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List of theoretical questions

Subject: Engineering electromagnetic

Chapter-1 Vector calculus

I. Define scalar product and vector product

II. Explain how to convert Cartesian co-ordinates into cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates.
III. Define divergence, gradient and curl
IV. What do you mean by line integral, surface integral and volume integral? Also explain
possible surface combination in all co-ordinates system.
V. How to find volume and area of given surface?
VI. What is the meaning of position vector and unit vector?

Chapter-2 Coulomb’s law and Electric field intensity

I. State and explain Coulomb’s Law.

II. What is electric filed intensity? How it is related with force?
III. What do you mean by
a. Point charge
b. Line charge
c. Surface charge
d. Volume charge
Explain method to find Q from all above charge.
IV. Derive an expression to find E due to
a. Infinite line charge
b. Infinite sheet of charge
V. What is stream line?

Chapter-3 Electric flux density, Gauss’s law and divergence

I. Define electric flux and electric flux density.

II. List properties of electric flux lines.
III. State and explain Gauss’s law.
IV. How to find electric flux density from
a. line charge
b. surface charge
c. volume charge
V. State and prove divergence theorems.
VI. What is the physical meaning of divergence?
VII. Find expression for divergence of D in Cartesian co-ordinates system.
VIII. List out equations to find out divergence in various co-ordinates system.
IX. Explain Maxwell’s first equation(Point form of Gauss’s law) in electrostatics.

Chapter-4 Energy and potential

I. How to find work done required to move the charge to finite distance?
II. What do you mean by potential and potential difference? Find them in terms of E.
III. Find the expression of potential difference V AB in the field of
a. Point charge
b. Line charge
c. Surface charge
IV. What is the basic concept of potential gradient? Find the relation between E and V in
terms of gradient.
V. List out the equations to find gradient of V in terms of Cartesian, cylindrical and
spherical co-ordinates.
VI. Write short note on dipole.
VII. Find the exact and approximate expressions for E and V in case of dipole.
VIII. What do you mean by dipole moment? Find expression of potential V in terms of
dipole moment.
IX. Derive the equations of energy and energy density in the electrostatic field.

Chapter-5 Conductors, dielectrics and capacitance

I. For a closed surface what is the relation between current and current density?
II. Derive the relationship between current density, volume charge density and velocity.
III. Derive the point form of continuity equation.
IV. What are the properties of perfect conductor?
V. Derive the boundary conditions at a conductor free space boundary.
VI. Derive the boundary conditions at a conductor dielectric boundary.
VII. Derive the boundary conditions for perfect dielectric materials boundary.
VIII. What do you mean by polarization in case of dielectric?
IX. Write properties of perfect dielectric.
X. Derive the expression of a parallel plate capacitor of area S m2 and a separation of
distance d meter. Also find the energy stored in capacitor.
XI. Derive the equation of capacitance of co-axial cable and spherical capacitor.

Chapter-6 Poisson’s and Laplace’s equation

I. State and prove uniqueness theorems.

II. Write Laplace’s equations in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates.
III. Explain Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations.
IV. Find the solution of Laplace’s equation in two dimensions.
V. Write the applications of Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations.

Shailesh Khant
(course co-ordinator)

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