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“Romeo and Juliet”
By: William Shakespeare
The themes in the drama Romeo and Juliet are divided into two types, major themes
and minor themes. The major theme (the subject matter of the story as a whole) in this drama
is “love doesn’t arrive”. This theme is told in a story where the romance of Romeo and Juliet is
thwarted by the eternal enmity between the Romeo family (Montague) and the Juliet family
(Capulet). The feeling of love between Romeo and Juliet makes them make various efforts to be
together forever, but that hope is never achieved. And this story ends tragically, namely the death
between Romeo and Juliet. Meanwhile, there are 3 minor themes (main parts or sub-themes) in
this drama, namely social life, rebellion, and loyalty. This theme of "social life" refers to the
social life of the people of Verona. Here is one quote on this theme, “… the people of Verona
use the river to meet their daily needs and to irrigate their plantations. Apart from the fertile
land, the people of Verona were also hardworking, so they lived a prosperous and peaceful life.
The crops are abundant enough to support the needs of the population. The prince of Verona at
that time was Prince Escalus, a prince who was wise and firm. He always gives gifts to those
who are responsible and give appropriate punishment for those who do evil…”. The second
minor theme is "rebellion", the rebellion which is meant to be the rebellions committed by
Romeo and Juliet against his family's animosity. One quote from this theme is “… But it is
different with Romeo who does not care about the disputes between two families. The desire to
hang out with the girls made him act reckless without caring about family grudges…”. The third
minor theme is "loyalty". The loyalty made between Romeo and Juliet was done even though it
was prevented by various family problems, until the end of their lives they remained loyal. “...
Romeo bought poison in a small pharmacy to commit suicide so he could die with Juliet ...”.

There are several characters in this drama. The main characters in this drama are Romeo
and Juliet. The character of Romeo in this drama is described as a handsome man, well-built, of
noble descent, and admired by girls. It is proven in several quotes, one of which is “… the
women looked amazed with wide eyes looking at him. They were amazed to see Romeo's well-
built body combined with his naturally handsome face. They consider Romeo as a sky that
blends with nature and transforms into beauty…”. Sociologically, Romeo is described as a man
who is smart, nimble, loyal, brave and likes to take risks, “… In his spare time, Romeo visits
Juliet's garden in secret to see his lover from a distance, so that others don't know him…”, “...
Romeo bought poison in a small pharmacy to commit suicide so he could die with Juliet ...”.
Meanwhile, Juliet's character in this drama is described as a woman who is beautiful, gentle, of
noble descent, mature, polite, loyal, respectful to parents, and admired by many men, "... Juliet is
a special girl, besides her beauty, she is also young, attractive, lively and pleasant to look at.
The strength that distinguishes Juliet from most girls is that she grows up in a supportive
environment and has a good education. As the only favorite daughter of Mr. Capulet, at a young
age she was able to act wisely like an adult…”, “… Juliet's praiseworthy behavior also grew.
He is always wise, humble and full of tenderness…”. Apart from the main character, there are
several other characters in this drama. Prince Escalus, is the protagonist, he wants to reconcile
the enmity between the Capulet family and the Montague family. Pastor Laurance, He is a
prudent, wise, and kind pastor, “… the old pastor's kindness and wisdom were loved by all the
townspeople. They always take cover and seek advice from Pastor Laurance…”. Tybalt, he is a
noble, brave, tall and burly. Tybalt has the most respectable position of all the other young men
in the Capulet family. Paris, he is a man who loves Juliet very much, he is also the one whom
his family has arranged for Juliet. Mr. Capulet, he is the head of the family in the Capulet
family and has a tough character. Mr. Capulet is also the one who rejects the love story between
Romeo and Juliet.

The drama Romeo and Juliet uses a forward plot. The story is divided into several
stages, namely: introduction, contradiction, climax, anti-climax, and completion. The
introductory stage in this drama is that there are two families living in Verona, namely the
Capulet family and the Montague family. The two families are enemies. The Capulet family has
a daughter named Juliet and the Montague family has a son named Romeo, “… In Verona there
live two aristocrats who are hostile to each other, namely Mr. Capulet and Mr. Montague…”,
“… In the midst of a dispute between two families that never ends, born a boy from the
Montague family named Romeo…”. This introductory stage continues until Romeo falls in love
with Juliet for the first time at a party. At the stage of conflict in this drama is the fact that the
two families oppose each other's love story between Romeo and Juliet. "... Romeo sighed heavily
in the face of this painful reality, blaming the bad luck that befell him, while trying to escape the
torment of love, he who found the smile alluring a princess girl from the enemy of his own family
...". Next is the climax stage, the peak of the conflict from the drama Romeo and Juliet is Juliet
being forced to marry Paris by his family, Capulet. Juliet, who refused to be married, finally
drank a medicine that made her feel like she had died, “… The fear that really attacked her,
made her grab the glass with fast movements, without thinking, she immediately drank the
mixture of potions from the priest and the water in it. Then he lay down and crossed his arms
across his chest and drifted into delusion, into a state of suspended animation…”. Romeo, who
gets the wrong information that Juliet has really died, makes him want to follow Juliet. Romeo
also bought poison and drank it in front of Juliet's body, who was lying rigidly, “… Romeo
immediately drank the poison bought from the pharmacy, then kissed Juliet as much as he
wanted and then his body stiffened, lying stiff. His life was halted, divorced from his body
because he was forced by the poison of death…”. However, not long after, Juliet awakens and
finds her beloved Romeo dead. Juliet, who was sad, committed suicide using Romeo's dagger,
“… Juliet saw Romeo's dagger lying, grabbed with a quick movement and then stabbed it into
her own chest. His body collapsed on Romeo's body…”. The anti-climax stage in this novel is
when the Capulets and the Montague family find Romeo and Juliet and Paris dead. Then Pastor
Laurance told the love story between Romeo and Juliet to the two families. And at the last stage,
the completion stage. The Capulets and the Montague family end their feud, and the two
reconcile. “… Oh brother Montague, give me your hand. I can't ask for anything else, other than
for the sake of my daughter's will to reconcile us, "said Mr. Capulet, holding out his hand. Mr.
Capulet's helping hand was welcomed by Mr. Montague. Both of them shake hands! The
audience applauded. A very rare event but very much expected by all the inhabitants of Verona
has taken place. Mr. Montague collapsed in pride, so did Mr. Capulet. They become friends

