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Noémie St-Onge

Learning Plan
Title of lesson Human Trafficking Awareness Cycle and Cycle 2 Year 3
Subject Contemporary World Topic Human Trafficking
Relevance: - Human trafficking is a global issue that touches upon millions of lives every year;
Related to students’ real students might not be aware that such things are happening close by. Some might
life also have experiences that unfortunately are linked to human trafficking; overall the
goal is to raise awareness about the issue but also about actions to take to
stop/decrease and prevent human trafficking.
Resources Required Computer, Projector, Student Devices (Cellphones)
QEP Subject Area - Personal Development: Concerns for others and for themselves.
Competencies - Social Sciences: Becoming responsible citizens.
Learning Objectives - By the end of class, students will understand the root and causes of human
- By the end of class, students will be able to analyse the role they play (as a citizen
of Canada) in the global issue of human trafficking.
Essential Question(s) - What drives human trafficking to be one of the most lucrative illegal activity in the
- What role do we play as individuals in the prevention and/or decrease of human
Lesson Introduction (hook): Students will know:
Timing Real life story: teen migrant trafficked (2min) - Students will know what human trafficking consists of; different
- The lesson will open with a short clip depicting the reality types of traffics and the
of human trafficking by a real-life survivor stereotypical “profile” traits
- The purpose of the video is to raise curiosity and to ensure for victims.
that students are aware of the severity of the issue - Students will know why human
- * Beforehand I will ensure students are aware that we will trafficking is so prevalent and
be covering a sensible topic
- Students will know how our
way of life economically
supports human trafficking

Development (Learning activities – step by step sequential procedure): Students will understand:
- Students will understand that
the lives of millions of people
are affected by this issue;
locally and globally.
- Students will understand that
we play a role in raising
awareness and
decreasing/preventing human

- (~30min) Lecture + notes (google slides) Students will do:

- (~5min) With the use of their cellphone's students will - Students will be able to raise
engage with the Slavery Footprint Survey (In pair or alone): awareness about the issue
outside of the classroom and
they will enter their answer to an online interactive cloud make conscious choices as
word to show data. future citizens. Cross Curricular Competencies:
- (10min) Following the survey, in small groups of 3-4 - Uses Information: Students will
students, students will take part in small group discussions use information from the
and will be given leading questions: lecture to discuss the issue with
1- Selon vous, quel rôle jouons-nous en tant qu’individu dans their peers.
le trafic humain (globale) ? - Exercises Critical Judgement:
2- Quel rôle pouvons- nous jouer en tant qu’individus pour Students will reflect on their
combattre le trafic humain? individual influence as
3- En cas de doute, comment aideriez-vous quelqu'un qui consumers towards the global
montre des signes de détresse (peut être liée au trafic human trafficking issue.
humains) ? - Cooperate With Others:
- (10min) The class will be brought back together for a Students will cooperate with
classroom discussion; one student from each group will be others through small groups
discussions that will be guided
asked to share what they have discussed.
by essential questions; they
will elect a speaker to share
their perspectives with the

Broad Areas of Learning:

- Environmental Awareness &
Consumer Rights &
Responsibilities: Students will
understand how we can
influence the issue of human
trafficking simply with our
everyday consumptions. They
will understand how we have
the power to individually help
decrease or prevent human
- Citizenship & Community Life:
As future citizens, students will
understand the role they play
in a society where such issues
exist. They will understand that
their individual actions affect
others in society.

Universal Design for Learning/

- The lesson includes different
forms of delivery; short clips,
teacher led (lecture), student
led (discussions) and class wide
(class discussion). Students are
given opportunities to reflect
both individually (online
survey) and with their peers
through discussion. Students
are also given questions to
lead the discussion to ensure
that there is a common basis
for all students.
Closure (transition): FORMATIVE - Assessment FOR learning:
- Link to local human trafficking issues (mostly focused on pimping
and prostitution) Students will take part in their own
learning when completing the online
Extension survey and through active participation
- If there is some time left, show: in the lecture; I will assess their
learning through participation and/or reactions.
(Exploitation sexuelle a Montréal publié par la
SPVM) FORMATIVE - Assessment AS learning:
Students will develop their critical
thinking skills through small groups
discussions; I will assess their learning
informally while going around the class
and when bringing the class back

SUMMATIVE - Assessment OF learning:

There will be no summative assessment
in this lesson, but learning will be
assessed later with an exam.

Further considerations (follow up activities)

- N/A

Though this lesson touches upon a particularly sensitive issue, I hope students will appreciate the opportunity to grow as
future citizens and to take part in spreading awareness about the issue. Usually, students seem curious to learn about
these types of issues that shape our reality.

Professional Competencies:
Competency 3: Plan teaching and learning situations.
- The entire lesson was designed and planned with support from my CT. I kept in mind what seemed to work in
previous teaching and learning situations.
Competency 12: Mobilize digital technologies.
- Short clips, word cloud, online survey.

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