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Making Food Waste a Resource


Avantika Ghosh, Liam Evans, Spencer Reardon, Joey Zhuo

Team #2
Engineering 2367 / Section 28282
The Ohio State University

Prepared for
Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction
4545 Fisher Rd
Columbus, OH 43228

Abstract: The need for sustainability is now a common hot topic in the media as people urge
large corporations and other big institutions to do their part for the cause. A big issue in the US
prison system is the growing amount of food waste in landfills. This proposal describes a
possible solution using the implementation of anaerobic digesters to convert food waste into fuel,
which can then also be used as a resource. Along with the implementation of the energy
converter and Food Waste Detection technology, The Ohio Prison System can divert their food
waste away from landfills and into a resource that can be utilized to cut costs, meanwhile also
gathering data to reduce food waste. Therefore, the implementation of these technologies can
help a good cause while also earning an institution some revenue, and thereby can set an
example for other prison systems to follow.

November 3rd, 2021



Background of Food Waste Problems

Food waste refers to food such as plate waste, spoiled food, or peels and rinds considered
inedible that are managed in a variety of methods other than donation to feed people (Office of
Resource Conservation and Recovery, 2020). Recent estimates suggest that between 30 and 50%
of global food production is never consumed by a human (Närvänen, 2020). Many studies break
down households, food manufacturers, commercial establishments, and public institutions as the
four major sectors that generate food waste (ORCR, 2020). Wasting food, as a result, is not only
a waste of money and resources from food production to disposal, but is also harmful to the
environment because this landfilled food waste will produce greenhouse gases and contribute to
global warming (UNEP, 2021). It is evident that the problem of food waste and its extent of
impact should become a growing concern among the public.

Statement of Problem
The Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Resource, Conservation and Recovery
released the 2018 Food Waste Report, which classified Correctional Facilities in the institutional
sector and reported that each inmate can contribute 1.12 pounds of food waste per day. By its
estimation, nearly two-thirds of the food waste produced within the institutional sector will be
landfilled, contributing heavily to the amount of landfilled food waste produced in society today
(ORCR, 2020). This raises considerable concern about wasted resources and environmental
protection. Therefore, management and measurement of food waste should be undertaken to
reduce food waste and to find alternative solutions to landfills.

Our team will focus on the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC), which
oversees a total of 28 correctional facilities located in the state of Ohio. For the purpose of this
proposal, we want to help with food waste reduction and management in these prison system
with the following system and technology:

● Implementing Anaerobic Digesters with Energy Converters installed to reduce food

waste sent to landfills, and to convert food waste into biogas and digestate which will
then create sustainable energy and nutrient-rich substances.
● Implementing a Food Waste Detection Technology to identify and weigh produced food
waste, which will guide future food production management and decisions, and help with
food waste reduction.

Our team aims to reduce wasted food at the 28 facilities, and makes food waste a resource to
alleviate environmental problems. We will work with the stakeholders of this problem and our
proposed solution, such as the food department of the prison administration, anaerobic digester
manufacturers, food waste detection technology providers, etc., to provide a budget. We hope
that the proposed system and technology will benefit our selected local correctional facilities,
while raising public awareness of the food waste problem and contributing to addressing food
waste in other sectors.

Current Situation

As mentioned in the background introduction, the problem of food waste is causing widespread
concerns in the public. A study conducted by the UN Environment Programme (2021) has found
out that about 931 million tonnes of food, or 17% of total food available to consumers, were
wasted in a year. When food is wasted, the cost and resources to make and deliver that food are
wasted too. Moreover, 8 to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions are associated with the
decomposition of landfilled food waste (UNEP, 2021). Throughout these statistics, food waste
has a significant impact on our economy, society, and environment.

Correctional facilities are within the public institutional sector, one of the four major sectors that
generate food waste (ORCR, 2020). Figure 1 below is a pie chart that shows the proportion of
food waste to other composited waste in state correctional facilities. In fact, over 30% by weight
of a typical prison disposal stream is food waste from the kitchen area, taking up about one-third
of the pie (Marion, 2000). The ODRC oversees a total of 28 correctional facilities located in the
state of Ohio. According to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (2013), Ohio’s
correctional facilities dispose of an estimated 13,520 tons of food waste each year at landfills. At
approximately $100/ton for transportation and waste disposal, the state spends nearly $1.4
million per year to send food waste from its correctional facilities to landfills. Therefore, there is
a great need for us to analyze the cause and effect of food waste.

