Quizzes Quizz Mod 3, 4 and 5

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1. RA 9418 "Volunteer Act" to provide a 1. Equality and social equity refers to one
policy framework on volunteerism that and the same state of being.
shall underscore the fundamental FALSE
principles necessary to harness. 2. Continuing "identity crisis" leads to shifts
TRUE in global politics, economics and other
2. One of the goals in Public Administration socially relevant trends of management
is to promote social justice and equity and governance.
3. Public Administration uses politics over 3. For public governance to be effective, it
management in implementing public must be relevant to the needs of the
policies. administrators.
4. Frederick Taylor espouses the 14 4. Peoples' active participation in
principles of management governance is required to attain equality,
FALSE social justice, rule of law and people
5. One principle of management is that empowerment.
"working smarter is better than working TRUE
harder" 5. For effective and good governance,
TRUE citizens only need to select and change
6. Piece rate incentive system of Taylorism their leaders.
is that a worker will be paid by FALSE
minimizing the number of movements in 6. Governance can be defined as a system
relation to the time involve to accomplish by which entities are directed and
a task. controlled.
7. The 3 areas of focus of Fayolism is Task 7. The three (3) major branches of the
Performance, Supervision and Philippine government is the Local
Motivation Government, Executive and Judiciary.
8. Leonard White wrote in his book about 8. Public affairs deal with the system,
the Division of Work, cooperation with processes, and dynamics of the
Workers and Motivation. management, operation or
FALSE administration of the affairs of the state.
9. William F. Willoughby, outlined FALSE
developments that led to the creation of 9. Abraham Maslow outlined developments
a modern budget system or budget that led to the creation of a modern
reformation. budget system or budget reformation.
10. Herbert Simon was known for the 10. Which of the choices are NOT among
concept of bounded rationality and the meaning of the acronym
group dynamics? POSDORB?
FALSE Surveillance and Classifying
11. Bounded rationality is a decision
making procedure made by Herbert
22. Dispute of illegal dismissal from work
Simon. The second stage is design
without due process maybe filed by an
which involves
employee in the business sector to.
Decide on the criteria by which
National Labor Relations
to make the decision
12. What is the meaning of the acronym
23. It refers to a law which grants local units
wider space for participatory governance
Government Owned and
RA 7160
Controlled Corporations
24. It is constitutionally established under
13. It is an art of governance understood as
Art. 13 which looks into possible
the administrative machinery of the state
violations of the human rights of a
Civil Service
14. The following statements defines Civil
Commission on Human Rights
Service except:
Develop the democratic means
that will enable the
bureaucracy to fulfill its
15. It is generally allowed but not in the
case of the President, as Head of the
State, and the Vice President whose
term of office is six (6)years.
16. The Philippines as a democratic-
republican state operates under a
Representative Government
17. The powers of government on the three
(3) branches of government is vested on
18. The basic power of government is
embraced by this rule among the three
branches of the government
Separation of Powers
19. To prevent abuses and unbridled
discretion of a branch of government,
this mechanism is provided in the
Legal Entity
20. One of them is non-Constitutional
Local Government
21. It is an administrative tribunal where
aggrieved citizens may file instant
complaints to seek redress of grievance
Quasi-judicial body
MODULE 1 & 2
Setting goals in Public Administration:
Public Administration (PA) Pursuing public good
Ensuring efficiency and effective
Deals with the system, processes, and
delivery of a public service
dynamics of the management, operation
Improving the quality of life
or administration of the affairs of the
Promoting social justice and equity
state, which include the entire gamut of
government service in the national and
sub-national politics, including but not
Accessibility along the way in the
limited to government officials and public
business of public service
Public Servants:
Fields of Public Administration
Budget monitoring to statistical data
1. Local and Regional Governance and analysis
Administration. Policy construction
It refers to the institutions around local Implementation of government programs
government engage in the design and to program assessment and
implementation of political, economic recommendation
policy like business elites, community
leaders, development cooperatives,
training and enterprise councils, and Social Responsibility
voluntary groups.
Social responsibility means that
2. Fiscal Administration
businesses, in addition to maximizing
It generally refers to the formulation,
shareholder value, must act in a manner that
implementation and evaluation of
benefits society. However, critics argue that the
policies and decisions.
basic nature of business does not consider
3. Public Policy Analysis and Program
society as a stakeholder.
It can be defined as what the
government chooses to do or not to do
in a particular issue or program that
includes the administration of the
following processes
4. Organizational and Personnel
It refers to the creation of an
environment that hastens the
improvement of individuals and their
organization to provide better public
Luther Gulick and Lyndall Urwick
MODULE 3: Origin and Development of Edited A Collection: Papers on the
Public Administration Science of Administration where
introduced the acronym PODSCORB.

