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The Living Airship merchant vessel, The Zephyr, has been taken by

mutineers in the employ of a surgically enhanced

An adventure for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game vallorian, Hegen diHorome.
Suitable for 4-6 PCs, level 7-10
Cartel agents ask the PCs to seek out and
recover the airship. The reward is 5,000 gp per PC,
Adventure Background but, if the PCs would rather keep the airship, the
Cartel is willing to agree to the arrangement in
A group of vallorians, evil subterranean
return for 10% of the PCs earnings for a year, or a
humanoids, has constructed an outpost under the
lump sum of 16,000 gp – whichever is more.
peaks of the Spellborne Peaks. They are led by
Hegen diHorome, a mage and cleric who specializes Troll Hunters
in flesh-craft: shaping living tissue into horrid tools.
News is beginning to filter back from the
The vallorians have managed to steal a gnomish
Spellborne Peaks that a gang of troll marauders are
airship and have converted it and its captain into a
enjoying unexpected success due to some strange
hideous amalgam of necromantic magic and
modifications. The PCs are asked to investigate.
mechanical terror.

Adventure Summary Villains! Fiends!

The PCs are on the track of a group of

The adventure begins with the PCs on the trail
vallorians kidnappers. These vallorians teleported
of the missing airship. They have tracked it to a
into a magister’s laboratory and abducted him for
cavern in the Spellborne Peaks. Here they meet a
their own fell purposes. Divinations have led them
group of trolls who have been surgically enhanced
to the villain's lair. Alternatively, the PCs have been
by their sorcerous Clan Mother, who receives her
hired by the mayor of a town who, having
instructions from Hegen diHorome.
discovered that the vallorians are dwelling in the

From the trolls cavernous home, the PCs delve nearby mountains, fears they are plotting foul

further into the mountain, finally reaching an old, villainy. He hires the PCs to clear out this nest of

enormous volcano shaft where the vallorians have dangerous fiends.

constructed a small outpost in and around three

However the PCs come to be on the trail of the
massive pillars. Here, the stalwart heroes face off
airship, the vallorians or the trolls, this adventure
against Hegen diHorome and his nefarious
begins in the Spellborne Peaks, a mountain range
accomplishes under the shadow of the Living
two to four days south of the great city of
Adventure Hooks

Gnome merchant in trouble Part I: The Blade Trolls

The Schteenheigl Cartel is a gnomish merchant
Driven from her home tribe for crimes of
emporium who specializes in the aerial
ambition, the troll sorceress Zul'sara Jin has
transportation of small, but valuable, commodities,
established a small den with her three remaining
and passengers who need to travel quickly.
followers at the feet of the Spellborne Peaks. A
Recently, however, Schteenheigl has suffered a
master of earth and acid, Zul'sara has made
disastrous reversal of fortunes, as its main
modifications to her companions in the form of

blades and metal plates embedded in their flesh.
The cavern in which these blade-trolls have their
nest is the most easily found entrance to Hegen
diHorome's vallorian outpost. The vallorian leader
is quite happy to have a group of trolls guarding this
entrance and has given a substantial amount of help
to Zul'sara. In addition to teaching Zul'sara some of
the secrets of fleshcrafting, he’s even given her a
horrid item, a leech bomb, as a token of his

The lair is a simple 3-chambered cave,

consisting of a large central area, a prison/larder,
and Zul’sara’s private quarters. A hidden door in
Zul’Sara’s chambers provides access to the caverns
under vallorian control.

1. Cavern Entrance and Central Cave

(CR 9, XP 6400)

From the outside, the cave entrance appears to

be a 3 ft. wide, 15 ft. high fissure. A successful DC 20
Search check reveals scratches and iron shavings
along the side of this narrow entrance. These are
marks made by the metallic body-piercings of the
blade trolls as they squeeze through the entrance.
Twenty feet in, the fissure expands into a 5 ft. wide
corridor which in turn leads eventually to the
central cavern of the troll den. Zul'sara and her
trolls have constructed a spring-mounted, barbed,
iron portcullis and placed it on the ceiling in such a
way to insure it will swing down, impaling potential
intruders. A large red target, mounted over the
entrance, serves as a trigger for the portcullis. By
making a ranged touch attack versus the target (AC
10) with any of the fist-sized rocks on the cave floor, entrance (hardness 10, hp 25; disable device DC 20;

a troll can release the portcullis and send it strength DC 20).

swinging down onto an intruding group. As it

The cave itself is roughly 40’ diameter and
swings down, the portcullis strikes anyone within
contains three matted nests formed from straw and
ten feet of the entrance (attack +7, 2d6+9). Once in
dried leaves. It has two other exits. One has a barred
place, the portcullis locks in place and blocks the
door which leads to the Prison Larder (2). The other
exit, leading to Zul’sara’s quarters, is covered with a

heavy chain curtain. This chain curtain is both Blade Troll (2) CR 7 (XP 3,200)
heavy and noisy. Characters attempting to sneak
through the curtain must make a full round action CE Large humanoid (giant)

to do so and suffers a -5 circumstance penalty to

Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision,
their sneak check. Characters moving through the
scent; Perception +9
curtain, who succeed at a DC 15 strength check may
make the move as a free action, otherwise it’s a Defense
move-equivalent action.
AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 23; (+2 Dex, +12
Creatures natural, +2 shield, –1 size)

The three blade trolls live here, although one, hp 87 (7d8+56); regeneration 5 (acid or fire)
Brodh, serves as Zul’sara's current mate and is
Fort +13, Ref +4, Will +2
typically to be found at her side in area 3.


Speed 30 ft. counts as a shield that confers a +2 bonus to AC
(included in statistics).
Melee 2 arm blades +10 (1d8+6), bite +10 (1d8+3)
Embedded Plates (Ex): A blade troll’s armor
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
becomes part of its body as its flesh grows through
Special Attacks grappling hooks, sword catcher and around it. This armor grants a +7 bonus to
hooks Armor Class, but it does not confer any of the
standard penalties, such as reducing the troll’s
Statistics speed or limiting its Dexterity bonus to AC. The troll
adapts to the plates, making them as much a part of
Str 22, Dex 14, Con 26, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 8
its body as its arms or legs.
Base Atk +5; CMB +12; CMD 24
Sword Catcher Hooks: By adding hooks and
Feats Cleave, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, barbs beneath its flesh, a blade troll can craft a
Skill Focus (perception) surprise for opponents who fight with swords, axes,
and similar weapons. Once per encounter, as a free
Skills Acrobatics +6, Climb +12, Perception +9,
action which does not provoke an attack of
Swim +10
opportunity, a troll with this modification can
Languages Giant attempt to disarm an opponent armed with a melee
weapon which deals slashing or piercing damage. If
SQ defensive weaponry, embedded plates
successful, the attacker snares her weapon on the
hooks and barbs hidden within the troll’s flesh,
allowing the beast to tear her weapon from her
Grappling Hooks (Ex): Blade-trolls embed a hands. After a blade troll uses this ability, the hooks
variety of blades and hooks into their forearms and and barbs dangle from its flesh and are unable to
hands. These varied weapons allow them to catch catch any more attacks.
and hold their opponents. Their hooks and spikes
entangle a victim’s clothing, armor, and, possibly, Development

flesh. If a troll strikes an opponent with both arm

If a fight breaks out in this chamber, the noise
blade attacks, it may initiate a grapple against her as
will alert Zul'sara and her current paramour, Brodh.
a free action without provoking an attack of
Brodh will join the fight in this chamber on the
opportunity. With a successful grapple check, not
third round of combat and Zul'sara enters the fray
only does the opponent gain the grappled condition,
on the seventh round.
but the blade troll deals 2d8+12 points of damage
against the opponent caught in its barbed hooks. Treasure
Note that, while these weapons are forged and
The trolls tend to keep their any interesting
added to a troll’s body, they count as natural
trinkets or potential valuables hidden in their filthy
nests. The largest nest, belonging to Brodh, is empty
Defensive Weaponry: A skilled blade-troll of any true valuables. The second nest, in addition
smith can fashion wide, thick arm blades that to a variety of useless odds and ends, contains 861
protect a warrior’s arms from harm. Not only do gp. The coins are scattered throughout the nest and
these weapons scythe through the troll’s opponents, PCs searching through the nest will find no more
they also serve as bucklers. This modification than 2d10 gold coins a round. The third nest holds a
small pouch with 150 gp and a soiled piece of silk

rolled around a single +2 arrow. Finding either of Zul’sara is normally found here, in this room,
these items requires success on a DC 20 perception with her paramour Brodh. If she hears combat from
check, though detect magic will reveal the arrow's the great cave, she uses her wand of Bull's Strength
placement. on her troll lover and sends him out to help his
comrades. Afterward she spends another three
rounds preparing herself for combat before bursting
bursts through the curtain screaming like a

