IT Governance - Performance Measures Final

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Board CIO/CTO IT Management
 BOARD IT Governance is the Responsibility of the Board
IT Steering Committee Appoint an IT steering committee with the Chair the IT Steering Committee  Relevant representation is
CIO/CTO as the chairperson and: required from business and IT to
 Determine prioritisation of IT- assist with governance of IT
enabled investment programmes
in line with the enterprise’s
business strategy and priorities
 Track status of projects and
resolve resource conflicts
 Monitor service levels and
service improvements

  Oversight Bodies Established oversight bodies with clear terms of These oversight authorities may  Relevant representation is
reference and appropriate membership from have accountability for: required from business and IT
the business  Governance, Strategy,
Investment and Performance
 Service Management
 Solution Delivery
 Third-Party Management
 Architecture, Technical Support
and Operations
 Risk, Compliance and Internal
 Security and Business Continuity

  IT Governance Project Initiate the IT Governance Project Treat the IT governance initiative Implement IT Governance
as a project activity with a series of
phases rather than a “one-off” step
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
  Leadership and The board is to:
Direction  Place IT on the board agenda
 Clarify business strategies and objectives,
and the role of IT in achieving them
 Delegate responsibility for implementing an
IT governance framework to management
 Determine and communicate levels of risk
 Oversee the development of the information
security strategy and delegate its
implementation to IT management
 Assign accountability for the organisational
changes needed for IT to succeed.
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
  Monitoring and The board is to:
Evaluation  Ensure that IT is aligned with strategic
 Monitor and evaluate the extent to which IT
actually sustains and enhances the
organisation’s strategic objectives
 Use the Risk and Audit committees to assist
the board fulfil its responsibilities
 Ensure that prudent and reasonable steps
have been taken in regard to IT governance
 Monitor and evaluate the acquisition and
appropriate use of technology, process and
 Ensure that an internal control framework
has been adopted, implemented and is
 Ensure that information assets are managed
 Protect information and intellectual property
 Ensure personal information is treated by the
company as an important business asset
 Ensure information records provide adequate
evidence of business activity
 Monitor the application of King III
governance principles by all parties, at all
levels (starting with the board), at all stages
of business operations, across organisational
boundaries (including third parties) and for
the acquisition and disposal of IT goods and
 Obtain project assurance from independent
experts that IT management apply all basic
elements of appropriate project
management principles to all IT projects
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
  IT Reporting to the Ensure IT reporting is adequate for their Management must increase
Board purpose transparency and provide the board
with complete, timely, relevant,
accurate and accessible information
 The likelihood of IT achieving its
 IT’s resilience to learn and adapt?
 The judicious management of the
inherent risks from using IT,
including disaster recovery?
 How well IT has recognised
opportunities and acted on them?
GOVERNANCE A IT governance framework assists those at the highest level of organisations ensure that IT use contributes positively to the performance of the
FRAMEWORK organisation and conforms with the organisational obligations (regulatory, legislation, common law, contractual) concerning the acceptable use of IT

IT Governance Ensure that an IT Governance Framework is Adopt or developing an IT An IT governance framework

Framework adopted or developed Governance Framework comprises definitions, principles and
a model for governing IT and broadly
covers all areas of IT activity:
 presents IT activities in a
manageable and logical structure
 is generally accepted as containing
good practices
 is business-orientated and capable
of linking IT activities to business
 provides management with control
objectives suitable to uncover IT
 fits with and supports risk
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
 incorporates a baseline of internal
controls for IT managers to
 guides management in aligning IT
initiatives with real business needs
 contains performance measures to
judge success and failures
 assists with assurance activities
that confirm the achievement of
business objectives and
undesirable events are prevented,
detected and corrected
 assists companies to comply with
continually increasing regulatory
IT Governance Ensure that the IT Governance Framework Deliver value and manage risk For the IT governance framework to
Framework to Deliver adopted or developed delivers value and through adopting or developing an add value or manage risk it must:
Value and Manage Risk manages risk IT Governance Framework  Establish a link to the business
 Make performance against
business requirements transparent
 Organise IT’s activities into a
generally accepted process model
 Be focused on both the process
and the outcomes to be achieved
 Identify the major IT resources to
be leveraged
 Define the management control
objectives to be considered
 Provide a common language.
IT Governance Charter The board is to ensure that a IT Governance Develop an IT Governance charter Organisational charter provides the
Charter is developed terms of reference for the IT
organisation. It ensures that those
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
with responsibility for actions also
have the authority to perform those
Structure the Place the IT function in the overall The reporting line of the CIO is  The typical organisational structure
Organisation organisational structure with a business model commensurate with the for IT governance starts with the
contingent on the importance of IT within the importance of IT within the board, an IT steering committee, a
organisation, specifically its criticality to enterprise. CIO and IT management with
business strategy and the level of operational delegated responsibility to execute
dependence on IT. the IT governance framework,
implemented to add value and
minimise risk, including business
 A suitable organisation structure
with relevant representation from
the business and IT, appropriate
for the size needed to adequately
manage the IT organisation is to be
implemented. A top-down, layered
approach to IT governance is
required. To be effective, business
strategy and goals have to be
cascaded down into the IT
organisation and used as the basis
for measuring performance.

