USBR 7300-89 Constant Head Permeability Lapangan

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USBR 7300-89



This procedure is under the jurisdiction of the Geotechnical Services Branch, code D-3760, Research and Laboratory Services
Division, Denver Office, Denver, Colorado. The procedure is issued under the fixed designation USBR 7300. The number immediately
following the designation indicates the year of acceptance or the year of last revision.

1. Scope head. The coefficient of permeability of the soil is calculated

using (1) the relatively constant flow rate which is reached
1.1 This designation is used to determine the coefficient after a period of time, (2) the water temperature, (3) the
of permeability of semipervious and pervious soils. The constant height of water in the well, and (4) the radius
types of soil for which the test is applicable range from of the well.
mixtures of sand, silt, and clay with coefficients of
permeability greater than 1 X 10-5 cm/s to relatively clean 5. Significance and Use
sands or sandy gravels with coefficients of permeability
less than 1 X 10-l cm/s. There is lack of experience with 5.1 The method is used to determine the average
the test in soils with coefficients of permeability outside coefficient of permeability for soil in its natural condition,
these limits. The effects of capillarity on permeability test primarily along proposed canal alignments or at reservoir
results were not taken into account during development sites. The permeability results are used in appropriate
of the theoretical background. equations for calculating approximate seepage rates to aid
in decisions on lining requirements. Although the test is
NOTE l.-This test is similar to the “Shallow Well Pump-in usually performed in auger holes, it can also be used in
Test for Hydraulic Conductivity” in the Drainage Manual [l].’ test pits.
However, some of the float valves allow greater waterflow from
the water reservoir than the carburetor valve of the Drainage
6. Terminology
Manual test.

2. Auxiliary Tests 6.1 Definitions are in accordance with USBR 3900.

2.1 Soil sampling by USBR 7010 and classificationof 7. Interferences

soil from different strata by USBR 5005 are required to
identify soil stratification and location of any water table. 7.1 Proper use of the test requires soil characteristics
which allow excavation of an uncased well of reasonably
3. Applicable Documents uniform dimensions with the soil sufficiently undisturbed
to allow unrestricted outward flow of water from the hole.
3.1 USBR Procedures: 7.2 Test results are adversely affected by using unclean
USBR 3900 Standard Definitions of Terms and Symbols water for the permeant.
Relating to Soil Mechanics 7.3 When relatively impervious or highly pervious soil
USBR 5005 Determining Unified Soil Classification layers are present around the well, this should be considered
(Visual Method) when evaluating test results.
USBR 7010 Performing Disturbed Soil Sampling Using 7.4 For tests during cold weather, a shelter with heat
Auger Boring Method should be used to maintain ground and water temperatures
3.2 ASTM Standard: above freezing.
E 1 ASTM Thermometers
8. Apparatus
4. Summary of Method
8.1 General Apparatus:
4.1 The method consists of measuring the rate at which 8.1.1 Augers.-Hand augers suitable for excavating
water flows out of an uncased well under a constant gravity permeability test holes. Power-driven augers may be used
if it is determined that disturbance of soil around the well
I Number in brackets refers to the reference. is no more than for a hand auger.


r- Cover
Galv ttn strtp b r a z e d
Srass weight t a p p e d f o r to drum---
f - 2 0 t h r e a d s p e r Inch

r?2t’ f

‘-An i m p a c t resistant
transparent plastic
lubing s u c h 0s c e l l u l o s e
ocelale bulyrale, fr’O.0

) Threads
,5+” p 1 e1 r Inch
2 0 0 - L Reservoir
(or equivalent,
I, no1 l o scale)

-t”Galv iron waste-
nut brazed to drum $“.Male compressvan
AdJustable brass block llttlng
set screw and chain

No 2/o Brass, nickel

plated safety choln

28 Gauge golv.
iron tubing



Plastic disk

I -Coupling
-9-20 Threads -To b e
per inch attached
i with tape

-Schedule 40
- 2 - f ’ Nuts a n d
washers PVC pipe




Float may b e of n o n c o r r o s i v e
metal lprelerablel, plastic
or redwoodfdipped in o
p r e s e r v a t i v e o f walerproofing).