Zul’Sara CR 8 (XP 4,800)

Female troll sorcerer (earth) 4

CE Large humanoid (giant)

Init +2; Senses low-light vision, darkvision 90 ft.,

2. Prison/larder
scent; Perception +11

At the very back of this currently empty cave is

a short message scrawled in sylvan. The message
was left by a halfling named Noes Winterstreak AC 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+2 Dex, +4 armor,
prior to his death. Noes was a ranger/druid who +5 natural, –1 size)
was hired to look for The Zephyr. Unfortunately, he
hp 120 (6d8+4d6+70); regeneration 5 (acid or fire)
was caught 42 days ago by the trolls and imprisoned
within the larder for a week before being eaten. The Fort +13, Ref +5, Will +7
message was written while Noes was delirious with
pain and fever and simply says, “Beware the Resist acid 10, fire 10 (30 minutes)

denizens of the deep: they seek the zephyr to rule

the air.”
Speed 30 ft.
3. Zul’sara’s Quarters
(CR 9+, XP 8000) Melee bite +11 (1d8+6), greatsword +13/+8
(2d8+9), or 2 claws +11 (1d6+6)
Raw, uncured hides cover the walls and floor of
Ranged elemental touch +7 ranged touch (1d6+2
this chamber. Dried gore coats the hides and
clumps of flesh lie scattered about the room, giving
the chamber a disgusting, womb-like quality. Crude Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
fertility carvings complete the room’s vile décor.
Special Attacks rend (2 claws 1d6+9)
Next to Zul’sara’s bed of soft lumpy furs is a small
anvil and forge. The stench of burned flesh and Spells (CL 4th) 7/4
singed furs add to the overall ambiance of this
horrid chamber. 2nd (1) — acid arrow

Creatures 1st (3) — grease, mage armor*, ray of

enfeeblement, sand fan [burning hands]

0 (6) — acid splash, bleed, detect magic, mending, Development
ray of frost, touch of fatigue
Behind a crusted bearskin (Search DC 15), a
Statistics door leads further into the mountains towards the
Vallorian outpost.
Str 22, Dex 14, Con 24, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 16

Base Atk +6; CMB +13; CMD 25

Feats Iron Will, Power Attack, Skill Focus

(Perception), Weapon Focus (great sword), Weapon
Proficiency (great sword)

Skills Craft (weaponsmith) +7, Heal +7, Intimidate

+6, Perception +10

Languages Giant, Undercommon

Base Stats Str 18; CMB +11; CMD 23 Part II. The Shaper of Flesh
Possessions: Headband of glorious charisma +2, Hegen diHorome, the leader of the vallorians,
wand of scorching ray (CL 4, 2 rays), wand of bull’s does not dwell with his soldiers but chooses instead
strength (13 charges)*, ring of protection +1, to isolate himself below them. Hegen maintains a
masterwork Large greatsword, potion of resist fire*, flesh-vat and a flesh-crafting laboratory and he is
2 potions of cure light wounds, potion of mirror most often at work within it, refining his disgusting
image (1d4+1 images), leech bomb (see page 10) skills. This laboratory lies midway between the troll
lair and the vallorian outpost.
* Used prior to combat

The Corridor
Blade Troll (Large Giant): Hp: 96. 4. Shocking Guardian
(CR 7, XP 3200)
Melee 2 arm blades +12 (1d8+8), bite +12 (1d8+5)

Str 26; CMB +14, CMD 26 Beyond Zul’sara’s cave, a 200 foot long, 5 foot
wide corridor winds its way through the mountain.
All other stats are identical to the blade trolls in
area 2.


Treasure Halfway down the passage, Hegen diHorome

has placed one of his creations: a flesh golem which
A small wooden chest holds 366 gp, a garnet waits in an alcove just beyond a bend in the
(worth 300 gp), a large pink pearl (worth 500 gp), corridor. The golem has a box in its torso with an
and an elaborately carved bone scroll tube with a empowered glyph of warding (electricity) on its lid.
scroll with the spells protection from arrows, The box is set so that the more the golem is injured,
scorching ray, and identify. the higher the probability of the box breaking open
and thus setting off the glyph. For every 10 hit

points worth of damage the golem takes, there’s a that its elemental spirit breaks free and the golem
cumulative 1-in-8 chance of the glyph activating. goes berserk. The uncontrolled golem goes on a
When the glyph explodes, everyone within 5 feet of rampage, attacking the nearest living creature or
the golem suffers 5d8 x 1.5 points of electrical smashing some object smaller than itself if no
damage (DC 15 Reflex save halves). Remember that creature is within reach, then moving on to spread
the golem takes no damage from this but instead more destruction. The golem's creator, if within 60
heals an amount equal to 1/3 of the inflicted feet, can try to regain control by speaking firmly and
electrical damage (no saving throw needed). persuasively to the golem, which requires a DC 19
Charisma check. It takes 1 minute of inactivity by
the golem to reset the golem's berserk chance to 0%.
Flesh Golem CR 7 (XP 3,200)
Immunity to Magic (Ex) A flesh golem is
immune to any spell or spell-like ability that allows
N Large construct
spell resistance. In addition, certain spells and
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; effects function differently against the creature, as
Perception +0 noted below.

Defense • A magical attack that deals cold or fire

damage slows a flesh golem (as the slow spell) for
AC 20, touch 8, flat-footed 20; (–1 Dex, +12
2d6 rounds (no save).
natural, –1 size)
• A magical attack that deals electricity
hp 79 (9d10+30)
damage breaks any slow effect on the golem and

Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +3 heals 1 point of damage for every 3 points of damage
the attack would otherwise deal. If the amount of
Special Defenses glyph of warding DR healing would cause the golem to exceed its full
5/adamantine; Immune construct traits, magic normal hit points, it gains any excess as temporary
hit points. A flesh golem gets no saving throw
against attacks that deal electricity damage.
Speed 30 ft.

Melee 2 slams +13 (2d8+5)

5. The Climb (CR 7, XP 3200)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
The passage ends in a large cave with a 60 foot
Special Attacks berserk high ceiling. The cavernous room is dominated by a
steep slope leading up to a ledge, 45 feet above the
lower cavern floor. The slope, which is 50 foot long,

Str 20, Dex 9, Con —, Int —, Wis 11, Cha 1 extending the length of the room, is covered in scree
and has an angle of about 75°. The surface is
Base Atk +9; CMB +15; CMD 24 treacherous enough to give it a Climb DC of 5.

Special Abilities

Berserk (Ex) When a flesh golem enters Creature

combat, there is a cumulative 1% chance each round

The rear of the ledge consists of a sinkhole
chimney. This shaft drops 60 ft. straight down to
Hegen’s lab. At the edge of the chimney is a pile of
rocks for the golem to use to warn Hegen. 5 feet
below the edge, Hegen has placed a magic mouth.
The mouth is triggered to yell “Begone!” in accented
Common if a human passes.

At the edge of the top of the slope stands a large

figure seemingly dressed in plate armor. The figure
is another modified flesh golem. Hegen, with
Zul’sara’s assistance, has outfitted the monster with
iron plates, increasing its natural armor. Hegen has
also used his flesh craft to improve both its vision
The Flesh-
and hearing. As soon as it notices the PCs, the
golem moves to the rear of the plateau and pushes a
6. Hegen’s Lab (CR 8, XP 4800)
rock down the shaft into Hegen’s workshop.
In this pitch-black room Hegen grows and
Following this, the golem returns to the edge of the
creates flesh-crafted items, including many of the
slope and attacks the first character to the top.
living weapons and armors currently serving the
Remember that anyone climbing is considered flat-
outpost. It was here, as well, that he devised the
footed for the duration of the climb and cannot use
skin of the Living Airship. The large cave contains a
a shield.
deep vat of proto-flesh. From this living ooze of skin
and bones, Hegen fashions his creations. The vat
contains proto-leeches as well: a life form of
Modified Flesh Golem
Hegen's own creation. The leeches crawl in and
CR 7 (XP
(XP 3200) through the pulsing ooze like maggots on rotting
meat. The room also contains a semi-circular
Armor Class: 24 (–1 size, –1 Dex, +16 natural),
bookshelf, and an operating table for surgeries. The
touch 8, flat-footed 23
table doubles as a workbench.