Processes Maintain oversight of the establishment and Exercise control over the Establish and maintain IT Processes
maintenance of IT processes establishment and maintenance of as:
IT processes  Process serves as the foundation
for the definition of a management
system used to capture and
document details about
ownership, scope, responsibilities,
measurements, structured working
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
practices and interfaces.
 Processes describe the life-cycle of
activities (with feedback loops) and
enable the development and
implementation of a lean,
sustainable capability to achieve
the outcomes (business goals)
 Processes ensure a stable,
controlled, repeatable service that
can be objectively measured
against deliverables and outcomes
Governance  Monitor that those given responsibility to Enforcing governance mechanisms Governance mechanisms include
Mechanisms deploy governance mechanisms strategies, goals, policies, steering
acknowledge and understand their committees, oversight authorities,
responsibilities. processes, procedures, roles, job
 Monitor the performance of those given descriptions, plans, schedules,
responsibility in the governance of IT contracts, proposals, authorisations,
standards and scorecards with a view
to deliver value and minimise risk.

Governance of Oversee the business requirement for Ensure that information conforms To satisfy business objectives,
Information information to the business requirements in information needs to conform to the
order for it to satisfy business business requirements that:
objectives  information is relevant and
pertinent to the business process,
and is
 delivered in a timely, correct,
consistent and usable manner
 Information is provided through
the optimal (most productive and
economical) use of resources
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
 Sensitive information is protected
from unauthorised disclosure
 Information is accurate and
complete, and its validity is in
accordance with business values
and expectations
 Information is available when
required by the business process
now and in the future as a result of
deploying the necessary resources
and associated capabilities
 Information provided complies
with the laws, regulations and
contractual arrangements to which
the business process is subject, i.e.,
externally imposed business
criteria as well as internal policies
 Information provided is
appropriate for management to
operate the entity and exercise its
fiduciary and governance
Accountability Ensure that decision-making occurs as a part of When assigning decision-making
Framework (Decision a process with clearly defined roles and authority:
Rights) accountabilities.  start by articulating the decision
that needs to be made, then
 determine the steps that must
be carried out to reach a
 identify who must provide input,
and what activities are required
to obtain such input, and how
 determine who will decide,
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
ensuring that the decision
makers are equipped with the
information to make a fact-
based decision
 More granular assignment of
responsibilities and decision
rights is achieved through the
preparation of detailed process
workflow charts
IT Internal Controls Ensure that an IT control framework is adopted Exercise control over the adoption An IT controls framework to be
Framework and implemented, and that the board receives and implementation of an IT adopted or established comprising of
independent assurance of its effectiveness. control framework Accounting controls (“General”
controls, “Application” controls and
“User” controls) and Administrative
 General controls are found in the
infrastructure, technology and
system software.
 Application controls are specific to
business processes.
 User controls are the manual
checks performed by staff.
 Administrative controls represent
the wider concerns of
management, particularly with
regard to efficiency and
effectiveness of administration,
and increased profitability.

The role of an internal control is to

be preventative, detective or
corrective regarding a particular risk.
Controls are made sustainable
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
through incorporation in the
operational process. The selection of
controls is risk-based.
The condition of controls depends on
the organisational structure, written
policies, systemisation, evidence of
controls operating and the
competence and integrity of the
people involved.

