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1. In your patient’s health history you read that the patient has a cataract in the right eye. You know
that this eye disorder can be best described by which statement below?
A. This eye disorder is caused by increased intraocular pressure that results in damage to the
optic nerve.
B. Cataracts occur in the eye when the macula of the retina become damaged and impair the
central vision.
C. The development of a cataract occurs when the lens of the eye loses its transparency.
D. This eye disorder occurs from uncontrolled high blood glucose levels which lead to retinal

2. What is the most common cause of cataracts?

A. Congenital

B. Aging

C. Trauma

D. Uncontrolled blood glucose levels

3. Which patient finding below is associated with the development of cataracts?

A. Loss of central vision

B. Loss of peripheral vision

C. Cloudy, hazy vision

D. Black spots in vision

4.  A patient is being evaluated for cataracts. The doctor uses a slit-lamp to assess the patient’s eyes. As
the nurse you know that this device will?

A. help test the patient’s visual acuity.

B. test the strength of the ciliary muscles.

C. enlarge the front area of the eye (cornea, iris, lens)

D. help for visualization of the fundus.

5. Your patient is having a phacoemulsification for treatment of a cataract. You’re providing education to the
patient about the procedure. Which statement by the patient demonstrates he understood the educational
material provided about this procedure?

A. “The cloudy lens in my eye will be broken up with sound waves and removed. Then a new permanent
lens, called an intraocular lens, will be placed in my eye.”

B. “A small air bubble is injected into the eye to help push the retina back into position to help the lens
refract light.”

C. “An incision is made to remove the trabecular meshwork and this will help drain fluid out of the cloudy

D. “The surgeon will remove parts of the iris and lens.”

6.  A patient will be having outpatient cataract surgery in 3 days. The surgeon ordered the patient to begin
instilling two types of eye drop medications 3 days prior to the surgery. You have demonstrated and
educated the patient on how to do this properly. Which action by the patient is incorrect and requires re-
education about how to instill the eye drops?

A. The patient instills the eye drops onto the conjunctival sac.

B. The patient instilled the anti-inflammatory eye drops before the antibiotic eye drops.

C. The patient waited 30 seconds before instilling the second eye drop medication into the eye.

D. After instilling each type of eye drop medication, the patient kept the eye closed and took her index
finger and placed it at the side of the bridge of the nose for 2 minutes.

7.  A patient is 2 hours post-op from cataract surgery in the right eye. You’re collecting vital signs and
assessing the patient. Which finding in your patient after cataract surgery requires to you re-educate the

A. The patient is asleep on their right side.

B. The patient is wearing the eye shield while asleep.

C. The patient fell asleep watching TV.

D. The patient is not wearing his glasses.

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