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Nama : M.


NPM : 43229TE521005

Kelas : Reguler A
Tahun : 2021-2022

 2nd English assignment

Introduce myself
Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Good morning everyone.
On this occasion, allow me to introduce myself. My name is M soim . I am the second of five
children. I was born in Bangkalan, march 06, 2000. I live in Cikarang Utara. Currently I live in.
fudholi Village,Karang asih, North Cikarang
Talking about hobbies,swimming, and Ball are my hobbies. I want to be a famous businessman and
creator of technology related to electrical engineering. I have a dream to, literacy and design
technology about electricity. I hope my dream can come true, with persistent effort and
prayers.persistent effort and prayers.

Example For Part Of Speech

 Noun(Kata Benda) = He just borrow a book
 Pronoun (Kata Ganti) = This is your ball
 Verb (Kata Kerja) = I’m still not felling well
 Adjective (Kata Sifat) = I am not hate with you.
 Preposition (Kata Depan) = I prefer to spend my time exploring the forest.
 Adverb (Kata Keterangan) =And maybe when we meet again.Today I will definitely come. .
 Conjuntion (Kata Hubung) =He often played until he lost track of time, as a result he often
missed lessons.
 Interjection (Kata Seru) = “let’s go to the teacher’s house!”
#3nd English assignment
Read the text and answer the following questions below
How does an ammeter work ?
The instrument most commonly used to measure current is the ammeter. Since the Sl unit of
electric current is ampere, the instrument used for measuring current is named ammeter.
There are two types of electric current ; direct current ( DC ) and alternating current ( AC).
DC sends current in one direction,while AC alternates the direction of the current at regular intervals.
Ammeter Function.
Ammeters work to measure electrical current through a set of coil with a v ery low resistance and
inductive reactance.This allows for a very impedance,the force that opposes electric current, that lets
the ammeter accurately measure the current in a circuit without interference or change due to the
ammeter itself.
In moving –coil ammeters,movement result from the mixed magnets,that are set to oppose the oppose
the current. The movement then turns a centrally located armature that is attached to an indicator dial.
This dial is set above a graduated scale that lets the operator know how much current is moving
through a closed circuit.You must connect an ammeter in series when measuring the current of circuit.
The low impedance of the ammeters means it won’ t lose much power. If the ammeter connected
parallel, the path may become short-circuited such that all the current will flow through the ammeter
instead of the circuit.
The fundamental requirement of any measuring instrument is that it should not change the physical
quantity to be measured. For example, an ammeter should not change the original current. But this is
not possible in practice. In electric circuit , the initial current is L1 = E/R. before connecting the
ammeter. Assume that the internal resistance of the cell is zero.
Find the meaning of the following words below :
1. current 6. Impedence
2. intervals 7. accurately
3. a set of coil 8. attached
4.resistance 9. assume
5. reactance 10. Path
Answer the following questions below:
1. What is an ammeter ? The instrument most commonly used to measure current
2. How many types of electric current based on the text above ? There are two types of
electric current ; direct current ( DC ) and alternating current ( AC).
3. Tell about the ammeter function? Ammeter Function.
Ammeters work to measure electrical current through a set of coil with a v ery low resistance
and inductive reactance.
4. Should the ammeter change the original current? Yess,Because the ammeter accurately
measure the current in a circuit without interference or change due to the ammeter itself.
5. Translate into Indonesian
You must connect an ammeter in series when measuring the current of circuit.
Bacalah teks dan jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut di bawah ini
Bagaimana cara kerja amperemeter?
Alat yang paling sering digunakan untuk mengukur arus adalah amperemeter. Karena satuan
pengukuran Sl
arus listrik adalah ampere, alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur arus disebut amperemeter.
Ada dua jenis arus listrik; arus searah (DC) dan arus bolak-balik (AC).
DC mengirimkan arus dalam satu arah, sedangkan AC mengubah arah arus secara berkala.
Fungsi Ammeter.
Amperemeter bekerja untuk mengukur arus listrik melalui satu set kumparan dengan resistansi yang
sangat rendah dan reaktansi induktif. Hal ini memungkinkan untuk impedansi yang sangat, gaya yang
melawan arus listrik, yang memungkinkan ammeter secara akurat mengukur arus dalam rangkaian
tanpa gangguan atau perubahan karena pada amperemeter itu sendiri.
Dalam amperemeter kumparan bergerak, hasil gerakan dari magnet campuran, yang diatur untuk
melawan melawan arus. Gerakan kemudian memutar angker yang terletak di tengah yang terpasang
pada dial indikator.
Tombol ini diatur di atas skala skala yang memungkinkan operator mengetahui berapa banyak arus
yang mengalir melalui rangkaian tertutup. Anda harus menghubungkan ammeter secara seri saat
mengukur arus rangkaian. Impedansi rendah dari amperemeter berarti tidak akan kehilangan banyak
daya. Jika ammeter dihubungkan paralel, jalur dapat menjadi hubung singkat sehingga semua arus
akan mengalir melalui ammeter alih-alih rangkaian.
Persyaratan mendasar dari setiap alat ukur adalah tidak boleh mengubah besaran fisis yang akan
diukur. Misalnya, ammeter tidak boleh mengubah arus asli. Tetapi ini tidak mungkin dalam
praktiknya. Dalam rangkaian listrik, arus awal adalah L1 = E/R. sebelum menghubungkan
amperemeter. Asumsikan bahwa resistansi internal sel adalah nol.
Temukan arti dari kata-kata berikut di bawah ini:
1. arus = Aliran,Sesuatu yang Mengalir
2. Interval = Jarak,Masa antara 2 kejadian yang bertalian
3. Satu set koil= beberapa gulungan/kumparan kawat yang mengatur arus tegangan listrik yang
berasal dari sumbernya
4.Perlawanan = Pertentangan/Ketahanan
5. Reaktansi = Perlawanan terhadap arus bolak balik
6. Impedansi = kuantitas kompleks yang di notasikan
7. Akurat = Teliti,saksama,cepat,tepat benar
8. Terpasang = Sesuatu yang menyatu atau melekat
9. Asumsikan = suatu dugaan yang diterima sebagai dasar, suatu landasan berpikir karena d
dianggap benar;
10. Jalur = Kolom yang lurus,garis/setrip lebar,ruang diantara 2 garis pada permukaan yang
Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut di bawah ini:
1. Apa itu amperemeter?
2. Berapa jenis arus listrik berdasarkan teks di atas ?
3. Jelaskan tentang fungsi amperemeter.
4. Haruskah ammeter mengubah arus aslinya?
5. Terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Indonesia
Anda harus menghubungkan ammeter secara seri saat mengukur arus rangkaian.
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