The Role and Appoint a suitably qualified and experienced The CIO/CTO to:  Implement an IT Governance
Responsibilities Chief individual as the chief information officer (CIO)  Interact regularly on matters of framework to deliver value and
Information Officers or chief technical officer (CTO) IT governance with the board, or manage risk
appropriate board committee, or  Implement IT processes and
both governance mechanisms
 Understand the accountability  Implement IT frameworks, policies,
and responsibility of IT procedures and standards
 Take responsibility for the  Develop and implement an IT
implementation and monitoring governance charter and policies
of IT governance  managers to provide timely
 Seek leadership from the board, information, comply with the
obtain direction and an direction given and to conform to
understanding of the ethics and the principles of good governance
values that will influence and  Adopt and implement an IT control
guide practices and behaviour framework
within IT to achieve sustainable  Implement an ethical IT
performance governance and management
 Implement an Accountability culture
framework to assign decision-  Implement an ethical IT
making rights governance and management
 Implement a suitable culture
organisational structure and  Implement an IT controls
define terms of reference framework
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
 Be a bridge between IT and the 
 Ensure transparency through
regular reporting to the board
 Enable IT to add value to the
business and mitigate risks
 Incorporate IT into the business
processes in a secure,
sustainable manner
 Encourage the desirable use of IT
by requiring
 Create an awareness of the
maturity levels of governance
 Build management skills and
competencies to govern and
promote a common language
Incorporate IT governance in
corporate governance
 Implement processes to ensure
that reporting to the board is
complete, timely, relevant,
accurate and accessible
 Obtain assurance on the
effectiveness of the IT control
 Sustain and enhance the
strategic objectives
 Implement a strategic IT
planning process that is
integrated with the business
strategy development process
 Enable the improvement of the
company’s performance and
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
 Integrate IT plans with the
business plans
 Define, maintain and validate the
IT value proposition
 Align IT operations with business
 Align IT activities with
environmental sustainability
 Implement a robust process to
identify and exploit, where
appropriate opportunities to
improve performance and
sustainability of the company in
line with triple bottom line
 Include relevant representation
from the business in oversight
 Have regard for the legislative
requirements that apply to IT
 Understand business
requirements and long-term
 Have a strategic approach and
facilitate the integration of IT
into business strategic thinking
 Translate business requirements
into efficient and effective IT
 Exercise care and skill over the
design, development,
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
implementation and
maintenance of sustainable IT
 Support the business and
governance requirements in a
timely and accurate manner
through the acquisition of
people, process and technology
 Optimise resources usage,
leverage knowledge
 Ensure that the business value
proposition is proportional to
the level of investment
 Deliver the expected return from
IT investments
 Measure and manage the
amount spent on and the value
received from technology
 Protect information and
intellectual property
 Conduct post-implementation
reviews to learn from each
 Promote sharing and re-use of IT
 Ensure all parties in the chain
from supply to disposal of IT
services and goods apply good
governance principles
 Monitor and enforce good
governance across all suppliers
 Obtain independent assurance
that outsourced service
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
providers have applied the
principles of IT governance
 Obtain independent assurance of
the effectiveness of the IT
controls framework
implemented by service
 Obtain independent assurance
that the basic elements of
appropriate project
management principles are
applied to all IT projects
 Regularly demonstrate to the
board that the company has
adequate business resilience
arrangements in the event of a
disaster affecting IT
 Implement a risk management
process based on the boards risk
 Design, implement and monitor
the IT risk management plan
 Maintain an IT risk register,
including IT legal risks
 Comply with applicable laws and
 Perform continual risk
 Select and use an appropriate
framework for managing risk
(Group BRM Risk Management
 Consider and implement
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
appropriate risk responses
 Minimise risks
 Manage information assets
 Ensure the integrity and
availability of information and
information systems in a timely
