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Tbs following azc W obli tions u€tbe & toz•p at, esceyt
a. No pay thr drai and io intotsL with expenses, in e property wheo they are due.
b. To pay' damcrcs tIu. 4.e pledged ma} she.• by rsasoo oftbc Mws of the tfiiag pbdged, idbs was awar•
oFsuch fIe\vs but he d:d not @\’iss tbe pledge oFtbe same.
e. No pa*’ £‹›r the e.spensc• \vfiich ate na•y' for the pzeswzasioo oFtbe thiog pledged.

37.The tcllcwing src tfie ri5hs of the cmd'ior-pledged. excrpt

a. Tv’ rain in iris posseuion the thing pledged unfit thc debt i$ jaid.
b. 'fo dcmc4 air.\›u•semcot ot”t\'.e <›inscs made lot the pre atioa ‹›fthe thin8 glotgel.
c. To bring acIic\ts whicn eusiu tn the or <fi" 4a find wedged in order to over it born, a defy zt
against d Id gran.

c. To case th* ale of tie tb£ag pledged at s public saic, if there is a d4ngcr of destruction, impairment or
dmi•u:i»noCv*ueoCd*GWngp!kgmd wi'Nnwdii hulKTh pNdgoiitbouodtosd ñwdspbdgé.
withoui d*lay, or en;. d*r•ger in thr thing pledged.
f. To collut and zccrive the c•cownt dcc if &e 1\ g pIed$’ed is s wbicb becozaes dv bedâ *
m•é, v•‹t tu epgiy fie same to the pajmmt othis claim.
If the ylulye cue or gro‹luccs 6aio, income, divid«mIs, or iotarssts, tic weditor sbatl compsasats wbat
be rai\os with thuse \sbich are oui•6 nim; but .I note arc owing h@ or iomfsr as tbs tmovat a›ay
«xc4a tl \ which is due, bu sluii apply it the igol. pinIcss it.ers is a copuluioo la the coaeary, tia
k To seli the t*.ing pledged i'jx›o detach o* the dc*tor
i. To opprcptizte flue thing 3iedged in casr the think pkdged ii nor sold in fast and second public sections.
j. To Role th automatic owner Or* tLing pledged apea fix default of debtor to pcy the principui

3fl. The following cv tfre oI'1iyticns *f*=dil•x• Ied5ec. efitept

a. Tc take care c•'thv :liing pkdp‹x• with the dilit,•ciix off 5ued fcther of a family.
b. Te be liable t.•: the :or ur determ,' tier of th thint; pltdt;*d umcss ii is due to z fonuiious ev*at
c. To be ttspem:'ale fo. th* ac:s ':f hi› eaten or employees w.ih rests:t to the Ging plolged.
d. Not to ver:l:+ •nuig plcd3*d cxt<pt '•hzn he is sathorinxi by tire on-net or when the um of & tténg is
ncccisnry i:*i •is p.z;ei-vanoii.
c. To deiiv*r tv thr detitor tl:e .›urpIi.s .iftcr puy-ing his claim fmra what be has collected m z cradit thm was
pkdged W 'hich has becG'u• due lctoi• it is o4ecoicd
f. To deposit th.e think picdg‹d » itli s tñ ird pirscn *ven ne• tuthori by the court
b. To b* 'n iiiniftit d*bmr ffR pays the creditor. To % $nbr0tO *II tht righ

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