Skills: Perception +8

All other stats as golem in 4, except for the absence

Under the shaft from area 5 is a large metal plate
of a glyph of warding.
that Hegen uses as a primitive warning system. When
the golem’s rock hits the plate, the resulting crash is
automatically heard by anyone within a hundred feet of
Development the metal sheet. Should the golem fail to kick down a
rock, the magic mouth in the chimney serves as a
backup warning system. It is DC 0 to hear the magic

mouth anywhere in area 6, though as one gets further 3/day — deeper darkness, invisibility
from the room, the DC increases.
2/day — command (DC 15)

Cleric Spells Known (CL 6th)

3rd — bestow curse (DC 17), cure serious wounds,
A cleric of the evil god Asmodeus, called the dispel magic (D), prayer
Lord of the Fallen by the valorians, Hegen
2nd — bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cure
diHorome is a skinny, wiry man who seems to be
moderate wounds, hold person (DC 16), magic
made of bleached bone. He possesses piercing black
mouth (D)
eyes, and a tattoo of a shadowy bone on his bald
pate (the symbol of this particular group of 1st — cure light wounds (x2), protection from good
vallorians). He dresses in form-fitting black clothes (D), sanctuary (DC 15), shield of faith
and has a short, warm cloak, fashioned from treated
0 — guidance, light, read magic, resistance
skin, over his thin shoulders.

Wizard Spells Known (CL 6th)

Hegan Dihorome CR 8 (XP 4800) 3rd — fly, fireball (DC 17), vampiric touch

2nd—acid arrow, false life*, see invisibility,

Male vallorian cleric3/wizard3/mystic theurge3
spectral hand
LE Medium humanoid
1st —feather fall, grease, magic missile (x2)

Init +3; Senses darkvision 60ft; Perception +3

0—acid splash, bleed (DC 14), detect magic,

DEFENSE mending

AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 18 (+5 armor, +2 TACTICS

deflection, +3 Dex, +1 natural armor)

Before Combat As soon as the golem kicks down
hp 61 (6d6+3d8+12) a rock from area 5, Hegen casts see invisibility
followed by protection from good, shield of faith,
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +10
fly, and spectral hand. If he is somewhere with

SR 19 multiple entrances – area 8, for instance – he may

cast a magic mouth (with a muffled cry of “are you
OFFENSE ready, men?”) on one door to give warning as well
as delay anyone approaching with an active detect
Speed 30 ft.; fly 60 ft (average)
magic. If the PCs aren’t coming down soon after he
Melee +2 bloodthirster dagger +12 melee has cast his spells, he will fly back to 9 to sound the
(1d4+4;19-20/x2) alarm before turning invisible and flying back, up
the chimney, to see what is happening.
Ranged spell +7 touch
During Combat When he hears the magic mouth
Special Attacks Channel Energy (4/day, 2d6, DC
in the chimney, he casts prayer followed by a
fireball set right below the chimney to catch as

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th) many as possible in the chimney. He then continues

with vampiric touch, bestow curse, and Proto-flesh leeches
spontaneously cast inflict wounds-spells through
his spectral hand. He may also use his hand of the These hideous, hand-sized maggots created by
Hegen infuse negative energy into a vat of
acolyte domain power to attack with his dagger.
protoflesh. The leeches can be used for a variety of
Morale Hegen will fall back once he has taken over
purposes, some of which are given below:
30 points of damage. He will use his cure spells –
possibly under the cover of sanctuary – but his Leech bombs
main concern is getting back to The Zephyr in area
These 8-inch spheres are made of clay and
15. If he gets there, he will make his last stance with
reinforced with thin strips of proto-flesh. They
the detachment on the platform.
contain a mass of proto-flesh leeches kept under
STATISTICS magical pressure. If thrown, the bombs have a range
increment of 10’ and the leeches explode outwards
Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 8
in a 20’ radius burst inflicting 5d6 hp damage
Base Attack +4; CMB +3; CMD 16 (Reflex DC 14 half). Half the damage is Negative
Feats Arcane Armor Training, Bonded Flesh Item energy, half is piercing damage. On a natural “1” on
(bloodthirster), Craft Living Arms and Armor, Craft the save, some of the leeches burrow into the flesh
Magic Arms and Armor, Deeper Spell Resistance, of the victim and inflict 1 point of Constitution
Scribe Scroll, Weapon Finesse damage before falling off, bloated with the victim’s
bodily fluids. A leech bomb is worth 900 gp.
Skills Craft (weaponsmith) +15, Diplomacy +8, Fly
+11, Heal +13, Knowledge (arcana) +12, Knowledge Life repository
(engineering) +10, Knowledge (religion) +10,
Spellcraft +10 This specially modified leech can be used to
drain 1d8 hit points from a living creature. At any
Special Qualities Arcane Bond (bloodthirster
time later, the leech can then be swallowed by
dagger), Cantrips, Favored Class (Wizard), Magic
another creature of the same type, whereupon he
Affinity, Orisons
receives as many hit points as the leech drained. A
Domains Evil (Touch of Evil, 6/day, +4 melee life repository is worth 40 gp.
touch, sickened for 1 rd), Magic (Hand of the
Acolyte 6/day, +7 attack), Life repository, greater

Wizard School Evocation (Intense Spells; Force As a standard life repository, except the leech
Missiles, 6/day, 1d4+1) can drain – and subsequently bestow – 3d8 hit

Languages Aklo, Common, Infernal, points. A greater life repository is worth 100 gp.

Life repository, advanced
Combat Gear Wand of scorching ray (CL 11, 3
As a standard life repository, except the leech
rays, +7 ranged touch), +2 bloodthirster dagger, 2
inflicts drains 1 point from every ability score the
greater (13 hp each) and 1 advanced life repository
victim has and heals 1d4 points of damage to any
(see sidebar); Other Gear +2 studded leather, +1
one ability of the person swallowing the leech. An
amulet of natural armor.
advanced life repository costs 500 gp.
* Used prior to combat

Treasure platinum medallion with a large white opal (1660

The bookshelf contains numerous books, ten of gp), and a simple silver ring with 3 glowing topazes.

which are useful to the PCs. These ten books grant a +3 The ring radiates magic and is a ring of spell storing

circumstantial bonus when used to make a knowledge with command and expeditious retreat imbued.

skill check concerning one of the following subjects: Each gem represents a spell level, and when the

arcana, dungeoneering, geograpy, history and the level is used, the glow fades until the ring is imbued

planes. There are two one pound books for each of these with a new spell. The desk also has an ornate silver

subjects. PCs may have qualms, however, about using inkwell with chrysoprase gems (144 gp), and over

these books when they realize they are each bound in the bed is a small painting of a solar battling a

human skin. demon host (540 gp). Finally, under the bed, is a
good-sized iron chest protected by a trapped lock.
The chest contains 6 leather bags with 300 gp each.
At the north end of the chamber is a hallway that with clothing, and a simple, yet comfortable bed.
ends in a short flight of stairs leading up to area 9. Two
other exits from the room lead to areas 7 and 8.
The lock on the iron chest beneath the bed is
trapped with a deadly poisoned needle.

Poison Needle Trap CR 6 Type mechanical;

Perception DC 25; Disable Device DC 25; Trigger
touch; Reset manual; Effect Atk +15, dmg 1 plus
deathblade poison (DC 20, 1/round for 6 rounds,
1d3 con, 2 saves)

7. Hegen’s Chamber
(CR 6, XP 2400) 8. Torture Chamber/Prison
This chamber is empty except for the bars
The walls of this sumptuously appointed room
across the eastern half and the manacles on the
are covered with sturdy woolen tapestries in dark
wall. It has not seen much use, but Hegen will
colors. One of the tapestries, stitched in white and
certainly use the doors in an attempt to escape,
dark grey thread, shows a thighbone couched in
should the opportunity present itself. The secret
shadows. The room contains a desk, an armoire
door in area 8, and the secret door in the hallway
leading to area 9, both require a successful DC 25
On the desk is a small wooden box with 5 gp, 4
Perception skill check to find.
golden hairpins with slivers of amber (51 gp each), a
Part III: The Cave of Three Pillars a winding path from the bottom of the shaft to the

