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Jillian Martinez

13 October 2021

Scholar’s Notebook Collection #2

27 September 2021 Paraphrasing Exercises

Original Quotation: “Many colleges . . . do not ensure that students acquire [work readiness]
skills. One survey of employers, for example, found that recent college graduates lack basic
workplace proficiencies like adaptability, communication skills, and the ability to work in
groups and solve complex problems. The National Association of Manufacturers reports that
its members are most in need of employees with strong basic employability skills (such as
timeliness and work ethic)” (Stone 6).
USE LANE’S How did I change How did I change Did I accidentally
STRATEGIES A-E, the language? the structure? change the
pg. 1 here, to fill in meaning? How?
the language and
structure columns.
Instructor’s  Slightly less  Combined  Changed from
Paraphrase: academic ideas to go “some”
Currently, colleges  More from 3 to 2 implied to
seem to be failing to approachable: sentences “all”
prepare students for “basic  Punctuation
many of the social workplace changed the
aspects of the skills” tone -more
workplace. For  More direct: negative- with
example, employers “colleges,” dashes
have indicated that “employers
they want—and aren’t indicated”
getting—basic  Generalized
workplace skills, such some specific
as team work and examples
communication skills, under one
from their new phrase “social
college-educated aspects of the
employees. workplace”

Original Quotation: For the most part, corals are extremely chaste; they reproduce asexually, by
“budding.” The annual spawning is thus a rare opportunity to, genetically speaking, mis things up.
Most spawners are hermaphrodites, meaning that a single polyp produces both eggs and sperm, all
wrapped together in a convenient little bundle. No one knows exactly how corals synchronize their
spawning, but they are believed to respond to both light and temperature (Kolbert 145).
USE LANE’S How did we change How did we change Did we accidentally
STRATEGIES A-E, the language? the structure? change the
pg. 1 here, to fill in meaning? How?
the language and
structure columns.
Group’s  Became less  Combined  Made it less
Paraphrase: formal sentences wordy
Corals, being  Less concrete  Got rid of  Slightly less
hermaphrodites unnecessary formal
reproduce asexually. words  Shortened it
A single polyp
produces eggs and
sperm, which are
triggered by light and

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