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Design, test, and supervise the development of electronic systems, as well as the production of

electrical and electronic equipment and gadgets.

Develop and supervise the production of electrical equipment and systems for automobiles and
airplanes, such as:

Motors that are powered by electricity

Machines are in charge.

Building lighting and wiring

Navigation and radar systems

System of communication

Electric utilities use gadgets for power generation, control, and transmission.

Work on electrical applications in order to control systems or perform signal processing.

Electronic equipment, such as broadcast and communications systems, are designed, developed,
tested, and supervised.

Engineers that work solely in the field of computer hardware are referred to as computer
hardware engineers.

A specialist who builds electrical systems such as alarms and lighting is known as an electrical
design engineer. They apply their extensive understanding of physics and material sciences to
assist in the design of new electrical systems as well as the maintenance and installation of
existing electrical systems.

Electrical design refers to the entire process of developing any electrical equipment and
encompasses all of the phases involved. Planning and directing the design and development
process, as well as building the equipment and testing it to assess its performance, are all
essential phases in electrical design.

Engineering requires a high level of creativity. Engineering Design have a similar purpose,
focusing on technological answers, as does creativity, which is concerned with the production of
effective, new solutions to challenges. For the first time, the Sputnik Shock of October 1957
stimulated research into the people who invent innovative solutions, the cognitive Processes they
use, the environment in which they do so, and the features of the Products they create. The
psychological framework that leads efforts to understand how Creativity is developed so that
Engineering organizations can maximize their ability for Innovation is summarized in this chapter.
Integrating Creativity into Engineering Education is particularly important.

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