Figure 1. - Drawing of well permeameter test apparatus (101-D-38)

USBR 7300

8.1.2 Thermometer.-0 to 50 “C, 0.5 “C divisions, NOTE 2.-There may be other appropriate valve-float equip-
conforming to the requirements of ASTM E 1. ment available for maintaining a constant water level in the
8.1.3 Hammer, surveyors’ stakes, and string for test well.
depth measurements in the well.
8 . 2 Equipment Unique to This Procedure (see figs. 1 8.2.6 Water Truck.-A water tank truck or tank trailer
and 2). of sufficient capacity to provide a continuous supply of
8.2.1 Water Reservoir.-A clean, covered, watertight clean water for the number of test reservoirs in
reservoir of sufficient capacity which can be conveniently simultaneous use.
refilled at intervals to provide a continuous supply of water
9. Reagents and Materials
during the test. A 200.liter drum with a volume gauge
tube of cellulose acetate butyrate has been found to be
suitable for normal usage. Wooden blocking is required 9.1 Density San&Clean, dry, pervious, coarse sand (or
to raise the reservoir above the ground level. fine gravel) calibrated for density and with a coefficient
8.2.2 K&e.-A float valve with operating arm (see of permeability at least 1 X lo2 cm/s greater than that
fig. 3 for valve size). of the soil to be tested is to be used for backfilling the
8.2.3 Float.-A wooden, plastic, or metal float with test well. A washed sand graded between the U.S.A.
brass stem. Standard series No. 4 to No. 8 sizes (4.75 to 2.36 mm)
8.2.4 Float Guide.-A guide of galvanized iron, PVC or grave1 graded between the 3/8 to No. 4 (9.5 to 4.75
(polyvinyl chloride) or other materials to allow the float mm) sizes is recommended. The purpose of the pervious
to move vertically. backfill is to (1) distribute water evenly in the well, (2)
8.2.5 Counterwe&hts.-Brass counterweights for arm support the wall of the well and prevent sloughing during
of float valve. saturation of the soil, and (3) provide a means of indirectly
determining the average radius of the well. The radius
of the well is required for permeability calculations and,
as explained later, a standard sand calibrated for mass per
unit volume (density) can serve this purpose.
9 . 2 Water.-The water for this test is to be clean. Small
amounts of suspended soil or other foreign material in
the water may become deposited in the soil around the
well and may greatly reduce the flow, causing erroneous
results. When there is sediment in the water, arrangement
should be made to remove the particles by settling or
filtration. In some instances, a chemical reaction can take
place between water of a particular quality and the soil
being tested, which may cause an increase or decrease in
soil permeability. Therefore, water similar in quality
(exclusive of suspended sediment) to that expected to
permeate the soil during project operation should be used
for the permeability test.

10. Precautions

Figure 2. - Typical well permeameter test set-up. 10.1 SafetyPrecautions.- Norma1 precautions taken for
any fieldwork.
10.2 Technical Pre’cautions:
10.2.1 In windy areas, protection from blowing soil
may be needed to prevent interference to the operation
of the valve-float mechanism and to prevent infiltration
of soil into the top of the well.
10.2.2 Test equipment must be protected from
disturbance by animals, moving equipment, children, or
other sources.

