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Name : Arni Yanti Lawolo

Class/semester : A/1

Course : Speaking for Informal

Credit :4

Lecturer : Kristof Martin E. Telaumbanua, S.S. M.Pd






Praise be to God Almighty. who has made it easy for me to finish this Critical book
Review paper on time. On this occasion I would also like to express my deepest gratitude for
the guidance and direction of the Lecturer in charge of the subject, namely sir Kristof Martin
E. Telaumbanua, S.S. M.Pd.
The realization of this Critical Book Review paper which discusses "Speaking English
Correctly & Speak English Like An American" the author hopes that this paper can provide
useful information, lessons and knowledge for its readers.
The author also realizes that this paper is still not perfect. Therefore, the authors
expect constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of the next paper.



Foreword........................................................................................................ i

List of contents ..............................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ...................................................................1

A. The Background ...........................................................................1

B. The Purpose of CBR .....................................................................1

C. The Function of CBR ....................................................................1

D. Identity of the book ......................................................................2

CHAPTER II THE SUMMARY OF THE BOOK .......................................3

A. CHAPTER I : Sentence Patterns in English.................................3

B. CHAPTER II : Speak English Like An American.......................4

CHAPTER III Discussion .............................................................................6

A. The Straightness of the book ........................................................6

B. The Weakness of the book.............................................................6

C. Conclusion.....................................................................................7

D. Suggestions....................................................................................7


A. The background
1. Book 1
Most students or students do not know very well how to use sentence patterns
because a conversation consists of the arrangement of words that make up
sentences so we need to master the core patterns in English.
2. Book 2
Learning English is one of language learning as a the process taken to develop
language intelligence through reading and writing activities. The objectives of
teaching English include all language competencies, namely: listening (listening),
speaking (speaking), reading (reading), and writing (writing).

B. The pupose of CBR

1. Book 1
To be able to be a practical guide for students, students, employees and anyone
who is and wants to understand English conversation.
2. Book 2
The purpose of conducting CBR testing is to determine the material that must
be used. The actual quantity concerning the base material is CBR.By definition,
CBR is the ratio of the opposite bearing stress experienced by a standard
penetrator when penetrated 2.5 cm into rock to the actual crushing strength of the
rock as a percentage.

C. The function of CBR

1. Book 1
Can arrange words to form a sentence.
2. Book 2
Increase knowledge and understanding in the SPEAKING FOR INFORMAL
course and generating interest in reading books.

D. Identity of the book

1. Book 1

Book title : Speaking English Correctly

Author : Imam Baehaqie

Year of publication : 2005
Book pages : 156 pages
Publisher : Pustaka Pelajar

2. Book 2
Book title : Speak English Like n American
Author : Eddy M. Yusuf S. and Bobby D. Paris
Year of publication : 2013
Book pages : 130 pages
Publisher : Yrama Widya


A. Book 1 : Sentence Patterns in English

S+To Be (Am, Is, Are) + Going To + Verb-1 [C]
This pattern is used to express plans or activities that will be carried out in the
future. Adverbs of time indicating the future can be used in this pattern.

1. I Am Going to Sleep -
2. They Are Going to Do Homework tonight
3. Marta Is Going to Go To a party
Going to Football this
4. We Are Play
His grand father
5. Joko Is Going to Visit
next week

Short Conversations :

A : Where are we going to go next Holiday?

B : We are going to go camping. Are you going to join us?
A : Of course, I am.

A : When is the nasional examination going to take place?

B : May be, it is going to take place next Mei.

A : Trust me. They are not going to take you home.

B : How do you know?
A : Because they are going to go with me.

A : Are you going to buy a new car?

B : Yes, if you lend me fifty millions.
A : You’re a good Joker

A : What time are you going to come to Rina’s house.

B : At ten pm.
A : What time are you going to go home
B : May be, I am going to spend the night there.