Frederick W. Taylor
MODULE 4: Towards the Modern Public
Father of Scientific Management. He
Administration and Good Governance
advocated the Taylorian principles such
as: division of labor, span of control,
organizational hierarchy, reporting
That “identity crisis” served as the theme
systems, departmentalization, and
that leads to the emergence of New
development of standard operating
Public Administration (NPA).
rules, policies and procedures.
Social equity has been added to the
Henry Fayol classic definition of PA.
Hence, equity has been defined as
He focused on the general theory of
“equality among equals and inequality
among unequals.”
Leonard White
- In short, social equity is understood as the
He noted the four critical assumptions just distribution of services, opportunities,
that shaped the framework for the study income and wealth for the benefit of the
of Public Administration. underprivileged people to the widest range of
coverage at the local levels.
William F. Willoughby
He outlined developments that led to the
creation of a modern budget system or Following the NPA is the era of New Public
budget reformation. Management (NPM) which is a political creed
that redefines the role of the public sector
One neoclassical proponent of Public toward a more effective and cooperative
Administration is Herbert Simon responsibility with the business and the public
sector in a state.

Herbert Simon This refers to the new management

techniques of the government through
known for the concept of bounded transferring the government functions to
rationality and his model of the private bodies.
administrative man who maximizes.
Enticing business sector to partake the
Elton Mayo nature of governance gives them more room
Conducted studies in group dynamics. for effective and democratic market
competitions while the state at the same time
Chester Barnard and Abraham Maslow develops new modes of regulation like the
P resented a more comprehensive function of oversight body as regards the
theory of organizational behavior where functioning of the business in the markets,
he wrote the functions of executives. professionalizing the bureaucracy or extending
more authority to judicial branch.
The Philippine Experience: Constitutional Commissions
A. Pro-Marcos Era. The Civil Service Commission CSC
The investiture of Corazon C. Aquino as manages government personnel which
President ushered in a new era of embrace all branches, subdivisions,
governance. One of the strategies was instrumentalities and any agencies of
de-Marcosification, one of which is the the government, including government
privatization of expensive but non- owned and controlled corporations
performing assets of government or (GOCCs) with original charters. The
some Government-Owned and CSC maintains an effective, efficient and
Controlled Corporations(GOCCs). accountable civil bureaucracy.

B. Privatization in 1990s. The COMELEC is commissioned to guarantee

It started with the power sector and later free, orderly, honest, quiet and believable
the Build-Transfer-Operate Scheme. elections including plebiscite, initiative,
The facility is owned by the state but is referendum and recall through the enforcement
operated by the private sector. of the related organic laws. It can also
recommend to Congress effective measures to
minimize election spending.
C. Privatization in 2000s.
Collaboration with the private sector in
the provision of housing services, health The COA is the national accounting office of
services, postal, and pension funds. the government that keeps the general account
and government expenditures. It has exclusive
authority to define the scope of its audit and
MODULE 5: Profiling the Philippine examination, establish the techniques and
Administrative System methods required thereof, and promulgate
accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