The setting in this drama is divided into three, namely the setting of place, time, and
atmosphere. There are several setting places that are frequently mentioned in this drama. In
Verona, in the quote “... In Verona lived two aristocrats who were hostile to each other, namely
Mr. Capulet and Mr. Montague ...”. At Capulet's residence, in the quote “... the banquet
ceremony was held at Capulet's residence ...”. At church, in the quote “... Arriving at the
church, Juliet did not dare to look into the church where the city youth gathered ...”. The most
frequently mentioned time settings in dramas are evening and morning. “... At night he entered
the room with five of his friends ...”, “... You know, the night hid my face, otherwise you would
have seen my cheeks flushed red, because you heard my words tonight ...”, “... that morning the
nanny tried to influence me. Juliet's thoughts…”. As for the atmosphere in this drama, there are
several scenes that are displayed in the drama. "Happy", a happy atmosphere can be seen when
Romeo feels he has found the dream girl, namely Juliet, at a party. "Afraid", in the quote “... OK
sir, I will immediately go and not interfere with what you do," replied Peter in fear as he hurried
away ...”. "Restless", in the quote “... With all his strength he tried to hide his grief from
everyone. He could only hide inside the house, pacing back and forth with anxious heart, until
finally he decided to come out…”. And the atmosphere that can be felt the most in this drama is
"Sad". The prolonged sadness occurs when Romeo hears the information that Juliet has died,
which in fact the information is pretended to be made by Juliet herself. And also the sadness that
Juliet felt when she saw Romeo lying dead after committing suicide by drinking poison. Until
finally the peak of sadness was felt by both families because they saw Romeo and Juliet who
died in the same place.

The point of view used in the drama Romeo and Juliet is a third person perspective,
which is seen from the author. The author uses the pronoun "he or she" and calls the names of
the characters as pronouns. Examples in the quote “... she was satisfied because her partner was
approved by the priest ...” and “... hearing the news, Juliet felt tremendous joy ...”.

The moral value that we can conclude in the drama story Romeo and Juliet is that a
dispute will not solve the problem, it will even cause a new problem. Solve a problem with a
cool head. As human beings who are basically social beings, we have to live our lives by
thinking in advance about the actions we will do, so that later it can be useful for ourselves and


Summary of this drama is a story of forbidden love Romeo from the Montague family
falls in love with Juliet who comes from the Capulet family. Both feelings of these young people
were hindered by the long-standing hostility of their families. However, the two couples did not
want to give up and continued their relationship despite their family animosity. They remain
united against threats and violence from their respective families. Until finally Juliet's family
decided to marry Juliet forcefully with a young man named Paris. Juliet, who disagrees with the
marriage, decides to play dead by drinking a potion that will make it look like she's dead.
Romeo, who heard the misinformation, immediately decided to commit suicide beside Juliet by
drinking a poison, but soon Juliet woke up from pretending to be dead. Juliet saw Romeo who
died beside him very sad and decided to commit suicide too, he took Romeo's dagger and
stabbed him. The drama concludes with the two families reconciling to realize Romeo and
Juliet's last wishes.

Background of the Writer

Complete name : William Shakespeare

Born : April 26th, 1564 in Stratford, England

Died : April 23th, 1616

The name of pen : Shakespeare

Work : Playwright, Poet, Actor, Writer

Nationality : England

William Shakespeare was born on April 26, 1564 in Stratford, England. Shakespeare was
the son of a successful glove entrepreneur at the time. His father was named John Shakespeare
and his mother was Mary Arden. Even though he lived in an entrepreneurial environment,
William's talent was not there. He prefers writing and poetry. Shakespeare established himself as
a writer and actor.
William Shakespeare married on November 28, 1582 to a woman who was eight years
younger than him, namely Anne Hathaway. They have three children, namely Susanna, the twins
Hamnet and Judith. But unfortunately, Hamnet died. Shakespeare then spawned his work entitled
"The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark". People think Shakespeare made the work
inspired by the death of his son because the name is similar to his son (Hamnet with Hamlet).

Shakespeare has been transformed into a rich and famous writer of his time. Queen
Elizabeth I greatly admired his works. Queen Elizabeth is a regular guest of William's shows.
Shakespeare was also favored during the reign of King James I. Shakespeare was often invited to
court to perform plays. Shakespeare also frequently toured the country to increase his gold
coffers. William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616 (aged 52 years) at his birthplace, Stratford-
upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England.

Background of the story

The background for the writing of the story of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
is a true story of a tragic romance in ancient times in Italy. At first, the story of Romeo and Juliet
or Julia is a tragedy in which two lovers fall in love with each other, but are hindered by the two
opposing families. The first time this story was turned into a poem by Arthur Brooke in 1562
entitled The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet, which was later retold in prose by William
Painter in 1582 in the work Palace of Pleasure. William Shakespeare borrowed ideas from both
works to write Romeo and Juliet for the first time, but Shakespeare developed more supporting
characters, especially Mercutio and Paris.

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