Watching “Indonesia Open”

Fandy : Hi, fan! Why are you in a hurry?
Fany : I am going to go to Anton’s house.
Fandy : Do you plan to go with him?
Fany : Yes, I do. We are going to see “Indonesia Open”
Fandy : Oh, I see. Who are going to play?
Fany : Taufiq Hidayat versus Lin Dan.
Fandy : Have you got a ticket?
Fany : No, we haven’t. We are going to buy it at ticket box. Would you like
to go with us?
Eko : Sounds great. When is the game going to start?
Fany : At 5 o’clock pm this afternoon.
Eko : We still have enough time to go there.
Fany : You’re right. How are you going to go there?
Eko : Would you mind picking me up?
Fany : Sorry, I don’t have a car. How about taking a cab?
Eko : That’s a good idea. Now I must go home and make preparation.
Fany : All right. We are going to drop by to your house on our way to
Eko : Okay. I am going to wait for both of you. Don’t take so long!
Fany : Don’t worry. And don’t forget to bring enough money!
Eko : Why?
Fany : Because you are going to pat the cab and the tickets.
Eko : Are you kidding?
Fany : No. You’re the boss now.

B. Book 2 : Speak English Like An American

What's the secret to speaking better English? This is the mastery of complex
idioms and phrases that are very common in the English language. And learning these
idioms and phrases will not only help you speak better, but also help you understand
Americans better. In this book, you will join an American family as they go about
their daily lives. Along the way, you'll master over 300 of today's most common
English idioms and expressions!

Discover why thousands of students from around the world are turning to
Speak English Like a American to improve their everyday English skills...this
bestseller is a fun and effective way to improve your English. It is from this invitation
that the reader's curiosity about this book arises. Readers can also get easy English
speaking tips from this book. This book, like the title Let's Speak English, invites you
to be proficient in speaking English (English Conversation Skills). Through this book,
it won't take long for the readers to be able to speak English for the beginner level.
This book presents vocabulary (vocabularies) that are easy to remember and familiar.
In addition, it keeps readers motivated. The author, Mr. Maladi wrote that speaking
practice is a habit.



A. The straightness of the book

1. Book 1
Very easy to understand, very clear understanding and very simple and very
useful use. This book is also suitable for everyone who wants to learn formulas or
patterns in English.
2. Book 2
Everyone who learns English must have a main goal to be able to speak
English. Not only do you want to look cool, but now this ability is really needed.
Unfortunately, so far, books about speaking – usually called conversations, mostly
only present examples of conversations without any instructions on how to quickly
speak English. Broadly speaking, this book contains two discussions, namely tips
for learning speaking and learning models for speaking. Tips for learning speaking
include things you should do outside of class to improve your English skills.
Meanwhile, the speaking learning model explains learning and teaching speaking
activities in the classroom to make it fun and effective. This is the book you need
to speak fluent English.
B. The weakness of the book
1. Book 1
Deficiencies found. As in the book Public Speaking: The Key to Successful
Public Speaking, there are a few drawbacks, including: The cover of the book is a
little less attention-grabbing where the image design on the cover is less
conspicuous coupled with a dark background. There are words that are a little
vulgar/sadistic in the Preface. Other than that all good.
2. Book 2
Deficiencies found. As in the book Public Speaking: The Key to Successful
Public Speaking, there are a few drawbacks, including: The cover of the book is a
little less attention-grabbing where the image design on the cover is less
conspicuous coupled with a dark background. There are words that are a little
vulgar/sadistic in the Preface. Other than that all good.

C. Conclusion
1. Book 1 :
This pattern is used to express plans or activities that will be carried out in the
future. Adverbs of time indicating the future can be used in this pattern. Pattern
used : S+To Be (Am, Is, Are) + Going To + Verb-1 [C]
2. Book 2 :
Discover why thousands of students from around the world are turning to
Speak English Like a American to improve their everyday English skills...this
bestseller is a fun and effective way to improve your English.
It is from this invitation that the reader's curiosity about this book arises. Readers
can also get easy English speaking tips from this book.

D. Suggestions
Speaking is one of the most useful knowledge for a Public Relations. Where all
the things that are needed for a Public Relations person who wants to learn Public
Speaking are all contained in this book. As an additional point, in each page at the
beginning of the chapter there are quotes from well-known figures in the country that
can increase motivation for those who are studying books.

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