy the activity? Yehey!!!! I believe you are

now ready. Those words that you have just guessed

will help you plan data analysis using statistics and

hypothesis testing.

Since you are familiar with some keywords related to our

topic, I am sure that creating a data analysis plan using

statistics and hypothesis testing will be very easy.


Guide Question:

1. Using the phrases that you have identified in the previous section, what

should be considered in planning data analysis using statistics and

hypothesis testing.
Let’s Study This

Very Good!!!

From here on, it is important that you focus on the

topics that will be discussed from this point onwards

and try to reflect on what should be done.

Plan Data Analysis Using Statistics
and Hypothesis Testing

The data you have just collected formed an essential part in your study.

Regardless of the study design, data collection procedure, a researcher needs to

summarize and reflect the collected data for interpretation and presentation to others.

Even before the researcher collected the data, he/she must have a clear plan on what

particular statistics will he/she use in summarizing and in describing the collected data.

To plan the data analysis using statistics, recall your research questions, identify the

variables and check dataset distribution.

Recall Your Research Questions. Recall module 11 in presenting a written

statement of the problem (SOP), sample SOPs presented can be tested either descriptive

or inferential. Descriptive statistics frequently use the following statistical measures to

describe groups. This include the measure of central tendency using the mean or the

median to locate the center of the dataset. This measure tells you where most values fall.

Furthermore, dispersion will also tell you how far out from the center do the data extend.

You can use the range or standard deviation to measure the dispersion. A low dispersion

indicates that the values cluster more tightly around the center. Higher dispersion signifies

that data points fall further away from the center. We can also graph the frequency

Let us learn the samples below of common descriptive and inferential statistics.

Example: (Descriptive-Mean)

1. What is the level of social media engagement of grade 11 and 12 students

in Mondano National High School?

2. What is the level of COVID-19 awareness of senior high students before

and after the campaign?

3. What is the level of health practices of senior high school ABM, STEM and

HUMSS students in DCQK National High School?

The examples presented would like to determine the level of senior high school

students’ social media engagement, COVID-19 awareness and health practices.

Commonly, descriptive statistic using mean is used to answer the questions. Standard

deviation is also presented after reflecting the mean to show the dispersion of the data.

Example: (Descriptive-Frequency)

4. How many COVID-19 survivors from March to August were recorded by

the DOH?

5. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex and

grade level?

The SOP presented wanted to answer the actual count of COVID-19 survivors

from a specific time duration, and number of male and female and grade level

respondents. Descriptive statistics specifically, frequency and percentage is used to

answer the question.

On the other hand, Inferential statistics takes data from a sample and makes

inferences about the larger population from which the sample was drawn. Inferential

statistics are used to test hypothesis. Please recall module 14 “Research Hypothesis”.

Check the dataset distribution. Cautiously, before using any inferential statistics

you need check the nature of your dataset. Determine several assumptions used to

decide whether you are going to use parametric or non-parametric tests. Parametric

tests rests on a number of assumptions including normality of the distribution and

homogeneity of variance. On the other hand, non-parametric tests do not rely on any

distribution. They can be applied even if parametric conditions are not met. To find out

whether your data follows normal distribution, check the value of Kurtosis (measures of

the heaviness of the tail of the distribution) and Skewness (lack of evenness of the

distribution). The closer their value to zero is, the more the data reach the normal

distribution (Barrot, 2017).

The following are some of the common inferential statistics used to test differences

and relationships. The details of these statistics will be learned exhaustively in the

succeeding modules.
Statistical techniques
Parametric Non-Parametric
To test the difference between
datasets from TWO DIFFERENT
GROUPS (e.g. male and female,
grade 11 and grade 12, t-test for Independent
Mann Whitney U-test
experimental group and control Samples
group, STEM and HUMSS)
IV- Group
To test the difference between
datasets from THREE OR MORE
grade 10, grade 11 and grade 12, Analysis of Variance
Kruskal Wallis test
IV- Group
To test the difference between
datasets from ONE GROUP (e.g.
t-test for dependent
pretest and post-test, before and Wilcoxon Signed rank
samples or paired
after) test
sample t-test
IV- Group
Test the relationship between two
Pearson’s r Spearman’s rho
IV- Continuous

Let us try to dissect the sample SOPs reflected below (Assumed that all datasets

fulfill the assumptions of parametric tests).