Figure 1. Estimated Composition of Waste Generated at Correctional Facilities (by weight)

Source: CalRecycle. (2020). Correctional Facilities. CalRecycle.
Description: According to the most recent waste characterization study conducted by the state of
Florida, food waste accounts for 30.50% of all estimated composition of waste generated at
correctional facilities, which is the second largest waste category.

Population and Prisons

One of the leading causes of the increase in food waste is the increase in the overall population.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the US population increased from about 92
million in 1910 to about 331 million in 2020. During this time the prison population
exponentially grew in comparison. The US prison population increased from 1925 there were
85,239 in federal and 6430 people in local prisons according to the prison policy initiative. By
2016 that had increased to 1,298,159 and 178,688 respectively (2020, March 24). Each prisoner
producing 1.12 lbs of food waste per day shows a big jump from just under 100,000 lbs of food
per day to about 1,500,000 per day close to a 1500% increase in food waste (ORCR, 2020). The
food waste of the prisoners themselves aren’t the only thing the population affected

The number of prisons in the US also increased along with the population. In 2000 there were
1,320 state and 84 federal prisons which both rose to 1,833 and 110 respectively in 2020. This
increase means more cafeterias and the production of food for prisoners which in turn causes
more food waste to be created. As of right now the population of the US is increasing at about a
3% per year basis which will keep increasing the food waste that is created unless something is
done at the production and consumption level (U.S. Department of Justice, 2001).

Overproduction and Underconsumption

The overproduction of food by restaurants and cafeterias is another cause of food waste. It was
found that 51% of food service waste in 2017 was the result of overproduction. In these
environments where the amount of food being eaten a day changes it causes chefs to make extra
portions to ensure food for everyone. It was found that chefs tend to make 5 to 10 extra portions
for this insurance. These 5 to 10 portions often get thrown out at the end of the day due to it not
being consumed (Szczepanski, 2018). Producers of the food aren't the only outlet of the food
waste though.

Consumers of the food in this case being the prisoners produce food waste themselves. In
cafeteria and restaurant environments where people all get close to the same proportions, there
are likely going to be those who do not fully finish their plate and throw the rest away. As stated
in the population and prisons portion it was found that the average prisoner produces 1.12 lbs of
food waste per day (ORCR, 2020). This thrown-away food goes to the same landfills and
contributes to the same problem as overproduction.

Trimming and Spoiled Food

In the production of meals, many foods need to be trimmed and prepared before they can be
served. These trimmings are often thrown out causing a large amount of food waste. It was found
that 35% of food service waste in 2017 was the result of trimming of food. While a smaller
number it was found that spoiled food accounted for 3.5% of waste in the same study. While it
may be less, 3.5% is still a big impact. In the study, researchers tracked just over 1,200 kitchens

which produced 13 million pounds of food. The 3.5% came out to be about 500,000 pounds of
food (Szczepanski, 2018).

Landfills and Global Warming

If nothing is done about the food and other waste, landfills around the world will keep increasing
in size and affecting the surrounding land. In 2018 146.1 million tons of waste were landfilled. It
was found that 24.14% of this waste was food. The longer we do nothing about the landfills the
larger they will become and the more detrimental it will be for the surrounding wildlife (EPA
2018). This is more of a short-term effect but there is a much larger long-term effect which is
partially caused by these landfills, Global Warming.

If nothing is done about food waste and other pollutants, Global Warming will continue to
worsen and more and more land will be taken up by landfills. As of right now, 1,300 scientists
from around the world have forecast a 2.5 to 10 Fahrenheit rise in temperature over the next
century. This rise will cause many events to happen. There will be more droughts, heatwaves,
and hurricanes and they will be more intense than before. The sea level will rise 1 to 8 feet by
2100 which will cause land on the coasts to submerge causing loss of land and homes in that
proximity. All of these changes at the moment are irreversible with our only chance of
minimizing the severity being to fully switch to sustainable energy in the future (NASA 2021).