Hegen diHorome has been commissioned by landing platform at the top. Halfway up the shaft

his clan with the establishment of a base of the vallorians have stretched a great, living-net

operations from which the vallorians can launch across the entirety of the shaft. The stolen airship,

attacks upon the surface world. With this goal in The Zephyr, floats sixty feet above the topmost

mind, Hegen searched for a suitable location and platform, but it is impossible to see the ship from

chanced upon the long since cooled interior of an the bottom of the shaft. Once the PCs are about 100’

ancient volcano. The vallorians have been working from the top of the pillars, a DC 25 Perception check

at this outpost for some time, though progress is will let them see the ship, at least in the daytime.

slowed by its lack of direct access to their own,

home tunnels. Nevertheless work has proceeded
well enough that Hegen felt emboldened and The Vallorian Contingents
instigated the pirating of the air ship, The Zephyr.
Three small squads of vallorians occupy the
shaft. Each squad possesses its own leader. The first
squad defends the platform on the South Pillar
(area 10). Their leader is a cleric of Asmodeus called
Esandú hiStiami. Esandu is Hegen's immediate
subordinate and second in command over the
outpost. The Great Pillar’s squad occupies the small
platform (area 12) and the central dormitory (area
11). This squad is under the command of the fighter
Cenden hiEnarti who also oversees the overall
9. The
The Great Shaft defenses of the Great Shaft. Damess hiCatior, a
(CR 10, XP 9600) monk, leads the last squad in defending the Grand
Platform (area 15).
The hallway from the laboratory ends in a flight
of steps that ascend to the floor of an impossibly
high cave. The Great Shaft, as the vallorians call it,
is five hundred feet deep and about a hundred and Chain Bridges

fifty feet in diameter. Three pillars of rock, each

All chain bridges require a DC 8 Acrobatics
between twenty and forty feet in diameter, rise from
check to cross, reflecting the need for care when
the floor, ascending to a height of about three
crossing the treacherous bridges. Each successful
hundred feet each. The vallorians call the three
check enables a PC to move one-quarter her move
Columns of rock the North Pillar, the South Pillar
as a move-equivalent action or half her move as a
and the Great Pillar.
full-round action. Failing a check by 5 or less means
that the PC stands still to regain her balance, while
missing it by more indicates a fall, unless the PC
The top of the shaft is open to the outside. makes a DC 18 Reflex save to catch herself.
During the day, little sunlight reaches the bottom of
the shaft, for not only is it deep, but the vallorians
have built a huge iron deck at the top of the pillars
The South Pillar bridge is 75 feet above the
which blocks much of the light. A series of stairs,
ground (7d6 damage in case of a fall). At 150 feet,
bridges, platforms and even interior chambers form
the vallorians have spread out an immense, living
net (see below) to discourage flight by any The Vallorians have grown accustomed to the
intruders. The bridges at area 11 are 175 feet above chain bridges. Though their movement rate is
the ground, but only 25 feet above the living nets, halved on the bridges, they do not suffer any other
which reduces any falling damage to only 1d6. The penalties when traversing the bridges, nor are they
remaining bridges are 125 feet above the living nets, forced to make Acrobatics checks when crossing,
so all who fall take 5d6 damage and must contend except during combat. Even in combat, all PCs on a
with the nets. The bridge connecting the South and bridge lose any Dexterity bonus to AC but the
North Pillars passes by some of the support chains vallorians do not. Whenever a PC or a vallorian
for the South Pillar platform. A falling PC can takes more than 10 hp worth of damage, they must
attempt to catch one of these chains with a DC 15 make a DC 8 Acrobatic check to avoid falling (DC 18
Reflex save. Those who succeed must make a DC 20 reflex negates).
Strength check to hold on to the chains on the
round following their catching of themselves.

The Approach Acid Spiders (12)
The South Pillar squad covers the approach to
CR 3 (XP
(XP 800)
the South Pillar (area 9) as well as the first staircase N Large vermin
along the south cave wall to area 10, and the guards
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60
can use their crossbows without exceeding their
ft.; Perception +4
first range increment. If the PCs are carrying
obvious lights or are less than stealthy in their DEFENSE
movements, the vallorian guards will raise the
alarm and begin firing at the intruders. AC 14, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+3 armor, +2 Dex, –
1 size)
hp 35 (5d8+15)
All t*he stairs are built of cast iron and are
quite sturdy and easily navigated, though they do Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +1

not have side-rails.

Immune mind-affecting effects, acid

Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.
The vallorians have constructed an immense
Melee bite +6 (1d8 plus 1d6 acid)
razor-chain net, which they have spread from one
corner of the shaft to the other, a hundred and fifty TACTICS
feet above the shaft floor. This net has been covered
with strands of highly acidic proto-flesh. The net During Combat The spiders will instinctively
covers the entire shaft making it virtually circle around anyone not entangled in order to first
impossible for anything larger than Tiny to get attack those who are caught in the net.
through. Moreover the proto-flesh on the net reacts
Morale The spiders fight to the death
to movement by trying to ensnare creatures (as a
tanglefoot bag). Those on the net suffer 1d4 points STATISTICS
of acid damage each round and those ensnared by
the net suffer an additional 1d6 points of cutting Str 19, Dex 15, Con 16, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2

each round. Those caught in the net must succeed at

Base Attack +3; CMB +8; CMD 16 (32 vs. trip)
a DC 25 Escape Artist skill check to free themselves.
Skills Climb +20, Perception +4 (+8 in webs),
Stealth +2 (+6 in webs); Racial Modifiers +4

Creatures Perception, +4 Stealth (+8 in webs), +16 Climb

Hegen has stocked the net with 12 acid spiders,

a mutation bred from giant black widows. These
fleshy monstrosities dwell in three large bulbous
hives at the edges of the net. They sometimes leave
the shaft to hunt, or attack passing birds, but they
are always hungry.

Esandu Histami
(XP 2400)
Male vallorian cleric 4/fighter 3

LE Medium humanoid

Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7


AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 19 (+7 armor, +2

deflection, +2 Dex)

hp 55 (4d8+3d10+21)

Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +8

Special Defenses: Armor Training 1, Blood

Bonded Mending Armor, Bravery +1; SR 17

10. South Pillar Platform OFFENSE

(CR 9+, XP 7200)
Speed 30 ft.
True to their ever wary nature, the vallorians
guard their outpost at both the top and bottom of Melee +1 seeker falchion +11 (2d4+4; 13-20/x2)

the shaft. A large iron platform, suspended from

Ranged light crossbow +8 (1d8 plus gnaw; 19-
massive chains that hang from the Aerie Platform
(area 15), has been built around the South Pillar and
a contingent of guards is stationed here constantly. Special Attacks channel negative energy 2/day
If an alarm has been raised, the guard suffer a -4 (2d6, DC 13), channel smite, domain abilities
penalty to Perception checks.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 7th)

3/day — deeper darkness, invisibility

2/day — command (DC 11)
Stationed seventy five feet above the shaft floor
Spells Prepared (CL 4th)
are Esandú hiStami and eight vallorian guards.
Esandu is second in command over the outpost, 2nd — bear’s endurance*, blindness/deafnessD,
being Hegen's subordinate. He is far less scholarly cure moderate wounds, spiritual weapon
than his leader, being more enamored of strength of
1st — cure light wounds (2), divine favor,
arms than academic research.
obscuring mistD, shield of faith*

0 — bleed, detect magic, mending, stabilize

TACTICS Vallorian Warriors (8)
CR 2 (XP
(XP 600)
Before Combat As Esandú sees the PCs approach,
he uses his spells, scroll and potion to make himself Male vallorian fighter 3

as strong as possible.
LE Medium humanoid

During Combat As the PCs approach, he may use

Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +3
spiritual weapon on them after throwing his
fireball spheres at them. He may also go to the DEFENSE
bridge to the platform and set an obscuring mist to
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +1 Dex,
confound the PCs. Most of all, however, Esandú
+2 shield)
believes in serving as an example to his men, so he
will get to the front of a melee as soon as possible hp 22 (3d10+3)
and use his channel ability there.
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0
Morale Esandú fights to the death
Special Defenses Armor Training 1, Bravery +1;
Base Statistics hp 41, Str 12, Con 12 SR 11


Str 14, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8 Speed 30 ft.

