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e. Th* acdo+.

for zsscission is a zeoedy ct lest art bscwss it c«o bt institucul ev«o when the p^rty
b. Rescission shall & only to be «<tenr tc or the cauaed.
c. 9az›ssion crsuc› the cbli$atie« to reic'm the things whivh were the otjecc o£tlu conaacr, tog<diar witb
their ñ uiis. ar.d due price •.•‹h ia int«rce; oon equcatly, it can be cutied or only wbcs he who dcaaab

d. Rescission will no: prosper «'hea the things witich we the otjeti of the cmtr•ct - Ie@Ill in %
possession of third ptn‹ii s who did w or iii bed faith
e. In case rescissiu•• in not presitle, ttit indemnity ta ilumsges may % ‹lima dcd from the perm c«vciag
f. Thr ection t'x meiuiea my I'm fired oaiy by • clang party but not by a third penon effected bY

132. Wlut is the lishiliw of a tlird pcnoi• who enquires in t›*d tiith the th sIien*ted in £cud ofcr*ditors7
c He s¥all iaoem' if. the cre•tiw'• foe damages suf£eed fry tbw: on account o£afieastion wIu*›*vcr it ebould

c. He Al be liable ior damages even if he c*A mutu file ii rigs stieo•iod.

e. For •Il rcsci«it*le ooatrw.$ 4 yean shall be counted hon the date of the cont

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