Proposed Program

The first step of our implementation program will be to gather data on each individual prison in
the Ohio Prison System and determine their respective needs when it comes to each technology.
This involves analyzing the population, food waste, generators, and other equipment to see how
many Digesters, Converters, and Food Waste Detection Technologies are required for a
particular prison, along with any extra equipment that will be required to be installed based on
the needs of the facility. Accordingly, we will plan to arrange resources to be directed to each
prison according to schedule. We will also finalize the budget for the entire program to be

Initial Implementation
We will start with a Pilot Program where we install our systems and technologies in a select few
prisons to see how well it is implemented and any deficiencies we might need to address before
we carry full-scale implementation. Five different facilities will be chosen based on size,
location, population, and other variables to ensure that all bases are covered. These five locations
will be determined from our Analysis Report in the first step.

Anaerobic Digester and Energy Converter

The anaerobic digester can convert different feedstocks, including food waste, into energy and
useful resources, such as electricity, heat, fuel, fertilizer, etc. The energy converter is a part of the
anaerobic digester that is used to generate biogas and digestate from the feedstocks during the
process. The components required to run the system include the liquid pumps, gas pumps,
mixing tanks, flow meters, electrical wiring and controls, power transmission lines (Duffy,
2017). Much of the infrastructure will be available to connect into at each of the 28 sites. This
approach provides an environment-friendly system to manage food waste. At the same time, it
saves all the cost to dispose of wasted food into landfills.

Figure 2: Anaerobic Digestion Process

Source: EPA’s AgSTAR Program. (2020). A Handbook for Developing Anaerobic
Digestion/Biogas Systems on Farms in the United States. AgSTAR Project Development
Handbook, 430-B-20-001.
Description: The image illustrates the flow of feedstocks through the anaerobic digestion
system to produce biogas and digestate to use for electricity, heat, fuel, fertilizer, etc.

Food Waste Detection Technology

To implement the Food Waste Detection Technology, a food waste technology called Winnow
(shown in Figure 3), will be utilized in the kitchen area of each of the 28 facilities. According to
Mills (2019), Winnow uses a waste monitor as a smart scale, where the waste bin is placed, that
accurately captures the weight of the waste thrown into the bin. Once food waste is logged, an AI
detection system learns to recognize the type of food waste over time and generates reports
calculating the amount and type of food waste in the kitchen through the Winnow tablet (Mills,
2019). As a result, kitchen staff can easily access the data regarding food waste. Winnow
technology requires an internet connection, power supply, and wall space to install the connected
tablet. Statistics from Winnow (2017) have shown that this technology can reduce food waste by
40-70% and reduce food costs by 2-8% within a year.

Figure 3: Winnow Food Waste Technology

Adapted from: Mills, M. (2019, June 18). Winnow Solutions: Solving the world's Food Waste.
Description: The figure shows components of the Winnow food waste technology. This
approach allows kitchen staff to easily obtain wasted food measurements and make timely
management to reduce food waste.

Phase-wise Roll-Out
After the successful completion of our second step, the Pilot Program, we will start the
installation process in clusters of prisons based on location. This clustering method of
implementation will help us direct all of our resources at a select group of prisons during its first
stages of effect, and will allow us to address any issues that arise after the installation as
efficiently and effectively as possible.

Full Implementation
After the successful completion of 97% to 100% of phase-wise rollout clusters, we will go into
full implementation where we will provide access and support for repairs, updates, and other
customer services from our headquarter offices while also passing over most management
guidelines and responsibilities to ODRC to be able to operate the services independently. We will
also direct supply-chain resources to them.


