Is That Possible To Find Job During These Challenging Time

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Is that possible to find job during these challenging time?

This is a million dollar question which is

hungering around people’s mind. Speaking realistically, yes it is tough to find a job during this
pandemic when daily numbers of employees getting fired are going up.

The statistics
To get some perspective of the job loss during Covid-19 approximately 3.8 million Americans lost
their job and have applied for unemployment benefits.

But it’s not all bad news.

Do you know some of the companies are at their best because of corona Virus while some are laying
off employees? That applies to job opportunity too.

While some positions and industries are indeed suffering, there are also many companies hiring right

Sectors like Government customer service department, Healthcare, Food industry are all doing good
and are still hiring in large numbers.

So It is important do a effective search online for jobs by focussing on sectors and matching your
expertise with their requirement.

Right now, there's a lot of uncertainty about the global impact on hiring, but there are ways you can
stay positive and proactive about job searching during this unrestrained time.

Let’s discuss the 5 best ways to search during this pandemic.

Reenergize your Network

The best ways to find a job is through Networking. Reconnect with your connections on platforms
like LinkedIn and find out if there an opportunity for you. They may not have any openings
immediately but you will be in their mind once any opportunity comes along their way. Since they're
in the industry, they may hear of other jobs through their own network and they can recommend

Don't hesitate to reach out to former colleagues and bosses if you see openings at their companies.
They're more likely to hire you than the competition because they know your skills and work ethic.

So Network! Network

Your resume may need some polishing

Make sure your resume is up to date. It is important to understand that your resume is not one-size-
fits-all. Tailor is match the posting. Preferably if you are applying for 100 jobs then you should have
100 different resume matching the specific job description. I understand that this is going to be a
tedious job but let not forget that we are passing through a challenging time and every activity will
be tedious. You can take helps of online portal like Job scan which can help you match your resume
with specific job description.

Get ready for Video Interview.

Hiring will be different Post Corona pandemic. Most of the interviews are going to be on call or
Video. It is going to be different ball game compare to a physical interview.

How do you prepare for that?

You’ll stand out if you learn the ins-and-outs of phone and video job interviews. Please visit Monster
for exclusive tips and tricks of attending Video and phone job interview.

Show that you are transferable

There is so much competition for job so it’s important to up your game right now. It is very
important to be flexible during this period.

You may not find a job of your choice but may find something which can match your skills . So
prepare the resume in such a manner that the employer should feel that you are transferable with
wider options.

Sharpen your tools

Your job hunt should also include time to sharper your skills. If you lack skill for your dream job then
learn that skill and make yourself and ideal candidate.

No skill is wasted. Either enhance your existing knowledge or learn new skill which may help you find
a different option. For Example, Learn skills like Photo shop, Web designing, Digital Marketing which
can help you find part time assignments if not full time.

Additionally, Utilise online platforms like Skill share, Udemy, simplelearn, largest selection of online
courses, with more than 100,000 video courses and new additions published every month

Patience is a Virtue

At last not least, Have patience as companies are still hiring, the interview process is taking longer
than usual. HR departments are busy scrambling, try to implement remote work policies.

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