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Title of lesson Le modes de financements des études Cycle and Cycle 2 Year 3

Subject Éducation financière Topic Modes de financements pour

les études
Relevance: -Guide them towards the different ways to pay for post-secondary studies.
Related to students’ What had been covered in class prior: the different costs related to pursuing further
real life education.

Resources Required - Cahier d'exercices (Mes dossiers (éducation financières)).

- Powerpoint
- Kahoot
QEP Subject Area Univers Social : Prendre position sur un enjeux financiers.

Learning Objectives - By the end of the class, students will be able to describe and evaluate the different
options that exist to fund post-secondary studies. They will demonstrate their
understanding through their engagement individually in a Kahoot and in pairs by
completing workbook questions. Students are expected to have at least 60% of the
Kahoot questions correct and are expected to be able to complete the workbook
questions in class.
Essential Question(s) - What are the different funding options for post-secondary studies?
- What are the characteristics of each option?
- Which option best suits my situation?
Lesson Introduction (hook): Student will know:
- Class will start with a review of what was covered last - Students will know the different
class (different costs linked to pursuing funding methods that exist for
5-10 post-secondary studies). post-secondary education.

Development (Learning activities–step by step sequential Students will understand:

- Students will understand the
advantages and disadvantages for all
- Students will understand that funding
methods should be combined
together for optimal results.
- 20-30 min:PowerPoint (Modes de financements) Students will do:
- ongoing discussion/dialogue with the class

Based on a simplified version of Understanding by Design (UBD) and the IB Middle Year Program Planner
- topics discussed: - Students will be able to reflect on the
- Emploi étudiant best options for their individual
- Aide parental situations.
- Prêt et bourses
Cross Curricular Competencies:
- 10min: Kahoot - Uses information
- 20-30min: Complete workbook questions in pairs. - Exercise critical judgement
(page 95-96 #4,5,7,8,9) (evaluate their own situation)

Broad Areas of Learning:

- Career planning and


Universal Design for Learning/


The lesson is structured to be linked to

students’ personal experience or/and
future experiences, which helps to
motivate learning. It optimizes value,
interest, and authenticity. Gaming is also
used to raise student interest in the

Closure (transition): FORMATIVE - Assessment FOR learning:

- Check-in with the class and recall what is due next
week. - Students will take part in their own
learning in the lecture; they will be
Extension actively listening while also practicing
- Correct workbook question with the class. their note-taking skills. Students will also
participate in the classroom discussion.
Students will also complete workbook
questions in pairs.
FORMATIVE - Assessment AS learning:

- Students will reflect on their own
learning through a Kahoot game.

SUMMATIVE - Assessment OF learning:

Students will be assessed with an exam

at the end of the unit. Material will be
relevant for the exam.

Further considerations (follow-up activities)




Professional Competencies:

- Implement teaching and learning situations.

- Support students’ love of learning.
- Evaluate learning

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