 Implement information records
management and ensure
information assets are identified,
classified, retained, stored,
archived, protected and made
available when required for
business and legal purposes
 Establish a business continuity
programme for the company’s
information and successful
execution of the business’
 Identify all personal information
processed by the company and
treat this as an important
business asset, including being
processed in accordance with
applicable laws
 Implement an information
security strategy
 Implement an information
security management system in
accordance with an appropriate
information security framework
(Group BRM Information
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
Security Framework)
 Provide the Audit and Risk
Committees with relevant
information about IT risks and
the controls in place
 Measure, manage and
communicate IT performance
 Report to the IT Steering
Committee on IT performance
 Consider using IT to aid the
company’s risk management,
compliance and audit efforts.
STRATEGIC The Board should ensure that IT is Aligned with Business Objectives, including Economic, Social and Environmental Sustainability
Alignment With g Ensure that Business goals are cascaded to IT Take responsibility for and cascade  Ensure that Group objectives, IT
Objectives goals, process goals and activity goals Group objectives, IT goals, process goals, process goals and activity
goals and activity goals to IT goals are understood and
management achievable
 Deliver on the above goals
 Align IT activities with the
performance and sustainability
objectives of the company”
 Strategic objectives are attained
through the effective and efficient
management of IT resources. This
assists management understand
“what is the outcome expected”,
“what does success look like” and
“who will recognise this success”.
Integration of Strategic Ensure that IT achieves, sustains and extends Exercise control ensuring that IT Implement a strategic IT planning
IT Planning With the the company’s strategic objectives achieves, sustains and extends the process that is integrated with the
Organisational strategic objectives business strategy development
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
Strategic and Business process, and:-
Objectives  IT plans are integrated with the
business plans
 IT operations are aligned with
business operations
 The IT function, roles and reporting
lines are structured to reflect the
integration of IT with the business
 IT contributes towards the
company’s objectives in an
effective and efficient manner
 The IT contribution towards the
attainment of the company’s
objectives is monitored and
 The IT value proposition has been
defined, maintained and validated
 The effect of IT on the
environment is considered
 There is a process in place to
identify and exploit opportunities
where IT can create value and
assist the company to gain
competitive advantage for the
 The IT steering committee contains
both business and IT
 A business-oriented CIO is
 The CIO has an understanding of
the business strategy
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
 The CIO has access to the board
and executive management
 IT investment and expenditure
supports the business objectives
 The role of IT in achieving strategic
business objectives is clear
 IT spend is measured and managed
to deliver value to the business
 IT assurance is addressed as an
integral part of the normal
assurance activities
 IT risk is addressed as an integral
part of the normal risk
management activities
 IT compliance with legal
requirements is addressed as an
integral part of the normal
compliance activities
 IT risks are understood and
managed from a business strategic
Direction From the Top Translate its leadership into clear statements of An example would be the policy
direction that management of the organisation defined by the CIO for board
can follow. approval as to the nature, extent
and accountability for
implementing information security
Define, Maintain and Ensure that the value proposition of IT is Within value chain analysis, there Add business value by enabling the
Validate the IT Value determined by clarifying the role of IT in are two generic strategies an organisation to differentiate its value
Proposition achieving business strategies. Oversee the organisation can pursue to achieve chain from each of its competitors’
definition, maintenance and validation of the IT a competitive advantage by: value chains.
value proposition  Creating a low-cost competitive IT activities to be prioritised in areas
advantage by reducing the cost where there is greater contribution
of an individual value chain of value.
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
activity or reconfiguring the
value chain.
 Creating a value-added
competitive advantage by
increasing the value of an
individual chain activity or
reconfiguring the value chain.

