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[Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi]

Units and Measurements - Assignment

11 std Physics

Answer the following questions

1. Distinguish between accuracy and precision.

2. Using the principle of homogeneity of dimensions, find which of the following is correct.

(i) T2 = 4π2r2 (ii) T2 = 4π2r3 / G (iii) T2 = 4π2r3 /GM

3. The velocity ‘v’ of water wave depends on the wavelength ‘λ, density ‘d’ and acceleration due to
gravity ‘g’. Deduce by the method of dimensions the relationship between these quantities.
4. Derive by the method of dimensions, an expression for the volume of a liquid flowing out per
second through a narrow pipe. Assume that the rate of flow of liquid depends on (i) the
coefficient of viscosity ‘n’.(ii) radius of the pipe,(iii) the pressure gradient (p/l) along the pipe.
Take k= 8 .
5. The specific resistance 𝜎 of a thin wire of radius r cm, resistance R ohms , and length L cm is
given by 𝜎 = πr2 R /L, if r= 0.26±0.02 cm, R = 32±1 ohm,
L =78±0.01 𝑐𝑚, 𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝜎 .
6. Define parsec and express in meters.
7. Name the device used for measuring directly the lengths (i) from 10-3 to 102m (ii) to an accuracy
of 10-4m (iii) to an accuracy of 10-5m .
8. Describe parallax method to find the distance of an inferior planet from earth.
9. If the dimensions of a physical quantity are given by MaLbTc, then the physical quantity for
which (i) a= 1 b=-1 c= -2, (ii) a=1 b=1 c= -2 (iii) a=0 b=1 c= -1 (iv) a=0 b=2 c=-2
10. In a system of units, the units of mass, length and time are 1 quintal, 1 km, 1 hr respectively.
What is the value of 1N force in this new system.

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