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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

First of all, let us praise and thank the presence of Allah SWT. For the abundance of grace and
the joy all of us can still gather in this place without any barriers at all and in good health. Not
forgetting the shalawat and greetings we pour out to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Who has
brought us out of the dark ages to the era of bright light today, namely Islam. May we all get
intercession on the end, Amin.

On this occasion, I will deliver a little speech about the benefits of internet, especially for
education systems.

First, as we all know, internet has become the primary source of knowledge. Through internet,
any information and references that can help students to widen their knowledge, help them with
homeworks, and provide extra learning materials, are readily available. The information itself
does not only exist in the form of texts, documents, or readings, that are sometimes dull. Instead,
it comes in various form, such as video, podcast, interactive website where students can learn
through fun quizzes or games, flashcards, and perhaps songs.

Second, as a source of information, it enables students to become more open to existing

problems that our society faces. This hopefully will make them realize that there are many
challenges which they must face and inspire them to solve those problems through innovation, in
order to make the world a better place.

Third, internet allows better access towards education. Internet knows no boundaries, it ca even
cross thousand miles of distance. This is the reason why nowadays, online classroom, where
students and teachers do not need to be on the same room in order for them to do teaching and
learning activity, are becoming more frequent. That particular ability of the internet is very
suitable for country like Indonesia, which has separated islands and plenty of remote areas, to
make a better access of education.

There are many other benefits of internet in terms of educations systems, that I believe all of us
can already feel. Hopefully, we can all use internet in a wiseful manner. That’s all from me, I’m
sorry if there are mistakes in my speech. Thank you very much for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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