11. Calibration

11.1 Water Reservoir (fig. I).-Calibrate the volume

of the water reservoir and mark the gauge tube in
convenient increments for volume readings. For a 200-L
Figure 3. - Maximum permeability coefficients measurable with typical reservoir, mark the volume gauge tube at 5-L intervals
float valves commonly used on stock-watering tanks. with the largest volume reading near the top of the tube

USBR 7300

so volume readings will decrease downward and permit by the capacity of the equipment to maintain a continuous
volume determination by subtracting figures. supply of water at the desired constant head level. If
necessary, more than one reservoir can be interconnected
NOTE 3.-For a volume tube of cellulose acetate butyrate (which to increase water capacity. Figure 3 shows the maximum
is recommended because it is durable for use under field coefficients of permeability that can be measured in wells
conditions), ink with an acetate base makes a permanent mark of various diameters using float valves of different sizes.
on the tube. India ink can be used for marking if the surface
This is of assistance in selecting the valve size to be used,
of the plastic is first roughened with emery cloth or steel wool;
the tube then should be coated with clear lacquer to preserve although a valve of approximately size is often
the ink marks. used for general purposes.
13.3 Soil Permeability in Test Pits.-The well per-
11.2 Density San&Calibrate the sand by finding the meameter test method also can be adapted for use in test
density obtained by pouring the sand into a pipe or cylinder pits in a low water table condition if the ratio of water
with dimensions approximately those of the test well. The depth to pit radius is greater than 1, and sand or gravel
pouring height above the top of the pipe should be backfill is used to prevent soil in the sides of the pit from
approximately the same as that for the well. The calibrated sloughing. In this case, calibration of backfill is not necessary
density of sand is calculated from the mass of sand used since dimensions of a test pit of regular shape can be found
to fill the pipe and the volume of pipe occupied by the by averaging linear measurements. If a rectangular pit is
sand; i.e., density equals mass per volume. used, the effective cylindrical radius for use in permeability
calculations can be determined from the pit dimensions
12. Conditioning (see fig. 5).
13.4 Excavation of the Test We&Wellsfor permea-
12.1 Special conditioning requirements are not needed bility tests should be prepared carefully to cause as little
for this procedure. disturbance to surrounding soil as possible. Where moisture
content of the soil is high, the wall of the hole can become
13. Procedure smeared and outward flow of water restricted. In this case,
the well should be excavated using two hand augers, one
13.1 Soil Logs.-Prior to performing field permeability having a diameter at least 25 mm smaller than the other.
tests for a seepage investigation, exploratory borings should First, auger a pilot hole with the smaller auger and follow
be made at appropriate intervals and logs of the borings this with the larger auger. This causes less disturbance
should be prepared to show a representative soil profile. to the wall of the well than if a single auger is used. If
Soil classifications of the different strata encountered should it is still apparent that the wall of the well is smeared,
be recorded. The form shown in figure 4 can be used for the walls should be scraped or scratched with improvised
this purpose. tools to remove the smeared surface. Remove any loose
The minimum depth of borings below a proposed canal soil from the bottom of the well.
invert or reservoir bottom should be to the ground-water 13.5 Depth of the Well (figs. 1 and 4).-Depth
table, to an impervious soil layer, or to a depth about twice measurements in the well should be measured (and
the design water depth, whichever is reached first (see recorded) from a common base line. A convenient method
fig. 8). The location of soil layers that appear to be is to measure from a horizontal string line stretched
impervious and the depth to a water table, if reached, will between two stakes driven firmly into the ground on
affect permeability and seepage calculations. For depths opposite sides of the well (fig. 1). When the bottom of
below a canal invert or reservoir bottom greater than twice the well extends below ground-water level, insert a casing
the water depth, the presence of a water table or soil layers during excavation to prevent the wall from caving. Carefully
of significantly different permeability than that of overlying pull the casing as the well is backfilled with sand through
soil will not influence permeability test results. the casing.