The Constitution provides a mechanism of

check and balance to prevent abuses and National and Local Government Relations
unbridled discretion of a branch of government.
The national government promulgates
general laws, sets policies and carries
out rules and regulations. The Local
Local Government Framework Government Code instituted an system
Widely recognized as general purpose of decentralization and deconcentrated
units created by the national field offices to the political subdivisions
government. They represent vital of the state.
constituent parts of the nation’s politico- Under the Local Government Code,
administrative system and play LGUs have the power to create their
significant role in the administration of own sources of revenues and to levy
public services. taxes, fees and charges, subject to such
guidelines, which may accrue participation of the electorate in
exclusively for their use and disposition lawmaking processes either in national
and which may be retained by them or local level.
aside from a just share in the national By referendum, it means the process
taxes which is automatically released to with which the people are referred
them. directly on any question of law passed
The Department of Interior and Local by Congress or a local legislative body
Government (DILG) assists the for their approval or rejection.
President and acts as the coordinating
and central body in overseeing that their
functions and powers are properly Management and Good Governance
discharged according to the mandates
of the Code. Traditionally, the public sector delivered
services by utilizing its government
agencies to disperse public goods and
Quasi-judicial Bodies
This is relatively new integrated
Are administrative tribunals where approach for enhancing the value of
aggrieved citizens may file their services offered to the public.
instant complaints as a way to seek
redress of grievance.
The Constitution assures adequate Contracting Out Services
legal assistance through the Public
Attorney’s Office (PAO) in favor of a As part of the reengineering effort in the
potential complainant and / or 1990s, public administration in the
qualified respondent of the case. Philippines started to contract out
services like public works and highways.
The DPWH is perceived to be a corrupt-
prone agency because of sub-standard
Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs)
materials used for constructing public
NGOs came in large number during the facilities, thus, receiving a lot of criticism
Aquino presidency as a call for effective from concerned sectors of the society.
governance towards nation-building. A call for strong performance indicators
NGOs were charitable institutions and result-based oriented services
serving and the arms of local church emerges as a challenge for the
parishes to aid the poor and government to institute earnest reforms.
underprivileged sector.

Citizens’ Participation
Under the 1987 Constitution, the power
to make, propose, or amend laws is also
extended to the people, in whom
sovereignty resides, through the
mechanisms of initiative and
By initiative, we mean that the authority
is reserved to the people through direct
MODULE 6: Nature and Thrust of
Civil servants are those who work inside the
government and are engaged in shaping or
more commonly in executing government
The term “bureaucracy” has been understood
in a variety of contexts, the most popular
meaning it evokes is that it is attached to
bureaucratic organizations.
Organization of Bureaucracy
They pursue the traditional tasks of
As art of art of governance is government like finance, defense, law
understood as the administrative and order, social welfare, foreign affairs
machinery of the state: staffed by public and many more.
officials (rank) and civil servants (file).
It is ideally an organizational structure
with a rationalized system mandated to Responsible to ministers but often with
bring about efficiency and effectiveness considerable autonomy in practice.
in the achievement of a policy goal or in Known as the powerhouses of the
administering provisions of social departments where expertise resides
services to the people. and in which detailed policy is both
formulated and implemented.
Non-Departmental Public Body
Bureaucracy as a Civil Service
It is sometimes called the quasi-
Bureaucracy is also known as the civil
autonomous nongovernmental
service working in operation of the
organizations or QUANGOs.
permanent government.
These detached organizations combine
The duty of a bureaucrat is to bring into
public funding with operational
practice policy guidelines or designed
autonomy. They are growing in numbers
models into concrete and workable
and in significance in modern political
The civil service or bureaucracy is a
major institution in democratic
Staffing Bureaucracy in a Highly Developed
Bureaucracy as a civil service means the In the Philippines, civil servants are
public administration in action in the field of determined based on merits and fitness
public sector. that the entry to the civil service is
determined by competitive civil service
eligibility examination.
Public sector covers all government The Civil service refers to the body of
employees whose salary and compensation employees in any government agency
are paid directly or indirectly from public funds including all employees of the
government in general.
On the whole, the Civil Service has
become more professional, if one goes
by the rate of compliance with standards
Some Issues and Concerns in the and qualifications.
Philippine Civil Service Overall, the civil Service is measured as
to how efficient it has been in the
To tackle accountability, there are delivery of line services to the public.
existing laws to address their conduct The Civil Service should look at
with sanctions to erring members. rationalizing the distribution or dispersal
Reforming the civil service is a of national government personnel to
continuing effort so that public service local government units or field agencies
may come and reach the people just the where more services are needed to be
way they are expected to do. delivered, with more frontline than staff
As what Sto. Tomas noted, “attracting
Reorganizing the Bureaucracy good people to join government is one
The idea of the national government in thing; putting them on the right track in
the recent past to reorganize the civil the public service career is another. A
service is to give an appropriate need therefore for imbuing them with the
structure that is “compartmentalized, proper philosophy as public servants,
decentralized and devolved. the proper mind-set is crucial.
Their objectives were to streamline the Orientation courses for entrants to the
structure of the bureaucracy, simplify its public services are a standard feature of
operations and improve frontline bureaucracies everywhere.”
Despite efforts to streamline the
government and accelerate the
privatization program, the bureaucracy
remains large.
The number of government positions
was so big and the government
corporations continue to utilize public
resources through subsidies, which
constitute half of the annual budgetary
deficit of the national government.