Aligning IT Operations Ensure that IT activity goals are aligned with IT Business goals cascaded down to
With Business process goals, which in turn are aligned to IT the activity level within IT providing
Operations organisational goals and business goals substance to the requirement of
aligning IT with strategic goals

Sustainability Ensure sustainable capability to perform as Nurturing, protecting, capturing, Sustainability is about maintaining
expected. retaining and developing human the capability to perform as
capital is a vital ingredient in the expected. Without investment,
sustainable economic performance capability within IT is certain to
of any enterprise diminish over time and dependency
would grow on external solution
providers. Without the necessary
skills the company will not be able to
exploit business opportunities that
may come their way in the future.

Performance and Monitor and evaluate the extent to which IT Implement improvements related Implement a robust process to
Sustainability actually sustains and enhances the to IT performance and identify and exploit, where
Improvements organisation’s strategic objectives sustainability appropriate, opportunities to
improve performance and
sustainability of the company in line
with triple bottom line objectives.
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
Process orientation, with an element
of self-analysis, provides for
continuous improvement often
described as the Deming cycle of
Concern For the  Established environmental policy  Align IT activities with Aligning IT activities with
Environment  Ensure that green IT initiatives are aligned environmental sustainability environmental sustainability
with the overall strategy and corporate social  Implement Green IT principles objectives requires management to
responsibility programme by aligning IT based on the environmental consider the environmental aspects
activities with environmental sustainability policy established by the board. and significant Impacts of IT and IT
These principles provide decision activities, including:
 makers with predefined  Energy saving
preferences when alternative  Switch and Data centre facilities
options are available. design
 Switch and Data centre heat
 Advanced cooling technologies
 Processor design and server
 Energy management for the
office environment
 Integrated energy management
for the software environment
 Combined heat and power
 Use of modelling and monitoring

 Avoidance of wasteful expenditure

 Recycling of infrastructure
 Reusable code and services
 Paperless reporting
 Optimised software programs
 Overly complex and tightly
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
integrated solutions
 Unnecessarily large
 Unnecessary data storage
 Excessive security and disaster
recovery planning.

 Avoidance of unnecessary CO2

 Disposal of inefficient
 Purchase greener energy
 Purchase from companies
known to be greener
 Excessive data redundancy
 Excessive feature
 Records management
 Avoiding travel and transport.

Value Delivery Executing on the Value Proposition of IT

Value Delivery Ensure that IT delivers the promised benefits Direct and control efforts to prove Deliver on the promised benefits
against the strategy, concentrating on the value of IT against the strategy, concentrating
optimising costs and proving the intrinsic value on optimising costs and delivering
of IT the intrinsic value of IT
Ensure that the expected return on investment The CIO/CTO does so by:
from IT projects is delivered and that the  clarifying the role of IT in
information and intellectual property contained achieving business strategies;
in the information systems are protected.  measuring and managing the
amount spent on and the value
received from IT;
 assigning accountability for
organisational changes required
to benefit IT capabilities;
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
 learning from each
implementation, becoming more
adept at sharing and reusing IT
 implementing balanced
scorecards as a tool for proving
the value of IT and measuring
Risk Management Risk Management seeks to provide Interventions that Optimise the Balance between Risk and Reward within the Organisation
IT Governance and Risk Ensure that regular opportunities for The CIO/CTO to monitor the
Management information technology failures that disrupt following causes carefully:
business and prevent the achievement of  Error
operational and strategic objectives are  Poor quality of service
minimised  High-rate of obsolescence
 High-level of development
 High-level of dependence on
vendors, service providers and
 Wasteful expenditure,
unnecessary features
 Inadequate architecture, limited
interoperability and poor
 Unproven, brittle and poorly
designed technology
 Limited capability to implement
and support solutions and end
 Monolithic, inflexible
applications with complex
 Multiple contractual, regulatory
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
and legislated compliance
Ensure that IT risks form part of enterprise risk  Regularly demonstrate to the  Implement adequate “business