Base Attack +6; CMB +8; CMD 20 Melee bloodthirster longsword +10 (1d8+4; 19-
Feats Bond Flesh-Item (mending armor), Bond
Flesh-Item (seeker falchion), Bond Flesh-Missile, Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8;19-20/x2)
Blood Bond (mending armor), Channel Smite,
Improved Channel, Deeper Spell Resistance, Living Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd)

Bond (mending armor, seeker falchion), Scribe

2/day — command (DC 13)
Scroll, Weapon Focus (falchion)
Skills Acrobatics +5, Heal +6, Perception +7,
Spellcraft +5, Stealth +4 During Combat The warriors fight intelligently
and either try to get into flanking position or use
Domains Darkness (touch of darkness 6/day, + 7
Aid Another.
touch, shadows conceal foes 2 rounds); Evil (touch
of evil 6/day, +7 touch, sickened for 2 rounds) Morale Conditioned to believe that all surface
dwellers are cruel monsters, the warriors fight to
Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon
the death.
Combat Gear necklace of fireballs (1 6d6, 1 4d6),
Base Statistics Str 13
scroll bull’s strength, oil of keen edge*; Other
Gear +1 mending breastplate, +1 seeker falchion, STATISTICS
light crossbow, 10 gnawing bolts, holy symbol.
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 6
* Used prior to combat
Base Attack +3; CMB +5; CMD 16

Feats Bond Flesh-Item (bloodseeker longsword), fighter Cenden hiEnarti spends most of his time in
Bond Flesh-Item (swarm breastplate), Living Bond this area, inventorying supplies or arranging raiding
(bloodseeker longsword, swarm breastplate), and training groups. During an alert – which is
Toughness, Weapon focus (longsword) most likely the case when the PCs are here –
Cenden oversees the defense.
Skills Acrobatics +4, Climb +8, Perception +2,
Stealth +4;

Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon Creatures

Combat Gear 2 Greater Life Repositories (13 hp Of the eight men from Cenden's squad, four are
each); routinely stationed in area 12 and the others remain
in the barracks. These four, when an alert goes up,
Other Gear Swarm breastplate (default: Armor
man the bridge connecting the Great Pillar and the
Bonus +4, Armor Check Penalty 0 {after factoring
North Pillar: one warrior stations himself at the end
in Armor Training}), masterwork bloodthirster
closest to any oncoming PCs, one more stands on
longsword, heavy shield, light crossbow, 20 bolts,
the bridge, and the last two stand ready to provide
2d10 gp each.
missile cover. Cenden himself remains in the
barracks coordinating the defense of the Great Pillar
unless his men call for him. Cenden hates, even
moreso than most vallorians, topsiders, blaming

The four guards on the Great Pillar Platform them for the death of his wife. A flesh-craft of some

(area 12) can and will fire down on intruders who ability, she was killed by adventurers who had

are engaged in battle with the guards on the South ventured into the caverns of the vallorians.

Pillar Platform.

A cast-iron staircase spirals 100 feet up and

Cenden Hienarti CR 8 (XP
(XP 4800)
around the South Pillar. The spiral stairs end at a Male fighter 9
chain bridge which leads to a passage through the
LE Medium humanoid
North Pillar. From the North Pillar another chain
bridge leads to area 11. For simplicity’s sake, the Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., see invisibility;
staircase up the South Pillar is assumed to be 200 Perception +8
feet in length.

AC 26, touch 12, flat-footed 24 (+10 armor, +1 Dex,

+1 dodge, +4 shield)
11. Great Pillar Barracks
(CR 9+, XP 7200) hp 76 (9d10+27)

Two of the three squads stationed in the Great Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3
Shaft sleep here, a hundred seventy-five feet above
Special Defenses Armor Training 2, Bravery +2;
the bottom of the shaft, in small hammocks and
SR 19
fold-up beds bolted to the walls. During the day, the


Speed 20 ft. Str 17, Dex 14, Con 15, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 10

Melee +1 seeker bastard sword +16/+11 (1d10+6; Base Attack +9; CMB +12; CMD 24 (25 vs sunder
15-20/x2), Biting Shield +9 (1d6; x2) and disarm attempts when wielding bastard sword)

Ranged light crossbow +12 (1d8 plus gnaw; 19- Feats Blood Bond, Bond Flesh-Item (biting shield),
20/x2) Bond Flesh-Item (seeker bastard sword), Bond

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th) flesh-missile (gnawing bolts), Combat Expertise,

Deeper Spell Resistance, Dodge, Exotic Weapon
3/day — deeper darkness, invisibility
Proficiency (Bastard Sword), Improved Critical
2/day — command (DC 12)
(Bastard Sword), Living Bond (biting shield, seeker
TACTICS bastard sword), Mobility, Spring Attack, Vital
Before Combat Cenden will deploy his men as Strike, Whirlwind Attack
efficiently as possible and may help them pepper Skills Climb +13, Intimidate +11, Knowledge
intruders with crossbow bolts. (dungeoneering) +8, Perception +8, Sense Motive
During Combat Cenden and his warriors have +9
spent hours practicing maneuvers where he uses his Weapon Training Crossbow +1, Heavy Blades +2
Spring Attack and Whirlwind Attack to wreak havoc Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon
amidst a group of enemies.
Combat Gear potion of see invisibility*;
Morale Cenden falls back towards the platform
Other Gear +1 seeker bastard sword, +1 full plate,
below The Zephyr when brought below 30 hit
+1 biting shield, +1 cloak of resistance, light
points. Once he is met there, he fights to the death.
crossbow, 10 gnawing bolts, onyx ring (10 gp).

Vallirian Guards (4) area 10. If he knows that a battle has broken out

CR 2 (XP 600) in area 10, Cenden will join the guards here in
providing missile fire.
Fighter 3 (see area 10)
hp 22
There are typically four guards stationed here,
though it is considered the easiest of the posts and
Development the guards here are typically lax in watching for
There are two spiral staircases in this room.
intruders. If the alarm has not gone up, these
One leads 50 feet down to area 12, while the other
guards suffer a -8 penalty to any perception checks.
leads 75 feet up to 13. If the guards shout for help,
Vallorian Guards (4)
the four soldiers stationed in area 12 will rush up
the stairs, providing assistance on the third round
CR 2 (XP 600)
after the call is sounded. Fighter 3 (see area 10)
hp 22
12. Great Pillar
Platform 13. Storage and High Bridge
(CR 6, XP The stairs from area 11 rise 75 feet through the
core of the Great Pillar before emerging into a 15
foot square room with a sturdy door to the west and
This platform an open doorway out onto a small balcony to the
provides a secondary defense to the South Pillar east. The balcony overlooks the net a hundred feet
Platform, providing an area from which missile below and a chain bridge links the pillar and the
support can complement the efforts of the guards in wall of the shaft.

Treasure much brighter, during the day, than those areas
The door to the west opens into an irregularly below. From here, the airship can be clearly seen
shaped storage chamber with supplies and floating sixty feet above the large iron platform
equipment for the outpost. There is a total of 5,000 which is area 15. The walkway here is unprotected
gp worth of supplies, quite a lot of which has been as its sides have no rails. The chain bridge that
looted from The Zephyr. The total weight of the connects areas 14 and 15 is directly above the High
goods is 15000 lbs. Bridge from the great Pillar. Anyone who falls from
the higher bridge can attempt to catch himself on
Development the lower bridge, as described above.
An iron chain-bridge links the Great Pillar with
the wall of the Great Shaft. At the terminus of the
bridge is an iron ladder bolted into the wall of the
shaft. This ladder climbs 60 feet up from bridge, 15. The Aerie Platform
ending at a small walkway which provides access to (CR 10+, XP 10,000)
the bridge to the Aerie Platform. Climbing the
This huge platform rests atop the flattened
ladder at half speed is a full-round action (Climb DC
tops of the three pillars. It is made of great iron
plates which were formed using wall of iron. These
plates were welded together with vallorian flesh-
crafted sinews, and it is very solid. The aerial
14. Aerie Platform Access platform is three hundred feet above the shaft floor

The shaft wall continues nearly another two and contains two large winches and a great number

hundred feet past this platform, which is itself three of fastenings for the chains that hold the South

hundred ten feet above the floor of the shaft and a Pillar Platform. One winch is a primitive and

hundred sixty feet above the living net. This area is dangerous freight elevator that is used to transport

non-hazardous materials to the bottom of the shaft. Melee flurry of blows masterwork venomous sai
The other holds The Zephyr in place, 60’ above. +13/+13/+8/+8 (1d4+2 plus poison; x2) or flurry of
blows unarmed +13/+13/+8/+8 (1d10+2; x2)

Ranged shuriken +12/+12/+7/+7 (1d2+2 plus

The Aerie Platform is guarded by Damess
Special Attacks stunning fist (8/day, stun,
hiCatior, 6 guards, and Vapor, the halfling captain
fatigue, or sicken, DC 17); muscle rot poison (DC 15,
of The Zephyr, who has been hideously transformed
primary 1d2 str, secondary 1d3 str, 1/round for 4
by Hegen. Damess hiCatior has lived a line of
rounds, cure 1 save); pulseblight poison (DC 17, 1d2
deprivation, and it shows in every line of her
Con and fatigue 1 round, 1/round for 6 rounds, cure
pinched face and dead eyes. It has also hardened
2 consecutive saves)
her and made her an implacable enemy for the PCs.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th)

3/day — deeper darkness, invisibility

Hegen has attached large membranes on
Vapor’s back, giving him a fly speed. Infusions of 2/day — command (DC 11)
proto-flesh and vallorian essence gave Vapor the
spell resistance and spell-like abilities of a Vallorian
while reducing his intellect and sense of self to the
Before Combat Damess will down her potion as
point that he is easily controlled.
soon as she realizes there are enemies near.