The Attrition Law: Rightsizing the

Contrary to popular belief, the Civil
Service is not bloated or oversized. In
fact, compared to the bureaucracies in
many countries, its size, like the ratio of
our government revenues and
expenditures to the GNP, is on the low
became the legal instrument that
strengthened the spirit of democracy,
and attain the highest possible level of
development at the local levels.

MODULE 7: Engineering Local

Governments and NGOs Towards Good
Local Government Code
Provides for much greater powers and
responsibilities by which local governments
Local governments are established may come up with different programs and
consistent with the principles of activities fashioned to uphold the general
decentralization. welfare of the people.

Local officials know best the needs and

interests of local population.
Decentralization is adopted and applied as a
They come to exist as administrative
tool of development administration for the
convenience to the state creating them
following reasons:
particularly in delegating administrative
functions to field offices making them a. It enables maximum participation
more accountable to the people and of the people concerned in the
promoting better and effective delivery decision-making processes on
of social and welfare services. issues that concern them directly.
Local governments are effective b. Lower levels of government are
partners of the central or national encouraged and trained to be
government. The closer the people to more self-reliant through
the government, the better the decentralization.
governance would become. c. It hastens the decision-making
Local governments boost the civil process, doing away with
morale of the population. traditional red tape; and
They provide a clear understanding of d. Decentralization decongests the
the relationships between the desired central government of certain
project objectives and resources functions that could well be done
available to implement them. at the lower levels.
Nature of Local Governments May be defined as the dispersal of
authority and responsibility and the allocation
Local governments in the Philippines are
of powers and functions from the center or top
territorial subdivisions of the state which are
level of government to regional bodies or
the provinces, cities, municipalities and
special-purpose authorities, or from the
national to the sub-national levels of
3 ways in which political powers from government.
the central government can be
It can also take the form of devolution or
dispersed to the local governments to
political decentralization
wit: decentralization, devolution, and
It involves the granting of authority and
power to the provincial, city and
In the Philippines, RA 7160, known as
municipal governments to manage their
the Local Government Code of 1991,
own affairs, which process partakes of a. the capabilities of local units to
the nature of what is commonly referred absorb the necessary
to as local autonomy. responsibilities and raise
b. the fear among many sectors that
devolution will create local
c. the fragmentation of the delivery
De-concentration/administrative of basic services.
Which is the delegation of authority by a Under the Code, LGUs have the power to
central government ministry or department to create their own sources of revenues and to
field offices to undertake certain programs or levy taxes, fees and charges, subject to such
perform administrative functions. guidelines, which may accrue exclusively for
their use and disposition and which may be
retained by them.
May also refer to the assignment of
functions to ad hoc bodies and special To ensure that local units conform to these
authorities created in the region to render powers, they continue to be under the general
technical assistance on regional development. supervision of the President.
It also implies to the location of central
government employees away from the capital
region. Department of Interior and Local Government
(DILG) acts as the coordinating and central
body in overseeing that their functions and
Administrative decentralization powers are properly discharged according to
the mandates of the Code.
Can take effect without the necessity of
legislation, just with the issuance of an
executive or administrative order. Local Autonomy in the Philippines
The concept of local autonomy is related
Devolution to the general idea of decentralization.

Which essentially is the transfer of Local autonomy is the ability of local

power for the performance of certain functions units for self-government. It is a level of
from the national or central authorities to the independence granted to local
lower levels of government. government units to administer freely
their own local affairs with the view to
Devolution is the transfer of political address the needs of the people living
power and authority from the central therein and at the same time promote
national government to local the welfare of the constituency.
government units of a state. Decentralization is a necessary
prerequisite to local autonomy.