Our team includes four undergraduate students from the Ohio State University in Columbus. As
a team, we have a high level of diversity, varying backgrounds, and knowledge. Each of the four
team members is currently studying different majors. We have an Accounting major, a Computer
Science and Engineering major, a Finance major, and a Mechanical Engineering major. This
wide area of knowledge qualifies our group to approach a large-scale problem, such as reducing
food waste in the prison system, from a variety of sides. Finance student Avantika Ghosh and
Accounting student Joey Zhuo are able to use their developed skills to outline and present a
projected budget of the various planning, purchasing, and installation costs associated with the
plan. They also will analyze and optimize the business end of the proposal in terms of the
cost-efficiency of the system once fully functional. Similarly, Computer Science and Engineering
student Liam Evans and Mechanical Engineering student Spencer Reardon are able to apply their
expertise when determining our route in terms of the type of digester, energy converter, and
waste detection technology. They will determine the best combination of the various models in
order to implement an involved system of various tanks, valves, and other interconnecting parts
that output a single functioning and harmonious system.

To prepare for this proposal, food waste, and more specifically the implementation of food waste
management technologies, was a new area of research for our team. Each member has spent
hours reading, researching, and collecting information about the various solutions to our
identified problem of food waste in the prison system to achieve our objectives. Our hours of
focused research collectively lead us to determine that anaerobic digestion systems paired with
energy converters and food waste detection technology to be the best solution for our problem.


Funding this proposal would involve a number of costs, including the cost to purchase and install
anaerobic digesters with energy converters, combined heat and power (CHP) units, and food
waste detection technology.

Based on data, a 5-ton stand-alone anaerobic digester would process approximately the
equivalent of a 36-cow dairy farm anaerobic digester (Emerson, 2019). According to Lukehurst
and Bywater (2015), a 100-cow dairy farm anaerobic digester outputs approximately 10-kilowatt
hours (kWh), meaning a 5-ton stand-alone anaerobic digester would output an estimated 3.6
kWh. They also claim the estimated cost of an anaerobic digester is equal to £3,383/kWh. Using
this conversion, the 5-ton stand-alone anaerobic digester would cost £12,178.80 or $16,623.82.
Since the digesters will be implemented at all 28 facilities in Ohio, the total cost of the 28
digesters would be $465,466.96.

The costs covered have included the physical components of the stand-alone anaerobic digestion
system, however building, design, and labor costs must also be accounted for. The typical
construction of mechanical and electrical equipment and installation of an anaerobic digester
system costs on average 49% the cost of the digester (Lukehurst & Bywater, 2015). This estimate
of $8,145.67 for each unit includes labor, equipment, and construction costs. Besides, these
digesters would require routine cleaning and maintenance that help lengthen the life of the unit.
According to AgSTAR (2012), annual maintenance cost for the digester is $30,000. The first
year cost of the stand-alone anaerobic digestion systems come to an estimated total of
$1,533,545.77 for all 28 sites.

The Winnow food waste detection technology costs approximately $500 per unit per month or
$6000 per unit per year. We plan to implement 3 Winnow technologies in each of the 28
facilities’ kitchens to help track and measure food waste, so this adds up to a total 84 installed
Winnow, resulting in $504,000 per year in total. In addition, we also need IT services to work on
the installation and maintenance. According to Perdomo (2021), we would estimate a total IT
budget of $506,500 for a year, including $408,000 for IT staffing, $80,000 for utilities, and
$18,500 for maintenance.

Totalling the costs discussed above, the proposed first year budget is $2,544,045.77. With a 2021
budget of just under 2 billion dollars (West, 2019), the ODRC has to allocate just 0.128% of the
budget towards the implementation of a functional 5-ton stand-alone anaerobic digester system,
energy converter, and Winnow food waste detection technology at each of the 28 prisons.

The budget below outlines the proposed first year budget. The proposed first year budget
features unique costs of purchasing and installing of the various components of the proposed
system. Due to these one time costs, the annual budget for the post first year operation would
decrease to $1,850,500.00. In terms of the proposed budget below, the post first year budget
would remain the same with the exception of the first two items listed being eliminated from the