13.2 Size of Test We&For a low water table condition NCTE 4.-For a very high ground-water condition, a “pump
(see condition I, fig. 8), the depth of the well may be out” test for saturated soils is often more satisfactory than the
of any desired dimension provided the ratio of water height well permeameter test or other “‘pump in” types of tests.
h in the well to well radius is greater than 1. To fulfill
theoretical considerations in development of the equations 13.6 Backfilling the Test Well.-Pour calibrated sand
for high water table conditions (conditions II and III, fig. 8), into the well in the same manner as during calibration
the ratio of water height h in the well to well radius should of the sand for density. The top of the sand should be
be greater than 10. A practical well diameter is usually about 150 mm below the water level to be maintained.
150 mm. Normally, in a canal seepage investigation, the After completion of pouring, determine the remaining
water surface elevation in the well and the well bottom mass of sand and subtract from the original mass to find
should correspond to the elevations of the proposed canal the mass of sand in the well. Measure and record the depth
water surface and canal bottom, respectively. Test results to the top of the sand and calculate the height of sand
would then provide an average permeability for the soils in the well. From the density of the calibrated sand and
in the canal prism. For pervious soils, well size is limited the mass and height of sand in the well, calculate the



7- 1429 (5-89)
3ureau of Reclamation (SOIL CLASSIFICATIONS AND WELL DIMENSIONS) Des,gnatm U S B R 7 3 0 0 - *’

EST ra. 22 Example Example
Station 257+94 TEST LIMITS:
257+25 258+62
21 I 7.9 m I .890 m

Iam Oft

~ 0.45
___ SILTY CLAY r approx. 85% fines with medium plasticity,
slow dilatancv, medium drv strenath, medium touahness;
opprox. 15% fine sand; maximum size, fine sand, moist,
dark gray; easy to auqer; some roots present; no
reaction with HCI (CL-ML).
0 45
A I 77
L CLAYEY SILT 1 approx. 95% fines with low plasticity,
-slow dilalancy, low dry strenqfh, low toughness;
approx. 5% fine sand; maximum size, fine sand; wet,
~ ~ brown; easy to auqer; no reaction with HCI (ML-CL).
I 77
b 3 87
L S I L T Y SAND’ a p p r o x . 6 0 % f i n e t o c o a r s e , h a r d ,
~ ~ angular sand; approx. 20% non-plastic fines; approx.
20% predominantly fine, hard, anqular lo subanqular
~ ___ qravel; maximum size, 30mm; moist, brown; moderately
hard to auger; sliqht reaction to HCI (SM).



(2) 0.213 q m q ft
(3) 1.222 q m q ft
(4) SAND _ _ _ 0 . 3 7 5 mm q ft
(5) (3) - (4) _ _ --
0 . 8 4 7 mm q ft
6) D E P T H T O W A T E R S U R F A C E I N W E L L _. 0 . 2 8 0 mm q ft
(7) HEIGHT OF WATER IN WELL h = (3) - 6) 0.942 q m q ft


I 400 q kg/m3 [7 lbmlft 3

(9) M A S S O F S A N D + C O N T A I N E R B E F O R E F I L L I N G W E L L 34.02 q kg q Itfm

(IO) M A S S O F SAM3 + C O N T A I N E R A F T E R F I L L I N G W E L L 2.86 q kg cl h
(11) (9) - (IO) 31.16 q kg q 1kfl-l
(12) (I l)/(8) 0.0223 q m3 0 tt3

(13) r = ,/(12)/o __ _. 0 . 0 9 2 ITl]m q ft

Figure 4. - Well permeameter method (soil classifications and well dimensions) - example

USBR 7300

washer on the float stem is to prevent particles of sand

from becoming lodged between the float stem and the
float guide. The mass of sand around the guide need not
be known because it is not used in computations for well
radius. Set up the water reservoir and valve-float
arrangement with the flexible tube from the float valve
to well and the chain attached to the float stem as shown
on figures 1 and 2. The reservoir should be set on a firm
platform or cribbing at a convenient height.
13.8 Performing the Test:
13.8.1 Open the valve on the reservoir and gradually
fill the well with water.
13.8.2 After the water enters the float casing,
readjust the counterbalance on the operating arm of the
valve and the chain length as necessary to maintain the
desired water level in the well.
13.8.3 After the water level in the well has stabilized,
begin reading the volume gauge on the reservoir and record
the gauge readings at convenient time intervals using the
form as shown on figure 6. The well must be kept
b continuously full of water until the test is completed. In
7 general, dry soil at the start of the test absorbs water at
a comparatively high rate. However, as the moisture
content of the soil increases around the well, the rate
generally decreases and usually stabilizes. It is this constant
rate after stabilization that is used to compute permeability.
13.8.4 As records of water discharge from the
reservoir and time are made, plot a curve of accumulative
THRU T E S T P I T flow versus time as shown on figure 7.