Implementation of the Local Government

Code of 1991
All local government units in the
Philippines exercise the following general
functions and powers:
1. Efficient service delivery;
2. Management of the environment;
3. Economic development; and
4. Poverty alleviation.
Local governments do not possess inherent
natural powers but they only derive
authority: Local Governance Innovations for Good
There must be local officials elected in
the area be it at the provincial, city, There are innovations in managing local
municipal or barangay level. governance for a good governance framework,
The area of local autonomy must among them are: local economic development,
possess clearly defined areas of improving the quality and delivery of social
responsibilities (aor) services; transparency and accountability;
The relationship between national and environmental governance; disaster
local government must be specifically preparedness; and conflict management.
identified and those aspects of major
responsibilities clearly outlined or
delineated; and The NGOs needed to engage constructively
The local government engaging certain and strategically rather than reactively and also
degree of self-government must likewise outgrow their old role as oppositionists. NGOs
enjoy fiscal capability in generating local are organized to protect the interests of the
revenues for its development and disadvantaged sector of the society.
community development.

NGOs perform a variety of service and

Philippine Local Government History and humanitarian functions, bring citizen concern
Some Issues to Governments, advocate and monitor policies
and encourage political participation through
Local government in the Philippines
provision of information
traces its roots in the tradition of
centralization starting from the Spanish
period (1565-1898) to the American
People’s Organizations (POs) are those
period (1898-1948).
members of a community who organized
This tradition of centralization came
themselves to address common interests and
when the barangay groups and
concerns. POs know each other and are
sultanate governed entities during the
bounded based in the same locality and by
pre-colonial times, were drawn into the
being affected by the activities they undertake.
centralized Spanish colonial

Based on the DSWD, people’s

organizations refer to a bona fide
Enhancement of Powers and
association of citizens, which
Responsibilities of LGUs
demonstrated capacity to promote public
interest, and with identifiable leadership, Dictate that the public sector must work
membership, and structure in close coordination or mutual cooperation
with the private sector, private capital that is
cast in the market which has spurred efficiency
Many NGOs work to strengthen POs by in the distribution of public goods and services.
providing finances, establishing linkages,
and undertaking advocacy. In addition to
engaging volunteers, NGOs employ staff
MODULE 8: Enhancing Good Government
Thrusts and Mandates of Privatization
Through Public Enterprise (Privatization)
and Spatial Information Management (e- Whenever a public sector sells out
Government) government-owned corporation to the private
sector, it then becomes a public enterprise
management or a management of innovations.
Private sector
It is “a form of human activity operated
Refers to that part or segment of the and managed by the state government
economy not controlled by the state but which or any public authority.
is managed and operated by varying It is an undertaking where the
individuals or business organizations aiming to investment is owned and controlled by
gain profit in exchange of goods, use of utilities any government organization whether
/ amenities and other services they national or local.
competitively offer in the marketplace. By selling out of assets to the private
sector would mean the sale of
a profit-oriented organization that sells
infrastructure, facilities and other
competitive goods and services for the
resources by the government, and other
consumers/ beneficiaries.
functions and agencies of the
The role of the private sector in a free
government corporations would get
enterprise economy has always been
divested under the control of the
highly recognized
business groups.
One acceptable and viable way in
dealing with the private sector is through
privatization. By privatization, we mean
There are numerous reasons why
the transfer of the delivery of public
governments, local or national, go crazy
services to the initiative and control of
with privatization
the private sector.
It could be because of the rising costs of
doing business
Public sector Because of field or area expertise to
operate a service
Owns economic resources and
Because a privately contracted company
controlled by the government and goods and
may deliver a service more efficiently
services are delivered at uniform rates and
Because the private sector has better
human resource management approach
to employees