During Combat Damess has chosen her stand

carefully, and maximizes her use of Improved Trip
Damess Hicatior CR 7 (XP
(XP 3200) and Improved Bull Rush to knock opponents off the
bridge. At a distance, she attempts to use her ring of
Female vallorian monk 8
the ram to the same effect.
LE Medium humanoid
Morale Damess has never backed down from a
Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +14 challenge, and fights to the death here.

DEFENSE Base Statistics Init +4; AC 21, touch 21; Ref +10;
Melee flurry of blows +11/+11/+6/+6; Ranged
AC 23, touch 23, flat-footed 16 (+1 deflection, +6 shuriken +10/+10/+5/+5 (1d2+2/x2); Dex 18;
Dex, +1 dodge, +2 monk, +3 Wis) CMD 25

hp 52 (8d8+8)

Fort +7, Ref +12, Will +9;

Str 14, Dex 22, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 8

Defensive abilities +2 save against

Base Attack +6; CMB +10; CMD 27
enchantments; evasion, slow fall 40 ft.; Immune
disease; SR 18 Feats Bond Flesh-Item (venemous sai), Dodge,
Improved Bull Rush, Improved Trip, Scorpion Style,
Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (unarmed attack)

Speed 50 ft.
Skills Acrobatics +15, Climb +13, Perception +14, Vapor CR 7 (XP 3.200)
Stealth +15
Male mutated-halfling sorcerer 5
Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon
CN Small aberration (augmented humanoid)
SQ fast movement, high jump, ki pool (7 points),
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
maneuver training, purity of body, still mind,
wholeness of body

Combat Gear potion of cat’s grace*, ring of the

AC 22, touch 15, flat-footed 19 (+3 Dex, +3 natural,
ram (9 charges), masterwork venemous sai, 6
+4 armor, +1 deflection, +1 size)
shuriken (covered in pulseblight venom); Other
Gear +1 ring of protection, headband of incredible hp 93 (5d10+5d6+50); fast healing 2
wisdom +2
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +9
* Used prior to combat
DR 5/magic


Speed 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (average)

Melee 2 claws +7 (1d3+1)

Ranged +9 touch (spells)

Special Attacks breath weapon, bloodline powers

(acidic ray, long limbs)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th)

1/hour — acid arrow

1/day — stinking cloud (DC 17)

Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 5th)

2nd (5)—acid arrow, scorching ray, see


1st (7)—chill touch (DC 16), enlarge person, grease

(DC 16), mage armor, shocking grasp

0 (at will)—acid splash, bleed (DC 15), detect

magic, flare (DC 15), mending, touch of fatigue (DC


Str 13, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 9, Wis 8, Cha 20

Base Atk +5; CMB +5; CMD 17

Feats Dodge, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Development
Lightning Reflexes, Toughness
Once the vallorians are defeated, the PCs have
Skills Bluff +13, Fly +11, Perception +4, Stealth +10 free access to the gnomish air-ship, The Zephyr.
Unfortunately for them, the vessel has been
Bloodline Aberrant (acidic ray 8/day, +9 touch,
“modified” and is certainly not the sleek, beautiful
1d6+2; Long Limbs 10 ft reach for melee touch
vessel it once was.

Languages Common, Halfling

The Zephyr
Combat Gear wand of ice storm (12 charges);
Other Gear ring of protection +1, tanglefoot bag 60 feet above the platform and attached to it by
(2) its anchor is The Zephyr. The horrid vessel may be
accessed by climbing its thick anchor chain (Climb
DC 5) or by flight.

Fast Healing (Ex) Works only in wet or

muddy environments
Once a beautiful gnomish-built, and halfing-
Breath Weapon (Su) Every 4 rounds Vapor run, airship, it is now a 60 foot long, 20 foot wide
can spew a 15-foot cone of slime that deals 1d4 acid monstrosity covered in an inch-thick layer of
damage. The slime also causes living creatures to be mucous-grey cartilage. Its two masts protrude from
sickened for 3 rounds. A DC 16 Reflex save halves the deck like bloody toothpicks from the lower gums
the damage and negates the sickened effect of a rotten mouth. Protoflesh strands hold two large
membranous sails taut. Its wheel has been
completely replaced with three Halfling corpses
stretched, twisted, and tied together into a circular
Vallorian Guards (6) shape.
CR 2 (XP 600)
Fighter 3 (see area 10)
At regular intervals on the deck railings, and in
hp 22 the rigging, are nodules the size of small melons.
Each nodule contains the brain of one of its crew,
and the entire vessel is horribly alive and slightly
Pulseblight sentient.

This poison is created with venom harvested

from the flesh-crafted glands of a subterranean
Anyone with enough intellect or force of
snake. The result is a black, onion and cinnamon-
personality (Int 15, Wis 15, or Cha 15) who stands at
smelling paste that glows when seen with
the helm of the ship and grips the “wheel” can
darkvision; save Fort DC 17, frequency 1/round for
attempt to control the vessel by defeating it in a
6 rounds, effect 1d2 Con and fatigue 1 rd, cure 2
battle of wills. To do so, the PC must succeed at
consecutive saves
three DC 12 ability checks (using either Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Charisma) and one DC 20 Will save. If

successful, the PC now controls the vessel. If If the PCs return The Zephyr to the
unsuccessful at any of the four rolls, the PC takes Schteenheigl Cartel, they are grateful for the deed
3d6 subdual damage and 3d6 Negative Energy yet horrified at what has happened to their ship.
damage from the backlash, but can try again, if he They encourage the PCs to either take the
or she wishes. monstrosity off their hands (for a reasonable
settlement) or else find a way to reverse the changes
to the ship.
Because of the ship’s rudimentary sentience
and the use of its original crew as components for
its flesh-crafted alterations, The Zephyr needs no
crew. As long as the captain is a good enough sky
sailor, the ship runs itself.

Concluding the Adventure

The Vallorians intend to use The Zephyr as a
means of quick transportation and in lightning raids
to test the defenses of the surrounding lands. This
outpost, however, is but one of many in a much
larger scheme. If the GM wishes, information
concerning this larger plan can be found in Hegen's
room. Additionally, savvy adventurers will notice
that there are no tunnels connecting the shaft with
any other vallorian outposts or settlements. The
vallorians came to the surface somewhere else.
Clues to this tunnel might also be planted in
Hegen's room.

If Hegen survives this adventure he seeks

revenge against the PCs, nursing a grudge against
the topsiders who thwarted his plan.

If the PCs keep The Zephyr, they find the

presence of the ship to be as much of a nuisance as a
boon. Its appearance and nature make it unwanted
in civilized lands. Moreover, if news reaches the
Schteenheigl Cartel of their ship being used in
public, they will take steps to retrieve their property.

