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Case Study #5a — Psychosis

Daily Jessica feels thoughts are being put

Background Information
into her head “like a high force is interfering”
Jessica is an 18 year-old female with recent and she can read other people’s minds.
abnormal behaviour and perceptual She also feels music is communicating
disturbances. She describes a history of with her and sending special messages
recurrent depressive feelings since the age “every day of my life.
of twelve. Last year her feelings of
depression intensified, resulting in food- Jessica believes she can predict the future
intake restriction and a loss of twenty as evidenced by thinking about or dreaming
pounds. In June of 2008 Jessica was things, which then occur. On a daily basis
hospitalized for one week after an overdose she has the feeling that she is “dead, in
of sleeping pills. After discharge she saw a paradise or heaven but my parents still
therapist weekly and underwent noticeable exist.” Jessica also described seeing
improvements in her significant signs in her everyday
mood and functioning. experiences, which she is unable
Jessica was suddenly to interpret [this quotation is an
re-hospitalized in example of very disturbed thought
February of this year content indicative of psychosis]:
for four days.
“I want to know the benefits and
Hospitalization was
effects of what’s happening to
necessary following an
me. I see angels, reflections and
episode at school
license plates that say June or
during which Jessica
July. Every day is happy birthday
became highly
to me because things are so
disoriented and
beautiful and life is wonderful. I
confused, convinced
am bleeding by love and miss my lover. It’s
that her boyfriend had died based upon
like breathing, like this (Jessica stands up
signs that were presented to her (e.g. the
and reaches toward the light fixture in the
school counselor wearing white, the nurses
interview room), like an umbilical cord. Take
wearing cross necklaces).
it one step at a time. China Town. Little
Unusual Thought Content Tokyo. I learned a lot from their cultures. I
Jessica commented that things seem love all cultures.”
strange and “crazy all the time” since her
most recent hospitalization. She described
frequent déjà vu experiences; for example Since hospital discharge Jessica has felt
she was certain that she had seen the “watched”. She constantly feels
hypervigilant, “I pay attention to every detail
assessor before the interview “at the
hospital, in the shower but it was another in the room. I feel I have to control it all.”
Jessica has recently felt mistrustful and
girl who kept getting thicker and thicker.”
feels others are thinking of her in a negative Jessica experiences this odor several times
way. Jessica feels increasingly uneasy and a week for periods as long as 30 minutes.
suspicious that people are against her or
may cause her harm. She will not walk Communication Disturbances
through her school campus alone even in Jessica has substantially impaired
the day time and she is watchful for any communication. During the course of the
“suspicious” behaviors from people around interview, Jessica often rambled and lost
her such as wearing a large coat in the track of the topic. Her speech patterns were
summer. Because of her uneasiness highly tangential, incoherent and often
Jessica is becoming more seclusive and failing to reach the point.
commented “I want to go out but can’t
because I am the center of attention”. Comments
Jessica presents with many defining
characteristics of psychosis with thought,
Jessica believes that she has special gifts perception and behavior being markedly
and talents and thus displays severe disordered:
grandiosity: “I can dance, sing and act
 Jessica has severely disturbed thought
exceptionally well. At the hospital I
content at a psychotic level of intensity
pretended to be Paris Hilton, who I think is
for prolonged time periods on a daily
wonderful. I also pretended to be Cinderella
basis. Jessica displays disorganized
which, who knows, I could be.”
speech/thinking and grossly
Perceptual Disturbances disorganized behavior. She has been
hospitalized twice for being a danger to
Jessica has auditory, visual and olfactory
hallucinations. During her hospital stay,
Jessica thought she heard “horse’s
hooves,” which she interpreted as her
 Jessica has severe and psychotic
perceptual disturbances involving
boyfriend coming to rescue her, adding, “He
vision, hearing and smell. These
is a Sagittarius so I thought he was half-
hallucinations are recurrent and are
horse half-man.” Several times a day she
perceived as real.
also frequently hears him calling her name
and she will respond by looking for him.
Jessica believes that colors appear brighter
 Jessica presents with suspiciousness
at a severe level of intensity and
since her hospitalization, and describes
frequency. She is constantly
recently seeing her boyfriend’s fully formed
hypervigilent and her behavior is
image everywhere. In the past two months
influenced by her beliefs. Jessica is
Jessica has become aware of an extremely
avoidant of certain situations (e.g.
foul odor, which goes unnoticed by others.
walking alone through school campus)
Jessica expressed concern that it was
and she is becoming more seclusive.
poison. In an attempt to make the odour
disappear Jessica puts soap in her nostrils.
 Grandiosity is at a psychotic level.
Jessica has an exaggerated self-opinion
and special identity.

 Prior to the emergence of psychotic

symptoms Jessica had a prolonged
prodromal period marked by depression.

Jessica Should be Referred to the Early

Psychosis Treatment Service (EPTS)

Call 403-944-4836


Fax 403-944-4008

Copyright © 2010 Jean Addington and Lisa McGregor

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