Global politics and economics

The desire” to do with less” made the 3. Franchising
public sector an eye for the viability of the A franchise is the right of the
private groups as alternative service government sector, national or
providers. local, to grant a program or
service on an exclusive basis to
private individuals / groups in a
Privatization defined locality.
A non-exclusive franchise, could
Involves the sale or lease of government be extended to some contractors
assets like real estates, telecommunications, to supply a service in a
public utilities, corporations, and the like to competitive way like several
private sector contractors extending sanitation
Infrastructure service provision services for each district in a city.
4. Load or Asset shedding
May likewise be contracted out to the When a government sells out a
private sector to achieve cost efficiency or the facility or equipment or simply
part of the government. In truism, privatization discontinues the provision of a
may demonstrate substantial monetary savings public service, load shedding
to the government. then exists.
5. Volunteerism
A local government in some
There are various modalities of cases may hand down the
privatization: provision of a service to
1. Contracting-out-services volunteers to operate a particular
This is usually done b an public service.
Invitation to Bid (ITB). ITB is an As what they say, the “use of
open market competition among volunteers is highest in the
interested contractors to post the operation of culture and arts,
lowest or highest bid, as the case programs and museum
may be, that in the process operations.
usually gets the job.
There is another way of
contracting out services like a When a public service has been assigned to
Request for Proposal (RFP). This business contractors, the function of
mechanism works by inviting all regulation on the part of the government
qualified groups to present a becomes increasingly necessary.
proposal to government that
provides in details how the group
would perform a service. Governmental regulations
2. Public-Private Collaboration May set operation standards, limit
A cooperative agreement business action, restrict property rights, and
between a government and a affect incomes.
private organization
Built-Operate-Transfer (BOT)
scheme where one party builds
If competition does not exist for the
an infrastructure like roads or
operation of business, then the benefits of
markets, and the other entity
privatization may be minimized.
operates it.
The emergence of e-Government
Privatization has also its limitations and Spatial Information Management
problems. The presence of political pressures stressed that in delivering public goods and
could just as easily “tend to retain for the public services efficiently or effectively, it is very
sector functions where privatization would important that we will be aided with support
make sense and to privatize tasks that would tools enabling the use of all kinds of spatial
be better left to government.” data / information which can be processed
immediately and can be transported easily.

New Government and Governance in the

The operation of the service must first be
Era of Information and Communication
analyzed to determine the level of efficiency
and effectiveness of the service when
privatized. The committee then should decide Traditionally, the public sector delivered
what is best for the government and for the services by utilizing its government agencies to
community. disperse public goods and services.

Privatization Efforts in the Philippines Public administrators nowadays have

embraced technology as part of their daily lives
In the Philippines, the private sector is
to improve their performance in allocating
recognized as a business group that
services to the public, with the “global
propels national development and
positioning system” (GPS) in our modern day
gadgets and high speed Internet, it is “hard to
Laws were legislated or promulgated by
escape the wired landscape of the nation.”
the President himself. It was believed
that the private sector could work as a
better agent for growth.
A network of organizations that includes
Towards e-Government government, nonprofit, and private sector
entities in an effort to expedite and make
Elsewhere in the world today, public
efficient transaction that involves the delivery of
administrators have embraced
public goods and services, with no distinct
Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) as part of their
governing strategy, aside from using
them in their daily lives.
Nature and Thrust of e-Government
Computerization and the application of
technology advancement have been Refers to the adoption of information
used as well in governance, commerce, and communication technology and its
and international relations; and application to achieve efficiency of government
governments today have become more management (United Nations).
accessible to the people.

s also known as e-gov, digital enhancing citizens’ access to
government, online government or government services.
transformational government. These e- Citizens will have better access to public
government and e-service partake several government such as application
kinds of activities upon which services may be requirements, study and employment
delivered to the public. opportunities, policies and regulations.
Well-informed citizens are better able to
hold their governments accountable to
them. Hence, governments are
compelled to improve the quality of
services, expand accessibility of these
Governments have been providing e- services, and increase responsiveness
government policies, applications and tools to to their constituents.
meet the growing needs of their citizens for e-
information, e-services, and e-tools.
Services and information are made available
online without spending time, energy and
money to get it. e-Government helps simplify
processes and makes access to government
information more easily for public sector

E-Government in the Philippines

The GIPS aims to create a system of
governance that will lead to faster and
better delivery of public goods and
services, greater transparency in
government operations, increase
capabilities of public sector
organizations; and to achieve proactive
participation in governance. In many
countries, Information
Communication Technology (ICT) is
being deployed to make government
more effective, efficient and transparent.
ICT is not only helping make better
governments but also providing citizens
more information on their governments.
Leaders in the e-Government movement
are demonstrating that by combining
technology with new ways of operating,
governments can be much more
effective and responsive to citizens.
In the Philippines, e-Government is a
tool by which limitation of time, distance
and costs are reduced thereby

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