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Group No.

Name of the Members:
 Salgado, Anna Mae
 Ventura, Annie M.
 Tormis, Rhuvejen
 Wating, Diana
 Sestoso, Lovely Jean
 Sobrecary, Lelanie
 Ugtonan, Zulfa
 Tanduyan, Bryan

Module 3: Analysis of Food Production and Population growth in Developed and

Developing Countries
 Lesson 1: Analysis of Food Production and Population growth in
developed countries.
Search in the web the top 10 developed countries that exported Agri products around
the globe.
Top 10 developed countries that exported Agri products around the globe
How would you relate the Population growth in developed countries to food production?
The more the population will increase, the more that the developing countries will
sustain the needs of the people. The developed countries its not difficult for them to
sustain and improve the food production. They have a higher income in exporting the
product around the globe. There is no problem in their side when the population will
increase. In the fact that, developed countries have an ability to improve their food
production, and because of advance technology used in agricultural sector. But, the
population growth affect the food production of developed countries. In that way, the
developed countries need to secured the food and needed to continue increase their

 Lesson 2: Analysis of Food Production and Population growth in

developing countries.
Search in the web the top 10 importer developing countries of Agri products around the
The top 10 importer developing countries of Agri Products Around the globe.
1. European Union (28)
2. China
3. Unites States
4. Japan
5. Canada
6. Korea
7. India
8. Mexico
9. Russian Federation
10. Hongkong, China
How would you relate the Population growth in developing countries to food production?
Agriculture is considered a backbone in our economy, it is provide and sustain
the food in the country. However, the population in developing countries is increasing
that is why the food production will be affected. We all know that people needs are
unlimited but the food is limited. If the population continue increases, food supply in
developing countries would need to be quadrupled in sustaining the needs of the
people. In providing the needs , developing countries suffer many difficulties in
developing and improving the agricultural sector in producing food. In addition, because
of the population growth, it help the countries become more food secure and raise
incomes. According to The Population Institute estimates that a 70 per cent increase in
food production will also have to take into account increases in energy prices, as well as
factors such as the groundwater depletion, the loss of farmland to urbanization, and
potential flooding and droughts caused by climate change. This rapid increase and the
associated challenges will place additional strain on food production. Therefore, the
population growth in developing countries connected to food production, because food
production is the first will be affected, either causes a damages in the production or give
a more productivity in agriculture.
Module 4. Overview of Philippine Agriculture
 Lesson 1. Resources of Philippine Agriculture
Draw a Philippine Map with its corresponding region (Region 1-12, CAR and ARMM)
and put a drawing of a specific crop by which the region is the top producer.
After labeling the top producing regions in the Philippine map, please
consider the following questions below.

a. Do you have any idea why this specific crop is produced more in that particular
Yes, we have any idea that this specific crop is produced more in that
particular region. It is because of the weather. Climate and weather influence
crop production in different ways. If a weather event that is fatal to crops takes
place during the crop growth period, an indicator of the impact of the fatal event
may be more relevant than that of growing-season mean climate to explain
variations in crop production in that year. Furthermore, the Philippines is tropical
country that able to produced different crops and that crops able to grow in that
particular region. On the other side, different regions produced more crops
because of the land area they have , or that different crops usually grown
depends on the land area.

b. What did you discover about the top producing region of different crops?


I discovered that in the different region has different crops. It is because

due to differences in geographical conditions, demand for produce, labor, and
technological level. The selection of crops to be cultivated in that area is
influenced by the topography of the soil and the climate. For example in region 3
their top producing crop is rice it is because region 3 has high temperatures of
more than 35 degrees Celsius and that what rice need to be able to grow. I also
discovered that palay or rice is produced more in Luzon. The top producing of
sugarcane is belong on the region of Visayas. While Mindanao is top producing
of coconut, coffee, pineapple, and banana.
 Lesson 2. Production system in the Philippines
In a short bond paper draw an example of the following:
1. Farming system;
a. Monocropping
b. Intercropping
c. Mixed Cropping
d. Multiple cropping


Cropping system
a. Alley cropping
b. Multi-storey system
c. Diversified system
After you draw the different cropping system and farming system, please consider the
following questions below.
1. What is the best farming system? Why?
The best farming system is Multiple cropping. It is planting different crops
arranged in a specific distance. Multiple cropping or multicropping is the practice
of growing two or more crops in the same piece of land during one growing
season instead of just one crop. When multiple crops are grown simultaneously,
this is also known as intercropping. Also, in multiple cropping, you can harvest
two or more crops and increase your income as a farmer . Nevertheless, the
multiple cropping increase land area, increase crop production, and reduces the
use of pesticides and fertilizers. That is why, most of the farmers now start
practice multiple cropping.
2. What do you think is the best farming system for Cavendish banana?
The best farming system in Cavendish banana is Monocropping. It is the
agricultural practice of growing a single crop year after year on the same land, in
the absence of rotation through other crops or growing multiple crops on the
same land, which is known as polyculture. When it comes to popular crops used
for monocropping, corn, soybeans, and wheat are three common crops often
grown using monocropping techniques. Hence, Cavendish banana suitable to
grow in monocropping system without the mixed of other plants, and in that way
Cavendish look familiar to the people and it is easier to apply pesticide in the
plant. The Cavendish banana also, needed a shelter from other banana and
needed a large land area for they growing.
3. What do you think is the best, mixed or multiple cropping? Why?
For us, the best is mixed cropping than multiple cropping. It is because is a
system of sowing two or three crops together on the same land, one being the
main crop and the others the subsidiaries. In addition, in mixed cropping there's
no need to have a distance in planting plants. Moreover, I can say that this mixed
cropping is beneficial to all farmers if they want to plant more crops in the same
land, and if the other plants will damage because of insects, they are other plant
will survive and that all they need to harvest. Nevertheless, in mixed cropping
they more land to be farmed which the same labor and machinery.
4. What are the considerations in the multi-storey system?

The consideration in multi- storey system are the mixed of different height
crops and can be growing in improving the use of soil, moisture , and space. In
simply word, we considered the soil, moisture, and space when we planting a
trees or crops in applying multi-storey system. The other considerations multi-
storey system is where the taller plants and short plants to be planted. Another
one is climatic factors, if that plants you planted and mixed in the other crops will
still survived in the same climate.

5. What do you think are the advantages of diversified system?


The advantages of diversified system are practice producing of both

crops and animals in the given area or in one farm. Also, it increase income not
only for crops but also in different animals . The better use of area, labor, capital,
and all the equipment. However, it reduces crop failure and farmers improve their
life. In diversified, you can harvest more on crops and selling more animals. You
given a chance to make your farm larger. The variety of crops and the animals, it
make the soil healthier, and it turn to reduce the use of fertilizer.

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