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A hero is someone who helps people, saves people lives, and risks their lives for someone else’s life. A hero can also be
someone brave, cares for someone, loves someone. I have a lot of heroes, but the most important hero to me would be my
mom and dad. They are always there for me whenever I need them. When I am sick they make me smile, and that always
makes me feel better. My parents are very caring people and their main priority is taking care of my brothers and me. They
are there to support me 24/7, no matter what it is.

From the time I was a little girl, my parents have always encouraged me to go after my dreams, to be the best version of
myself that I can possibly be and reminded me to be grateful for everything that I have. My parents have raised me to be
strong and independent, just like them. And they have always made me feel safe and loved since day one. I probably don’t
remind them enough that I am so thankful for everything that they do for me, and for all of the life lessons they have taught
me. My parents are my role models. My heroes. And here are just some of the reasons why.

1. They always know how to brighten my day.

No matter what kind of mood I'm in, my parents will always know how to make me laugh or smile.

2. They told me that it's okay to make mistakes.

Because they have always told me that mistakes are all just a part of growing up, and you will learn valuable life lessons
from a lot of them. So, there is no need to be ashamed.

3. I know they will never judge me.

They have accepted that bad grade I got on a test. They have seen me cry over the smallest and silliest of things. Yet they
never look at me with anything other than acceptance and love.

4. They have taught me right from wrong.

All the times I thought they were the worst parents in the world, for getting mad at me whenever I do something wrong, for
taking away my phone, now I understand why they did that.

5. They worked hard to give us the best life possible.

My parents have made many sacrifices throughout their lives to give me and my brother and sister the best quality of life
we could possibly have.

6. They always tells me the truth.

Even if it’s something that I don’t want to hear. And even though I may not want to believe it at the time, they always tells
me the truth to teach me.

7. They inspire me each and every day.

I can honestly say that I have never met two people who are stronger, smarter, more caring, more hard working, or more
inspiring than my parents. From day one I have been looking up to them as the perfect role models for me.

8. My parents are my best friends.

Not only are they my mom and dad, but they are also two of my best friends in the entire world. I can joke with them, I can
laugh with them, I can have fun with them and I love them both as big as the world.

My parents may not be perfect, but they are the most perfect gift God has ever given to me. That’s all thank you.

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