14. Test Duration

Figure 5. - Effective cylindrical radius of rectangular test pits.
(fig. 44 of ref. 2)
14.1 Minimum duration for the test is the theoretical
time required to discharge the minimim volume of water
equivalent radius of the well (fig. 4). Development of the into the soil to form a saturated envelope of hemispherical
equation for determining the radius is: shape with a radius B (see fig. 1).
The minimum volume of water is determined by the
v, = j-r r,” h, = m, equation:

(1) where: I
where: &in = minimum volume
V. = volume of sand S = specific yield of the soil
ps = density of sand h = height of water in well
h, = height of sand r = well radius
m = mass of sand
rw = equivalent radius of well NOTE 5.-The quantity in brackets is the theoretical
determination for radius B (fig. 1).
1 3 . 7 Test Equipment Set Up.-Place the float guide,
with the float inside, on top of the sand in the well. Hold For soils in which this test would most likely be used,
the float guide in place vertically and pour sand around the specific yield varies from about 0.1 for fine-grained
it. When a test is to be conducted with the water level soils to 0.35 for coarse-grained soils. When the specific
more than an arm’s length below the ground surface, lower yield of the soil is unknown, the value of 0.35 should be
the float guide by the chain and drop sand around the used to give a conservative value for minimum volume
guide to hold it in place during the test. The rubber slip and to ensure that the test duration is sufficient. Thus,

USBR 7300


8150 50 127 74 124 80 154 154 19 25

9’40 100 80 47 74 50 97 251 19 - -

10’30 150 42 36 34 40 76 329 19 - -

I I’20 200 8 34 I 33 67 396 20 26

II’30 210 202 - - 201 - - _- --- - - - -

12, IO 250 179 23 179 22 45 441 20 - -

13:oo 300 153 26 I53 26 52 493 21 --

13’50 350 I24 29 125 28 57 550 21 27

I 1 I I I I I I I
14’40 400 97 27 98 27 54 604 22 - -

15’30 450 71 26 70 28 54 658 22 - -

I I I I , I
16120 500 46 25 44 26 51 709 21 - -
171 IO 550 19 27 19 25 52 761 20 - -
I I I I I /
17120 560 204 - - 202 __ - - --- - - - -

18~00 600 I81 23 I81 21 44 805 20 27

/ I I I
18'50 650 154 27 154 27 54 859 20 - -

19’40 700 127 27 127 27 54 913 I9 - -

20’30 750 100 27 99 26 55 960 19 -..


21’20 600 74 26 73 26 52 I020 I8 25

23100 900 35 39 33 40 79 I099 I7 - -
24’40 IO00 5 30 3 30 60 I I59 I5 - -

Figure 6. - Well permeameter method (time and volume measurements) - example.

USBR 7300

table condition exists as illustrated by condition I (fig. 8).