Appendix I: The Vallorians cast away our humanity and eagerly accepted our
new name: Vallorians.
You dare to ask why. Why did we raid
you? Why have we captured you? Are you so
We have grown. We have prospered. We have
ignorant of your own history. We are not
found new gods. Though Great Vall has left us, he
raiders. We are instruments of justice,
shall return. And when he returns we shall present
exacting vengeance for the wrongs you
him with an empire of flesh. The paltry lies of the
blinders have worked on us. For eons you
topsiders have caused them to become weak, fat,
have kept us underfoot. Underground. We
and complacent. Like the dark waters below we will
attack you because it is right and just for us
rise. Like the life-giving fungus, we will spread. And
to do so. As for why you’ve been taken
as the very rocks in which we live endure, so too
captive... Our fleshcrafters are running low
will we endure when all else has sunk into rot.
on materials and we do not believe in waste.
Qull hiFicemu, contingent leader to a captive
Physical Description
History We still bear the traces of our human ancestry
but our time in the deep places of the world has
We were human. Followers of Vall, a mighty
changed us. We are slimmer, paler, more beautiful
necromancer, the founder of The Mortician Halls,
than before. Through careful breeding, a proper diet
we lived as all topsiders live. Vall was a researcher, a
and selective culling, we have sharpened both our
dreamer, an inventor, and a teacher. His theories
natural reflexes and our native intellects. Both are
were novel, but captivating. He preached a message
necessary for survival in the harsh lands we have
of the flesh made perfect; a doctrine which taught
been forced to call home.
that flesh was nothing more than a tool, meant to be
shaped according to the desires and needs of society
Our clothing is dark, made from coarse fungal
as a whole. As word of his teachings spread, our
fibers and, among our warriors, the skins of fallen
numbers swelled, and ever more disciples were
foes. Hair is taboo in our society, considered an
attracted to the Halls. Soon what had been a small
immodesty. Our men typically shave their heads
academy grew into a small town, formed in and
and our women habitually cover themselves with
around the Halls. Narrow-minded and envious
shawls, unveiling their dark tresses only when alone
people came to fear our growing numbers. They saw
with their mates.
not the wisdom and craftiness of Vall's great work.
Their fear mongering and stupidity brought down a
We do delight in modifications of the flesh,
host of warriors upon us, threatening the utter
though nothing so crude as the mere piercings that
destruction of all we had labored for.
surface dwellers delight in. Tattoos are common on
our skins, both inside and out. We use these for
But Vall was cleverer than they. He invoked a
both aesthetical reasons and to communicate our
mighty spell which killed our foes and slowly sank
rank and place in our society at a glance. The more
our community into the earth. There we adapted,
privileged among us may make greater
adjusted, and endured. We fed on the funguses of
modifications to their bodies, understanding, as we
the deep earth. We drank of the wisdom and craft of
all do, that the flesh is just a tool to be used as we
mighty Vall. In the span of just a few generations,
we became so much more than we had been. We

Society Vallorian CR 1 (XP 400)
We live according to the three Laws of Vall: Vallorian fighter 1
• The Flesh is a Tool. LE medium humanoid
• The Individual is but a Part of the Greater Whole. Init +6; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -1
• That which is Practical is Proper.
Our unshakeable adherence to these principles Defense
defines us as a people. We have shed many of the AC 19, touch 12, flat-footed 17
restraints which holds back other races and we work (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +2 shield)
together to bring the Truth of Vall to all the world. hp 6 (1d10);
Yet we know that every hand is against us in this Fort +2, Ref +2, Will -1
effort and we remember well the prejudices which SR 11
drove us into the lands of darkness.
We exist in a state of war. We know that every Spd 30 ft.
day and every hour of the day, the surface-dwellers Melee bloodthirster rapier +5 (1d6+2; 18-20/x2)
scheme and plot, searching for a means to suppress Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8; 19-20/x2)
and destroy us. Our way of life is hateful to them. It Special Attacks bloodthirster rapier
fills them with fear. Thus we seek to be alert and Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st)
proactive: Striking before we are struck, taking that 2/day – command (DC 14)
which has been denied us. We are organized
according to this need, with each vallorian willingly Statistics
serving to advance our cause. We are divided into Str 11, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 15, Wis 8, Cha 8
seven decentralized clans, each capable of self- Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 13
sufficiency in a crisis but each with a specialized Feats Bonded Flesh-Item (bloodthirster rapier),
focus. Every individual is devoted to their clan and Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse,
every clan is devoted to the advancement of our Skills Climb +4, Handle Animal +3, Intimidate +3,
cause. Swim +4
Languages Akklo, Common, Undercommon
We have found new gods, the chief of which is SQ Magic Affinity
our Father of Revenge. The Lord of the Fallen has Gear Bloodthirster rapier, breastplate, heavy steel
taught us well and we give him a devotion equal to shield
that which we give the Laws of Vall. We also give
service and honor to Brother Wisdom, taking Vallorian
Vallorian Characters
comfort in his doctrine of strength, cunning and
Vallorians are defined by their class level – they
foresight in war. Though we appreciate Brother
do not possess racial Hit Dice. All Vallorians have
Greed's assurance that the flesh should be used, for
the following racial traits
the most part his selfish nature and focus on
pleasure runs contrary to our way of life. Before
+2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma.
battle, some of our warriors make offerings to
The slender frames of the vallorians are quick as are
Brother Destroyer, but as with Brother Greed, his
their minds. Their personalities, typically cold and
doctrines of mindless violence are generally
distant, are off-putting and they lack much empathy
opposed to that which we know to be right.
with others.

Darkvision: Vallorians can see in the dark up to Prerequisites: Vallorian OR Access to flesh-
60 feet. crafted items, Intelligence 13
Benefit: You can bond with a single flesh-crafted
Spell resistance: Vallorians have a natural spell item of vallorian manufacture, benefiting from its
resistance of 11. abilities.
Normal: Vallorian flesh crafted items react
Magic affinity: Vallorians have a natural aptitude violently to non-vallorians. Flesh crafted items do
for magic. For the purposes of calculating bonus not grant benefits to vallorians who have not
spells, and for the purpose of calculating spell DC, bonded with that item.
treat the relevant ability score as if it were 2 higher. Special: You may take this feat more than once,
applying it each time to a new flesh-craft item. You
Flesh-craft affinity: Vallorians are considered may, if you choose, discard a flesh-craft item you
proficient with any weapon, armor or tool which have bonded with and bond with a new item.
possesses one of the vallorian item templates. Developing this new bond takes one day.
Additionally they gain the Bonded Flesh-Item feat Special: Vallorians may take this feat as a class
once, at 1st level, as a racial ability. bonus feat, regardless of the class.

Spell Like Abilities: Vallorians possess innate Blood Bond

magical powers. Their abilities to use these powers By binding your physical body with a suit of living
grow according to the experience and training of the armor, it becomes a natural part of your body.
vallorian. Vallorians receive the following spell like Prerequisites: Vallorian, Character Level 4th,
abilities based on their character level: Bond Flesh-item, Living Bond
Benefits: You can rest and sleep in a suit of living
Character Level Spell-like ability armor, to which you have a living bond, without
1st - 3rd Command 2/day penalty. This armor reinforces and strengthens your
4th - 6th Deeper Darkness 3/day body, granting you a +1 bonus to Strength and
7th - 9th Invisibility 3/day Constitution. The armor counts as light for
10th - 12th Spiritual Weapon 3/day purposes of determining movement and its armor
13th - 15th Dominate Person 1/day check penalty is reduced by 2. Furthermore, you can
16th - 19th True Seeing 3/day metabolize part of your armor. By reducing its AC
20th Grasping Hand 3/day bonus to 1, you can heal 2d6 points of damage. The
Save DCs are Intelligence based. drained armor afterward looks dried, cracked and
wrinkled, though it maintains its other
Languages: Vallorians speak Aklo, Common and characteristics, aside from its AC bonus. The armor
Undercommon must be repaired as normal before it can be used in
this manner again.

Vallorian Feats Bonded Flesh-

Bond Flesh-
Flesh-item You can bond with a large number of flesh crafted
You can develop an affinity for a single flesh-crafted
Prerequisites: Vallorian OR Access to flesh-
item of vallorian manufacture.
crafted missiles, Intelligence 13, Bond Flesh-Item