Table 1: Proposed First Year Budget

Technology/Project Cost/Unit Unit Needed Total Cost
Anaerobic Digester with Energy Convertor $16,623.82 28 $465,466.96
Digester Installation Cost (Labor, Other Equipments,
Construction) $8,145.67 28 $228,078.81
Digester Maintenance Cost $30,000.00 28 $840,000.00
Anaerobic Digester + Energy Convertor Total Cost: $1,533,545.77
Food Waste Detection Technology (Winnow) $6,000.00 84 $504,000.00
IT Staffing $408,000.00 1 $408,000.00
IT Utilities for installation $80,000.00 1 $80,000.00
IT Maintenance $18,500.00 1 $18,500.00
FWDT Total Cost: $1,010,500.00
Project Total Cost: $2,544,045.77
Adapted from: AgSTAR. (2012). Funding on-farm Anaerobic Digestion. AgSTAR.; Lukehurst, C., &
Bywater, A. (2015). Exploring the viability of small scale anaerobic digesters in livestock farming IEA
bioenergy. IEA Bioenergy.; Mills, M. (2019,
June 18). Winnow Solutions: Solving the world's Food Waste. SevillaWorld.; Perdomo, R. (2021, May
7). How to make an IT budget (+it budget template). Cybersecurity ,IT Managed Services, Software.

It is worth noting that the digester contributes towards cost savings over time. Based on the
estimated amount of food waste digested per day of 2 to 4 tons, per digester, there would be an
estimated 70,000 cubic meters of biogas collected annually as 80% of feedstock is converted into
biogas (Lukehurst & Bywater, 2015). This biogas is then converted by the connected CHP unit
into an estimated 6 kWh per cubic meter of biogas into energy and heat that can then be utilized
by the facility at which the digester is located (AQPER, 2018). This totals 420,000 kWh of
energy produced per year by the 28 digesters. Current Ohio energy costs of 12.29 cents per kWh
mean that an estimated $51,618 would be saved annually. Over a reasonable life-span of 30
years, the digesters would save the facilities $1,548,540.

There is also a possibility of selling the solid digestate to consumers at a local or state level.
Individual facilities may choose to contract and sell their nutrient-rich digestate to serve as
composted fertilizer for local farms or gardens. This source of income would further offset the
cost to build and operate the digesters. Another route would involve the ODRC developing a
relationship with one or multiple consumers and contracting them to purchase the digestate
produced by all 28 of the digesters throughout the state. It is estimated that over 1000 tons of
digestate will be produced annually. Wholesale prices for digestate range from $6 to $16 per ton,

if sold at an average price of $11 per ton, an estimated $11,000 would be generated for the
ODRC (Alexander, 2012).


Addressing the issue of food waste and making it a resource will be our goal. By studying
outside resources, we found that most of the unconsumed food will end up in landfills, however,
this will lead to global warming, while also wasting money and resources in the food preparation
and distribution process. With our team’s proposal and budget, we believe that the
implementation of anaerobic digesters with energy converters, and food waste detection
technology would help address the food waste problem in the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation
and Correction. These methods can convert food waste into resources or detect food waste
amounts to avoid overproduction. We estimate a total annual project budget of $2,544,045.77. In
fact, the anaerobic digester saves ODRC $51,618 per year, and the digestiate it produces can be
sold and generate $11,000 in revenue, which offsets some of the project’s costs. After a year of
implementation (full implementation), we will continue to track the capabilities of these systems
and technologies and optimize their operations. We hope our project will not only benefit our
selected local institutional sector, the Ohio Prison System, but will also be applicable to the
broader sector to help manage and reduce food waste and achieve an environmentally friendly
and economical approach to food waste disposal.

According to further research, food waste reduction will provide multi-faceted wins for people
and the planet, such as addressing climate change, saving money and resources, reducing
pressures on land, water, and biodiversity (UNEP, 2021). However, this potential may have not
been under-exploited as food waste, and its impacts are not fully understood (UNEP, 2021). In
this proposal, ODRC is only a minuscule part of the public institutional sector. We have a
substantial amount of food waste from other major sectors too, including households, food
manufacturers, and commercial establishments. As we expand the scope of food waste, all of the
statistics and numbers we have collected in our proposal will become only a small fraction. By
gaining insight into the extent of the impact of food waste, we believe we will understand that
reducing food waste and making it a resource does not happen in a short period of time, but
requires long-term efforts and support of each individual.


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