management board that the organisation has resilience” arrangements to
adequate “business resilience” recover from disaster
Ensure that the following King III principles for arrangements in place to recover  Considers and implements
risk management are adhered to: from disaster appropriate risk responses
 accepting responsibility for the governance  Demonstrate that effective IT
of risk risk management process is
 determining the levels of risk tolerance place
 the risk committee or audit committee to  Demonstrate design,
assist the board in carrying out its risk implementation and monitoring
responsibilities of the risk management plan
 delegating to management the responsibility
to design, implement and monitor the risk
management plan
 performing of risk assessments are on a
continual basis
 implementing of frameworks and
methodologies to increase the probability of
anticipating unpredictable risks
 management considers and implements
appropriate risk responses
 monitoring risk by management continually
 obtaining assurance regarding the
effectiveness of the risk management
 ensuring processes are in place enabling
complete, timely, relevant, accurate and
accessible risk disclosure to stakeholders.
Responsibility For Risk  Accept responsibility for the process of risk Direct and control implementation Responsible for managing risk which
Management management of risk management must be reflected in individual letters
 Ensure that risk management is embedded in of appointment, key performance
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
its operations, decision-making processes areas and reward systems.
and the execution of strategy.
Risk Appetite  Set a risk appetite or tolerance level for the Use the risk appetite as the basis Implement the IT risk management
organisation which must be determined in for implementing a risk plan
accordance with the strategic objectives management process across the IT
 Ensure that the CIO uses the risk appetite as function and for establishing an IT
the basis for implementing a risk risk management plan
management process across the IT function
and for establishing an IT risk management
Risk Identification  Ensure that risk identification is directed Direct and control risk Identify risks focusing on both
within the context of the organisation’s identification and ensure that the strategic and operational risks
purpose and focuses on strategic and focus is on both strategic and
operational risks. operational risks
 Consideration must be given to reputation
risk and IT legal risks
Risk Quantification and  Ensure that key risks are quantified and are  Develop a clear, shared  Develop a clear, shared
Response responded to appropriately understanding of the risks that understanding of the risks that are
 Decide with management which risks are are acceptable or likely to acceptable or likely to become
significant become unacceptable and then unacceptable and then to decide
 Classify risk as high, moderate or low to decide how they will manage how they will manage the risks and
 Develop a clear, shared understanding of the the risks and control strategies control strategies
risks that are acceptable or likely to become  Ensure that risks are validated  Risks must be validated with
unacceptable and then decide how they will with relevant stakeholders. relevant stakeholders to confirm
manage the risks and control strategies the:
 Ensure that risks evaluated are prioritised  accuracy and validity of risk
and ranked to focus risk response measures information recorded
on those risks outside the board’s risk  assumptions made in
tolerance limits. assessment of the risk
 Ensure that management identifies and information provided
consider the possible risk response options  the need for any additional data
or information on the
effectiveness of the control
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
Risk Management Plan Adopt a risk management plan for achieving CIO/CTO to establish or adopt a  Design or adopt the risk
risk management objectives direct and control the management plan
implementation of a risk  The risk management plan must
management plan with the state the objectives on risk
following requirements: optimisation, how risk
management must support its
 Risk management plan must business strategy and how
include an implementation plan, regulatory requirements must
which must be monitored as a be managed. Risk management
medium-term project and have processes must be incorporated
scheduled reviews. into budgeting and business
 The risk management plan must planning activities.
outline the resources, tasks and
responsibilities for introducing  Implement the risk management
and developing the risk plan
management processes and  In designing the implementation
activities into the company plan, management must
determine the sequence of
implementation, document
roles and responsibilities
determine the target dates for
implementation and decide on
the frequency and format of
reporting against milestones