7. Is there a significant difference in the level of social media engagement of

grades 11 and 12 students in Mondano National High School?

Grade Level
Level of Social Media

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

A. What is the statistical significance being asked? Significant Difference

B. How many groups? Two

C. Are they the same or different? Different (Grades 11 and 12)

D. Nature of Independent Variable: Group

E. Dependent Variable: Continuous

Answer: T-test for Independent Samples

8. Is there a significant difference in the level of COVID-19 awareness of senior high

students before and after the campaign?

COVID-19 Awareness

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

A. What is the statistical significance being asked? Significant Difference

B. How many groups? Two

C. Are they the same or different? Same (Before and After)

D. Nature of Independent Variable: Group

E. Dependent Variable: Continuous

Answer: T-test for Dependent Samples

9. Is there a significant difference in the level of COVID-19 health practices of senior

high school ABM, STEM and HUMSS students in DCQK National High School?

Health Practices
A. What is the statistical significance being asked? Significant Difference

B. How many groups? Three

C. Are they the same or different? Different (ABM, STEM and HUMSS)

D. Nature of Independent Variable: Group

E. Dependent Variable: Continuous

Answer: One-Way Analysis of Variance

10. Is there a significant relationship between awareness and health practices of

students on COVID-19?

Level of Health
Level of Awareness

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

A. What is the statistical significance being asked? Significant Relationship

B. Nature of Independent Variable: Continuous

C. Dependent Variable: Continuous

Answer: Pearson’s r
This time, you already have an understanding on what

are the essential components to consider in planning

data analysis using statistics and hypothesis testing. I

believe you are now ready to take our practice drills in the

succeeding pages.

Let’s Do This

Fill Me!

Instruction: Below are examples of statement of the problems. You are going to identify

the appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics to answer the questions. Assuming

that all the datasets used fulfill all the assumption of parametric tests. Write your answer

in the space provided below the statement.

1. Is there a significant relationship between English grades and Immersion grades?

2. What is the level of environmental awareness of junior high school students in

MKN National High School?

3. Is there a significant difference in the level of health practices of COVID-19 before

and after the campaign was conducted?

4. Is there a significant difference in the level of COVID-19 awareness when analyzed

according to sex (Male and Female)?

5. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of Track and Strand?

Planning the data analysis using statistics is essential for

a successful research activity. Were you able to write the

answers correctly? Yehey! In case you forgot to plan the

data analysis using statistics and hypothesis testing, just

remember the key points below.

Let’s Remember This

1. Recall your research questions

2. Identify the level of measurement of your variables

3. Check the distribution of the data

Let’s Test Ourselves

Instruction: Below are examples of statement of the problems. You are going to identify

the appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics to answer the questions. Assuming

that all the datasets used fulfill all the assumption of parametric tests. Write your answer

in the space provided below the statement.

1. What is the level of online learning readiness of junior high school students in MKN

National High School?

2. Is there a significant difference in the level of online learning readiness between

STEM and HUMSS students in MKN National High School?

3. How many senior high school students preferred online learning, modular learning,

blended learning as learning modality in the new normal?

4. Is there a significant relationship between study hours and academic performance

of senior high school students in MKN National High School?

5. Is there a significant difference in the level of self-esteem among Grades 10, 11

and 12 students in MKN National High School?


You have reached the end of our module, hopefully

you have already plan data analysis using

statistics and hypothesis testing correctly for

your research interest.

Answer Key

Let’s Try This

1. Recall your research questions

2. Identify the level of measurement of your variables

3. Check the dataset distribution


Answers may vary.

Let’s do This

1. Pearson Product Moment Correlation

2. Mean

3. t-test for dependent samples

4. t-test for independent samples

5. Frequency
Let’s Test Ourselves

1. Mean

2. t-test for independent samples

3. Frequency

4. Pearson Product Moment Correlation

5. One-way analysis of Variance


Barot, J. (2017). Practical Research 2 For Senior High School. C & E

Publishing Inc.

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