For determination of the coefficient of permeability under
such a condition, equation (4) given in subparagraph 15.2
should be used.
15.1.2 High Water Table.-When the distance from
the water surface in the test well to the ground-water table,
or to an impervious layer, is less than three times the
depth of water in the well, a high water table condition
exists as illustrated by condition II or III. Condition II shows
a high water table with the water table below the well
bottom, and for this condition equation (5) should be used.
Condition III shows a high water table with the water
table above the well bottom. For this condition, equation
(6) should be used.
15.2 Equations:
Figure 7. - Time-discharge curve for well permeameter test - low Condition I:
water table example.

with a known or assumed specific yield for the soil and

with the dimensions of the well, the minimum volume
can be computed and the test discontinued when the
minimum volume has been discharged through the well.
In pervious soils, it may appear that the volume-time curve
has reached a uniform slope after several hours when points
are plotted over short time intervals. However, in order
to avoid discontinuing a test prematurely, it must be - (4)
continued for at least 6 hours from the starting time so r
the slope can be determined over a period of 2 to 3 hours.
The first straight portion of the curve should be used for Condition II:
determining the rate of discharge (fig. 7). The test must
be conducted continuously without allowing the reservoir
to run dry until the test has been completed. ho = -!dL
2rrh2 (5)
14.2 Maximum Time.-If the test is continued for a
long period, a water mound may build up around the well
and render the test results inaccurate. The maximum time
Condition III:
for test duration is the time necessary to discharge through
the test well the maximum volume of water as determined
using equation (2), substituting 15.0 for 2.09 and in this
case, using an assumed minimum value (when the true &Jo = -!fc
2.rrh2 (6)
value is unknown) of 0.1 for specific yield.
Vmax = 2.05 Vmin (3)
15. Calculations kzo = coefficient of permeability at 20 “C
h = height of water in the well
15.1 Computing Coefficient of Permeability.-Equa- r = radius of well
tions (4), (5), or (6) are provided for calculating coefficient y = discharge rate of water from the well for steady-
of permeability, for the well permeameter test. The state condition (determined experimentally,
presence or absence of a water table or impervious soil see example, fig. 7)
layer within a distance of less than three times that of v = pz viscosity of water at temp. T (see fig. 9)
the water depth in the well (measured from the water pzo, viscosity of water at 20 “C
surface) will enable the water table to be classified as T, = unsaturated distance between the water surface
condition I, II, or III, as illustrated on figure 8. in the well and the water table
15.1.1 Low Wafer Table.-When the distance from
the water surface in the test well to the ground-water table, 15.3 The preferred metric unit for coefficient of
or to an impervious soil layer which is considered for test permeability is cm/s (centimeters per second). The value
purposes to be equivalent to a water table, is greater than of 1 X lo-” centimeters per second is approximately the
three times the depth of water in the well, a low water same as the inch-pound unit of 1 foot per year.


& sur-\ ~

>Wo+er surface in well

Woter table

Ii = Height of water in h
test well (ft.)

= Effective radius Water tablk

of well (ft) impervious layer

Tu = Unsaturated strata
hIT,53h T, < h

Water table or impervious Note : For condition I h/r can be a minimum

of I. For conditions II and III,
h/r should be greater than IO r.
T, > 3 h

Figure 8. Relatimd~ip between depth of water in test well and distance to wafer table in well pertneameter test.

16. Report 17. References

111 Drainage Manual, 1st ed., Bureau of Reclamation, U.S.
1 6 . 1 The report is to consist of the following completed Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1984.
and checked forms:
“Well Permeameter Method (Soil Classifications and [2] Zanger, Carl Z., Theory and Problems of Water
Well Dimensions)” (fig. 4). Percolation, Engineering Monograph No. 8, (app. B “Flow
“Well Permeameter Method (Time and Volume from a Test Hole Located Above Groundwater Level,”
Measurements)” (fig. 6). development by R. E. Glover) Bureau of Reclamation,
Time-Discharge Curve (example on fig. 7). Denver, Colorado, April 1953.
Calculation of coefficient of permeability from equations [3] Ribbens, R. W. “Exact Solution for Flow From a Test
(4), (5), or (6). Hole Located Above the Water Table,” (unpublished
1 6 . 2 All calculations are to show a checkmark and all technical memorandum), Bureau of Reclamation, Denver,
plotting must be checked. Colorado, 1981.

USBR 7300



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