Risk Assessment Using Ensure that a process-orientated model like Adopt a process-orientated model Implement the IT control framework
a Generally Recognised CobiT forms the basis of the IT Control that provides management with a
Methodology framework as this provides management with a framework that assists in their
framework that assists with understanding the understanding of the scope of risk
scope of risk assessment and helps avoid gaps assessment and helps to avoid
when conducting the risk assessments. gaps when conducting the risk
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
Risk Assessment Ensure that risk assessments are to be Direct and control risk assessments Perform risk assessments and report
Outputs performed on an ongoing basis with the and reporting thereof on the assessment focusing on
outputs of risk assessments provided to the significant risks and the effectiveness
board and management with a realistic of internal control in managing those
perspective of the material risks facing the risks.
Risk Register Monitor and evaluate the register of risks Communicate openly with the Report any significant control failings
including a profile of aggregated risks, board on matters relating to risks or weaknesses identified in a report,
correlated risks and risk concentrations with a and controls including the effect that they have
balanced assessment of the significant risks and had, or may have had, on the
the effectiveness of internal control in organisation, and the actions being
managing those risks. taken to rectify them.
Reputational, Monitor and evaluate reputational, Direct and control risk assessments Address the broader issues of
Sustainability and sustainability and ethics risks and reporting thereof organisational reputation,
Ethics Risk Assessment sustainability and ethics when
assessing risk
Alignment of IT with  Implement IT governance, splitting Exploit available business Map IT objectives with business and
Business Objectives responsibility between the board and opportunities by exploiting sustainability objectives and address
and Sustainability management information technology in any gaps
 Specify the decision rights and accountability innovative ways based on the
framework to encourage the desirable board’s risk appetite and the
culture in the use of IT direction provided
 Take an active role in IT strategy and
 Stay informed and able to exercise the
necessary oversight during times of major
investment in IT
 Take full accountability and be responsible
for the decisions made where Technology, is
promising a major transformation of the
organisational business processes
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
Business Continuity Monitor and evaluate business resilience Demonstrate that there are Implement adequate business
arrangements in the event of a disaster adequate business resilience resilience arrangements in the event
affecting IT arrangements in the event of a of a disaster affecting IT
disaster affecting IT.
Information Delegate responsibility for information Demonstrate that information  Ensure the integrity and availability
Management management management efforts are adequate of information and information
systems in a timely manner
 Retain records
 Comply with security and privacy
Data Privacy Monitor and evaluate processes for managing Ensure that resources are deployed Implement the processes for
personal information and relevant compliance to manage personal information managing personal information to
with the applicable laws and to ensure compliance with the ensure compliance with the
applicable laws applicable laws
Information Security Delegate responsibility for Information Security Resources must be deployed to Implement the information security
Management develop, implement and manage management strategy and required
an appropriate Information systems
Security Management strategy and
The Use of Technology Obtain assurance that technology is being used Consideration must be given to the Implementing suitable technology to
to Aid the to aid business risk management functions suitability, economy and manage risk and compliance (e.g.
Management of Risk effectiveness of using technology policies, standards, etc)
and Compliance at various stages of the processes
to manage risk and compliance
Financial/Resource Optimising Knowledge, IT Infrastructure and Relationships
Resource Management  Ensure that the economic, social and  CIO/CTO responsibilities include: Leverage knowledge and skill,
environmental resources are treated capture the lessons learnt and build
responsibly and that their performance is  monitoring and evaluating the capability
reported on in an “integrated report” extent to which IT actually
 Direct management to focus on ensuring the sustains and enhances the
optimal use of available resources, including strategic objectives
knowledge, infrastructure and partnerships  monitoring and evaluating the
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
 Consider any outsourced IT services as this acquisition and use of IT
remains the responsibility of the Board and resources to ensure that they
external assurance regarding the governance support business
must be considered. requirements
 monitoring and evaluating the
acquisition and appropriate
use of technology, process
and people
 overseeing IT investment to
ensure that IT expenditure is
in proportion to the delivery
of business value
 ensuring good governance
principles apply to all parties
that provide IT resources. This
includes suppliers of
hardware, software, skills and
IT services
 Remaining accountable for
ensuring that effective IT
governance is in place where a
resource has been “outsourced”.
The following outsourcing issues
are important:

 Governance of outsourced
 Compliance in an outsourced
 Capability to outsource
 Capability of service providers
to provide contracted
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
 Considerable additional risks
from outsourcing –
compliance, staff turnover,
control of costs
 Nature of third-party contracts
(outsourced services or lease
agreements for equipment
and the hiring of staff)
 Adequacy of service level
 Pricing and charging practices
 What capability is required at
termination of the outsourcing
 The audit committee must
include these assurance tasks
within the normal assurance

Performance Proper IT Governance Assists the Board Ensure that IT Use Contributes Positively to The Performance of the Organisation
IT Governance and  Consider performance management which The CIO/CTO must consider the Report to the Board about IT:
Performance underpins IT governance by proving the value following in terms of performance
Management proposition and measuring the performance measurement:  achieving its objectives
of IT.  being resilient and agile to adapt
 Request reviews by independent experts to  Outcomes expected by to changing strategic needs
ensure that appropriate project management stakeholders - key goal indicators  judiciously managing risks
principles are applied.  Measurement of the enablers  recognising and acting on business
used to achieve these outcomes opportunities.
 Management’s control of  IT managers and staff must
activities critical to the success of develop performance
the enablers. management systems that
 IT goals and measures must flow optimise operational customer
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
directly from strategic goals. results from an organisational
 IT goals and measures in support
of individual operational
customers must meet IT
department or business unit
objectives. In turn, IT function or
business unit objectives must map
directly to both programme and
organisation-wide strategic
directions and goals.
 IT goals and measures must be
tracked in a seamless fashion back
to the business objectives and
group goals.
Approach to Measure not only the outcomes of the Institutionalised a managed Implement a performance
Performance governance activities but also the relevance process by doing the following: management system for monitoring
Measurement and effectiveness of the applied governance and tracking the outcomes of the
framework, processes and measurements.  Assigning responsibility and governance activities and the
authority for performing the effectiveness of the applied
process governance framework and
 Adhering to organisational processes
 Following established plans and
process descriptions
 Providing adequate resources
(including funding, people,
methods and tools)
 Training the people performing
and supporting the process
 Placing designated work
products under appropriate
levels of configuration
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
 Identifying and involving
relevant stakeholders
 Monitoring and controlling the
performance of the process
against the plans for performing
the process and taking corrective
 Objectively evaluating the
process, its work products, and
its services for adherence to the
process descriptions, objective
and standards, and
 addressing non-compliance
 Reviewing the activities, status,
and results of the process with
higher-level management and
taking corrective action.
Risk & Audit Risk and Audit Committees should Assist the Board in Carrying out its IT Responsibilities
Risk Committee  Fully understand the overall exposure to IT Establish measures such as the Fully commit to the goal of
risks from a strategic and business ones documented here, monitor implementing, supporting and
perspective and evaluate these measures in maintaining an effective risk
 Obtain assurance that all significant risks are order to provide assurance on committee
managed in an appropriate manner effectiveness of the risk
management efforts to the risk
Audit Committee  Oversee the reporting and assurance As information technology often  Fully commit to the goal of
functions on behalf of the board and serve as provides the system of internal supporting and maintaining an
a link between the board and these functions controls, the CIO and IT effective audit committee.
 Monitor the integrity and completeness of management are therefore  At least annually conduct a formal
the organisation’s financial reporting and required to conduct suitable tests documented review of the design,
compliance with other regulatory and report back to the audit implementation and effectiveness
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
requirements committee. of the system of internal financial
 Review aspects of risk and sustainability controls by conducting suitable
issues where it is mandated to do so by the testing and report back to the
board chiefs and audit committee.
 Obtain appropriate assurance that controls  Enables the audit committee to
are adequate to address the risks in areas perform its responsibilities to
that are not appropriately governed (e.g. oversee the integrity of the
outsourcing and ERP implementations) that financial information. (External
expose the organisation to higher levels of auditor attestation on internal
risk. financial controls is not a
Managing Information The Board is to Ensure Information Assets are Managed Effectively
Information  Ensure information assets are managed Direct and control the effective  Manage information assets
Management effectively management of information assets effectively, ensuring the integrity
and availability of information and
information systems in a timely
 Manage information throughout
the life cycle by implementing
suitable processes
 Identify, classified, retained,
stored, archived, protect and make
available when required for
business and legal purposes any
Information records providing
evidence of business activity which
are important information assets
Information Privacy Ensure privacy of information where required Direct and control the appropriate Identify and treated all personal
identification and treatment of all information processed as an
personal information considered a important business asset, including
business asset and ensure being processed in accordance with
compliance with applicable laws. applicable laws
Information Security  Ensure that an information security Direct and control the strategy for, Implement the information security
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
management system is implemented and establishment and strategy and an information security
according to an applicable information implementation of information management system in accordance
security framework. security management framework with an appropriate information
 Oversee the development of the information and systems security framework.
security strategy and delegate its
implementation to IT management.
Compliance Proper IT Governance Assists Directors in Assuring Conformance with Obligations (Regulatory, Legislation, Common Law, Contractual) concerning the
Acceptable Use of IT
Compliance with  Establish a review process to ensure  Direct and control the process to  Identify the IT laws, regulations
Obligations compliance with laws, regulations and identify and comply with laws, and contractual requirements that
contractual requirements. regulations and contractual the organisation must comply
 Ensure that all relevant IT laws are adhered requirements with.
by ensuring that an effective compliance  Identify compliance  Implement systems to address the
framework is and processes are requirements, optimise and compliance requirements
implemented. evaluate the response, obtaining Optimise and evaluate the
 Consider any standards, guidelines or assurance that the requirements compliance requirements and
practices that would be relevant to the IT have been complied with and, report on any non compliance
organisation. finally, integrating IT’s
compliance reporting with the
rest of the business.
A Single, Holistic Ensure that all compliance efforts are Direct and control the process to  Find a practical way to deal with
Approach to integrated across the organisation integrate all compliance initiatives compliance considering the ever-
Compliance related to IT across the increasing number of regulators,
organisation regulations, legislation and
contractual obligations
 Adopt a process-orientated
approach, starting with a single,
generally accepted baseline of
controls to which additional
regulatory and statutory controls
are then added to achieve
compliance with external
regulators and internal
Board CIO/CTO IT Management
 Consider how IT can be used to
assist with managing its and
business compliance obligations
Compliance should be Ensure that all compliance efforts are Direct and control the process to  Sustainability comes through
made Sustainable sustainable maintain and sustain all controls being:
compliance initiatives related to IT  Enabled through documented
 Supported by the capability of
 Made effective through
 Regularly monitored

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