Benefit: You can bond with up to 20 flesh-crafted Appendix II: Vallorian
missile weapons, such as arrows, bolts, darts, or
sling bullets. These bonded missiles count as a
single bonded item and do not count against any Vallorians have refined the art of flesh-crafting,
other use of Bond Flesh-Item. creating living tools and weapons. Each vallorian
takes pride in bonding to at least one such flesh-
Craft Living Arms and Armor crafted item and the more powerful among them
often possess multiple living tools, considering each
As a vallorian fleshsmith, you have learned to sculpt
as vital to their being as their own arms and legs.
chunks of proto-flesh into living weapons through
the power of your intellect.
Non-vallorians have a hard time mastering
Prerequisites: Vallorian, Intelligence 13, caster
flesh-crafted items. Typically a non-vallorian
level 3rd
handling an item with a flesh craft template will be
Benefit: You can apply vallorian flesh-craft
attacked by the item. For the purpose of such
templates to items you create. Add half the
encounters consider flesh-crafted items to have the
template's given cost to the base price in materials
following characteristics (Init +0; attack +1 (1d3);
and components needed to produce the item. You
AC 10+ size modifier); hardness 5, hit points 10;
can apply these templates to magical or mundane
CMD 10+size modifier). Non-vallorian characters
with the Bond Flesh-item feat may attempt a DC 12
Handle Animal skill check to pacify the item long
Deeper Spell Resistance
enough to bond with it. All others must succeed on a
You have fostered your control of your arcane
DC 22 Handle Animal skill check to pacify such an
heritage and are more resistant to spells.
Prerequisites: Vallorian, Character Level 3rd
Benefit: Your spell resistance is equal to 10 +
Vallorian colonies keep vast flesh-vats filled
Character Level.
with protoplasmic oozes. They which they
Normal: A valorians Spell Resistance is 11.
constantly feed these vats with both fresh corpses
and living victims. From these vats, through sheer
Living bond
force of will, the valorian flesh-crafters are able to
You have developed a deeper bond with your flesh-
create a multitude of tools, weapons, armors and
crafted weapons and armor.
magical items.
Prerequisites: Vallorian, Character Level 2nd,
Bond Flesh-Item Creating A Flesh Craft Item
Benefit: After carrying, wearing and using a living
To create a flesh-craft item, a vallorian must
weapon or armor for a week, you develop a primal
possess the Craft Living Arms and Armor feat and
bond with it. The object grows tendons and veins
have access to a flesh vat. Multiple flesh-crafters can
that it can use to graft itself to the Vallorian,
work at a single vat, but typically, each works alone,
granting him a +1 bonus to attack with a weapon, a
at their own individual projects. Though most flesh-
+1 Armor Class bonus from a shield, and a +1
craft items are made from raw protoplasm, it is
Strength bonus from a suit of armor. A Vallorian
possible to add a preexisting item, such as a magical
can develop a bond with one weapon, one shield,
sword or a masterwork armor, into the vat and
and one suit of armor at a time, concurrently. This
modify it into a flesh-craft item.
feat need only be taken once to do so

Crafting a flesh-craft item requires 1 day for each range increased by one (a seeker sword has an 18-
1000 gp value of the base price. Typically a flesh-crafter 20 threat range). Apply this template before
cannot craft more than 1 item a day. The exception to accounting for any feats or magical properties which
this is missile weapons and other similar, small items. increase the threat range. Cost 2000 gp

Generally, only one flesh craft template can be Stirge: A piercing weapon with this template
added to a single item, though it is possible for a has small claws, a hollow blade or shaft and a
vallorian flesh crafter to design a template with multiple bladder. Favored for arrows, bolts and darts, a
abilities. If designing an item from scratch, the flesh- stirge weapon which successfully strikes a foe
crafter must also possess skill ranks in the appropriate embeds its tip into the foe and begins draining the
craft skill and make a crafting check as normal. blood of its target. The stirge weapon deals 1d4
points of constitution damage each round it is
Vallorian Flesh Craft Templates attached, releasing its grip after it has dealt a total

Weapon Templates of 4 points of constitution damage. A full round

Bloodthirster: A weapon with this template gains action is required to remove a stirge weapon from a

sentience based on the owner's intelligence. It twists and victim and even then, the stirge weapon will try to

writhes of its own accord as it seeks an opening in its reattach (Init +0; attack +1 (1d3); AC 10+ size

opponent's defenses. Its blade or bludgeon sprouts a modifier); hardness 5, hit points 10; CMD 10+size

pair of beady, malicious eyes and a small, slavering maw modifier) if it is not full. A melee weapon with this

that nips at its foe. A bloodthirster weapon adds its users trait drains blood only if released by its wielder after

intelligence modifier to both attack and damage. Cost a successful strike. It takes 1 hour for the stirge

500 gp weapon to digest its stolen blood, after which it can

be used again in the same way. Cost 1000 gp

Flailing: A weapon with this template possesses

small, but powerful tentacles that aid in overpowering Venomous: A weapon with this template has

foes. When used to trip or disarm an opponent, the a single long fang, dripping with a viscous, green

flailing weapon grants a +4 enhancement bonus to CMB poison. On a successful hit, the venomous weapon

rolls. Cost 500 gp injects this poison into its target. The DC of the
poison is equal to 10 + ½ the user's character level

Gnawing: A weapon with this template possesses a + the user's constitution modifier. (Muscle-rot

small, fanged mouth. Favored for arrows, bolts and Poison: type injury; save Fortitude DC variable;

darts, a gnawing weapon bites down on any foe it Frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1d2 str;

successfully strikes, dealing 1 point of damage a round secondary effect 1d3 str; cure 1 save) Cost 6000 gp

until removed, beginning on the turn after it first strikes.

Removing a gnawing weapon requires a standard action, Warden: A weapon with this template has

but that single action can remove up to 5 gnawing thick protective plates and dozens of tiny eyes. A

weapons from a single character. A melee weapon with warden weapon defends its user from attacks,

this trait delivers gnawing damage only if the wielder knocking aside incoming blows and aiding his

lets go of it after a successful strike. Cost 100 gp attempts to parry. It grants the equivalent of the

Seeker: A weapon with this template Expertise feat. Users who already possess this feat

possesses a single, baleful eye which constantly can double the AC bonus granted by the feat. Cost

watches the foe, looking for weak spots in the 2000 gp

opponents armor. Seeker weapons have their threat

Armor Templates the armor check penalty by as much as 4. Doing so
Chameleon: A suit of armor with this template reduces the armor bonus by the same amount. If the
possesses a thin top-layer of proto-flesh scales. These armor's bonus is reduced to less than half of its
scales mirror the color and texture of the environment original bonus the armor counts as light armor until
around them, granting anyone wearing this armor the the bonus is restored back to an amount over half
ability to camouflage their presence. Chameleon armor the original value. Manipulating the values of the
negates the armor check modifier to all stealth checks armor, either up or down, requires a full-round
made to hide. In addition, it grants a +4 competence action. Cost 500 gp
bonus to such stealth checks. Cost 2000 gp
Shield Templates
Biting: A shield with this template features a
Climbing, greater: A suit of armor with this toothy, leering maw set below a pair of small glaring
template possesses vine like tentacles capable of eyes. Once per round, as a swift action which does
grasping and holding onto bare rock. Greater climbing not provoke an attack of opportunity, the bearer can
armor negates the armor check modifier to all climb instruct the shield to attack. The shield has a Base
checks. In addition, it grants a climb speed of 20 and a Attack Bonus equal to the user (str 10, no size
+8 competence bonus to climb checks. Cost 4000 gp modifier) and deals 1d6 points of slashing damage
on a successful hit. Cost 500 gp
Climbing, lesser: A suit of armor with this
template possesses small, vine like tentacles capable of Grasping: A shield with this template possess
grasping and holding onto bare rock. Lesser climbing a number of long tendrils which customarily hang
armor negates the armor check modifier to all climb limp along the outer edge of the shield. These
checks. In addition, it grants a +4 competence bonus to tentacles can be used to grapple an opponent.
climb checks. Cost 2000 gp Following a successful shield bash, as a free action
which does not provoke an attack of opportunity,
Mending: A suit of armor with this template is the owner of the shield can make attempt to start a
filled with small wormlike creatures that crawl over and grapple with the opponent struck. If the grapple is
beneath its plates and joints. The worm-things are successful, the shield can attempt to pin the
pulpy, slimy creatures that produce fluids which can opponent and can maintain this attempt even after
quickly heal wounds. Three times per day, a character the owner has released it. Once the grapple or pin is
wearing mending armor can heal themselves of broken, the shield will not attempt another grapple
1d8+1/character level points of damage as a free action. until the owner once more successfully uses it in a
This ability can be used by a character which has been shield bash. Cost 500 gp
reduced to less than 0 hit points. Cost 400 gp
Searing: A shield with this template is bulky,
Swarm: A suit of plate armor (breastplate, slimy and possessed of a single, sphincter-like
half-plate, or full plate) with this template consists opening at its center. A fleshy, baglike organ hangs
of several independent plates that move to arrange from the shield's inner side. Once per day, as a
themselves according to the owner's desires. Small, standard action which does not provoke an attack of
beetlelike creatures with thick outer shells, these opportunity, the shield-bearer can cause the shield
“plates” can be adjusted to increase either mobility to spew forth the acidic digestive juices stored in the
or defense. The wearer of swarm armor can improve organ. The caustic spray deals 2d6 points of damage
the armor's maximum dexterity bonus and reduce to any creature within a 15 ft. cone. Cost 1000 gp


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