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TIME: 3 Hours 15 Minutes MAX. MARKS: 70

General instructions:
1. The question paper consists of four parts A,B,C and D. Part-D consists of two parts,
Section-1 and Section-II
2. All the parts are compulsory.
3. Draw diagrams wherever necessary, unlabelled diagrams or illustrations do not attract
any marks.

Answer the following questions in ONE word or ONE sentence each: 1 x 10 = 10

1. Define parthenogenesis.
2. What is monosporic embryo sac development?
3. Define perisperm.
4. Why does ovulation occur in the middle of the menstrual cycle?
5. Name any one non curable sexually transmitted infection.
6. What is point mutation?
7. Which genetic disorder is caused due to autosomal trisomy?
8. RNA splicing is necessary in eukaryotes. Substantiate.
9. Mention the significance of interferons.
10. Give an example for an autoimmune disease in human beings.

Answer any FIVE of the following questions in 3-5 sentences each, wherever applicable:
2 x 5 = 10
11. What are hermaphrodites? Give an example.
12. Define embryogenesis? Mention two processes that occur during embryogenesis.
13. Distinguish between free nuclear and cellular endosperm.
14. Name any two accessory ducts associated with the human female reproductive system.
15. Why did T.H Morgan find Drosophila melanogaster suitable for his experiments?
16. Distinguish between euchromatin and heterochromatin.
17. Mention the levels of gene regulation in eukaryotes.
18. Define drug abuse. Mention any two cannabinoids that are commonly abused.

Answer any FIVE of the following questions in about 40-80 words each, wherever
applicable: 3 x 5 = 15
19. Name the asexual reproductive structures in the following organisms:
a) Chlamydomonas b) Hydra c) Sponges
20. Describe the types of pollination based on the source of pollen.
21. What is placenta? Mention the role of placenta as an endocrine tissue.
22. Give a brief account on natural birth control methods.
23. Define the terms: a) Homozygous b) Co-dominance c) Pleiotropy
24. Explain haplo-diploid sex determination in honeybees.
25. Enumerate the salient features of genetic code.
26. Write the schematic representation of replication of retrovirus in an animal cell.
Answer any FOUR of the following questions in about 200-250 words each, wherever
applicable: 5 x 4 = 20
27. Explain the structure of T.S of young anther with a neat labelled diagram.
28. a) Draw a neat labelled sectional view of mammary gland. (3)
b) What is colostrum? Why it is absolutely essential for new born babies? (2)
29. What are assisted reproductive technologies? How infertility is treated using IVF-ET
and GIFT?
30. Schematically represent dihybrid cross and mention its phenotypic ratio.
31. Describe an experiment that provides an unequivocal proof that DNA is the genetic
32. What is innate immunity? Describe the different barriers of innate immunity with an
example for each.
Answer any THREE of the following questions in about 200-250 words each, wherever
applicable: 5 x 3= 15
33. a) Distinguish between true fruits and false fruits
b) Mention the advantages of apomictic seeds in agriculture.
34. Draw a neat labelled sectional view of human male reproductive system.
35. What are Mendelian disorders? Write a note on any two Mendelian disorders.
36. Mention any five goals of human genome project.
37. Mention the pathogens of the following diseases:
a) Common cold
b) Pneumonia
c) Filariasis
d) Amoebiasis
e) Ringworm

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